General ROH Spam Thread

He got taken out by The Decade, ROH said in a newswire that it made Hero contemplate whether he should be in ROH or not, so he'll probably return and feud with them. He wasn't on SCOH because EVOLVE were running at the same time and he's EVOLVE champion.
It's "Kevin Steen Week" on to celebrate his 30th birthday and to coincide with him challenging for the ROH World Championship on Saturday. Some really good deals on DVD's and stuff, plus they are re-releasing the "Kill Steen Kill" t-shirt from two years ago which Steen asked them to stop selling because of the Sandy Hook shootings.

And they are posting matches from his past. I love how they start with one of my favorite Steen matches ever, against Nigel McGuinness from Northern Navigation. That barricade spot nearly broke Steen's lower back.

I'm loving this whole Kevin Steen Week thing. They're building this entire show around him it looks like, and whether he wins the title or not it definitely adds an unpredictability to what the result might be. Plus the matches they're releasing are quality matches. Steen vs. Richards was the best feud of 2012, so for them to release Steen winning the title is like throwing some money away.

And the promo for Steen/Cole is really well produced. I wish they had let Steen cut that promo somewhere other than San Antonio though, cause the promo sounds so muffled and echoed.

From the Observer a day after Daniels was on Meltzer's show, so think about this as you read, why would Meltzer report something like this only a day after he spoke to Daniels for over an hour?

Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian are expected to join ROH once Kazarian's TNA contract expires in the next three weeks. They won't be able to use the name "Bad Influence" but they will be able to use one of the many nicknames they devised during their time in TNA. Daniels is a big part of ROH's history and is considered a "founding father" along with Bryan Danielson and Low-Ki. Kazarian has made one ROH appearance in his career, losing a "Do or Die" match in 2003 to Daniels in a match that also featured CM Punk and Jimmy Rave. The obvious match will be the two against reDRagon who are Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly, one of the best teams around nowadays.

And some other notes.

AJ Styles vs. Adam Cole is "the match" the company sees as a guaranteed moneymaker in the future. Styles has given ROH his word that he will be working with them for at least the next year and depending on how things go would be open to working for them after that. AJ said recently that he would be open to signing a contract with ROH.

Hiroshi Tanahashi heard word of some fans disappointment over the booking of his match with Michael Bennett. Tanahashi was so disappointed with the news of the fans reaction that he and Bennett have been in contact since the card was announced with NJPW referee Tiger Hattori acting as the middle man between them, as Tanahashi wants to "tear the house down" in NYC, and Bennett wants to prove a lot of doubters he has had for years wrong.
Hey TDS thanks a lot for being a stubborn sumbitch. Really, mainly because you update me on ROH and actually got me pumped up even more for their work. Can't wait to see that Tanahashi v. Bennett match - hope they don't overwork it, and hope that Bennett can really benefit from it.

For the Kaz & Daniels v. reDragon - everyone that knows those two teams, will be delighted just hearing about rumors of it happening. Second - Adam Cole v. AJ Styles is certainly "the" match, but I would also love to see Christopher Daniels vs. Kevin Steen even further down the line.
I expected that first bit of news and am glad to hear it. They'll be treated much better in ROH and have better matches. As a fan I'm all for it.

The second bit of news is awesome though, I hope they do tear the house down, if anyone can do it it's my main man Tanahashi. Bennett is a solid hand and I have no doubt the match will be good, but if he's that inspired then it could be downright amazing and thats got me amped.
ROH will be doing a live pre-show for Global Wars.

I find this hilarious but amen't expecting much. TD Thomas will have a match and there'll be a Kevin Steen video package looking back on his career.
I watched this week's episode of ROH and I haven't watched the TV tapings since they were on the HDNet and I've gotta say I was really surprised with it. More so of the "old-school" feeling mixed with great action inside the ring. I can understand why this is more for the hardcore fans. My favorite match was actually Silas Young v. The Romantic Touch, I enjoyed both guys work and Rhett Titus has been entertaining in this gimmick, without going over the top. Silas Young is getting bigger inside the ROH ring. Roderick Strong v. Ciampa was a good match and I guess he's now in this rivalry against The Decade. TD Thomas was giving hints of an heel turn and that was the biggest development for this week.

Corey Hollis has a Brian Danielson feel to him and I believe that is what's trying to pull off, good and bad move I guess. I enjoyed his work against Jimmy Jacobs, for such a rookie he sure looks polished, but then again it was Jacobs who he was facing. Good spot with the chair outside the ring.

I wasn't into Elgin v. Romero. I guess it was the best match for most, but it just didn't click for me. Some bad camera shots here.
This wouldn't be the best episode to watch to be honest. The NOLA TV tapings were odd. SCOH was incredibly hot, the tapings the next day were like a TNA TV taping. Wouldn't be surprised if a ton of people in NOLA who had a free day heard how well SCOH went that they decided to go to the TV taping but didn't really know what was going on.
Probably the worst crowd since Cornette made them run Louisville from that God awful OVW Arena. Those tapings were cringeworthy. Kevin Steen made his first ROH TV taping appearance and nobody gave a single, flying fuck! And the lawyers segment, probably the worst ROH angle ever. Why the fuck would "Wrestling's Worst Nightmare" NEED LAWYERS?
Enjoyed the ROH/NJPW Pt. 1. That was my first exposure to a lot of ROH guys and I took to nearly all of them (it was hard to get to know people in the 4 corner or the 3-way tags that I was unfamiliar with). Makes me wish NJPW had been a little less conservative with the booking. Nonetheless, a solid event!
PWInsider reporting the same as the Observer, but have added some more detail. It's a pretty long write up but here's the part that matters:

Kazarian and Daniels are headed to ROH. They'll be working the indies too, don't be shocked if PWG book and announce them before they debut in ROH, but ROH is going to be their home promotion, much like how it is for AJ Styles or Jay Lethal. I was asking people who were in Toronto whether they would be full-time or part time and the answer I got was, "the funds are there to bring them on full-time and we need more top tag teams". Daniels and Kazarian as a full-time team in ROH would be another big boost for business, not only are they recognizable names from their time with TNA but they are also a very popular team. The questions now are when will they debut and what will their name be? They can debut at any time. ROH has three shows before their live PPV debut on June 22 with Best In The World which from this weekend on is their main priority, so they could debut at any time between now and then. It isn't totally out of the realm of possibility that they appear at this weekends War of the Worlds iPPV.
ROH need worldwide TV deals pronto. There's not much apart from that which can hold them back from being firmly established as the number two promotion right now.
ROH need worldwide TV deals pronto. There's not much apart from that which can hold them back from being firmly established as the number two promotion right now.

I agree and would love it, but I kind of get a degree of satisfaction from how well it's doing without a big national TV deal. Like someone pointed out the other day on another forum I'm on, ROH has the fourth biggest PPV deal in the history of wrestling, its PPV deal is nearly 30% bigger than ECW's, and it is only marginally smaller than TNA's (it won't have some minor satellite company's in America). This is without national TV. But yes, the next big step forward they need to take is getting a national TV deal... once they sort out some production issues but that's coming at Best In the World.
I've seen Ring of Honor put out a great deal of content in the past - let's call it the Glory days with some of the biggest names in wrestling today - and the fact that they are getting to that level again (even bigger) with a completely different crop of talent is something to make me take my hat off. I'm getting exposed to it again and I'm really starting to see TDS point of ROH being an alternative... Good management, good creative, good talent.

It has that Smoky Mountain Wrestling feel to it, but with better matches and now, with a great deal with PPV providers. 1 hour weekly isn't much and after you get exposed to the guys, watching them on the big shows is just a delight. Can't wait for this Saturday.

I publicly apologize to Dragon Saga for being a cunt to him in the past. The guy was right.
UFC's Tom Lawlor is going to be managing ROH's reDRagon against The Young Bucks at War of the Worlds. He announced it on the MMA Hour which has a few thousand viewers and is hosted by Ariel Helwani who has also tweeted Lawlor will be there. Not going to lie, not a fan of MMA guys in wrestling, but managing, and especially for someone like ROH, this is a pretty sweet deal they've struck.
I'd also love to see ROH tour the UK and Europe like TNA has.

They've toured twice before. 11-year-old me got to see Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness unify the ROH World and Pure titles in Liverpool, so I also got to see Liverpool vs. Newcastle the next day in Anfield. That was a great weekend.
Loads of ROH news again. Meltzer and co. reported on ROH officials thoughts on Global Wars and War of the Worlds. I don't subscribe, I get sent it for free from someone who does and I haven't got it yet but this is a dirt sheets copy of the story.

ROH officials at Global Wars felt that they did what was needed at the show. As Court Bauer noted on his Bauer and Pollock podcast on Live Audio Wrestling two weeks ago, New Japan Pro Wrestling bookers Jado and Gedo booked all the matches involving their talent, and that while ROH’s booker Hunter “Delirious” Johnston had a say, ROH’s perspective on it was to “agree and nod” so that the working relationship between the two could prosper.

While many criticized the booking on the first card, many feeling both shows would be ROH vs. NJPW, for how much the card was rated as the “B” show, officials saw it as a success, both in-terms of how it was pulled off and for business. As we reported here last week, merchandise at the event was sold-out by the end. Lines for the merchandise tables were said to be long and everything was in demand. The show was a sell-out weeks in advance so both ROH and NJPW are happy with the business done.

As for War of the Worlds, ROH officials want the show to “blow people away” and leave them talking to get excitement built for their live PPV debut Best In The World next month. The plan is to go all out and put on a great show this weekend and that both sides want to leave an impression, ROH to keep people talking and NJPW to attract new members to their product.

ROH were also thrilled with the way the iPPV was done by uStream and their partnership is pretty much guaranteed to be permanent.

Read more:

Court Bauer is teasing a "surprise" for War of the Worlds. Could that surprise be Bad Influence? Only way you can find out is by ordering the iPPV.

The Briscoes have a new t-shirt, it looks pretty sweet, like the old theme song reference too.


Kevin Steen did a promo for the match with Shinsuke Nakamura. I like how he pronounces his name right and I don't, but that's because a player called Shinsuke Nakamura used to play for Celtic, and they always pronounced it Shin-SUke, not Shinski. Either way, here's the promo. Good luck to Mr. Nakamura in the HammerSTEEN Ballroom.

ROH is returning to Toronto on September 6. They've announced this date later than others so here's hoping they have something special planned. Last year they did All Star Extravaganza from the Maple Lead Gardens, the venue for September 6, and it drew less than their last three shows at the much smaller Ted Reeve Arena, and ASE was stacked! Here's hoping they got something special planned.

And this weekend, hours before Styles vs. Elgin III for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship, Styles vs. Elgin II airs on ROH Wrestling. Only people with SBG channels will be able to see it because the show doesn't come out online until Monday, so enjoy, bastards!


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