General ROH Spam Thread

The posters are indeed kickass... I didn't believe it early this year, but it's true, ROH is gaining some steam. Really good for the fans, because the booking and the company in general is more respectable than TNA at this moment. Also - TDS what's your take on ACH potential?
I'm one of the few ROH fans who doesn't think ACH is all that. The hype around him reminds me a lot of the hype that surrounded Jimmy Rave. ACH is talented, makes a good midcarder, but I don't think he'll be the next Bryan, Steen or even Adam Cole.
Yeah. If you ever get a chance to check it out, Steen Show interview with SSB is about 30 minutes of them talking about issues getting across the border. Super Smash Brothers haven't wrestled in America for nearly a year now. They got letters from the Canadian government telling them they were no longer allowed through the border until they pay some crazy fine.

That's fucking lame, I just watched an absolutely insane, five star spotfest with them against the Young Bucks and Future Shock in a TLC match from PWG in 2012 and I remembered just how awesome SSB are.

Seriously if you've never seen that match, everyone, go run and find it. Would make the Dudleys, Hardys, and Edge and Christian proud.
I've seen that match, it's pretty crazy. SSB were going to be in ROH, but when Cornette gained power he cut off all ties to them. Cause, "funny don't make money".
Cornette can be too old school sometimes. ROH fans would eat up some PWG-style comedy with a smile on their face and ask for seconds.
Very cool write-up by Meltzer in the Observer, and it includes a fact I never knew before that I think if some TNA fans see will stun them. I'll comment more on it below.

After various tries to market big shows over the years, Ring of Honor takes the biggest step, with a live PPV show on 6/22, for “Best of the World 2014" from the Fairgrounds in Nashville.

No details of the show have been announced, but the names announced are Matt Hardy, Kevin Steen, Mark & Jay Briscoe, champion Adam Cole, Michael Elgin, Jay Lethal and Maria Kanellis. A.J. Styles is booked in Japan for the 6/21 New Japan PPV show at the Osaka Furitsu Gym so won’t be available at this point. It is possible because of the time change to work on Osaka on one night and in Nashville the next, and when the big stars worked Japan in the past, it wasn’t that unusual to do it. You can’t do it the other way, in the sense work on 6/20 in the U.S. and 6/21 in Japan.

The show will air in the traditional Sunday at 8 p.m. time slot. It’s a weekend with no major PPV competition, but in a loaded month as UFC runs 6/14, WWE runs 6/1 and 6/29 and TNA runs 6/15.

The show is expected to be carried by inDemand, Dish and DirecTV. It’s well known that the cable industry was looking for a new partner in PPV and was offering a better deal than in the past, to make up for, depending on the system, expected declines or outright dropping of the WWE product. It is probable that at least two of the big three, if not all three, may not even carry the WWE events by that time.

Right now, it’s a one-time experiment. Those close to the situation have said the expense of experimenting with one show is not a make-or-break situation, because at the end of the day, nothing is make-or-break for ROH these days. When your parent owners are as wealthy as Sinclair are, when the right time comes you can afford to experiment with an open check book. Greg Gilliland (the guy Jim Cornette made out to be the devil incarnate), who put the deal together, is very conservative when it comes to these type of company deals. The belief is they will break even if they can get 10,000 buys, which is not out of the realm of possibility, since years ago, ROH did that with some of its early PPV shows that were taped shows from two months earlier. Some people often forget this but ROH's "Man Up 2007" PPV has more buys then a majority of PPV's in TNA's history, reaching around 26,000 mostly through word of mouth, as it featured the first ever Ladder War and the controversial debut of The Age of the Fall.

If it works, they’ll continue, and if not, then they won’t. Nothing is for certain, but even if it does work, they wouldn’t be doing another for a while, perhaps not until Final Battle in December. The advantage ROH has is it doesn't aim for WWE quality production and its talent costs aren't nearly as high. Despite a roster featuring guys like A.J. Styles, Chris Hero, Matt Hardy, Maria Kanellis and top independent stars such as Kevin Steen, Adam Cole and Michael Elgin, the company actually does quite well when it balances out the books.

ROH becomes one of three new products to attempt PPVs over the next few months, with Bellator on 5/17 and Glory on 6/21, the night before ROH, with a Saturday at 10 p.m. time slot (the UFC regular slot) from the Forum in Inglewood, CA for a show called “Last Man Standing” featuring an eight-man middleweight (185 pound) tournament that would include Melvin Manhoef, a top star from the glory period of Japanese kickboxing and MMA.

It is expected that the ROH show will air both through Ustream as an iPPV as well as a regular PPV. That is depending on the success of Ustream broadcasts of ROH iPPV shows on 5/10 from Toronto and 5/17 from New York, major cards featuring the top stars of New Japan Pro Wrestling. There seemed to be significant interest in both shows with New York being sold out more than a month ahead of time at the 2,800 seat Hammerstein Ballroom and Toronto at this point being a given that it will sell out the 1,900 seat Ted Reeve Arena. Overall, ROH business has been up significantly this year, with a resurgence in fan interest and an overall improvement in the product and presentation.

ROH was on PPV years ago, with taped shows airing on roughly a two month delay. The shows started with 10,000 buys, which for a promotion with no television at the time, was excellent. The number was strong enough to make money on a taped show, but would have been a loser at the time for a live show. That’s why TNA cut back from 12 to four PPVs per year, because they weren’t able to break even.

Numbers varied depending on the line-up for the show, but because it was taped and could be viewed at any time the shows generally sold well. Man Up and Rising Above 2007 both surpassed 20,000 buys, but where ROH fell was its inability to continue interest in shows as the gaps between when they were taped and went to air consistently increased, some taking upward of five months to air and had became rendered almost useless. It ended up being dropped, and the concept changed to live iPPVs. They started with about 1,000 buyers and had generally strong reviews for the shows, peaking at 2,300 buyers for "Best In The World 2011". But one misfire after another doomed them and they got out of the iPPV business because of all the problems and consumer complaints.

Next month will be their first go-around with Ustream, which has only had minimal technical issues broadcasting shows from New Japan, Wrestle-1 and Dragon Gate. However, Ustream did have issues on several occasions doing Invicta PPV shows, where the decision was made to take down the pay wall and refund consumers because of the problems.

Financially this isn't a big gamble for the company. Sinclair can afford these things, if they don't work out they can just say they tried and pump more money back into ROH's budget. It's very clear that they have more backing from their owners then in years past, with upgrades to HD, wider promotion, and as Court Bauer said last week, soon to be better lighting, audio equipment and just general production, if anybody thinks Sinclair doesn't view ROH as a valuable asset they're misinformed. Sinclair has no other assets. They don't own any baseball teams or car firms, they own the most networks in the country and a wrestling promotion.

What ROH is gambling with this is their fans trust. The last few years have been rocky for the hardcore ROH fan. Lackluster product at times, iPPV mishaps, controversy inside and outside the ring, things that ROH fans don't care for because if you're a hardcore ROH fan all you want is wrestling. These next couple of months might be the biggest in its history for making their mark. ROH has influenced every aspect of wrestling today, as can be seen in WWE and its much more free flowing style with certain talents compared to years ago, but the promotion in its current form hasn't had that true attention grabbing moment. They hope this venture into PPV is that, because if any promotion deserves more attention for what its doing, it's ROH.

I never knew Man Up drew so well. Greg Gilliland doesn't seem like such the destroyer of all things sacred that Cornette mad him out to be (Cornette blaming everyone but himself, shocker there), ROH's business being up is pretty obvious, the thing about Sinclair not having any other asset and obviously pumping more money in is a good observation and the final paragraph is really nice to read but also kind of makes me wonder if the next couple of months hypothetically didn't work out, like if Global Wars and War of the Worlds didn't work out on uStream, how much of a hit would it be?
The gap between TNA and ROH really isn't as big as some people like to think. If ROH had a national cable deal like the Spike deal TNA has, they'd probably be the clear number two company.

I remember hearing Man Up drew really well at the time, and it doesn't shock me that it drew more than so many TNA PPVs because I thought it was common knowledge that TNA PPVs draw dick.
And it kind of makes sense, because whenever you ask someone have they watched ROH or what their favorite ROH moment is, the debut of The Age of the Fall is always mentioned a lot. It's a pretty sick moment too.

I've been begging for a AOTF DVD for a long fucking time, easily one of my favorite wrestling stables of the past 10 yrs., I want a best of Sweet & Sour DVD too
And it kind of makes sense, because whenever you ask someone have they watched ROH or what their favorite ROH moment is, the debut of The Age of the Fall is always mentioned a lot. It's a pretty sick moment too.

Such a classic moment. God I fucking miss Gabe booking ROH. The biggest mistake the promotion has ever made was not holding onto him. His booking work in ROH from 04-07 is among the best I've ever seen. Complex, dramatic, and it always paid off. Some of the angles he came up with were just sheer brilliance.

But because you posted that, I am now required by law to post this:

There are no other candidates....together....we're the match of the year.
I loved Gabe's booking of ROH but he needed to go for the company to move forward on a business end. He didn't want it to be a TV company, he just wanted it to continue being the super indy. Being a super indy is great and all but I'd prefer ROH as a TV company then as something I've to keep buying DVD's for. Gabe was totally against the HD Net timeslot, so Cary knew he had to go. Plus Gabe says he was burnt out because back toward the end of his run ROH was running a lot, like at least once a week, sometimes even twice on double shots and even triple shots! Booking three shows back to back to back with them all having to have meaning would be exhausting!

What I do wish is that Gabe didn't take everything to heart. The "indy contract" thing is so stupid and it deprives the wrestlers of more money and exposure. DGUSA is alright, although it really has fallen back quite a bit, but guys like Johnny Gargano should be in ROH, and not DGUSA.
Chris Sabin will be appearing for Border City Wrestling the night before ROH Global Wars in Toronto, Canada, where he is scheduled to face IWGP Heavyweight Champion, Kazuchika Okada. While still under contract with TNA for a few weeks, Sabin being booked for the event isn’t a coincidence as ROH representatives will be in attendance at the BCW event as they helped organize the event as a “pre-show” of sorts to the Global Wars event. Sabin is expected to have discussions with ROH management about a potential deal.

Sabin would make a great full-time roster member. He's exactly like a Jay Lethal, dude doesn't have a ton of personality but he is a great wrestler, and in a wrestling company he'd excel.
Would love to see Sabin back in ROH. Would also like to see Daniels and Kaz in there as well since they're both on their way out of TNA as well. Gptta make room for more Sam Shaw's who will take $300 a show as their pay after all.
Just listened to AJ Styles on The LAW with John Pollock and when asked about Best In The World and whether he'll be there Styles says.

Ehm… it doesn’t look good, ehm, y’know I would hate to be scheduled for a match and then a flight be delayed and next thing you know I’m not making it, that’s I’ll assume, I’m over in Japan [the day before Best In The World] and it’s a long flight and I want to be in tip top shape when I wrestle for New Japan or Ring of Honor.

But he talks very highly of ROH throughout and takes a pot shot at TNA because ROH is out drawing them so far this year, which y'know, is what you get for having a quality product people can get invested in.

Oh yeah, and reDRagon are awesome. If Bad Influence vs. reDRagon doesn't go down then I am assured that there is no God, because no loving God would allow such a potentially great match to not occur.
So out of nowhere a ton of ROH news in the last hour.

ROH returns to Florida for the first time since 2012 on October 25th to the Lakeland Center in Lakeland, Florida.
Two new matches have been added to the Road to Best in the World shows in Illinois. On night one, Cedric Alexander vs. Silas Young vs. Caprice Coleman vs. Matt Taven vs. ACH vs. Kyle O'Reilly with the winner facing Adam Cole, Kevin Steen or Jushin Liger directly after for the ROH World Championship.

On night two, Michael Elgin faces Michael Bennett w/ Maria Kanellis. Also the ROH World Championship will be on the line on the night.
ROH returns to Philadelphia on August 9th at the National Guard Armory.

Also Cedric Alexander vs. Roderick Strong in a rematch from Supercard of Honor has been added to Global Wars iPPV. And Jay Lethal is back doing commercials again cause, yano, J.W. Wentworth wasn't enough, now he's doing United Auto Sales.

And Michael Bennett is milking the shit out of the Hiroshi Tanahashi situation. I really dig Bennett lately, think hes improved so damn much and deserves this match. So little chance, virtually none, but fuck if he beat Tanahashi I'd lose it.

Bennett's a good heel. I just hope he's improved in the ring since the last time I saw him, which was admittedly atleast a year ago. He had good matches with Lance Storm though.
Bennett's a good heel. I just hope he's improved in the ring since the last time I saw him, which was admittedly atleast a year ago. He had good matches with Lance Storm though.

Hes improved a lot. Dropped "The Prodigy" shtick and kind of just let all the "CM Punk" chants people throw at him be used to his advantage, he had a pretty good feud with Steen and in 2014 he hasn't had a bad match, most of them have been good. He's kind of the storyteller on the ROH roster which is why I think the Tanahashi match will go so well because he uses that style too.

Also ROH has said that Bennett has challenged NJPW management to add whoever loses the Styles/Okada IWGP title match over the weekend to his match at War of the Worlds. So could be getting Styles/Bennett/Tanahashi or Okada/Bennett/Tanahshi.
His feud with Mark Briscoe was also pretty amazing as well, I think I like their match at SCOH slightly better than than the Ladder War V match.
From the Observer on ROH.

ROH will be looking to stack the Best In The World PPV card to draw as many casual fans, or those who have never even seen the product into buying the show. They are going to build it as their "arrival" on a big stage and will be going all out to put on a show. Court Bauer said a few weeks ago that Sinclair were in the process of purchasing new production equipment to improve the shows all round and I'm being told that they will be going the extra mile to give a professional feel to the shows. They are also contacting names to feature on the show, so a special attraction like a Paul London or even a returning Christopher Daniels is likely.

The reason Chris Sabin was booked for Border City Wrestling on 9/5 in what is being built as the "pre-show" to Global Wars is so that ROH management can speak to him. Sabin is a guy who would fit right into the ROH roster and isn't such an expensive guy that they couldn't sign him full-time. Think back to when Jay Lethal left TNA and rejoined ROH.
ROH keeps signing the people worth watching from TNA and then doing better with them.

Which one is number 2 again...?
They're drawing about even at this point honestly, ROH is in a better situation than it's ever been in and I hope this PPV does well, along with some better production values it could be just what they need to start making some real headway into being the legit number two promotion. Really the only thing TNA has over ROH right now is their Spike TV deal, and doesn't that run out sometime this year? I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't renewed.

I'd bet money that we'll be seeing Daniels, Kaz, and Sabin all in an ROH ring again in the near future.
Final Global Wars card, and without question, despite all their top stars being over, ROH I think has out booked NJPW here.

Adam Cole (c) vs. Kevin Steen

The Young Bucks (c) vs. The Forever Hooligans (Rocky Romero & Alex Koslov) vs. The Timesplitters (Alex Shelley & KUSHIDA)

Jay Lethal (c) vs. Tommaso Ciampa vs. Matt Taven vs. Silas Young

Michael Elgin vs. Takakki Wanatabe

Bullet Club (AJ Styles & Karl Anderson) vs. CHAOS (Okada & Gedo)

Hiroshi Tanahashi & Jushin “Thunder” Liger vs. CHAOS (Shinsuke Nakamura & Jado)

Cedric Alexander vs. Roderick Strong

reDRagon vs. The Briscoes vs. The DECADE

Michael Bennett w/ Maria Kanellis vs. ACH
Of course they did, NJPW is using this to filler matches and a guy that I haven't seen in ages, is wrestling Michael Elgin. I get it that they don't want their big talents losing in the states in single's matches, but Michael Elgin v. Tanahashi would be a fantastic and potential MOTYC and the loss wouldn't even hurt Tana or Elgin, specially if it ended thanks to Styles interfering or whatever... It could set up both Elgin v. Styles for the IWGP title in the next ROH special, and it could set up Styles v. Tana for NJPW.

Well anyway, just finished watching Supercard of Honor (all of it), and I was really really pleased with the show. Some matches seemed to be longer than they should, specially the main event. Elgin v. Steen was awesome. The tag match was good, mostly because of Bobby and Kyle and I really enjoyed Rowe and Hanson together... And also, the opener, great bout with Strong looking good.

Now legit question: Where the hell is Hero?

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