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Read the results for State of the Art. Nearly sold-out again!

In 2014, ROH have sold-out two shows and one was nearly a sell-out. Such a "phenomenal" start.
I wonder if Tix are still on sale for that show u have in your sig. That building is like 15 minutes from my house.

I know the lovely RVDgurl will be at the show, possibly the lovely Theo too

EDIT: I just checked, first two rows are sold out, but you can still can tickets for 3rd row & back.
It has AJ Styles on the card. I've seen him wrestle live twice, and, unsurprisingly, he's been the shit both times. Go, man, go.

I saw AJ wrestle RVD at a TNA house show, I remember cause I thought it was gonna be dream match, & was the whole reason I decided to go... it was not the "dream match" I had hoped for, in fact it was a rather sub par match, though AJ was playing the heel & RVD looked to be phoning it in (much like the rest of his run in TNA).
It has AJ Styles on the card. I've seen him wrestle live twice, and, unsurprisingly, he's been the shit both times. Go, man, go.

This. Against a motivated talent, he is incredible.

RVD in TNA is not a good example of a motivated talent. I wouldnt say Jay Lethal is the best use of his appearances either.
I enjoyed the match he had this week against... Some guy. Though the near death experience was brutal.


And I expect Styles/Lethal to be a good match. AJ did an interview a couple days ago talking about it - and surprisingly - he and Lethal have only ever faced one-on-one THREE times! He said he always wanted to do it more but TNA never saw money in it, but in ROH, cause you'd expect them to put on a good match and wrestling is the focal point, shit is different.

Also, LOL at Ken Shamrock saying he wants to join ROH.
I was kidding, but for future reference, his name is Roderick Strong. He's a former ROH World Champion, World TV Champion and 2x ROH World Tag Team Champion. He used to wrestle for TNA too but when they told talents to choose between TNA and ROH, he chose ROH. He would end up back there for a couple matches but left again. Then a couple years ago after he lost the World title TNA gave him an offer but he rejected.

He also wrestled Kurt Angle on Smackdown and had a decently competitive match.
I've never been a huge fan of Roddy, he's good in the ring and all, but the dude is just fucking awful on the mic, his promos come off as some of the most unnatural & rehearsed shit I have ever heard.
I've never been a huge fan of Roddy, he's good in the ring and all, but the dude is just fucking awful on the mic, his promos come off as some of the most unnatural & rehearsed shit I have ever heard.

His Dojo Bro stuff with Edwards is really good in-comparison. But personally I'm a fan of Strong the wrestler. How many good matches did the guy have last year, with London, Ishimori, Richards, Cole, Elgin, Steen, Lethal, Anderson and so on?

I'd prefer if anyone watches they do so - for FREE - through (quality is much better than on this video), but if you're too lazy to make an account and watch the whole show here's the whole Styles vs. Strong match. Enjoy.
Just got done watching this weeks episode, some really good stuff again.

The opening tag match was a great opener to TV, and if someone just began watching last week it's a great place to pick up because it got right into what The Decade is about. That Spear from Jacobs to Thomas looked painful, TD's expression when he hit the guard rail. Ouch.

I dig Raymond Rowe. Dude has a young Samoa Joe-esq feel to him and I love that finishing move he has. Hanson is cool too but I just don't see someone like him going very far, he'll stick around and I'm sure they'll push him and he is pretty agile for someone of his size, but his look is real old school. Like maybe too old school. Either way, Ciampa/Hanson is going to be real interesting. In ROH Tommaso is a big guy cause there aren't many big guys, but Hanson is like WWE-big. Their story could be cool to see.

I'm also really interested in Michael Elgin watching the match. Looks like he'll be gunning after either both or just Hanson. Imagine an Elgin Bomb on Hanson? Fuck!

No more House of Truth makes me sad, but old school Truth Martini makes me happy. I foreshadow his newest client being Silas Young because I think Young/Taven will be booked for 12th Anniversary. It might be a good idea to pair him with Hanson though cause I don't think Hanson is going to be all that good on the mic. And God keep Scarlett around at the least!

Main event was awesome, really fast paced, crowd was real into it too. They should have gotten bleachers, I read people were complaining about how far back they were due to the large crowd and you can see it on TV. Some people are barely visible their that far back. Really awesome start to the year though because the TV crowds have been large and hot, so it looks good on ROH, especially with so many people now getting into the product since all the kinks seem to have been worked out.

Overall, another good episode. Well worth watching and the consistency in angles and such is real good too, much better then the Cornette-era, where shit would be forgotten from taping to taping.
Court Bauer implied on the latest MLW podcast that the big announcement is going to be a NJPW crossover. It was funny, like the tone of his voice. Man, I'm pumped!

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