General ROH Spam Thread

This was very TNA-esq, kind of scared me for a moment, but seriously though, AJ Styles vs. Jay Lethal at the 12th Anniversary Show would be awesome. Hero vs. Cole has already been announced so this would be even better.
AJ Styles vs. Jay Lethal has been announced for the 12th Anniversary Show, and the next day at the TV taping, Styles goes one-on-one... with "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin.

Not exactly a dream match per-say, but my God it is going to be full of awesome!
AJ Styles vs. Jay Lethal has been announced for the 12th Anniversary Show, and the next day at the TV taping, Styles goes one-on-one... with "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin.

Not exactly a dream match per-say, but my God it is going to be full of awesome!

This match I would love to see.
Much better than the annoying theme he had in TNA for past 10(?) yrs. I did like the No One theme had had at the tail end of his TNA run though.
I've always hated that "I Am" theme. "Evil Ways" was good, but even AJ has said when he first heard it his initial thought was, "didn't WWE use this like two months ago?"

Also AJ vs. Roddy was awesome. Exactly what ROH should be, just two great wrestlers having the time to put on a great match. AJ's reaction to how well the crowd receives him is awesome, he looks genuinely taken aback by the chants. Roddy was on top of his game too, sad about the ending but hey, what can ya do.

TV show has been awesome thus far this year. Such a contrast to this time in 2012 when it was miss, miss, miss, the odd hit, only to be followed by a miss again. Every show since November has offered something you want to see.
Go to tomorrow and It'll be up on the site for free general audience members. It only aired last Saturday.

Cool cool, thanks Saga. The whole current tv thing is confusing for the noobs. Looking forward to giving ROH a shot anyway. I cite AJ Styles as my official draw, you heard it hear first.
Cool cool, thanks Saga. The whole current tv thing is confusing for the noobs. Looking forward to giving ROH a shot anyway. I cite AJ Styles as my official draw, you heard it hear first.

Basically, show airs on Saturday across 83 stations in the United States in national syndication. So wherever the owner Sinclair Broadcasting owns a station it airs. Then it is put up on Monday afternoon for ringside members, who are paid members of and then on Thursday for free members - so basically you get it on a five day delay.

Enjoy. Styles/Strong takes a majority of the show, but you also get a semi-final of the Top Prospect Tournament, and Michael Bennett and Maria, whose a face you should recognize.
I like Bennett a ton more than I did last year or when he originally debuted. He seems to have gotten more into the ROH-style too and less of WWE's American wrestling style. Not too sure about the finishing maneuver either but hey, people keep chanting CM Punk so if anything it's a direct response.
I like Bennett a ton more than I did last year or when he originally debuted. He seems to have gotten more into the ROH-style too and less of WWE's American wrestling style. Not too sure about the finishing maneuver either but hey, people keep chanting CM Punk so if anything it's a direct response.

I like the finisher, I like Bennett a lot more since he lost Brutal Bob, nothing against Bob, but I feel he wasn't doing Bennett any favors, the feud with Steen raised did him a world of good as well, I would love to see them stick Bennett in a feud with Ciampa for the TV title.
Feud with Steen was real good, I thought the mid-stretcher match turn into an unofficial Last Man Standing was great booking. Plus I loved the pre-match promo for whatever reason, just got me pumped.

AJ Styles talks really in-depth about ROH and it all sounds really good for ROH.

And, the best part is, AJ saying after the Nashville show, he wants to become ROH World Champion and, "I'm willing to bust my butt to get there".

That is awesome.

Here are some of the highlights from it for those who don't want to listen.

On how long he has left as a wrestler: I think that compared to most of the guys who compete with my style I'm holding up very well, I've not had any surgeries as of yet, I'm holding up real well and I mean; I'd like to retire at 40, like to retire, but I'm still feeling well and if there's money to be made, then sure I'll keep going. But I don't want to be one of those guys who sticks around and can't get the job done in the ring.

On his ROH return in Nashville: I was a little worried, how I'd be received, not just by the fans but by the locker room. Y'know as someone who being from another place - like TNA - and being the older guy, and seeing it, y'know - are they going to work and help us out, or are they just here to pick up a paycheque? But they were in the locker room, and the fans were very receptive to me and made me feel like I'd come home. So it felt good man it really did and I don't know if you could see it in the way I reacted when I walked through the curtain to know that those fans still appreciate me and it means a lot to me.

On his match with Roderick Strong: Absolutely not another match for me! Y'know I had to make a statement, I had to have a great match with Roderick and deliver to show those fans and the locker room that I want to be here, I want to make a difference, I want to help build something and build a family. And one of the things I had to get in there and make them know is that I was going to bust my butt and make sure these fans got what they paid for.

On possibly challenging for the ROH World Championship: You got to understand, even though I worked there before TNA and worked there, and had lots of great matches and was even the Ring of Honor Pure Wrestling Champion I was never the Ring of Honor World Champion. And so to hold that title in my hands it would be huge but I know I'll have to work my way to that position to be the number one contender and I have a long road ahead of me, I get it, I understand that, but I'm willing to go down that round and make sure I earn an opportunity to wrestle for the ROH World title.

Right, above is the link to AJ Styles' return to ROH for free. All you have to do is sign-up.

I don't care if you watch it, I don't care if you see this post and say to yourself, "TDS is such a mark for ROH", cause you'd be right, I am. I believe in the product, I believe in the alternative, I believe it's better than the other shit that's available more easily and I believe if you've never watched Ring of Honor before and don't get the big deal, then there is no better place to start. You got a recognizable name in the main event in a match a lot of people think is great, in-front of a crowd that's super into it.

Like I said, don't care if you watch it or not, but it's there, under an hour of your time and completely free.
Cheers for the help, Saga. Just sitting down to the show now. Really liked the opening match, a good start especially considering these are only prospects. Good idea too, much better than the Gut Check challenge. I assume a guy gets a job out of this? He comes in a lot stronger after winning a tournament.

Don't know enough about Kenellis and friend to care about what she's talking about, but I've heard good things about Bennett so the match should be fun.
Cheers for the help, Saga. Just sitting down to the show now. Really liked the opening match, a good start especially considering these are only prospects. Good idea too, much better than the Gut Check challenge. I assume a guy gets a job out of this? He comes in a lot stronger after winning a tournament.

Several of them will get contracts. It's not just the winner. Winner gets a TV title shot. As of now I know that Raymond Rowe, Hanson, Andrew Everett and The Romantic Touch (who was signed anyway) all have contracts. And yes, it's much better than the Gut Check thing TNA used to do.
Speaking of ROH signing guys from the Top Prospects tournament...

They've had Adam Page under contract for months now and haven't done anything with him. I'd like to see them give a contract to Corey Hollis, who looked pretty good in the tournament and in the tag matches he's had with the company, and pair the two together. They have been tagging in other promotions recently as "Country Jacked". Both are still very young with a good look and some real upside. The tag division can definitely use another promising young team to add to the mix, and Hollis is worthy of a roster spot.
Speaking of ROH signing guys from the Top Prospects tournament...

They've had Adam Page under contract for months now and haven't done anything with him. I'd like to see them give a contract to Corey Hollis, who looked pretty good in the tournament and in the tag matches he's had with the company, and pair the two together. They have been tagging in other promotions recently as "Country Jacked". Both are still very young with a good look and some real upside. The tag division can definitely use another promising young team to add to the mix, and Hollis is worthy of a roster spot.

I'd either like to see Country Jacked OR... just give Page time.

Remember, Eddie Edwards appeared for ROH for nearly a year and a half before they did anything with him. Now that hes left the company, he wound up becoming the first Triple Crown Champion, 2x World Tag Team Champion, World Champion, TV Champion, won Survival of the Fittest 2011 and main evented the top drawing paid ROH iPPV of all-time.
I'd either like to see Country Jacked OR... just give Page time.

Remember, Eddie Edwards appeared for ROH for nearly a year and a half before they did anything with him. Now that hes left the company, he wound up becoming the first Triple Crown Champion, 2x World Tag Team Champion, World Champion, TV Champion, won Survival of the Fittest 2011 and main evented the top drawing paid ROH iPPV of all-time.

No doubt. I'm not accusing the company of missing the boat on Page already at all. The guy is still extremely young and isn't really ready for a meaningful singles push, so it's not like the company's holding him back. In the midcard he would clearly be lined up behind the likes Ciampa, Taven, Bennett, Young, etc. not to mention the Lethal's and Strong's of thee company who are probably far away from main event level right now, as well as another young guy just embarking on his singles opportunity in Cedric Alexander.

But Page is a very useful young talent and the tag division is in need of a depth boost and some fresh blood. Country Jacked could easily step into the role that Adrenaline Rush started out playing as the young, fresh, up and coming team primarily holding down the lower end the division, while Adrenaline Rush graduates up to consistent top contendership in the division now that their logjam with C&C no longer exists.

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