General ROH Spam Thread

This guy did the Desire videos for WWE back in the day. He made this of his own free will because he's so excited for AJ's return. He had to use TNA footage cause - obviously - he hasn't got access to ROH's library but I swear if ROH don't take notice of this and at least try to get him to make a hype video here and there then I'll be disappointed.

Password required.

Come on, Dragon Saga. This is the 2nd AJ Styles related thing you've alluded to that sounds interesting yet we have zero access to it. :lmao:
Password required.

Come on, Dragon Saga. This is the 2nd AJ Styles related thing you've alluded to that sounds interesting yet we have zero access to it. :lmao:

God damnit!

Okay basically it was a really well produced hype video. Don't know why he put a password on it considering he plugged it on his Twitter account @KevinSullyTV. I'll send him a tweet and see if he can give me the password.

Who knows, Court Bauer and I traded some tweets about it. Maybe Court is already jumping on the idea of getting him in? Okay now I'm just dreaming.
So I sent Kevin a tweet, he sent me one back saying he was asked politely to remove the video but will be re-creating it utilizing footage from Ring of Honor.

Considering he's remaking it I think it's pretty obvious TNA asked him to remove it due to him using some footage of AJ that aired on their programming. Will post here whenever he posts the new video.
The song was also featured during The Rock's on-air birthday blowjob a couple years back.
ROH have added six rows of tickets for their Wrestling's Finest show in Pittsburgh, PA the night before the Royal Rumble due to the demand for fans. The original allocation of tickets were said to have been near sell-out which was roughly 900 people, so the added seating if sold could see the shows attendance increase to 1,200, which for a show that won't feature AJ Styles is great business for the company.

Also just watched this weeks episode of ROH TV.

Raymond Rowe is a beast. Loved him in his match with Elgin last year (Road to Greatness: Night Two I think?) while Kongo I'm not so over on. He's agile for his size but just doesn't look the part, so for him to go out in the first round is a good sign for my own interests, while Rowe advances which is great. I see him taking the whole tournament.

Elgin's Release Powerbomb on Kongo was scary. As in Elgin's strength scares the poo out of me. Dude is unrivaled for strength, athleticism and size in all of wrestling for me, unless anybody can throw a name at me whose that strong yet technically talented? Its a shame him and Cole rose through the ranks together and are both so good, if Cole wasn't there Elgin would be champion right now.

Steen's line about Hero was funny. "Only thing you'll say after tonight is, "Kevin Steen just kicked my ass... OH-NO!""

I've seen some of Bill Daly's stuff. Dude would be a good signing but I can't see them doing it now if their going to pull him from the tournament. Hope it was some play of sorts. Still random though. Last year all the Top Prospects outside the winner had a match at the 11th Anniversary, hope the same happens here.

Corey Hollis is good. Always liked him. Dude is only 23-years-old too. Mike Posey I'm not so big on and his move-set is irritating. Why do five leg drops? Happy Hollis won, don't know about that spinning back elbow, kind of Hero's thing.

Lethal and Coleman's match was pretty good. I like how their going to do Lethal/Ciampa again because it will be the true test for Ciampa to prove he has "It". Steve Corino being against guest commentators is still funny to me.

And the main event was good but I wish it had been given more time. It wasn't the atypical ROH match, lots of selling and stalling and Steen seemed even more athletic then usual. Him doing the RVD-like jump to the top rope was impressive. I like The Decade so hope they can keep building heat, Steen winning made sense until Cliff Compton attacked him. IDK what they'll do in their feud but if Steen beats Hero and has his eyes set on the World Championship it's not a great time to have Compton pop back up.

And of course, three weeks, AJ Styles returns. Can't wait.
Ring of Honor Wrestling will begin airing in the following markets this weekend!!

Rochester, NY
Saturdays at 12 midnight on WUHF

Harlingen, TX
Saturdays at 10:30pm on KGBT

Albany Georgia
Saturday 12 Midnight on WFXL

Amarillo, Texas
Sundays @ 11PM on KVII

Columbia/Jefferson City, Missouri
Saturdays @ 1030PM on KRCG

Columbia, South Carolina
Saturdays @ Midnight on WACH

Portland Maine
Saturdays @ 12PM on WPFO

Seattle, Wa
Fridays @ 1AM on KOMO

Portland Oregon
Saturdays @ 1AM on KATU

Ottumwa, IA / Kirksville, MO
Saturdays at 12:30am on ABC KTVO and on KTVO.2 CBS Saturdays at 11pm

Not the best times but the added channels is good.
First off....they absolutely MUST upgrade their sound and camera production. They do not need a titan tron or pyro for every entrance, but if you cant hear the theme music and the camera (quality, not camera work, the work was very solid) looks like something me and the NJX could go shoot out in the backyard, it SCREAMS "indy fed". If they can upgrade that, and draw slightly larger crowds(only slightly, they aren't far behind at all) then at least perception-wise, they can easily be looked at as comparable to anyone besides WWE.

I really enjoy the semi-serious presentation, with the tale of the tape and all that.

I enjoyed Kongo. He looks fucking hilarious, and bumps like crazy for someone his size. That Rowe guy has a hell of a look. If he gets some decent character and promo on him, he could be a true asset. His finisher was fuckin badass too. Pretty decently worked match.

Elgin is clearly on about 6 different kinds of steroids. Also, that finish would work better for someone who is taller. Its still fucking cool as all get out though. Decent promo.

A Hero Vs Styles showdown would be tits out. Also, I marked out when I heard Steen's theme, because I knew what it was. Been using it on the WWE games for a couple years now. Awful sound quality on the mic.

Styles promo was fuckin cool.

The match with Posey and whats-his-face was a tour de force in the stereotypes about ROH. Very poor.

Im surprised this is the first time I have heard of Caprice Coleman. Seems to have all the tools. Put those Under Armour gloves back on, and get some wrist bands. Lethal Injection is an incredibly stupid move.

I really like how lean the show feels. EVerything has a plausible and simple mini(or larger) angle attached to it, and a point to it. Not gassy, or overlong, or eye-rollingly stupid.

Reminds me a lot of NXT with much shittier production equipment. Lots of potential though, if they upgrade/tighten up a few things.

For sure adequate enough for me to watch next week. Or in two weeks. Or however the fuck they do it.
I don't think I know a single person who likes Lethal's Lethal Injection finisher, pretty much everyone seems to be of the same opinion, it's fucking stupid.
Norcal if you want I can send you a free link to watch Final Battle - the apparent, "biggest show in wrestling that actually delivered" according to the folks over at WON. The production and all that was to a tee much better, what happens is, especially when they go somewhere new like Nashville (by the way, their first time ever doing TV in Nashville, they sold-out the place and had to turn people away at the door, attendance was just over 1,000) they try to work out all the kinks, but when they go back they usually have everything sorted.
I'm watching the episode of their TV program which includes Final Battle's main event. The production does look pretty decent.

I have the DVD of ROH's first Hammerstein event lying around somewhere. I'd pop it in to compare, but it'd be pointless. That was back when ROH production values were a completely different, shittier beast.
I don't think I know a single person who likes Lethal's Lethal Injection finisher, pretty much everyone seems to be of the same opinion, it's fucking stupid.

The Lethal Combination looks way better though it's not a finisher. He should just use a regular cutter/stunner or use Hail to the King.
I'm watching the episode of their TV program which includes Final Battle's main event. The production does look pretty decent.

I have the DVD of ROH's first Hammerstein event lying around somewhere. I'd pop it in to compare, but it'd be pointless. That was back when ROH production values were a completely different, shittier beast.

That's the show with Nigel vs. Claudio/Cesaro. Great match.
From the Observer:

ROH officials are in talks with New Japan Pro Wrestling – a Japanese affiliate of theirs – to bring in top Japanese star and current IWGP Intercontinental Champion, Hiroshi Tanahashi. There are also discussions being held to bring in a number of top NJPW stars throughout 2014 for major shows.

If Tanahashi comes in... I won't be able to contain myself.
I'd rather they bring in the TimeSplitters, but oh well, maybe someday...

I've read the actual excerpt from Meltzer and it does say they are discussing other talents too, but for Tanahashi to come in with his reputation in Japan would be big, especially considering he hasn't worked an American promotion in years.
where do yall watch this shit

i saw it had a listing on my local fox affiliate at 11 or 12 AM on Saturday nights/Sunday mornings but I guess my AT&T U-Verse guide is not updated or my Fox affiliate is sending the wrong info because what it claims to be ROH is some hollywood fake tmz type show
Chicken & Steen are easily my favorite two promo guys in ROH right now, I don't think anyone else cuts promo's that are consistently entertaining as them two.

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