General "Raw Sucks" Complaint Thread


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
Like most of the world, I have a job. More specifically, I'm blessed to work for nationally televised sports companies, so I'm constantly on the road, traveling from city to city for ESPN, the Big Ten Network, NASCAR, Major League Soccer, etc...

But one thing has always remained consistent - I have the majority of Monday nights off since we bust our humps during the weekends. Occasionally my team will be forced into duty for a Monday Night Football game if it's played in Pittsburgh, Cleveland or Cincinnati, but we're normally off.

Last night, for the fist time in a long time, I WISHED I WAS WORKING !!!!! I have been watching wrestling since my dad sat me down in front of a tv in 1984 to watch a Bruno Sammartino match (I think it was Sammartino) when I was 7-years-old. Either way, he used to sneak me out of bed for Saturday Night's Main Event and make me promise that I would stay awake in church the next morning. I can honestly say that I have never missed a Monday Night Raw...EVER !!! Whether I've watched it live, on a VCR tape or on my Tivo... I've seen them all.

But last night, I fell asleep shortly after The Brian Kendrick / Carlito match, and have no desire to see what happened after that.

I have no idea what it is - I like Randy Orton and think he has a great present and future in this industry. But man, that show was a complete snore fest from the very beginning.

Why is fuck's sake are we seeing TBK / Carlito ??? Does anyone truly give two shits ?? Thank God the guy teased us with a mystery partner in the coming weeks - maybe the mystery man will breath some life into HBK's alledged clone. As for Carlito, cut your fuckng hair, kick your brother in the balls and spit that damn apple all over Michael Cole's highlighted hair !! That MAY make you interesting again. If nothing else, head to the back and bend Kelly Kelly over your knee and spank her ass with one of those tinker toys hanging around your neck.

Would someone please pop Batista's bicep ?? I swear I saw a turtle perform an irish whip faster than that bloated pill popper.
And what the fuck was the Cena / Miz match all about ?? (V)Icky Guerrero simply stops the match and says she's seen enough, claiming Cena isn't fit to wrestle the Big Show at Judgment Day. Where's that going ?? It's not like thay aren't going to fight on Sunday, so what was the point ?? So Big Show could attack Cena ?? That didn't happen. So Miz could pick up a win ?? That didn't happen - it wasn't really a match. Enough already with the Big Show. Please Vince, build a giant fucking beanstalk and send him on his way.

As for Cena - he may be great for business - promoting the company, being the pretty boy, pulling in kids, etc... but please change your outfit. I'm not going to bash the guy because it's been done a million times, but all I'm asking for is a pair of camo trunks, a pair of Under Armor gym shorts or I'd even mark out for a thong !!! I'm not gay, but I've seen enough of the crappy jean shorts.

The Santino(a) storyline has gone far enough already. Yes, he's funny, damn funny - especially his newest pig snort routine for (V)Icky Guerrero - but lets end it already. Go somewhere, anywhere with the storyline. It hasn't advanced a single click since the night after Mania. Beth still believes he's Santino - Santina still claims she's his sister. Where are we going ??

Simply put - Monday Night Raw is boring. It's been headed down this road for a long time, and last night, in my opinion, it hit its lowest point. That doesn't mean I won't keep watching - I WILL !! But if creative team members orVince McMahon actually do read these forums on occassion, maybe they'll read this post and get a clue. But I'm not holding my jean shorts, my magic beans, my afro wig, my syringe or the play button on my Tivo.
I would watch smackdown. TiVo it on Friday if you have to and watch it Monday. For being the second show the quality seems to be a lot better so I would watch SD
I really don't get it. I really don't get it at all.

What do you want from the WWE? Right now it's better than it's been in quite a few years.
A few months ago, everyone was complaining about everything they could find wrong with the WWE. Cena is champion too much, Triple H is champion too much, Orton deserves to be champion, WWE doesn't care about midcard titles, WWE doesn't care about the tag division, WWE isn't building new stars, We should have a new attitude era or build a time machine so we can bring Steve Austin of 1999 to 2009 and all our problems will be fixed forever and ever and we can go dancing in fields drinking strawberry milk cause wrestling will be cool again.

Stop complaining.
People complaining about Cena and Triple H being champion too much? They're not champions right now, bot even in the title chase. They don't care about midcard titles? The intercontinental champion looks to be having a lengthy feud with Jericho and the US champion has both Regal, Hardy and maybe even Kofi coming after him. They don't care about the tag divison? the tag champions look to be feuding with TBK and whoever his partner is going to be, and no doubt we'll see legacy in the tag title race once Orton's reign as WWE champion has been... stabalised.

Now to address your specific complaints.
Who cared about Carlito vs TBK? I did for one. I think these guys are both great athletes and have bright futures ahead of them. But you simply can't build bright futures if you don't give those young guys TV time. And they're trying to build a tag team title feud. You talk as if the WWE midcard has always been riveting. But it really hasn't. The early attitude era was great, with The Rock, Triple H etc. In the midcard. But by 2000 we were seeing matches like Goldust vs Val Venis. Are you telling me you cared about that?
Oh and your suggestions sure are helpful. As much as I'd love to see Kelly Kelly in your mentioned situation, I thought we were talking about improving a wrestling show, not making softcore porn. Was I wrong?

Next, I thought what they did with Orton this week was great. It build the feud between him and Batista, and made Batista look like he could compete with Orton not just physically but mentally. The segments where Batista was stalking the Legacy members was a tad cheesy, but it had great suspense.

In response to your Batista comment, OMG! There's roided up people in the wrestling industry!? :gasp:
Yes he's jacked like hell. Yes he sucks. So what? Sucky roid heads have been around longer than you or I have, and most have them have been pretty awful. Why should Batista be the only one you complain about? Go bitch about Lex Luger for a while or something.

Now your mocking Cena's ring attire? All new low for Cena-haters.

Ok, Santina is a pretty bad storyline. It's not going anywhere and it shouldn't go anywhere, so stop telling it to go somewhere. At this point, it would take Santino and Santina standing side by side in the ring to make people care about this angle again... or at all.
Oh and that whole (V)icky thing... Zing.

Raw is not that bad. Although considering you fell asleep a little while into it, how would you actually know that?

Maybe it's not Raw that's boring... Maybe you're just getting bored of wrestling. Same thing happened to me around the time that Cena and Batista was rising, I just became very disillusioned with it, I took 3 year break from wrestling, came back just in time to see Wrestlemania 24 and I fell in love all over again.

Or you're just tired from all the travelling you do so you fell asleep watching Raw? :zzzz:
ztwhite i agree with you on most accounts. Idk y some of these people still have jobs. I don't wanna see Kendrick on my TV unless he's super jobbing (like Tommy Dreamer style). Whenever Kendrick "dances" it looks like hes having an epileptic episode. Santino is a hilarious man but this angle has gone on too long. Not that the angle itself has gone on too long but it has gone on too long without progression (i personally would like to see an affair with Chavo until Chavo realizes that Santina is a man). i would also like to see Cena change his shorts every once in a while. And i will type this in all caps cuz it may be the best point ever made: WHY IS THE MIZ INVOLVED? HE DOESN'T EVEN DESERVE TO WASH CENA'S JOCKSTRAP. He should not be involved anywhere near cena. The Miz shouldn't be allowed on TV within a half hour of when Cena is on TV. As an overall note, Michael Cole should be fired.
i feel your pain blade
i dont like complainers to but you cant stop it.when you scream shut up,people arint going to stand up and say,oh you now what maybe hes right,maybe i should shut up for much as that would be great an just wont happen,people love to complain.i dont.i love the product now,especailly now since hunters outta the frame for a bit

as far as last nights raw was rather decent.i couldnt help but laugh when dave threw cody in that closet with him,i was thinking,oh man big daves gonna rape tiny the only complaint i have are those stupid did you know facts???like honestly who here gives two fucks if raw out beat 5 other shows last week?who cares if smackdown was the highest rated show on mynetwork tv for the past blah blah weeks running?i dont.its sicking how wwe can boast like that with their ratings down down the crapper.are they just that desperate for some attention?but yea complainers suck and show just learn to accept the product as it is.its not going to change to your liking just because you dont enjoy it.its PG now might as well get use to it as it looks like it'll be here for awhile now
Raw really is awful last night. Orton/Legacy's storyline taking up as much of the air time as it did last night is an awful decision and was a major turn-off as Orton and Legacy aren't worth my time on a regular basis, no matter how good Orton can be on rare occasion. It's shocking how bad a show with as stacked a roster as Raw's is supposed to be has become. I like Cena, Show, HBK, Kendrick, and Hardy. But with the way Raw's been booked over the last few months, getting even worse after the draft, I can't watch on a regular basis until there are some major changes. I'll be reading the results and checking out the parts of the show that interest me. But when ECW and SmackDown are showing up the flagship show in a major way every week, and when Raw would fail on it's own merit anyway, it's not a product worth supporting.
dancing in fields drinking strawberry milk
HEY.....don't bash should try it sometime. Its quite a liberating experience let me tell ya!

Now your mocking Cena's ring attire? All new low for Cena-haters.
Well, lets all just admit here though that the jean shorts do look really stupid. Its the same reason why Cryme Tyme one can move well in a ring wearing denim.

Ok, Santina is a pretty bad storyline. It's not going anywhere and it shouldn't go anywhere, so stop telling it to go somewhere. At this point, it would take......
a WWE Title Reign.

Maybe it's not Raw that's boring... Maybe you're just getting bored of wrestling.
Or hes just not watching enough Smackdown!

SORRY TO SINGLE YOU OUT BLADE...but it was your post that caught my attention....not the original post. Nothing personal I hope.
This is the way I see things and the RAW brand right now. SURE, YES, YUP, YUPPERS, it is absolutely horrible for the most part. The Draft did the opposite of what the upper office wanted it to and now Raw looks more like a retirement party. BIG SHOW, HBK, BATISTA, HHH all should retire very soon, the problem is they wont so get used to it. The "names/star power" is the only thing holding Raw up right now and I agree with that but its not like they arent trying to improve on a weekly basis. Santino/Santina/Beth/Rosa are all more stale than a Rosie/Trump look-alike gimmick match. The thing here is, since the crowd gives bigger pops for Santino/Santina than they do for JOHN CENA the WWE will continue to keep this storyline going until sometime after Wrestlemania 36 where Santina will finally drop "her" Miss Wrestlemania title to Hornswoggle's twin sister Bumbsweetie. Who will shockingly be revealed as Finlay wearing a bikini and a blonde afro wig sometime after Summerslam since of course, the writers dont think we can figuere it out on our own.

BUT, the one thing a wrestling fan should always keep in mind while watching RAW is that at least they arent watching TNA. AT LEAST the WWE gives you 3 (THREE!!!!) other options to satisfy your wreslting tastes If RAW isnt your deal.

Smackdown, which is an amazing show packed with great performers, bearable to watch segments and amazing matches. There hasnt been a bad episode of Smackdown since the one right before WM21. ECW, a place to watch younger stars rise up the ranks and prove themselves on a weekly basis and SUPERSTARS which, can offer some interesting matches and keeps it short on the talking front....which most fans seem to have a problem with as well.

One thing to give RAW credit for is for the fact that they are attempting to give the WWE's younger stars some exposure. A year or two ago, Carlito, The Brian Kendrick, Evan Bourne, CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Primo Colon, Dibiase Jr, Kofi Kingston would have gotten close to no T.V time and they would have NEVER been allowed to hold a microphone in their hands. Wasn't that Carlito's problem with the WWE back then anyways and why he threatened to quit 3 or 4 times?

So, im not exactly sure what your problem with the WWE/RAW is since everyone complains on every subject possible from ring attire, to buliding up younger stars, to matches, backstage segments, performers physique, the GM and future fueds. If all those things bother you so much, what are you looking for?

I recommend giving TNA a shot. Just once a week for a month and order one PPV....then I think you'll come around. worked for me.
The problem is that I don't view the WWE as having several product alternatives. Rather, I view them as having one universal product, simply spread across 4 outlets. The only thing I see that is different about the other shows is different faces on Smackdown and ECW.

The show still has the same look, the same format, and the same everything else.

What is the WWE doing to offer true product alternatives to its customers?
So, im not exactly sure what your problem with the WWE/RAW is since everyone complains on every subject possible from ring attire, to buliding up younger stars, to matches, backstage segments, performers physique, the GM and future fueds. If all those things bother you so much, what are you looking for?

I'm looking for entertainment, and I personally don't find RAW all that entertaining, mostly because it's the same old storylines about the same old people over and over, or when they do bring up young talent like Carlito ,Kendrick and MVP , I'm apathetic because they aren't some of my favorite performers or they try too hard, like MVP, who went overboard trying to kiss up to the audience and be a babyface. Right now, I don't even bother with ECW, and I find Smackdown to have improved a lot and has become my must see show of the week now. Back to the topic, there is no problem though, because with that many hours of WWE programming, there's always something to catch my interest and provide entertainment.

I recommend giving TNA a shot. Just once a week for a month and order one PPV....then I think you'll come around. worked for me.

I also watch TNA, and I find it entertaining in it's own way, whether it's the in ring performances or the swerves on the swerves clusters, TNA is different from the WWE and sometimes one needs diversity.
I don't think there is much left that any wrestling show can do in terms of new story lines I mean come on everyone on here is quick to point out when some is copying a former superstars gimmic or if they're doing the same story line just with diffrent people. I don't think I'd be very wrong in saying that some people on here just can't or won't be pleased with anything the WWE does. I'll probably never be a fan of TNA just because the announcing back stage seg. are just unbareable and I don't like how they rip off former WWE superstar gimmics (i.e..sharkboy clearly acts like stone cold) I enjoy RAW for the most part Randy Orton is carrying the show IMO and I'd like to see what they do with MVP and some of the other draft pics. But now I'm just currious to see if there is anything that can be done to "shake things up" and sorry folks like it or not people like Cena HHH HBK they'll get pushed as long as they sell tickets and since the show is geared more towards the early teen demographic the WWE will go with whom ever they like and that seems to be who everyone is sick of lol so tell your kids if you have any to back other superstars lol.

One thing I would change is I wouldn't have set rosters I'd rather see all superstars go from show to show at one point or another or at least have RAW stars invade SD ya know somethin like that.
Frankly, people are bored out of their minds and A LOT of that has to do with Orton. He's boring. Simple as that. He talks the same, wrestles the same, acts the same. Think of the good heels. Hogan, Flair, Savage, MDM, Honky Tonk Man, HHH. They were NEVER boring. They never just talked the same mono tone in every interview.

Orton needs to figure it out, figure out HOW to grab the audience and keep it, cause as of right now nobody gives two fucks.

And don't hand me the bullshit that Orton is great, Orton is the future, Orton is this that. Its crap. Look at the ratings. HHH is gone, HBK is gone, Orton has Raw all to himself and Raw is going down REAL fast. A good heel can make an average face. He isn't a good heel.

First thing, he needs a new finisher. His finisher is 100% face. People do pop to see it. But then they go back to not giving a crap. Come up with something unique, hell try boring, that isn't as flashy as that. DDP, Austin all become HUGE faces with the variant of his move.

2nd, and this is more on WWE. Get him some fresh blood. No Batista, none of that shit. Give him young guys that can MAYBE convince the world Orton can actually have a 4* match.

In closing, turn him face. Him as a heel is NOT working. I think as a tweener/face he could be big. But him as a bonafide heel is a complete failure.

Of course I will throw out some other stink shit that makes Raw unwatchable. MVP and Regal, thats totally useless. Regal couldn't sell a bucket of chicken in the ghetto.

Cena. It's pointless cause he will never leave, but his storyline with big show is beyond moronic.

I like Kofi and Matt, thats pretty good.

DiBiase and Rhodes are made to look like bitch weak idiots, yet we are supposed to believe their so called leader hand picked them? What kind of idiot creates a group and then fills it with scrubs. Now I don't think Ted is a scrub, but he is booked as one.

Would Horsemen had worked if it was Flair and a 3 nobodies? Maybe, but he just so happened to have 2 of the best workers in this business in Tully and Arn.

nWo, what killed it? Letting scrubs in. Nobodies that never did anything. The fans stopped carying, nWo wasn't special anymore.

But Orton can't fix everything. But what he can work on, it doesn't seem to be working.

Something has to give. Somebody has to step up, or yank the title off Orton
To me the biggest problem with raw is that fact that the people who are in the main event, going for the title are randy ortan,tripple h, john cena, batista. and i dont wanna see any of those men vs each other again because there boring fueds, on the otherhand i think MVP is doing great kofi is doing good and matt hardy aint doin to bad either, + kennedy returning cud bring somthing fun back in the produst,

ECW to me is a great product yeh it isnt HARDCORE but i realy do not give a shit if a wrestler gets hit in the head with a steel chair 50 times, ecw still has top level matches week in and week out.

SUPERSTARS to me is great has good matches, little talking and is something new to watch.

SMACKDOWN, now smackdown has become to me, simply great, there putting on great matches, fresh/entertaining fueds, and has become a show i sorta cant miss
...then don't watch it. That is what I thought the end of your title should say. There isn't really any other end to it that makes sense. If you really hate something, why would you spend 2 hours a week watching about it, and 50 bitching about it?

I love Raw, and I love the WWE. While I don't watch ECW religiously, that's just because it's on at a weird time, I still lovce all the programming they give us. There are wrestlers I don't like, moves I think shouldn't have happened, but the product is still a lot better than most things you could watch on TV, and 10 x better than anything TNA have ever put out.
I recommend giving TNA a shot. Just once a week for a month and order one PPV....then I think you'll come around. worked for me.

I have tried watching TNA. It sucks (sorry if you watch it habitually but it's my opinion). I wouldnt find TNA entertaining even if a monkey hit me in the back of the head with a sledgehammer and i was left in a festus like state. I would still find a way to change the channel. They have the talent but everything else they mismanage. I can't take a company that has a 43 year old Mick Foley as their world champion seriously.
I watch Raw, and I don't hate it. However what pisses me off is that it isn't as good as it could be. Rather than focus on character development of younger stars, as you get on Smackdown and especially on ECW and TNA. Take the most recent shows.

On ECW, you had guys like Tyson Kidd and Evan Bourne wrestling for 15 minutes and then segments with Zack Ryder etc. TNA gives an even amount TV time across its roster, with guys like MCMG getting promos every week.

Over on Raw, you have the entire show dedicated to Orton vs. Batista, with the two young guys getting beat downs. You also get two matches dedicated to this feud. Then, at the end, the guys who are meant to be on their way up like Hardy, MVP and Kofi get shoehorned into a 10 minute segment and match. The Cena and Miz thing is a good idea, but the Big Show's presence doesn't add anything to their feud, the footage of the light explosion is enough to remind us that they are feuding.

ECW, TNA and Smackdown lets feuds develop through mic time and matches, whereas Raw gives mic time to about three guys and squeezes everybody else into five minutes. The programme is still worth watching in my eyes, and the fact that it is live makes it more compelling, but it definitely is the fourth most entertaining wrestling show right now. If Cena was to get injured again, and they maintain the main event status quo with Orton and Batista, they are going to see their ratings head south of 3.0.
I find myself trying to sit through raw as opposed to before the draft where i could sit and watch it without feeling like i was forcing myself to. Raw is stale as a ghetto movie theaters popcorn, The draft freshened it up for what a week? then it went right back into the same played out acts for the last 3 weeks and became predictable that's my main issue with it. I think the only thing that hurts Smackdown is the fact that it is taped if it wasn't you better believe it would be the A+++++ show which right now its the just A show for losing its unpredictability. But back to RAW i give them credit there trying to push younger stars but it is also throwing some stars two steps back like The Brian Kendrick for example okay he goes to smackdown becomes a singles guy with a body guard to get him over it worked but he was constantly jobbed because he likes to smoke weed okay whatever thats a lame reason weed isn't that big of a deal he could be on worse things. So he gets drafted again this year split up from his only dynamic which is ezekial or however you spell it now he's right back to where he was almost 2 years ago FORMING ANOTHER TAG TEAM....okay way to make him into a single star. Basically he sold out paul to get the same old gig. If you haven't watched smackdown before the draft then you'd also learn that Carlito and Primo have fueded with Kendrick before so wow really fresh. The only saving grace is that the Champs can defend on anyshow but that doesn't really help raw unless they have superstars come over. Now on to the Miz okay he's been decent with his calling out john cena stuff but for 3 weeks now it's been the same old crap and this whole exhibition match was just a atrocious first we're supposed to believe that john cena has internal injuries? he's picking the miz up and whooping his ass like only Super Cena can. I could be wrong but i see the miz going right back into a tag team with The Brian Kendrick when they realize his horse face and teeth can only draw so much heat. Your GM Situation is so f%$#%d up right now I'm praying that they are leading to a storyline where Chavo screws vickie out of her position but then again thats predictable so whats the point besides getting vickie off TV. MVP does try really hard but atleast he's trying i must give him credit i think CM Punk could take a little note from this i am a Punk mark but if he would try to connect with the crowd a little more maybe he'd get more over but ANYWAY i digress MVP he's right back into fueds with Matt hardy dear god not again its the same thing just roles reversed and Regal is never going to get another push again so don't expect him to win the US title and Kingston will never get over enough to get pushed to Main event his gimmick just keeps him at the Mid card level. Kennedy is going to return soon to hopefully save us from the stale main event scene. They've done every fued you can do with the Main event scene and HBK isn't even there right now so we're stuck with 3 star matches til he gets back. Let's be honest Randy Ortons ring work is just not good his selling is ******ed he over sells like HBK did to hogan but on a nightly basis. Ortons saving grace is his promos which seem to not change ever now..ok maybe i was wrong i don't think there is a saving grace for orton to me his character is getting stale to me. He's predictable now you could make him the New Age Austin but i think wwe wants to classify there main event as heel or face so a Tweener champion is out of the question. People arent going to stop buying the faces merch is orton is tweener so that arguement isn't valid. I think Raw needs to get back to its roots pushing the envelope and drop the PG shit man i think when ratings drop below a certain point we can say goodbye to PG so let's pray together more bikini contests and less singing and santina.
One day we will get the WWE we love it's just going to take a long time for RAW to get there.

Smackdown is on it's way once they get a stable network on a decent day. I think friday is a mistake i usually end up missing it cause i'm out doing something since its basically the weekend. Move it back to thursday on MTV if there plans are to go there that'll draw ratings up. Have it go head to head with TNA that'll be funny i know i'll be watching smackdown though. They've found the perfect inbetween on promo and ring and the overall speed of a program its not slow like raw and its not ******edly fast like TNA. Smackdown is now the A show with Jericho , Taker, Edge , Punk , Hardy , Mysterio, Morrison. You've got a year of good lengthy fueds right there til the next draft which by then I can see Morrison and Punk being solid Main Eventers and Hardy hopefully figures out what he wants and stays.

while i'm typing this essay i want to say one thing for next years wrestlemania....I want it to be Punk vs. Taker that would be great with Punk going heel and stealing the win. and Morrison Vs. HBK with Morrison going over but HBK handing the torch to him and we can see morrison use sweet chin music as his finisher that'd be awesome. To see the two guys that held ECW together in 2007 become the future of whatever brand there on will be special. maybe they'll end up together and fued Morrison Face and Punk Heel.

sorry i went on a rant.
Frankly, people are bored out of their minds and A LOT of that has to do with Orton. He's boring. Simple as that. He talks the same, wrestles the same, acts the same. Think of the good heels. Hogan, Flair, Savage, MDM, Honky Tonk Man, HHH. They were NEVER boring. They never just talked the same mono tone in every interview.

Orton needs to figure it out, figure out HOW to grab the audience and keep it, cause as of right now nobody gives two fucks.

And don't hand me the bullshit that Orton is great, Orton is the future, Orton is this that. Its crap. Look at the ratings. HHH is gone, HBK is gone, Orton has Raw all to himself and Raw is going down REAL fast. A good heel can make an average face. He isn't a good heel.

First thing, he needs a new finisher. His finisher is 100% face. People do pop to see it. But then they go back to not giving a crap. Come up with something unique, hell try boring, that isn't as flashy as that. DDP, Austin all become HUGE faces with the variant of his move.

2nd, and this is more on WWE. Get him some fresh blood. No Batista, none of that shit. Give him young guys that can MAYBE convince the world Orton can actually have a 4* match.

In closing, turn him face. Him as a heel is NOT working. I think as a tweener/face he could be big. But him as a bonafide heel is a complete failure.

Of course I will throw out some other stink shit that makes Raw unwatchable. MVP and Regal, thats totally useless. Regal couldn't sell a bucket of chicken in the ghetto.

Cena. It's pointless cause he will never leave, but his storyline with big show is beyond moronic.

I like Kofi and Matt, thats pretty good.

DiBiase and Rhodes are made to look like bitch weak idiots, yet we are supposed to believe their so called leader hand picked them? What kind of idiot creates a group and then fills it with scrubs. Now I don't think Ted is a scrub, but he is booked as one.

Would Horsemen had worked if it was Flair and a 3 nobodies? Maybe, but he just so happened to have 2 of the best workers in this business in Tully and Arn.

nWo, what killed it? Letting scrubs in. Nobodies that never did anything. The fans stopped carying, nWo wasn't special anymore.

But Orton can't fix everything. But what he can work on, it doesn't seem to be working.

Something has to give. Somebody has to step up, or yank the title off Orton

youd be surprised just how many people are high on orton right now,higher than anybody else in the business.if you want to talk about boring lets talk about batista.ortons great.and the ratings arint going down becuase of orton.ratings are down because of the lack of interesting storyline.and he needs a new finisher??come on...really?i love the just has the element of surprise to it,half the time you dont see it coming. and orton as a face dosent work,hes tried that in the didnt go over very well and because of that it didnt last very just need to find new interests if your really this bored with the programing
What is the WWE doing to offer true product alternatives to its customers?

Nothing. They are doing nothing. This will prove to be their biggest mistake but what i believe will help out the wrestling business as a whole. Personally, I no longer watch WWE as much as i used to. I buy 3 pay per views a year, if that, and now watch raw maybe once a month if not once every two months, but I noticed that I've been looking for my wrestling fix else where. Lets face it, I am a prowrestling fan, just because WWE's product is shit doesn't mean prowrestling's product is shit. I have attended more Indy shows and gotten into company's like ROH far more over the past year than I ever have before. TNA has proven that it can not compete, but with companys like ROH on pay per view and thriving and Chikara getting a tv deal of some sort, viewers are tuning out of WWE and tuning into something else, which ultimately is what prowrestling needs.
WWE is just stale and uninteresting (I feel its been that way for at least 4-5 years).
I guess my biggest problem with the WWE is simple, you always know what is going to happen and nothing feels real anymore (or as Kevin Nash put it, "There is nothing organic about the show anymore").
I'm sure most wrestling fans are smart enough to figure out whats going to happen (and it has been that way for at least 15 years), but the ride there is not fun anymore (you know the end result of a rollercoaster but it can still be fun after riding it a 100 times).

As the title of the thread says "Wake Me When It Gets Good Again", cause I'm definetely in that boat.
I got bored with RAW a couple of weeks ago,,guess after the draft. I don't want to watch Morton bitch for 30 min and vicky come out squealing. Tuned it in for all of 15 min this week,,Eh, tuned to Anthony Bourdain, a replete but still better than raw. Yeah mic time is needed, but not at a 1/2 hour at a time...That is what is turning me off on TNA, MEM,,too much mike time, not enough wrestling.
Ok first of all the reason why the younger stars shouldnt be on raw mostly is because they havent paid their dues/havent earned it/dont really deserve it. Guys like HHH, Orton, Batista, Shane, Big show, Shawn Michaels deserve to be on raw because they've paid their dues and are very big names in the WWE which the WWE is lacking these days very much so.
Nobody wants to see Brian Kendrick vs. Kofi Kingston in the main event of raw if that ever were to happen. I mean the problem with Smackdown is its repetitive its the same stuff every week nothing ever happens on smackdown ever thats why i skip it and never watch it. What happens? like Mysterio vs. Jericho or Edge vs. Cm Punk come on that will get old in about a month and honestly none of those guys are big enough names to draw in a ton of peoples interest. ECW i wont even talk about because its just a waste of time. The WWE has lost a TON of big name guys over the years like The Rock, Stone Cold, Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, just to name a few. They are really missing a HUGE gap of "that guy" everyone is coming to see. Orton is probably it but everyone else like nobody really cares about Cena anymore he tried to make it big but fans kept booing him to death and hopefully he'll stay away from the title for a while because Cena is the biggest bore of them all. How many times do fans have to boo cena before Vince finally gets the message "no vince we dont want cena to be the next guy to take WWE to new heights".
Ok well thats what i think, let me know if you people agree/disagree.. ?
I have tried watching TNA. It sucks (sorry if you watch it habitually but it's my opinion). I wouldnt find TNA entertaining even if a monkey hit me in the back of the head with a sledgehammer and i was left in a festus like state. I would still find a way to change the channel. They have the talent but everything else they mismanage. I can't take a company that has a 43 year old Mick Foley as their world champion seriously.

Well, thats the point im trying to make. I tried watching TNA for a straight month to give it a chance and it didnt work. The it only helped to make me believe that RAW aint so bad.
Not like i dont like i always tell people...WWE is evolving as the years pass by..the reason why most of us "hate" it its cause its not the way when we were in our youth...yes i do admit i miss the old WWF,Attitude Era,but you gotta remember something....what happens in the past,stays there....however though my suggestion 2 up the ante with their for 1hr make it TV-PG and the 2nd hour TV-14..i see WWE is somewhat itching to make it TV-14 again as of late...which is likely bound to happen...i/e...the whole "lesbian" thing with "santina" lol...if you noticed...santina ALWAYS appear on the 2nd hour of RAW...and also bastita ALMOST slipped a curse while attack yeah my final though...let WWE do its thing if its putting asses on seats and glued to the TV then therefore,they doing their job..if you cant appericate what they're doing then don't watch,i like WWE long they dont bore me with just promos and less matches...

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