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Your Favorite Ending To A Monday Night Raw.

My three fav endings are back during the invasion era when the rock returned and wcw tried to get him and wwf wanted him to stay and it looked like he was jumping to wcw..sooo classic
my second one is like someone said earlier when vince was like that cynical monster sitting in the chair talking about he was going to kill what he created..sooo creppy but thats typical vinnie mac style to up that bar..awsome ending

and finally the third would have to be 2003 before armaggeddon when hbk dived off the top of the truck on hhh before there awsome match at armaggeddon
Invasion Era:

Stephanie is revealed as the new owner of ECW. Yes, the Invasion storyline was weak overall due to the lack of major ECWCW talent, but that night was so memorable. When she came out walking down the ramp passing Vince and JR exclaiming, "The sins of our fathers are costing us all!" EPIC!

U nailed it with this pick. When i saw the thread this was the moment i thought of first, second would be Mankind winning the WWF title with Austin's help, and 3rd the Foley/Rikishi/Rock segment when Foley revealed it was Rikishi who ran down Austin, and and rikishi confessed....awww, good times!!
I cant believe the revelation as to who ran over Stone Cold Steve Austin wasnt mentioned beforehand. This storyline was huge, and i remember how they drew it out, and you thought it could have been anybody! (I swore it was Billy Gunn) maybe the result of the confession wasnt that appealing, and i didnt like how they basiclly made HHH take all the credit, but i remember that RAW, i remember that speech that Rikishi gave which ACTUALLY made sense, i just think this ending should have gotten some more love!!!
When Vince was standing in the ring anticipating the return of Austin. Then some guy comes into the ring and says something to Vince. Vince says "the he you were talking about wasn't Stone Cold? Then who the hell was the he you were talking about?" The Rock's music hits, crowd goes nuts.
I like that idea bfmooz. A better one would be Bishoff doing that with TNA. And he turns around to reveal a WWE logo. That would make me lol. Then it would be a sort of master plan to destroy TNA.
Edge and Lita's live sex celebration being interrupted by none other than John Cena which lead to Lita Being FU'd with no pant's one.

I doubt were going to see anything like this in the WWE for a long, long time.
Personally, i'd go with Kane setting J.R. on fire back in 2003. I must admit that i felt the way they handled the whole 'mask off' angle was stupid and would near enough be the death knoll in Glen Jacob's most successful gimmick. I mean, he took his mask off to reveal that his hair was actually a wig, despite the fact that every other time he'd had it removed, his long hair was real. Plus the first time he did it when we actually saw his face, he had all this balck make up on to make him look more grotesque. Following week, no make up, so that he looked as though he'd never been burned, yet we're still supposed to believe he's a guy who's suffered immense burns to 90% of his body.

Most people would argue that this was the death knoll in the Kane character, but i feel that the interview he did with J.R. helped save whatever little credibility the character had left, because you truly felt that Kane was a twisted psychopath who had an intense hatred of 'normal' people. To me it was reminscent of some of Foley's more disturbing promos, and specifically reminded me of when J.R. interviewed Mankind and was attacked then as well.

Another quality Raw ending would be when Kane tombstoned Linda McMahon on the stage entrance. Not because the spot looked brutal or the ending was particularly impactful, but the facial expression Kane had as he was delivering the move was just so ridiculous. He just turned his head with a stupid wide grin on his face as he dropped to his knees, and i was laughing for ages...... set up an awesome fued between him and Shane as well.
Undertaker's return to RAW, may 26th 2000 i believe, HHH & The Rock wer slugging it out in the ring along with the rest of the mcmahon helmsley faction and then the deadman returns just as the previous nights judgment day ppv on a motorcycle, this time with the full kid rock american bad ass song playing, and whopped the faction's ass. Then, the following rock bottom to HHH thru the announce table from The Rock. Truly immense ending to RAW is War from the best period in pro-wrestling history....the attitude era!
The Shawn Michaels Retirement Speech that ends RAW after WM26. That night WWE has lost one of their great performers. (other being SCSA and Taker) That one is my fav.
I cant believe the revelation as to who ran over Stone Cold Steve Austin wasnt mentioned beforehand. This storyline was huge, and i remember how they drew it out, and you thought it could have been anybody! (I swore it was Billy Gunn) maybe the result of the confession wasnt that appealing, and i didnt like how they basiclly made HHH take all the credit, but i remember that RAW, i remember that speech that Rikishi gave which ACTUALLY made sense, i just think this ending should have gotten some more love!!!

This is probably my favorite ending to Raw , Like you said it was played out for months and it was coming to the conclusion that night it seemed like Mick Foley was pointing all fingers at The Rock, when Foley came to the tell Rock he was no guilty and annonce to the world it was Rikishi I was definitely shocked and Rikishi admitted that he did and when on to do the whole speach on how "he did it for The Rock".. That was a great Raw ending and good TV.

another was last summer

Dusty Rhodes was guest host on raw and he gave Cody a one on one match vs Orton.. But it ended up being one big set up to jump Cena and DX and after legacy layed everyone out and started celebrating in the ring out of no where Orton hit ..BAM ..RKO on Dusty... The look on Cody's face and the way his body was shaking he look like he was about to tear Orton apart..
Good Ending
#1 Favorite Ending
Shawn Michaels Screwing X-Pac out of the WWF Title after becoming WWF Commissioner and setting up the match earlier that night. I remember being so happy when Shawn said hit my music and it was D-X's then he was crotch-chopping Vince and Shane. Then that all came crashing to an end when he hit X-Pac with the chair he took from The Rock. I literally threw my T.V. controller and cussing to no end. And since I was only 11, I actually was grounded for three days for that language. LOL. May not be my favorite but without a doubt my most memorable.

#2 Favorite Ending
A close second would come just over a month after my first choice, when Mankind/Mick Foley beat The Rock for the WWF Championship. I was so happy when I heard Austin's music blare and he came out and helped Foley win that illusive WWF Title. At this point I was fed up with WCW and didnt even hear Tony Schiavone give away the results but my best friend called me and said "Dude, Mankind is going to win the belt tonight." I didnt believe him so I was still shocked to see him win the title. I was jumping up and down, not because I was a huge Mankind fan, it was because it was awesome to see a title change on Raw and one that wasn't obvious like when Austin beat Kane the night after KOTR 98. the pure shockvalue of it all is what makes it great.
Back in 2008 when Kane went crazy after a fatal fourway contender match, and demanding to know where somebody was. I beleive he was about to chokeslam Cole, but Jerry stopped him and then Jerry got chokeslamed. I was extreamly curious to see what was going to happen, as that was around the time Undertaker got expelled or something, and thought they where going to go with a great angle like that, or maybe Vince McMahon, as the giant metal thing fell on him like..the week before. Unfortunetly they completley shot the angle in the head, and made it with Rey Mysterio.

Next, would be the night of the draft, where the giant money sign fell on Mr.McMahon, I was completley confused there for about 30 minutes...until I looked on the internet. I still thought that was an intense ending to Raw, as I couldn't wait to find out what would happen to Vince.
I've got a couple of favourite endings to RAW.

Firstly, the send off to Ric Flair the night after WM24. I know people go on about how he tarnished that send off by competing again, but I think it's still a special moment. Not everyone leaves the WWE in such a fashion. It was great to see all the legends and present day superstars saying thank you and good bye to the nature boy. It was also nice to see kayfabe thrown out the window for a few minutes when the entire WWE locker room, including heels like Edge, JBL and Orton, came down to collectively show their respect to Flair.

Secondly, the RAW before the 2009 Royal Rumble when Orton punted Mr McMahon. I was so shocked at what I was seeing. I didn't expect Orton to get in Vince's face the way he did, let alone attack him. It was a great ending to RAW which produced weeks of compelling viewing.
I would actually have to say the night when the five man free for all match that happened which was my favorite ending to a Monday Night Raw. It was Mankind vs. Kane vs. Taker vs The Rock vs. Big Show. I believe it was to determine the number one contender for Triple H's WWF Championship. Anyway, everything basically happened in that match, the crowd was way into it too, Taker was at the beginning stages of the Ministry, and Viscera and Mideon were on the outside, not only that, the match got so out of hand you had the entire locker room of referees, management, and superstars coming out there, I was like, what's gonna happen next, it was an intense moment that I'll never forget.
my favourite ending would have to be the raw vs smackdown brawl leading up too survivor series 2005, mainly because it was eddies last raw before he passed RIP eddie
2004 raw draft: i remember it was eddie guerrero vs triple h in the main event, and all of a sudden, flair and batista came down and tried to help hhh, then at the time representing smackdown, cena and mysterio, to even the odds, raw then has about 5 more guys come and now outnumber smackdown, next thing you know several other smackdown wrestlers(about 15) came down, i think big show was one of then, and beat the hell out of raw, for about 30 seconds, before the raw troops(led by stone cold on his atv truck), rush down to the ring to join the fray, show ended with austin's music playing and raw and smackdown just beating each other up, just awesome.
I am weird. The ending to Raw that I loved most is probably the one which had the most botched storyline in recent years. Yes folks, I am talking about the famous "is he dead or alive" ending to Raw a few years back. This was awesome at the time. I think I was about 13 and I was sitting with my buddies thinking, oh my god whats happening, and to see Kane go off his rocker was rocking. I was never so pumped for anything in my whole life. The prospect of Kane bringing the mask back excited me.

Then, we got the Rey Mysterio angle. It flopped, big time. But that one ending to RAW was the most exciting experience I have had outside or Wrestlemania or January 4th. Criticize all you want, I was young.
There were many, many exciting ends to Raw back during the Attitude Era that I couldn't just choose one.

But the one that will always be my favorite was the Raw before WM 15 when The Corporation were in the ring and then Stone Cold comes down to the ring driving a beer truck and trenches the entire Corporation with beer. Seeing Vince McMahon trying to swim out of the ring was priceless.
I can't decide between Orton making out with Steph in front of Triple H, or Hardy jumping off that huge Raw set. I mean, while Orton vs. Triple H dragged out forever and was extremely boring, this moment was awesome, and they provided some kickass endings to Raw before Wrestlemania. But Hardy jumping off that thing was fucking insane, and remembering my brother freaking out when it happened was gold.
I can't believe no one has said this yet, or at least I don't think anyone has, sorry if anyones posted it before

It would have to be the infamous "Mr McMahon blown up" thing where he was supposed to be going crazy and he went to the ring and was supposed to talk but instead dropped the mic, walked all the way to the parking lot passing the whole roster who were lined up in the corridor, then he got in the limo and it exploded. Absolutely shocking ending, I loved it so much, and I would have loved that angle if it had not been cancelled due to the horrific Benoit tragedy
My favorite has to be when Edge speared Matt Hardy off of the stage in a Street Fight in what I believe was in '05. That was epic because as soon as he did it was like 5 grenades went off and sparks just started flying everywhere, and Joey Styles, King, and Coach or JR had to jump out of the way because the announce table was at the stage back then. And the most horrific sight I think was Edge legs just laying motionlessly still as the EMTs rushed out, and then him being taken out on the neck brace, now, that REALLY had me thinking of what was going to happen next week, if it was legitimate (because I was VERY young at the time) and if Matt was still going to be as violent as he had been in recent weeks. A close second would have to be Hornswoggle being revealed as the son of Vince McMahon and Triple H coming out and taking the infamous McMahon Family Portrait. That angle had to be one of the funniest angles of the PG-13-PG Era over the last three years.

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