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Your Favorite Ending To A Monday Night Raw.

My favorite RAW ending was during the start of Invasion before that ppv when the "old" stone cold came back and just beat the hell out of everybody with a pool cube stick. It was just awesome and brought suspense to the ppv. All you saw was WCW/ECW beating the hell out of WWF/E and then comes Austin for the save and JR going nutz screaming STONE COLD, STONE COLD HAS COME BACK TO SAVE THE WWF other then that i would have to give the Eddie Guerrero tribute and Ric Flare sendoff close to that
Definitely my favorite ending to a Raw was on August 5, 2002 when HHH was revealed as the person who had attacked HBK in the parking lot, and HBK challenges HHH at Summerslam. Finding out my Favorite Wrestler of all time was coming back for one more match? Hell yeah, that was an awesome moment.

Check out the entire episode here: http://hardcoretv.info/movie/1802-WWE_RAW_August_5_2002.html

It was a genius episode in its entirety with HHH going around and interrogating the entire locker room before the brilliant ending.

PS: I think the above site is one of the best things ever. It has about 90% of the Raws from 1993-2003. Great stuff.
I believe it was December 1998, the month after the Rock became champ. The Rock took on X-Pac in the main-event that night and HBK, commissioner at the time, ended up joining the Corporation. The show ended with Vince, Shane, Rocky, and HBK giving the D-X "suck it" chop. It was hilarious!

Also, a Raw from April or May of 1998, the Austin era's genesis. Mick Foley denounced his Dude Love character because he felt that he had been humiliated by Vince. He wrestled Terry Funk as Cactus Jack that night for a shot at the title. He attacked Funk after the match and Austin cleared him out of the ring. Then Dude Love's music started playing and Vince comes strutting out with the Dudette's, Dude Love attire in hand. They ended with a classic dance to end the show.

Those were the days.
The two best in my opinion are as mentioned before, when the Undertaker Crucified Austin on his symbol and then did the eye roll back while Austin was talking shit....


and then my personal favorite...

When Kurt Angle came out with the milk truck during Austin appreciation night and sprayed everyone with milk while spoofing Austin's beer bash from 98. I mean he's launching those cartons of milk, I'm sure that was cool for everyone in the ring.

And Jim Ross's commentary is great during that, with his "The Billion Dollar Princess has become the dairy queen" and "Milk-O-Mania has run wild". That is priceless!

William Regal just shutting down the show because he was pissed off. That was hands down my favorite ending to Raw. It was awesome. I wanted to tune in next week and see what was going to happen to Regal. 2 Bad the drug violations nipped that in the bud. He was such a strong heel character and I thought he was on the brink of winning the world title at that point.
William Regal just shutting down the show because he was pissed off. That was hands down my favorite ending to Raw. It was awesome. I wanted to tune in next week and see what was going to happen to Regal. 2 Bad the drug violations nipped that in the bud. He was such a strong heel character and I thought he was on the brink of winning the world title at that point.

I agree with you. That was the coolest ending to RAW in recent times, and without a doubt the most exhillorating wait to find out what would happen the next week, that I have had since the early 00's.

I was on the edge of my seat the whole night for the next show and I absolutely loved Regal's run as GM during that point - especially since I thought it was going to be boring as they always put him in those roles of power... alas, I was pleasantly surprised!
My mistake. The two times Cena loses a year are my favorite times. And I mean on Raw btw, not PPVs and not during the middle of the show, but at the end, so that the show ends on a sad note where the face has to get revenge at the PPV. So far Cena only lost once. He actually won to Batista when he got beat down before Mania so that doesn't count.

I've always wanted to do this to someone:

"...What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

Anyways I just thought about another. How about when Orton handcuffs Triple H to the ring apron and forces Hunter to watch as he DDTs Stephanie and kisses her? That moment really kicked that feud into overdrive.

Speaking of that feud, I just thought of when Triple H breaks into Ortons house and they brawl in and out of the house until cops have to come. Triple H throwing Orton through the window still shocks me.
Hey Yo!
My favourite ending ever was when Batista had Randy Orton held high on his shoulders and Triple H gave Orton the thumbs down and started the implosion of Evolution one of the best stables IMO that has to be the best for me that resulted in a lot of interesting feuds for months to come anyway that has to be the best ending for me the forced exodus of Randy Orton.
.Tha Wolfpac.
One of my favourite moments when Rock was giving a memorial service to Stone Cold (the week before was that bridge moment which pretty epic) and while giving his usual bash down, Stone Cold comes riding in with a monster truck and trashes Rock's car and the hearse before beating the hell out of Rock and throwing him into the buried alive spot, it was a great moment where Austin finally reclaimed his property and it gives the twist of Shane taking him out with a shovel from behind.
When Kane unmasked after he lost his world title match against Triple h, this whole segment was PPV worthy so I'm glad it was on Raw. kane unmasking scared the shit out of me, I was like "OMG" when I saw Kane's disfigured face. This made me so excited to tune in next week, I couldn't miss it
Best RAW ending would be the last RAW before Summerslam 2002. Loved all the chaos with Brock interfering, HBK interfering, HBK superkicking Brock, Rock doing his signature 'Just bring it' before chasing Brock, HBK and HHH brawling all over the arena! Also worth mentioning that this was the last HHH vs Rock encounter.
I know this is extremely off topic but it would be funny if some people didn't know what we were talking about with the Kurt angle squirting milk thing cause it sounds wrong lol but back on topic my favourite end to RAW was when Y2J returned in 07 and pwned Randy Orton.
Best RAW ending would be the last RAW before Summerslam 2002. Loved all the chaos with Brock interfering, HBK interfering, HBK superkicking Brock, Rock doing his signature 'Just bring it' before chasing Brock, HBK and HHH brawling all over the arena! Also worth mentioning that this was the last HHH vs Rock encounter.

Yup and was the last HHH vs Rock match..and will probably be the last one forever

Alright, I'm gonna go with two-

Austin and Iron Mike Tyson Brawl-
Just so epic! I mean the Baddest Man on the Planet v/s the Toughest Son of a B*itch on the planet..what a way to end raw!!

Triple H turning on HBK (for the 1st time)-
Remember how they teased the DX reunion after the whole Triple H gonna join nWo storyline got aborted. They went back and forth the whole night what to do and before the last promo Triple H handing a t-shirt to Shawn. They come down with the whole DX entrance and then Triple H gets on the mic : "Let's get ready to....." and then pedigrees the Holy BAJESUS outta HBK!!!
That is still the most awesome pedigree I have EVER seen!
One of the best heel turns and the best way to kick off one of the awesomest feuds in wrestling history
Best ending to a RAW? Shawn Michaels taking kick after kick to the head during a match with Owen Hart, pulling himself backwards over the ropes then 'passing out' in the middle of the ring. That was such a great work that people still argue if it was a work or not.
The guy who mentioned the nWo should be kicked off the boards. Because any true, true wrestling fan knows that wasnt Raw, it was Smackdown! Come on man! Anyways, so many good ones I cant remember them all. Id have to say Mankind beating the Rock for the WWF title also. What a shocker. Thanks WCW Nitro though for giving away the ending. Classic!
when undertaker and the corporation had stone cold tied up in the ropes and the 'masked person' showed himself to stone cold then raw went off air, and revealed himself the next week to be vince.

and off topic, stone cold destroying the dx bus on smackdown. lol
I've always wanted to do this to someone:

"...What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

Anyways I just thought about another. How about when Orton handcuffs Triple H to the ring apron and forces Hunter to watch as he DDTs Stephanie and kisses her? That moment really kicked that feud into overdrive.

Speaking of that feud, I just thought of when Triple H breaks into Ortons house and they brawl in and out of the house until cops have to come. Triple H throwing Orton through the window still shocks me.

I've always wanted to do this to someone:

"What you just is something a 5 year old would say when someone tells him he can't cuss people anytime he feels upset. You haven't explained why me hating Cena is idiotic and frankly you bashing me just proves one thing: Cena fans are children and/or immature. So LMAO at you for thinking you made yourself sound smart when you actually just revealed your immature character."

Anyway, I just thought about another. Any ending that involves Cena getting destoryed. This time it doesn't matter whether he wins or loses. He just has to look bad. So for this year, I have to go with when Batista beat him with a chair while the children in the background cried. I have plenty of other times but I don't wanna mention them for fear of stirring up the children. Sometimes they can be so mean. :(
There are too many to name. Off the top of my head would be the HBK/Owen incident where Shawn passed out. Austin/Tyson Brawl. HBK superkicking Austin two or three weeks before Mania. Foley winning the Title. Beer Bath. Shane McMahon saying htat he is the owner of WCW. Sephanie revealed as the owner of ECW. Kane's unmasking. Austin's salute to Owen Hart (choked me up big time). Jericho's return. That's really all I can remember right now.
Mike Tyson-Steve Austin brawl was the best according to my opinion....two biggest names of the physical entertainment industry
collide...where each trying 2 get the upper hand....2 super heavyweights wanting to tear each other apart was amazing :worship:

Jericho's return to the WWE was also a RAW defining moment...jericho is always known for innovation be his debut or his return....with the code vignette being aired on RAW nd new haircut was hyped very well...Y2J's absence from WWE for 3 years nd his surprise return was amazing for every jerichoholic in the WWE

The most shocking moment of the WWE was HHH turning on Michaels...no one ever expected that to ever happen...two friends back in WWF were un-separable...both were young,cocky,arrogant nd wanted to have fun in the company....ppl did expect both the superstars to remain heel nd have a run in the company with HHH being the head nd HBK as his mentor...but HHH showing his cerebral nature by attacking HBK....amazing nd indeed a shock

ND also a special mention for the LIVE SEX CELEBRATION between EDGE nd LITA...amazing segment...
Can someone ban this "Stone_Cold_Randy_Orton". I don't see how he is contributing!! I call it spamming.

This one s from the rule book
Spamming: Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. The rules on Spamming at WrestleZone Forums are somewhat different than that of most other forums. We require that you give an opinion on a subject, but also to back up your opinion; simply stating that something is good or bad does not add to discussion.

Also all your doing is telling us what u would like to see not what you already saw. Get the difference brother.:shrug:

anyways.. my favourite ending is where stone cold crucified undertaker.. and then taker's evil laugh. Gave me jitters when i saw the whole scene.

Can someone ban this "Stone_Cold_Randy_Orton". I don't see how he is contributing!! I call it spamming.

This one s from the rule book

Also all your doing is telling us what u would like to see not what you already saw. Get the difference brother.:shrug:

anyways.. my favourite ending is where stone cold crucified undertaker.. and then taker's evil laugh. Gave me jitters when i saw the whole scene.


Can someone ban Samurai Executioner for being slow.

What a smart guy. You don't see how I'm contributing so you think I should be banned? If I was as ignorant as you I'd say the same thing. How am I not contributing? Point it out "brother". I stated my favorite ending. Batista beating Cena. Also anytime Cena loses. Which is the main question. What are you gonna ban me for? Hating on Cena? lol

Read my other posts as well. Then you'll see how I'm contributing, "brother".
The best ending I can think of was the initial ECW / WCW versus WWE storyline. Though ECW Versus WCW Versus WWE would have been better (and in fact was teased earlier in the show), I accepted that ECW and WCW needed to combine forces due to their weakened roster in order to combat the WWE.
Lots to pick from but I'll probably go with Triple H's return in 2002. I'm not sure why but that's always stood out to me as a great event in Raw's history. The pop he recieved when he came out was monumental. It was exceptional by any standards. When Angle came out it made for great T.V. and was a great segment overall as well as a great way to promote the upcoming PPV in the Royal Rumble. Here's a video link:

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