
I prefer prim k dickface said:
but I'm worried it would backfire and she would say she had no intention of it going further.

How is that backfiring dude? Surely it would be a total relief. Listen to reason and forget the conversation happened, and if she asks again, tell her you asked the guys on a wrestling forum whether or not you should give her any of your precious time, and i'm sure she'll get the gist.
Yes, I suppose if she said that to me I could just stop talking to her. And I do like the wrestling forum idea.
So is her best friend hot? You could do what I did with sam. Befrien her ugly twin, dump her to date the hot one. I got the best 9 months of my life out of it :p
Why are we all talking about sex anyways? The kid is fourteen years old, the only girls who are putting out at 14 are DEFINATELY not the kind of girls you want to sleep with in the first place.
She's quite heavy, odd face, her hair is blue, she's extremely boring and most of our conversations revolve around her shopping, she's annoying, etc. I think I just have to tell her I don't like her that way, but I'm worried it would backfire and she would say she had no intention of it going further. It's a good thing she doesn't go to my school, though. Then this would be more complicated. This way I can still barricade my and block her. And I've seen recent pictures of her on Facebook. She hasn't changed.

And what "way" would that be? The way of being a friend to someone on the internet? Holy shit, this is why Teenagers aren't taken seriously and aren't assumed to be logically smart until they reach 20.


Unless you're neglecting to post the "important" parts of the conversation(s) you've had with her, that leads to her openly insinuating she wants more than to just casually talk to you - then all you're doing at this point is just making your penis talk for you.

This thread is just full of hopeless romantics.

Aye. Like in the movie You've Got Mail kinda hopeless romantics.

If she's fat and has blue hair, I'm pretty sure she'll do the really, reeeeallllly freaky stuff for you dude. I say tap that.

THIS! Blue hair'd girls are freaky based on the fact that they have blue fucking hair. You don't dye your hair in some off the wall color that isn't "natural" in some term - if you wanna be a prude.

Hmmmmmm. Interesting theory. Doesn't sound like something I'd do though.

No offense, but you likely wouldn't know what to do if you could do it.

Why are we all talking about sex anyways? The kid is fourteen years old, the only girls who are putting out at 14 are DEFINATELY not the kind of girls you want to sleep with in the first place.

Agreed. Wait until they're at least 16 (legal in most areas) then you can be assured of getting a mostly clean, unused Female.

I'm with Xfear. I have no plans to have sex at this point.

Not by choice, I'm sure. :p

just tell her to fuck off if you dont like her. I dont think she would bother you after that.

Blunt and to the point. It works - you'd be shockingly surprised how well, actually.

Seriously though, Pat, just keep talking to her as a friend. If SHE initiates something more or eludes by clear factors that she wants more than a friendship - then tell her you're sorry, but you simply aren't interested.

She can't (logically, anyways) blame you for not being interested.

And if you don't even want to keep her as a friend - just tell her bluntly that you honestly don't enjoy talking and she annoys you.
I've felt like she's had a crush on me for a while, and going golfing with her honestly sounds like the worst way I could ever spend my time... I know that it sounds like I'm assuming things, but it really seems like she wants to go out with me. And I don't really like the sound of that.
I've felt like she's had a crush on me for a while, and going golfing with her honestly sounds like the worst way I could ever spend my time... I know that it sounds like I'm assuming things, but it really seems like she wants to go out with me. And I don't really like the sound of that.

If it's mini Golf, how could you not love mini Golf?!

And if that's the case - JUST TELL HER. Ignoring her won't actually tell her you don't want anything to do with her. She'll just question why she never sees you online anymore, if she ever sees you in person. Then it'll be even MORE awkward.

Telling someone over the internet that you don't want to talk with them is even easier than telling someone in person. You literally just type and send. That's it. Computers = no emotion.
It's normal golf. I mean, awkward? I might have done mini-golf because it's fast and not too much talking is involved. I'm pretty sure normal golf is built around talking.

And I think I'll just tell her. Just finish this.
1) If she's ugly, she ought to be easy as a result of her low self-esteem. You're 14 and could probably use the practice.

2) If she's not easy, I don't want you to but you'll in all probability rape her. You're 14 and could probably use the practice.

2b) You'll probably get rid of her afterwards.

In closing, if you aren't going to nut-up and send her on her way, I don't see this ending without you getting some stank on your hang low.
Blunt and to the point. It works - you'd be shockingly surprised how well, actually.

I know that it works quite well, you just gotta have the stones to say it to them and unfortunatly our Jane here seems like a total wet fish. Sometimes saying the harsh thing is the right thing.
Anyone ever have a woman cry when you send her on her way? I normally get a blank psychotic stare on my face when that happens and just try to creep her out to the point where she stops pleading me to change my mind.

Just in case it comes up..

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