Yeah, I didn't have a problem with LeBron up until this season, and it had nothing to do with him deciding to play with Miami or other Superstars. It just seemed like his personality changed and he became an arrogant crybaby.

Him and Wade mocking Dirk's sickness was the final straw, though. That was complete bullshit, especially when last year the media made a MUCH bigger deal about LeBron's elbow and how LeBron wouldn't shut up about said elbow. Not to mention Wade himself is the biggest bitch in the World to get carried out on a wheel chair after hurting his SHOULDER (plus with tears flowing down his eyes).
Takes a paycut and is willing to play with other stars rather than be a selfish prick and want all the glory to himself? What a douchebag!

Boston did the same fucking thing, never got the shit Miami did. People just hate LeBron and will make any ridiculous excuse they can to talk shit. He's still better than your favorite player.

Taking a pay cut from his NBA contract means nothing to LeBron. His endorsement deals bring in major cash. He didn't worry about the contract because it didn't mean much to him, financially.

And as for giving up the glory -- he didn't give up shit. He was the most talked about player in the league this season. When all of the attention goes to one team, the star players on that team dominate the spotlight. He didn't give up any "glory."
Yeah, I didn't have a problem with LeBron up until this season, and it had nothing to do with him deciding to play with Miami or other Superstars. It just seemed like his personality changed and he became an arrogant crybaby.

Him and Wade mocking Dirk's sickness was the final straw, though. That was complete bullshit, especially when last year the media made a MUCH bigger deal about LeBron's elbow and how LeBron wouldn't shut up about said elbow. Not to mention Wade himself is the biggest bitch in the World to get carried out on a wheel chair after hurting his SHOULDER (plus with tears flowing down his eyes).

Especially when they lost the night before. Made me think they weren't taking this seriously at all.
Besides that one press conference, which I'm sure LeBron considers a mistake, LeBron is nowhere near as bad as anyone is making it out to be.

And X, the Heat DO receive a lot of heat for bringing in Bosh and LeBron to compliment Wade.
There's a reason former players hated this move -- they believe it's weak. I'm not saying they shouldn't have done it. That's really none of my business. But, they act shocked at how much hate they get. What did they expect? It's an unpopular thing to do. People root for hard play and determination. They don't root for the glitz and glamor. This seemed shocking to LeBron James, and it makes him look like a douche.
Boston did the same fucking thing, never got the shit Miami did. People just hate LeBron and will make any ridiculous excuse they can to talk shit. He's still better than your favorite player.

It was a little different. Boston traded to get a couple aging stars in Allen and Garnett to join an aging star in Paul Pierce. Miami got the 26 year old most talented player in the league to join another top 5 player in Wade who is still in the prime of his career. They also added a top 20 player in 27 year old Chris Bosh. That's arguably the best player in the league, a top 5 player, and a top 20 player all in their primes vs Boston who may have had one or two top ten players (when they first formed) and all three players were at least 30 years old giving them a much smaller window.
It was a little different. Boston traded to get a couple aging stars in Allen and Garnett to join an aging star in Paul Pierce. Miami got the 26 year old most talented player in the league to join another top 5 player in Wade who is still in the prime of his career. They also added a top 20 player in 27 year old Chris Bosh. That's arguably the best player in the league, a top 5 player, and a top 20 player all in their primes vs Boston who may have had one or two top ten players (when they first formed) and all three players were at least 30 years old giving them a much smaller window.

Couldnt have said it better myself!
The big deal is Lebron just comes off like an arrogrant, raging douchebag.
Because...he chose to go to another city when he didn't have a contract for work?

I merely enjoy watching overly paid athletes fail after trying to take an easier way to a championship.

By "overpaid", I'm sure you REALLY mean athletes who were willing to take LESS money to try and win a championship.

As far as an "easier" way...how is that an easier way? It's amazing how many people blindly follow the logic of the teams. It's okay for teams to buy and trade whomever they want, but God forbid the players try to do the same thing, right?

The hate Miami gets for trying to put together a championship winning team is absolutely ridiculous.

Exactly. If it were the Yankees, I'd understand, because they can do it by playing by a different set of rules than everyone else due to lack of salary cap. But that doesn't happen in the NBA, so I do not get the big deal.

What X said, basically. The whole "Decision" thing left a bad taste in my mouth. It's not so much what they did, but how they went about it.
I'm sorry, but that's just a stupid thing to STILL be upset about it. It was nearly a year ago. LeBron James wasn't employed by anyone. People cared about where he was going to go.

That may be the single worst reason to hate a pro athlete.

James acted like a total douchebag, and has been a total crybaby the entire year. Oh, the fans hate us. Boo. Hoo. Hoo.

He's a fucking baby.
What are you talking about? How has he been a crybaby? He's never once made excuses, he's apologized for the Decision (which he shouldn't even have to do, but that's besides the point), and he's almost always taken the high road in interviews when people have criticized him.

The LeBron James hate is probably the most illogical hatred in sports right now.

Takes a paycut and is willing to play with other stars rather than be a selfish prick and want all the glory to himself? What a douchebag!

Boston did the same fucking thing, never got the shit Miami did. People just hate LeBron and will make any ridiculous excuse they can to talk shit. He's still better than your favorite player.

Exactly! Thank God there's some sense around here.
I don't remember anyone on the Celtics having a primadonna press conference on primetime to make an announcement of signing any of those guys.
Because no one gave a fuck? Because not one of them was recognized as the best player in the league?

Taking a pay cut from his NBA contract means nothing to LeBron. His endorsement deals bring in major cash. He didn't worry about the contract because it didn't mean much to him, financially.

And as for giving up the glory -- he didn't give up shit. He was the most talked about player in the league this season. When all of the attention goes to one team, the star players on that team dominate the spotlight. He didn't give up any "glory."


So now we're hating him because people in the media continue to focus on him? Do you people not see how silly you're being? And as far as the money goes, how much more in endorsement money could he have made by joining Stoudamire in New York?

Again, another bullshit argument.
It was a little different. Boston traded to get a couple aging stars in Allen and Garnett to join an aging star in Paul Pierce. Miami got the 26 year old most talented player in the league to join another top 5 player in Wade who is still in the prime of his career. They also added a top 20 player in 27 year old Chris Bosh. That's arguably the best player in the league, a top 5 player, and a top 20 player all in their primes vs Boston who may have had one or two top ten players (when they first formed) and all three players were at least 30 years old giving them a much smaller window.

So? Seriously, why does it matter who the Heat brought in, as long as they were able to bring them in? How is what the Heat did any different than what the Mavs have done, bringing in Chandler, Terry and Kidd to build alongside Dirk? Do we hate them, because they too, wanted to win a championship? Are the sole reason we hate a team is because they build a team based upon age?

How does this even make sense in people's minds?
It was a little different. Boston traded to get a couple aging stars in Allen and Garnett to join an aging star in Paul Pierce. Miami got the 26 year old most talented player in the league to join another top 5 player in Wade who is still in the prime of his career. They also added a top 20 player in 27 year old Chris Bosh. That's arguably the best player in the league, a top 5 player, and a top 20 player all in their primes vs Boston who may have had one or two top ten players (when they first formed) and all three players were at least 30 years old giving them a much smaller window.

Translation: They were old. So? They tried valiantly and couldn't get it done on their own(like LeBron) and with their best years behind them, decided to join forces to win the ring that eluded them. What is wrong with Wade, Bosh, and LeBron doing the same thing while they were young?

Ya know, if Kobe wasn't such a self absorbed cunt he'd probably have like 8 rings. But he wanted to do it on his own.
So? Seriously, why does it matter who the Heat brought in, as long as they were able to bring them in? How is what the Heat did any different than what the Mavs have done, bringing in Chandler, Terry and Kidd to build alongside Dirk? Do we hate them, because they too, wanted to win a championship? Are the sole reason we hate a team is because they build a team based upon age?

Where did I say it did matter? I was simply showing that the way the two teams were put together was a little different. Boston did there's through trades and they had aging superstars with slightly smaller contracts so the team around them was better. Miami went the route of signing 3 prime superstars (well, two superstars and a great player in Bosh) to close to max contracts and then trying to fill in a roster around them with the little money they had left. Miami's supporting cast was definitely weaker then what Boston had when they put their team together. I personally would rather see a complete team win a title over a group of superstars so I don't root for the Heat but I have no problem with them putting together a team they thought would give them the best chance to win a title. To be fair I was rooting against Boston as well when they put their team together a few years ago.
By "overpaid", I'm sure you REALLY mean athletes who were willing to take LESS money to try and win a championship.

As far as an "easier" way...how is that an easier way? It's amazing how many people blindly follow the logic of the teams. It's okay for teams to buy and trade whomever they want, but God forbid the players try to do the same thing, right?

I consider all athletes overpaid so it would apply to all of them.

The difference is what you just said: players vs. teams. It's a team sport, not a one player sport. It was perfectly legal what he did, but it feels dirty to me.
Translation: They were old. So? They tried valiantly and couldn't get it done on their own(like LeBron) and with their best years behind them, decided to join forces to win the ring that eluded them. What is wrong with Wade, Bosh, and LeBron doing the same thing while they were young?

Ya know, if Kobe wasn't such a self absorbed cunt he'd probably have like 8 rings. But he wanted to do it on his own.

Like I said to Sly, I didn't say what they did was wrong just that the two situations were a little different.
Where did I say it did matter?
Then why bother trying to distinguish the two? If it doesn't matter, why waste your time?

I was simply showing that the way the two teams were put together was a little different.
Thanks for the history lesson? :shrug:

I consider all athletes overpaid so it would apply to all of them.

The difference is what you just said: players vs. teams. It's a team sport, not a one player sport. It was perfectly legal what he did, but it feels dirty to me.
I'm sorry, I just don't understand. Basketball IS a team sport...being a superstar doesn't mean you can't be a team player. For fuck's sake, is that not what the media has been crucifying James for in the NBA Finals, for playing like a teammate instead of a superstar?

There's just this "LeBron James hate" going around, and people keep grasping at its coattails, regardless of whether or not it makes sense. I didn't give a damn about James one way or another before this season, but due to the completely illogical hatred he's received, I try to defend him every time it comes around.
I'm sorry, but that's just a stupid thing to STILL be upset about it. It was nearly a year ago. LeBron James wasn't employed by anyone. People cared about where he was going to go.

It's him. The whole "Decision" ordeal left a shitty taste in my mouth. I think he's an asshole.

What are you talking about? How has he been a crybaby? He's never once made excuses, he's apologized for the Decision (which he shouldn't even have to do, but that's besides the point), and he's almost always taken the high road in interviews when people have criticized him.

The LeBron James hate is probably the most illogical hatred in sports right now.

I look at the guy, listen to what he says, read his tweets (via ESPN), and all of that leads me to believe he's a selfish, self-centered crybaby. Always talking about the "haters." He and D-Wade both. It gets old.

So now we're hating him because people in the media continue to focus on him? Do you people not see how silly you're being?

I didn't say I hated him because he receives a lot of coverage. I never said that. Nate said he gave up the spotlight, shared in the glory, etc. I simply pointed out how wrong that is.

And as far as the money goes, how much more in endorsement money could he have made by joining Stoudamire in New York?

I don't care how much he makes from endorsements. Good for him. I wasn't criticizing him for how much money he makes. I was pointing out he wasn't hurting for cash, and we shouldn't act like he took a massive pay cut, given his other sources of income.

I don't like the guy. If that makes me illogical, stupid, whatever insult you can think of -- fine with me. I'll gladly stick with the majority on this one, no matter how "wrong" I am.
It's him. The whole "Decision" ordeal left a shitty taste in my mouth. I think he's an asshole.
Why? What was shitty about it? Why does the decision make him an asshole?

I look at the guy, listen to what he says, read his tweets (via ESPN), and all of that leads me to believe he's a selfish, self-centered crybaby. Always talking about the "haters." He and D-Wade both. It gets old.
As opposed to the people who criticize him non-stop for everything he does, no matter how he does it? You don't think that doesn't get old?

I don't care how much he makes from endorsements. Good for him. I wasn't criticizing him for how much money he makes. I was pointing out he wasn't hurting for cash, and we shouldn't act like he took a massive pay cut, given his other sources of income.
But he did take a massive pay cut, because, as you said, he makes a lot of money from endorsements. He would have made a lot more playing in New York.

I don't like the guy. If that makes me illogical, stupid, whatever insult you can think of -- fine with me. I'll gladly stick with the majority on this one, no matter how "wrong" I am.
It's not that you don't like him, it's that you don't have a logical reason to dislike him.
Then why bother trying to distinguish the two? If it doesn't matter, why waste your time?

Thanks for the history lesson? :shrug:

Because when I see falsities I like to correct them. People always compare the Boston situation to Miami's like they are identical and there are some definite differences. I didn't realize me correcting something was such a big deal.
I'm sorry, I just don't understand. Basketball IS a team sport...being a superstar doesn't mean you can't be a team player. For fuck's sake, is that not what the media has been crucifying James for in the NBA Finals, for playing like a teammate instead of a superstar?

There's just this "LeBron James hate" going around, and people keep grasping at its coattails, regardless of whether or not it makes sense. I didn't give a damn about James one way or another before this season, but due to the completely illogical hatred he's received, I try to defend him every time it comes around.

Well to be fair I couldn't stand LeBron before he came into the NBA so I'm hardly just starting up with it. As for the team aspect, he seems to want to be the star of the league which annoys me in most situations in life in general. Never been a fan of people that put the spotlight on themselves.
Why? What was shitty about it? Why does the decision make him an asshole?

1. Making a total spectacle out of it. He had an entire program block on ESPN so he could basically tell his home state to fuck off. Also, the Dan Gilbert was a complete douchebag as well. So, I'm an equal opportunity douche-hater.

As opposed to the people who criticize him non-stop for everything he does, no matter how he does it? You don't think that doesn't get old?

After losing in the Finals, I'm guessing a lot of the hate goes away. Maybe not the actual hate, but the intensity will die down. It will with me, at least.

But he did take a massive pay cut, because, as you said, he makes a lot of money from endorsements. He would have made a lot more playing in New York.

Whatever, I don't care how much money he makes. That has never been an issue for me.

It's not that you don't like him, it's that you don't have a logical reason to dislike him.

I think he's an arrogant egomaniac. I don't think he's a very nice guy. That's a logical reason to dislike someone.
I get it, LeBron's decision pissed people off, but ESPN aired it. Why aren't they assholes? I don't know LeBron, I don't know if he's a douche, but I know he did what he did for a title. That doesn't bother me, in fact, I somewhat admire it.

KB, does Kobe annoy you? Did MJ annoy you? They did the same thing he did, hell, Jordan was 20 times more advertised and plastered all over the place than LeBron. He enjoyed the limelight too. Plenty of people did it before LeBron, plenty people will after him. Like you said, you've never really liked LeBron, but you certainly didn't jump on the bandwagon, as many others did. Many people don't have any reason to hate 'Bron, they just do it because "it's the cool thing to do." He doesn't deserve THIS MUCH hate.
There's just this "LeBron James hate" going around, and people keep grasping at its coattails, regardless of whether or not it makes sense. I didn't give a damn about James one way or another before this season, but due to the completely illogical hatred he's received, I try to defend him every time it comes around.

It's not illogical at all if you don't apply much intelligent thought to it. People hate good players that aren't on their team, and don't go around doing something akin to hugging puppies to make up for it.
KB, does Kobe annoy you? Did MJ annoy you? They did the same thing he did, hell, Jordan was 20 times more advertised and plastered all over the place than LeBron. He enjoyed the limelight too. Plenty of people did it before LeBron, plenty people will after him. Like you said, you've never really liked LeBron, but you certainly didn't jump on the bandwagon, as many others did. Many people don't have any reason to hate 'Bron, they just do it because "it's the cool thing to do." He doesn't deserve THIS MUCH hate.

Kobe certainly does. MJ didn't at the time by my thoughts on this have changed since he retired for the first time. I do however have fewer issues with them as they had already won something. And yes I know how petty it sounds.

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