Kobe certainly does. MJ didn't at the time by my thoughts on this have changed since he retired for the first time. I do however have fewer issues with them as they had already won something. And yes I know how petty it sounds.

I can understand it. With a title they've at least proven themselves, in a way. What if LeBron got a ring though? Would he still bother you more?
I can understand it. With a title they've at least proven themselves, in a way. What if LeBron got a ring though? Would he still bother you more?

Less so. I don't hate LeBron like I've seen some people do. He annoys me somewhat, but it's far from hate. I smiled when they lost but I don't sit down at every game and shout at the TV for him to lose.
Less so. I don't hate LeBron like I've seen some people do. He annoys me somewhat, but it's far from hate. I smiled when they lost but I don't sit down at every game and shout at the TV for him to lose.

You probably can't tell from what I've posted, but I think I fall into the same category. He bothers me, but yeah, hate is a strong word. I was pumped to see them lose, but it wasn't as big of a deal as I'm making it out to be. If they win a title next year, I won't complain.
I didn't like LeBron in Cleveland because the Cavs were a rival of the Pistons and I didn't like him this year because I didn't want the Heat to win a title in their first year with this group, but I do hope LeBron gets a title at some point in his career and I believe it will happen sooner rather then later.
A lot of the annoyance is due to ESPN constantly talking about how this is such an awesome team and all that jazz, which isn't LeBron's fault of course, but still anoying anything.
Firstly, to veer off topic a bit, I need to reply to you about something, Sly.

Exactly. If it were the Yankees, I'd understand, because they can do it by playing by a different set of rules than everyone else due to lack of salary cap. But that doesn't happen in the NBA, so I do not get the big deal.
Yeah, ummmm, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but all 30 MLB teams play under the same rules. Just because you don't like that a few top teams (no, it's not just one like you are saying here, you can't forget the Phillies, Red Sox, and Angels, who all are over 135 million) spend more money, doesn't mean they play by separate rules. Not to mention that all teams over 140 end up paying a tax that gives the lower teams millions of dollars to increase their payroll, only for their owners to pocket the money

Now back to the LeBron topic.

LeBron gets hate because of The Decision. The way he went about his decision was considered disrespectful to Cleveland. Personally, I disliked him since then. He comes off as arrogant, and always has excuses for things. Mocking Dirk Nowitski for being sick for Game 4 (prior to Game 5) and never admitting to doing something stupid just proved what those people were saying.

As far as his performance goes, this Finals was very pre-2009 Alex Rodriguez like. In the clutch, he never came through. Then tonight he hits a 3 to cut the lead to 8 with about 2 minutes to go, and acts (at the press conference) like it was this huge play, when in actuality it was a worthless, nothing play.

And MJ and Kobe won. LeBron didn't. That's why LeBron gets more hate then those 2 (and don't tell me either aren't hated, they get a ton of hate, just not as much). He's treated as the greatest player of all time when he hasn't won shit.
1. Making a total spectacle out of it. He had an entire program block on ESPN so he could basically tell his home state to fuck off.
He didn't tell his home state to fuck off. I HATE that argument. EVERY basketball fan across the country knew that LeBron James, for all intents and purposes, did not have a contract and knew he might sign ANYWHERE. The fact Cleveland fans thought he was 100% going to come back shows just how delusional they are.

After losing in the Finals, I'm guessing a lot of the hate goes away. Maybe not the actual hate, but the intensity will die down. It will with me, at least.
I agree with you. Which I think shows a lot about people's lack of character.

Why is it, in America, we root for people to fail? Why are we so scared of another person's success, we actively root for them to fail? Why do so few people see that as just being totally wrong?

Whatever, I don't care how much money he makes. That has never been an issue for me.
But it does show that LeBron was willing to take less money to win a championship, something fans ALWAYS say they want to hear from their star athletes. Except when it actually happens, then we don't care.

When Jason Giambi goes from the Oakland Athletics to the New York Yankees, and claims he's doing it to win a title, no one believes him, and everyone calls him a liar. Why? Because he signed for a lot more money. Now we have a case where LeBron is taking LESS money, and people still don't care. It's like people just want to hate a great player for any reason they can find.

I think he's an arrogant egomaniac. I don't think he's a very nice guy. That's a logical reason to dislike someone.
And you're basing this off of the numerous times you've interacted with him personally, correct? Or is it because of the numerous arrests, suspicions of drug use, dog fighting rings, etc.?

Wait, LeBron has never been so much suspected as any of that, and I seriously doubt you've ever hung out with him. So, aside from what you see from the media, exactly what are you basing your opinion of not thinking he's a nice guy on?

I get it, LeBron's decision pissed people off, but ESPN aired it. Why aren't they assholes?
Because, just like with Brett Favre, most sports fans are simpletons who can't see past their favorite team colors and lack the ability to see the big picture.

Firstly, to veer off topic a bit, I need to reply to you about something, Sly.

Yeah, ummmm, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but all 30 MLB teams play under the same rules. Just because you don't like that a few top teams (no, it's not just one like you are saying here, you can't forget the Phillies, Red Sox, and Angels, who all are over 135 million) spend more money, doesn't mean they play by separate rules. Not to mention that all teams over 140 end up paying a tax that gives the lower teams millions of dollars to increase their payroll, only for their owners to pocket the money
No fuckin' shit? You mean Major League Baseball doesn't have rules which 29 teams have to follow, and to which only the Yankees are exempt? Well, who woulda fuckin' guessed! :rolleyes:

Either you think I'm a dumbass, or you take things way too literally, either way it's currently reflecting poorly on you. Way to grasp the "concept" of what I'm saying. :suspic:

He's treated as the greatest player of all time when he hasn't won shit.
By who? Who's treated him as the greatest player of all time? Did he come out and say that? Are you really saying people dislike him because of what the media puts out there? Hopefully, you can see how ridiculous that is.

Just to be clear, I'm not arguing with you when you say that, I'm just saying hopefully you can see how silly it is for fans to hate LeBron because of what other fans and the media try to claim he is.
I don't think Lebron's a douchebag just for signing with Miami Sly. I think he's a douchebag for his actions, which show him to be a rather immature, egotistical douche. Take for example his mocking of Dirk Nowitzki after he was injured the other day. He showed, yet again, that he has very little class.
I really can't believe how people are focusing on that. It was clearly a shot at the media, but somehow everyone is misconstruing it.
I really can't believe how people are focusing on that. It was clearly a shot at the media, but somehow everyone is misconstruing it.

...What in the fuck are you talking about? Did you not see the video of him and Dwayne Wade before the game, making fun of Nowitzki by mocking him being sick, feigning fake coughs and wheezes and shit? How on Earth am I misconstruing that? That was clearly them mocking Nowitzki, it had nothing to do with the media at all.
...What in the fuck are you talking about? Did you not see the video of him and Dwayne Wade before the game, making fun of Nowitzki by mocking him being sick, feigning fake coughs and wheezes and shit? How on Earth am I misconstruing that? That was clearly them mocking Nowitzki, it had nothing to do with the media at all.

Watching that game and hearing the coverage afterward, you would have thought Dirk was out there playing with one foot. He was sick. EVERYBODY plays sick, he's not some fucking hero because he did what anyone else would have done in his shoes. When I saw the video, I thought, "I guess they agree with me." Then I see all of these fucking hacks on Sportscenter saying how it was such a low blow to Dirk and I'm like, "Uh, no that was a shot at you idiots for making a big deal out of an everyday occurrence." To my chagrin, it appears that sports fans bought into the dumb shit. When they said it was a shot at the media I thought maybe everyone would put 2 and 2 together, but I guess that it's just more juicy to say they were insulting Dirk. Whatever.

I have to assume that since you think LeBron is such a douche that you think KG is the biggest piece of garbage in Basketball, right?
Again, HOW THE FUCK was that a "shot at the media"? They were mocking Dirk for being sick. Absolutely nothing about that was aimed at the media, it was aimed at Dirk. In what way was that even remotely a "shot at the media"? You aren't making a lick of sense.

And I'm not sure what the fuck KG has anything to do with this conversation about Lebron James. Stop trying to change the topic.
Again, HOW THE FUCK was that a "shot at the media"? They were mocking Dirk for being sick. Absolutely nothing about that was aimed at the media, it was aimed at Dirk. In what way was that even remotely a "shot at the media"? You aren't making a lick of sense.
Unless you read what Wade and James said about it...

Fast forward to Saturday, when Wade was asked how he would feel if Jerry Terry or Nowitzki mocked his hip injury.

“First of all, I wasn’t faking coughing,” Wade said. “I actually did cough. And with the camera being right there, we made a joke out of it because we knew you guys were going to blow it up. You did exactly what we knew.

“We never said Dirk’s name. I think he’s not the only one in the world who can get sick or have a cough. We just had fun with the cameras being right in our face.”

James, also asked about the incident, said, “I’m not feeding into that. If you guys want to feed into everything that not only myself or D-Wade or the Miami Heat do, I think that’s a non-issue. There’s bigger issues in this series than that.”

And I'm not sure what the fuck KG has anything to do with this conversation about Lebron James. Stop trying to change the topic.

I think what he's alluding to is your potential hypocrisy, given your affiliation with Boston.
Again, HOW THE FUCK was that a "shot at the media"? They were mocking Dirk for being sick. Absolutely nothing about that was aimed at the media, it was aimed at Dirk. In what way was that even remotely a "shot at the media"? You aren't making a lick of sense.

I'm sorry X and I really mean no disrespect, but did you even read it? I fully explained my point, if you don't get it that is your fault, bud.

And I'm not sure what the fuck KG has anything to do with this conversation about Lebron James. Stop trying to change the topic.

Well you claim that LeBron's such a douche for mocking Dirk, so then KG has to be the scum of the earth for making fun of Charlie Villanueva(Calling him a cancer patient.) I figured I would see if you're legit or if you're being a hypocrite.
Of course it's a shot at the media, not at Dirk. Who makes fun of someone for being sick with a cold? Nobody, and that includes LeBron James and Dwayne Wade. They were mocking the media for making a big deal about Dirk being sick, when it was clearly nothing. And go figure, the sports media fucked that up too.

No fucking shit they wouldn't happily admit to mocking him Sly. Excuse me if I take their explanation with a heaping portion of salt.

I think what he's alluding to is your potential hypocrisy, given your affiliation with Boston.

So wait a minute, I'm a hypocrite if I think Lebron James is a douchebag but am a Boston Celtics fan?

Yeah, that makes a ton of sense.

I'm sorry X and I really mean no disrespect, but did you even read it? I fully explained my point, if you don't get it that is your fault, bud.

You did not fully explain your point at all, you made a vague reference to them mocking Dirk as being their way of agreeing with you that playing sick isn't a big deal. You didn't even attempt to explain how this in any way was meant as a "shot at the media" like you keep claiming.

Well you claim that LeBron's such a douche for mocking Dirk, so then KG has to be the scum of the earth for making fun of Charlie Villanueva(Calling him a cancer patient.) I figured I would see if you're legit or if you're being a hypocrite.

I've never heard of KG calling Villanueva (whoever the fuck that is) a "cancer patient" but if he did and it was uncalled for then sure, that was an immature douche thing to do too.

But again...what in the flying fuck does Kevin Garnett or the Boston Celtics have ANYTHING to do with this conversation about Lebron James? Oh right, absolutely nothing at all.
He didn't tell his home state to fuck off. I HATE that argument. EVERY basketball fan across the country knew that LeBron James, for all intents and purposes, did not have a contract and knew he might sign ANYWHERE. The fact Cleveland fans thought he was 100% going to come back shows just how delusional they are.

Leaving wasn't the middle finger. Having a nationally televised sideshow was.

I agree with you. Which I think shows a lot about people's lack of character.

Why is it, in America, we root for people to fail? Why are we so scared of another person's success, we actively root for them to fail? Why do so few people see that as just being totally wrong?

He's a public figure, playing a game. It's a game. You root for and against people. I'm not rooting for him to die in a plane crash. I was rooting for him to lose a few games.

When Jason Giambi goes from the Oakland Athletics to the New York Yankees, and claims he's doing it to win a title, no one believes him, and everyone calls him a liar. Why? Because he signed for a lot more money. Now we have a case where LeBron is taking LESS money, and people still don't care. It's like people just want to hate a great player for any reason they can find.

Again, it's more about his handling of the situation. If he had made some sort of public effort to recruit players to Cleveland instead of wanting the glitz and glamor of Miami, I probably wouldn't be uspet. However, he wanted out of his home state. I have never said he cannot do what he did, but, I don't blame people for being upset with how he handled himself.

And you're basing this off of the numerous times you've interacted with him personally, correct? Or is it because of the numerous arrests, suspicions of drug use, dog fighting rings, etc.?

Wait, LeBron has never been so much suspected as any of that, and I seriously doubt you've ever hung out with him. So, aside from what you see from the media, exactly what are you basing your opinion of not thinking he's a nice guy on?

You're right -- it's from what I've seen of him in the public eye. His tweets, his interviews, that sideshow on ESPN. He seems completely absorbed with himself, and it bothers me. Again, I'm not hoping the guy dies in a car crash, or anything like that.
In all fairness, calling X a hypocrite for liking KG but not LeBron isn't exactly accurate. He didn't know that KG said that shit to Charlie Vilanueva (who is a very decent player for the Pistons), so he's not exactly a hypocrite. He's still wrong for thinking LeBron and Wade were mocking Nowitzki, though.
I was unaware that being a fan of a sports team meant that I whole-heartedly approve of every single thing every Celtics player has ever said or done in their entire life. Silly me.
Leaving wasn't the middle finger. Having a nationally televised sideshow was.

Still, explain to me why ESPN isn't getting any shit for it? They aired it, right?

Again, it's more about his handling of the situation. If he had made some sort of public effort to recruit players to Cleveland instead of wanting the glitz and glamor of Miami, I probably wouldn't be uspet. However, he wanted out of his home state. I have never said he cannot do what he did, but, I don't blame people for being upset with how he handled himself.

He did, though. He tried to get Trevor Ariza, requested management to make trades, but nobody wanted to come to Cleveland. So, he went to Miami, where he had a chance to win. It's not his fault.

You're right -- it's from what I've seen of him in the public eye. His tweets, his interviews, that sideshow on ESPN. He seems completely absorbed with himself, and it bothers me. Again, I'm not hoping the guy dies in a car crash, or anything like that.

He does what every athlete does. Updates us on every last thing he does on Twitter. I don't mind. What about the charity stuff he does? The work he did with the Boys and Girls Club of America? Was he being self absorbed then? Naah, not at all. You're focusing on the few negatives, why not look at what else the man does?
Still, explain to me why ESPN isn't getting any shit for it? They aired it, right?

We're talking about LeBron, so I didn't think I needed to talk about ESPN. But, since you bring it up -- yes, ESPN is also to blame. I blame ESPN for just about everything, though.

He did, though. He tried to get Trevor Ariza, requested management to make trades, but nobody wanted to come to Cleveland. So, he went to Miami, where he had a chance to win. It's not his fault.

No one wanted to go to Cleveland because he didn't make it clear he was willing stay.

He does what every athlete does. Updates us on every last thing he does on Twitter. I don't mind. What about the charity stuff he does? The work he did with the Boys and Girls Club of America? Was he being self absorbed then? Naah, not at all. You're focusing on the few negatives, why not look at what else the man does?

Being arrogant doesn't automatically mean one doesn't care about children. Never said that.

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