Almost as lethal as the power of his headband

Howard was never going to be an elite superstar so I'd say he met his potential as a great starter for the majority of his career and it didn't help he played on a lot of shitty teams. Webber is a HOFer and that happened with a knee injury that shortened and lessened the late years in his career. Injuries aside I'd say he met his potential as well. With the Fab Five, back in the early 90's nearly all of the great college players stayed at least 2-3 and sometimes all 4 years so the fact that 5 true freshmen and sophomores went to back to back title games I'd say hat is definitely a success. Had Webber stayed one more year there is no doubt in my mind they would have won the title.

It's amazing how ridiculous you make yourself look when you try to argue basketball. Your inability to understand the concept of "big picture" in basketball amuses me, but annoys the fuck out of me as well. Let me try and help you, in the best and nicest way I can.

When you hear the word "success", or better yet, "basketball success", are you telling me The Fab Five is the first thing you think of? If it is, then you are being an idiot, and if not, you're being an idiot for taking something meant as an amusing joke and turning it into this.

When I say "Fab Five", are the first words that come to your mind "success"? If you say yes, then I think you're lying, but if you're not, then you're being an idiot. If the answer is no, then you're being an idiot for taking something meant as an amusing joke and turning it into this.

No matter how you answer these questions, you're being an idiot, the question that remains is simply how big of one. Now I could tear into your post, noting Chris Webber's reputation for being a choke artist, or the fact Juwan Howard was a McDonald's All-American and the 5th overall pick in the NBA draft, not to mention the first NBA player to sign a $100 million dollar contract, indicating very much people thought he had the potential to be an elite superstar, but that's not the point. The point is simply what I said before...how often are the words "basketball success" and "Fab Five" the first thing you think of when you hear one or the other?

For most people, the answer is "not very often".
It's amazing how ridiculous you make yourself look when you try to argue basketball. Your inability to understand the concept of "big picture" in basketball amuses me, but annoys the fuck out of me as well. Let me try and help you, in the best and nicest way I can.

I find it extremely sad and hilarious that you really can't comprehend what I'm trying to say and then put it off on me acting as if I'm the idiot. Look in the mirror.

When you hear the word "success", or better yet, "basketball success", are you telling me The Fab Five is the first thing you think of? If it is, then you are being an idiot, and if not, you're being an idiot for taking something meant as an amusing joke and turning it into this.

Please show me where I said that. I never said anything close to that. You said they weren't successful and I said "Two National Championship game appearances in the two years (as Freshmen and Sophomores) they were all together is pretty damn good." Not once did I ever say they were the pinnacle of basketball success or had tremendous success. I said they had some success and they did. They didn't reach the ultimate pinnacle of success which is a championship but they still had success for the short time they were together.

When I say "Fab Five", are the first words that come to your mind "success"? If you say yes, then I think you're lying, but if you're not, then you're being an idiot. If the answer is no, then you're being an idiot for taking something meant as an amusing joke and turning it into this.

I'm a Michigan guy. It may have been meant as a joke but I didn't see it like that. You are the one taking it to another level, I was just pointing out that they had some success.

No matter how you answer these questions, you're being an idiot, the question that remains is simply how big of one. Now I could tear into your post, noting Chris Webber's reputation for being a choke artist, or the fact Juwan Howard was a McDonald's All-American and the 5th overall pick in the NBA draft, not to mention the first NBA player to sign a $100 million dollar contract, indicating very much people thought he had the potential to be an elite superstar, but that's not the point. The point is simply what I said before...how often are the words "basketball success" and "Fab Five" the first thing you think of when you hear one or the other?

And again I reiterate, I never fucking said the Fab Five is the first thing that comes to mind when talking about bball success. I said they definitely had success when they were together and on their own. Nothing more, nothing less.

Nice job putting words into my mouth and then throwing a bitch fit over it.
I find it extremely sad and hilarious that you really can't comprehend what I'm trying to say and then put it off on me acting as if I'm the idiot. Look in the mirror.

Please show me where I said that. I never said anything close to that. You said they weren't successful and I said "Two National Championship game appearances in the two years (as Freshmen and Sophomores) they were all together is pretty damn good." Not once did I ever say they were the pinnacle of basketball success or had tremendous success. I said they had some success and they did. They didn't reach the ultimate pinnacle of success which is a championship but they still had success for the short time they were together.

I'm a Michigan guy. It may have been meant as a joke but I didn't see it like that. You are the one taking it to another level, I was just pointing out that they had some success.

And again I reiterate, I never fucking said the Fab Five is the first thing that comes to mind when talking about bball success. I said they definitely had success when they were together and on their own. Nothing more, nothing less.

Nice job putting words into my mouth and then throwing a bitch fit over it.
I put words in YOUR mouth? You obviously haven't been paying attention.

Success isn't the word I usually attribute to the Fab Five...


With that in mind, go read my previous post, and respond to it again. Ahh, hell, I'll do it for you.

When you hear the word "success", or better yet, "basketball success", are you telling me The Fab Five is the first thing you think of?

When I say "Fab Five", are the first words that come to your mind "success"?

You're now saying your answers to both of those questions are "no", so why the fuck did you make it an issue in the first place? That's what I'm talking about, you completely lack the ability to see the big picture. If you agree with me, why the fuck did you post in a manner that was contradictory to what I said?
You're now saying your answers to both of those questions are "no", so why the fuck did you make it an issue in the first place? That's what I'm talking about, you completely lack the ability to see the big picture. If you agree with me, why the fuck did you post in a manner that was contradictory to what I said?

To your initial post I wasn't responding to contradict you. I was responding to just point out that while they may not have reached the pinnacle of success they still had great success for the time they were together. You then said none of the members reached their potential and I argued that. I wasn't trying to make the success thing into an argument just pointing out they had some great success because it seemed like they were getting buried in the thread, not necessarily by you.
To your initial post I wasn't responding to contradict you. I was responding to just point out that while they may not have reached the pinnacle of success they still had great success for the time they were together.
Your post was very contradictory in nature.
I'm loving this. I'm definitely more excited about Miami losing than I am Dallas winning.

What's next? Maybe Miami needs another star. Maybe they can trade for Chris Paul and Dwight Howard? Restructure contracts, again, to make room?

I'm loving this. I'm definitely more excited about Miami losing than I am Dallas winning.

What's next? Maybe Miami needs another star. Maybe they can trade for Chris Paul and Dwight Howard? Restructure contracts, again, to make room?


I just don't understand the problem. Let's say they do get Paul and Howard. So what? This isn't baseball, everyone plays under the same monetary rules.

I just don't see the big deal when guys play together.
The big deal is Lebron just comes off like an arrogrant, raging douchebag. I don't like raging douchebags. Thus, I smile and chuckle happily upon seeing him crumble in defeat.

Good for Dallas, they've had a hell of a ball club for a long time now and I'm glad to see Dirk get a ring.
The hate Miami gets for trying to put together a championship winning team is absolutely ridiculous.
I just don't understand the problem. Let's say they do get Paul and Howard. So what? This isn't baseball, everyone plays under the same monetary rules.

I just don't see the big deal when guys play together.

The big deal is Lebron just comes off like an arrogrant, raging douchebag. I don't like raging douchebags. Thus, I smile and chuckle happily upon seeing him crumble in defeat.

Good for Dallas, they've had a hell of a ball club for a long time now and I'm glad to see Dirk get a ring.

What X said, basically. The whole "Decision" thing left a bad taste in my mouth. It's not so much what they did, but how they went about it.

The hate Miami gets for trying to put together a championship winning team is absolutely ridiculous.

James acted like a total douchebag, and has been a total crybaby the entire year. Oh, the fans hate us. Boo. Hoo. Hoo.

He's a fucking baby.
Takes a paycut and is willing to play with other stars rather than be a selfish prick and want all the glory to himself? What a douchebag!

Boston did the same fucking thing, never got the shit Miami did. People just hate LeBron and will make any ridiculous excuse they can to talk shit. He's still better than your favorite player.
Takes a paycut and is willing to play with other stars rather than be a selfish prick and want all the glory to himself? What a douchebag!

Boston did the same fucking thing, never got the shit Miami did. People just hate LeBron and will make any ridiculous excuse they can to talk shit. He's still better than your favorite player.

I don't remember anyone on the Celtics having a primadonna press conference on primetime to make an announcement of signing any of those guys.

Bosh and Wade are cool. LeBron is just a douche, so people want to see him fail.

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