Friend Dispute: Randy Orton or CM Punk?

Who is more Entertaining (TO YOU), not a bigger draw, but entertainment wise??

  • CM Punk

  • Randy Orton

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That's all folks.
So, me and my friend are having a huge argument and I decided what the hell, why not see who really is better...Entertainment wise. Not a bigger draw, but who do you find more entertaining? Randy Orton or CM Punk. He keeps refering to Randy's gimmick as better therfore he's more entertaining. Its his opinion....whatever. so who do you find more entertaining? Not a bigger draw for those who use that as an arguement.
Hands down I'd pick Phil Brooks.. Randy's gimmick doesn't really allow him to be entertaining, I don't think, hes not out spoken like they let Punk be...
I would say prior to Randy's face turn, he was more entertaining. But seeing as though he has been given absolute shit to do while on television, Punk is more entertaining at the moment.
Dunno whY Randy gets all the love he does. CM fucking Punk much more entertaining than Randy Orton in my opinion.

Just imagine a whole broadcast of just Orton. I'd take a whole Raw broadcast named Raw is Punk anyday.
Definitely CM Punk. The guy can make lmao many times!! Remeber the 900th episode of Raw? Yeah, fucking HILARIOUS!
I would vote for Punk as he is more entertaining than Randy Orton. But as for entertainment I remember their battle of words as they head towards the feud for the WHE. In fact, both are good wrestlers. The injuries in recent days are not damaging. Perhaps. The head injury of Punk is showing in his bald head. But the shoulder injury of Randy is more damaging. We should remember how they suffer to entertain us.

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