Foreshadowing an Evolution return?

I can see them forming an alliance once Orton returns. I'm sure they'll talk about their past with evolution, but I highly doubt they would form a team calling themselves evolution. I also have no idea what they could possibly do together if they did form an alliance, but for some reason I can see these two working together, with Batista turning heel for at least a short time. If they do this, I could see it leading to a match at Wrestlemania 25, I think most people were expecting Batista vs Cena for the first time ever at WM 25, but now that Cena/Batista is taking place at Summerslam, they would have to do something different.

Now Orton and Batista have faced each other a couple of times before, but it's never been anything big. I can't recall these two ever facing each other one on one in a ppv matchup. If they use an alliance angle, it would be a good start to a feud, not to mention the history that these two have together. They came to the company at roughly the same time, and were both in the most dominant stable this decade, they could build a match between these two to be huge, and I can definitely see it happening.
I have a hard time envisioning this as well. Evolution was a dominant stable that everyone loved to hate, and looking back I can see that they were one of my favorite factions ever. But there is only one way Orton and Batista could work in a stable together, and that's if one was injured and not wrestling. Both are established main eventers and multi-time world champs. The egos would just be too big for these two to coexist. Maybe a short-lived alliance but other than that not much.
What could work great would be if Orton became the leader of a stable with Rhodes and Dibiase. It could be a second generation stable with the young stars that all have huge egos and think it's their time. Rhodes and Dibiase could be the tag team and eventually go on to midcard status after the IC title. No one else really fits the bill to be an enforcer type so it would just be the three of them. It would have been great if Natalya had come to Raw then she could be in it too and they could capture all the gold on Raw.
I sort of liked the idea of an Evolution return, albeit just Batista and Orton, but still im sure they would make a powerful force, however they wouldnt have many people to fued with as a tag team so that kind of cancels it out.

Also have you noticed that the new SD! vs RAW 2009 game is based on tag teams and making playing as a tag team 'awesome', well if this is really the case, why is the tag team division collapsing, IMO they should unite the tag titles and give them to Evolution 2.0, and start to re-ignite the tag team division.
If Sid returns, he could be Ortons henchman. Throw in Priceless, your good. Cena, Punk, Mysterio, Batista, there are plenty of guys. Or throw some up and comer in there such as Charlito, The Hass, Punkhass, or whoever!
This sort of the thing could work but I doubt it will have anything to do with Evolution. Evolution is dead. No HHH or Flair makes it so. Norcal said it best -- Batista would be extremely difficult to turn heel anyways. He oozes face, almost as much as Cena these days, especially now that Cena is on the sidelines.

Priceless, however, could do well with Orton on their side. I liked the direction they went with on Raw the other night in which Priceless not only wanted to prove themselves to Orton, but also to themselves. It would be interesting, but I'd only subscribe if a fourth member was added and I don't see one on Raw right now. Sid Vicious? Eh. Why is he even coming back? And who cares? Even though his insertion into an angle that involved him teaming up with one of WWE's biggest stars in Orton and the tag champs would immediately get him air time as well as a sense of importance, I'd rather see a younger guy get the protection and importance that would come from such a team.
Call me crazy...(you're crazy laugh track)... but what about Ezekial Jackson?

Think about. In Evolution you had a current star with HHH, a mentor in Rick Flair, an up and coming superstar in Orton and muscle in Batista right?

Well what if you had a current superstar like Orton as your mentor, Cody and Ted as up and coming superstars and Ezekial as the muscle? I see him almost taking a Batista route to the top anyway. Deacon Bautista eventually became The Animal Batista. My Man Zeke could really follow the same path to success.

And while I wouldn't call this group Evolution, I think it could be successful. You could even throw in Beth Phoenix. She eventually decides to side with Orton over Santino and takes her role as women's champion as seriously as she did during her first run.
i think they wont do it. its very dissapointing because tht would be amazing seeing as raw needs a dominent stable. but unless batista makes a heel turn(which i like him better as a face). i do not see batista turning heel and teaming with orton even though thats what i want. i just cant see it happening
well it looks like we have our new evolution only i dont see how afa jr fits in. though he has great in ring skills and is already good on the mic. maybe there will be a fifth member but i dont know. orton must be trying to get pricless attention by gaining there respect for him as their leader. as far as aface stable i think it will suck mainly because punk is the voice of the stable and how does he fit in with cryme time and kingston. how does this stable fit at all. it doesnt thats why. now if you ask me i would use batista as the face leader to opose his old friend. if kingson must stay so be it but i say punk should be next then the tag team should be ray and evan bourne this stable would be way better then the one wwe is creating.

as far as ortons goes well this looks great so far orton still his unique self. priceless is cocky and young and need a leader why not the 3rd generation star to control all the 3rd generation stars.:headbanger:

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