Report: Backstage News on Evolution Getting a New Member

Why stop at just one new member? The original Evolution had a representive of the past in Flair, the present in Triple H, an enforcer in Batista, and the future star Randy Orton. They could fill each of these rules again. Trips as the past, Orton as the present, Sheamus as the enforcer, and Barrett as the future. Unless there is someone they plan on bringing up from NXT to be future instead. If it just ends up remaining a three person group and Sheamus takes Batista's spot, then I am fine with that. He is good friends with Triple H in real life and Sheamus has worked with Trips as well as Orton previously. I'd argue he would add more to the group than Batista currently does. I'm pretty open to a new member joining Evolution as long as it's not somebody who sucks. Sheamus and/or Barrett are as good a choice as any. If only Drew McIntyre were still in his Chosen One gimmick, it would be perfect for him.
If only Drew McIntyre were still in his Chosen One gimmick, it would be perfect for him.

If only Drew were still viewed as legit by everyone, but I couldn't imagine him being given a chance in such an illustrious stable. If it weren't for his supreme jobber status and his tenure in 3MB then he would be the perfect candidate, he used to dress sharp and had a similar arrogance and presence to a young Orton in the early days of Evolution. I'm one of Drew's biggest fans and I relish any air time he gets now a days, I would give my left nut for him to get such a shot.

If people could look past his recent doings it would be a great addition for the stable and obviously it would be a huge step towards getting him back on track. If it were to be seriously be considered I would say taking him off TV for a while would be a start, let people forget the 3MB stuff as much as they can and then give him the same gimmick he started with(without the pressure of being the Chosen One) and he fits in like a glove.
One name that I think everyone is forgetting that would be a perfect fit for a new Evolution member in my mind is Cody Rhodes! He's already on the course for a heel turn against his brother and what better way to do it than to have it happen during a match against Orton and Batista on Raw where Cody turns heel and joins Evolution. It would give him direction as a new heel and he has the look, demeanor, heritage, and history with Orton to fit in with the group perfectly.

I'm not against Sheamus as a new member either and really if Batista is leaving soon I'd even be okay with Sheamus taking Batista spot and Rhodes still joining. That would then have Triple H in the Flair role, Orton in the Triple H role, Sheamus in the Batista role, and Rhodes in the Orton role and a newly "evolved" Evolution for this generation. Throw them in a feud with The Shield for the rest of the summer/fall and we'd get great matchups like Cody/Rollins, Orton/Ambrose, Sheamus/Reigns, Cody/Ambrose, Triple H/Reigns, etc...
Personally, I love this idea. Sheamus is as bland as can be as a face. The man is a natural, ass kicking heel. This turn and being added to Evolution could be the jump start his career needs right now. WWE needs more viable heel options to feud with Daniel Bryan. Sheamus' turn could also serve as a catalyst for Batista to actually be viewed as a babyface. Triple H and Randy Orton turn on Batista, Sheamus come out and Brogue Kicks him away for a few months. Upon his return, Batista feuds with Evolution.

Based on some of the comments I've read regarding this, I know some of you don't necessarily believe that Sheamus is the best pick for this spot.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on whether is it a good thing or not that Sheamus may join Evolution. If you don't think it's a good thing, state what/who would be a better idea.

That would be great for Sheamus and Batista. He would be a perfect fit. Personally, I'd prefer to see Reigns join Evolution and later turn on them to face HHH at WrestleMania next year. However, realistically speaking, the Sheamus move would be best. Probably WWE's last chance to get Batista over as a face.
Imagine if Rusev dropped the silly Russian/Bulgarian brute angle and joined Evolution. He looks solid in the ring, and he definitely seems capable of more than the cheap heat Lana draws by insulting America before his matches. What do you guys think?
Before they completely destroyed Sandow's credibility with the Magneto schtick, I felt that he could have been a pretty decent youth member to Evolution. Relatively young and fresh enough to use the boost, talented speaker, his own character to set himself apart in group interactions, already had some opportunities with championships and a fellow student of Killer Kowalski.
Ted DiBiase Jr. would've been the perfect New Evolution Member. Son of the hall of famer and million dollar man Ted DiBiase Sr. Unfortunately the WWE are too busy wasting good talent and opportunities to make stars out of certain wrestlers. I know he is currently released, that's what makes it even more sad.
I'm not sure I 100% buy the argument that Sheamus doesn't "fit the mold" of Evolution, because I don't know that there is a mold. You could argue they're meant to be stylish, slick sorts of guys, but does that really fit anyone beyond Orton (and Flair)? HHH, for all his creative clout and alliances, is really a "smash your face in, ask questions later" kind of guy. Sure, now that he's COO he's keeping up appearances, but more or less every time he gets threatened (Punk, Lesnar, Bryan) he just tries to beat them until they shut up about it. Batista, likewise, despite putting on the Hollywood persona, is called the "Animal" for a reason - he's an enforcer, a warrior, a walking talk. I don't know that Batista fits anything close to a "style and grace" kind of ideal. In a lot of ways, Sheamus is a latter day Batista. I don't think it's any coincidence that, as much of the company knew Batista's deal was expiring in late 2009 and he had other interests, that they started to strategically push a big power name in Sheamus. Now, with the same scenario about to occur, it doesn't seem shockingly unreasonable to me that Sheamus could be called upon to take Batista's place in Evolution.

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