Finishers That Work

Tombstone Piledriver would be one of the most powerful finishing moves. Same with Pedigree and Powerbomb.

However i am always confused about Stunner. I really don't get how that move can hurt anybody. I am a big SCSA fan, don't get me wrong but thinking of powerful finishers i don't understand how you can hurt someone by pulling his neck down on your shoulder. (Because you are PULLING to your shoulder, not PUSHING to the mat)
best finisher of all time, well atleast the most painful and realistic- Hell's Gate

I'm so sick of ppl saying Sharpshooter's the best sub out of respect for Bret, there is nothing more painful then Hell's Gate, this is someone crushing your DAMN throat till you bleeed! you cant say anything on that!

that is the best!
I'd have to say Finlay's old finisher was the best-looking. I think it got banned though I'm not sure. The Celtic Cross is what it was called. He basically would hold the guy upside down, and then in a falling motion crush his head and neck against the mat. Ouch?

I'd say Christian's is a close second. I'm not even sure how they stage that. He just drops people hard on their face with his weight. Crazy.

As for worst? I love John Morrison - he's awesome. But sorry, his finisher looks cool and all but uh it does not look painful at all. Starship Pain I think it's called. Something like that.
One move that looked like it hurt like hell that havent been mentioned:
JBL's Clothesline from Hell. I know it was just a clothesline, but a guy that big, swinging that big ass arm, looked like it would take your head off.
Rhino's Gore. Especially when it hit Spike Dudley. By far the best "SPEAR" looking move. Even better looking than Goldberg's.
Bret Hart's Figure Four around the ring post. Nuff Said.
Conchairto. Now I know it really isnt a wrestling move but your head getting sandwhiched by two chairs? Your telling me that isnt painful?.
Shane McMahon's Leap of Faith on to the Announce Table. A simple move with a devastating finish.

A submission that looked painfull is the camel clutch + boston crab combo hold.
Wasteland-Wade Barrett-I think it's simple and really works for him.
450 Splash-Justin Gabriel-Hands down great move.
Air Bourne-Evan Bourne-Hate the name, love the move.
Trouble in Paradise-Kofi Kingston-I really like how the move feels.
Skull Crushing Finale-The Miz-Have always absolutly hated the name, but it is a great move.
Sweet Chin Music-HBK-Love everything about this move.

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