Finishers That Work

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Over the past few weeks I have been watching the Nexus perform and I came to realize how awful most of their finishers are except for Gabriel. Then it got me thinking about other superstars with awful finishers here are just a few

Michael Tarver- Right Hook thing- At least when Show does it the guy actually falls over. Yeah even little Bourne did not fall over

Santino Marella-The Cobra- No need to explain

Primo-Backstabber- Its a backbreaker nothing more nothing less

R-Truth- Lie Detector (but whens the last time he used it)- A lit enziguri type of spinny kck may look cool but doesn't do anything

Anyone who uses a chokeslam- Yeah it looks like oh he got your throat but all they do is throw you on your back

Honestly anyone who uses a simple fireman throw- Yeah John cena and Wade Barett. Basically the same thing I've seen better moves to finish the fireman throw is I put you on my shoulders and now your gonna fall.

The Finishers That Look Like They Hurt

The Miz- Skull Crushing Finale- For how simple this move it it actually looks like your face is taking a really bad beating

Randy Orton-Punt- Now this is one of those finishers where when it happens someones going into injury break

The Spear- A lot of superstars- Anyone who has ever played football and have been really tackeled hard know that it hurts. When Big Show was using it it actually looked really cool

Submission Maneuvers- Try it in real life and someone is in pain

Basically agree or disagree and some of your own
I agree on the most part. However, I will say that the 'spear' is rather redundant. So many people use it now that it just doesn't have the same feeling it used to when people like Goldberg or Rhyno used the move. Big Show executes a very sloppy spear that doesnt even look credible; if anything it just looks like he wants to hug his opponent.

Regarding the submissipn maneuvers...not all of them look painful. For a submission to look painful it has to look like it is dealing a lot of damage (obviously). But moves like the 'sleeper-hold' do not look painful in the least. Another submission that I seem to have an issue with as of late, is the 'Walls of Jericho'. Don't get me wrong, I like the move---it's one of the best 'backyard wrestling' moves to use. But its the way that Chris Jericho applies the move that bothers me. When Chris Jericho applies the move, he barely bends the knees of his opponent; if anything, it looks like he is just sitting down on the opponent.

Now as to a finisher that works (looks like it hurts), I would definately have to go with...the ankle lock. There is just something about the way that the ankle is twisted that sends shivers down my spine. I am reminded of the time that Kurt Angle applied the move to his opponent. He would just twist and twist---making it look like he actually wanted to rip off the ankle. And then when he would drop to the floor and wrap his hands around the ankle even more, now that looked like torcher.

Yes, my pick for a move that looks painful is without a doubt the anle lock. Just the image of Kurt Angle having his hands around of an ankle gives me goosebumbs...
I came to realize how awful most of their finishers are except for Gabriel.

This is a little unfair. Gabriel is a high flyer and because his finisher has more aesthetic value than the other members of Nexus you are comparing him to, of course his move will look more appealing. Also, Michael Tarver has a finisher that he used once on RAW called Tarver's Lightning which is a pretty awesome and clever finisher- a snap powerslam in which he hesitates halfway through the turn and slams the guy back down the other way. This punch he uses that you referred to I have not seen but am sure it looks bad because any strike in wrestling cannot be thrown at full speed, but Tarver's Lightning is a sick move.
I'd have to go with 619. Barely anyone can sell it properly and honestly small legs hitting a giant? Seriously? Anyway that's my pick for a bad move. However, any kicks in wrestling does a lot of kayfabe. The Punt, Sweet Chin Music, Trouble in Paradise, etc. I guess it's all about how you sell it and how you execute it. For example, the RKO looks like it hurts Randy more because of all the strain his shoulder has, yet the execution and the sell make it gold.
If you are gonna talk about finishers that work here are a some that I think work:

1. DDP's "Diamond Cutter". Basically it is an old-school RKO but you can hit it out of no where. That's not a bad thing, That's a good thing!

2. Randy Orton's "Punt Kick". This will DEFINITELY send you to hospital if he went at full speed.

3. Goldberg/Edge/Rhino's "Spear" (or Gore in Rhino's case). It only looks good with people who know how to connect it.

4. Brock Lesnar's "F5". He did it to people like Mark Henry, The Big Show and Rikishi. Nuff said.

5. Triple H's "Pedigree". I personally like this finisher.

As far as submissions go these are the ones that work:

1. Chris Jericho's "The Walls Of Jericho". I love this submission the most. What happened to the old days when wrestlers were put in this submission and they tapped out almost immediatley?

2. Chris Benoit's "Crippler Crossface". I think it is the most dangerous submission in wrestling. (By the way, could Daniel Bryan/Bryan Danielson be the next Chris Benoit?)

3. Bret Hart's "Sharpshooter". [HISTORY LESSON: This move was originally called the Scorpion Deathlock]. It looks quite painfull. Just to point things out, when wrestlers lock in the Sharpshooter, they step their right foot first, where Bret Hart uses his left foot. This is a tribute to Bret's brother, Owen Hart (R.I.P).

Those are the finishers that I think work.
I disagree on the Backstabber, I think it look's like it hurt's like hell. Your right, it is a backbreaker, but since when are backbreaker's not painful,lol.

But other finisher's that I think genuinely look painful are....

-Tombstone piledriver- Pretty obvious, the guy is getting dropped on his head.....that could seriously injure you if you mess it up.

-Sweet chin music- Some people may think "Oh, it's just a kick" But if you Kick anybody in the right place on the Jaw, it could knock them out instantly.

Just my thoughts.
RFirst off, I disagree with the backstabber. If worn down enough, a move like that will end you for at least a three count. Also, Awesome, Jericho's Walls of Jericho is a painful hold. You ever sleep the wrong way? Like if you sleep on your stomach with your head and shoulders face down in the pillow? When you wake up, even if its after a few minutes, your back will hurt. Jericho's move is effective. The further you lean back in the Walls, the further up your back will hurt. Jericho leans a bit forward, and your lower back will hurt. Would you rather have your middle/upper back in pain, or lower back? Lower back pain makes it impossible for powerlifting moves that his opponents usually do. But you're entitled to your opinion.

As for a move I think is fucking terrible, would have to be John Cena's Attitude Adjustment. Just no. The move is a slam. A slam in which John doesn't even force his opponent to the mat. All the move is, is a fireman's carry with a flip to the matt. I don't understand how you win a WWE Championship with a move like this. He may usually finish off with the STF, but he won his first WWE Championship with a (then known as an) FU. Same goes for waste land. Just another fireman's carry slam. It takes a lot more more out of Barrett or Cena to lift a man like Mark Henry (for example) then it does to harm to Mark Henry. There's a lot more risk into actually lifting the opponent then the opponent actually getting slammed.

Moves that look amazing
The Spike Tombstone. Like the one Undertaker gave to Shawn Michaels at 'Mania 26. We don't usually see spike tombstones, or spike pile drivers because I believe they are banned in the WWE. But anytime someone gets spiked, I clinch because the move looks so real. I don't see how this doesn't break a wrestler's neck. Another move that works, would be Randy's RKO. I know most won't agree. But ithis move if very painful. When falling, your head assumes it will fall to the floor. Instead, your nect stiffens and falls straight on the shoulder. Its a reverse jumping neckbreaker basically. I love that move no matter how many times I see it.
This one is easy and the finisher is if applied right the Figure Four Leg Lock.If you ever get this shit on you that shit hurts like a mother.Another one is the Walls Of Jericho i have never gotten this move applied to me but it looks like it hurts alot.
As far as moves that really work, I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the G.T.S.

CM Punk has broken quite a few noses with it, and I've personally done it to a friend who insisted he knew how to take it... he didn't and I knocked him out. So I'm going with the G.T.S.
Well for finishers that look like they don't do anything I would have said The People's Elbow and Five Knuckle Shuffle, but that wouldn't be fair because those are for showboating and getting the crowd going, but I would have to say Wade Barrett's wasteland. When he first did it, I was just like...really? that was it? And R-Truth's spinning forearm which is the lie detector. I laughed when he won matches with that move. You ever want to prove to someone pro wrestling is scripted show them that move.

My favorite finishers right now would be the RKO, not just because im an Orton fan, but because ive seen the guy counter it into everything from Cena's AA to Bourne's shooting star press. Thats pretty impressive. Plus I love moves that just come out of nowhere. Also Bryan's Labelle lock. The way he locks the shoulder and turns it into a crossface just makes me cringe and feel bad for the guy recieving it.
The spear looks painful, if its being performed by Goldberg or Rhyno (gore). Sometimes Edge's spear seems like he just knocks down his opponent or takes them down w/ his arm.

When "the walls of jericho" was the "lion tamer", it was the sickest sub move, because he wrenched all the way back and sunk his knee into his opponents neck. Now it just looks like a weak boston crab.

Although the sleeper has always been the most boring hold, it was always the most believable to me. I know first hand, that you can actually put someone to sleep if applied correctly. In fact many variations are used in martial arts and law enforcement. The whole keeping your hand up before the three counts makes it stupid.

If Kofi can ever hit someone flush in the face, then Trouble in Paradise might look better

Effective finishers:
Macyntire-Future Shock DDT
Gail Kim-Eat DaFeet

Bad finishers:
MVP-Play of the Day
RTruth-lie detector
Any Rey Mysterio finisher
I think the rock bottom looks pretty solid. Sure there is a pause for dramatic effect, and the guy jumps, but that smashes a back.

The Mic Check by anderson. All of Jay Lethals finishing combos look match ending.
How has no one said the Stunner? This move was great. Austin would just pull it out of nowhere and Stun everyone in a Five mile radius in a mater of seconds.

One of the worst moves ever was the Samoan Spike. Really a guy Umagas size can't think of a better way to end a match than to put his thumb in someone’s eye?

Two other great finishers that will never be used in the WWE are Homicides’ Gringo Killer, and CM Punk Pepsi Plunge. I really have no idea how they haven't kill someone with those moves yet.
Well... I gotta disagree with the guy who said that the chokeslam ain't effective. Let's be honest: Most users are near the 7-foot mark and getting dunked on your back from that height isn't fun.

Super-effective(-looking) finishers:

1. GTS (CM Punk): When he hits it right, it looks flat nasty.
2. Flying Chuck (John Morrison): All right, it's not a finisher but it's a hell of a lot better than Starship Pain. At least JoMo can hit this move right!
3. RKO (Randy Orton): Any position, any time. THAT is the definition of a finisher.
4. Hell's Gate (Undertaker): Give me this over the Tombstone any day. I love submission holds and this one is one of the most painful to be caught in.
5. Powerbomb: Personally I prefer Sid or Vader but Scott Norton has a vicious powerbomb too.

1. AA (Cena): Let's be honest here- the DVD uses the weight of the user to help out, and the Wasteland involves more effort than this move.
2. Starship Pain (JoMo): Too flashy, rarely hits.
3. World's strongest slam (Mark Henry): Sorry big man but it doesn't even look impactful anymore. Time for a new finisher.
4. Pedigree: Another finisher that's gotten a little stale. Not to mention not too many guys take the move well anymore.
5: THE COBRA (Santino): Oh let's be honest here: It's not even funny anymore. Santino should keep his cobra in his pants LOL
Moves that work ;

1) Code Breaker

2) Punt

3) Stone Cold Stunner

See a pattern? All these moves and many more like these effect the head and neck and they actually show an opponent being knocked out for the 3.

Moves that dont work ;

1) Starhip pain

2) FU/AA

3) Atomic Leg Drop

The theme here is that these moves show no physical effect to the opponent in a ring. Your telling me that you would be laid out for 3 seconds after droping gently from Cenas shoulders onto a ring mat!

Its all about the impact of a finisher that counts.There are to many effective ones to mention such as the pedigree,tombstone,batista bomb ect.Big powerfull knockout blows. There are also many b/s moves out there now that are so bad its impossible to suspend disbelief. The worst example has to be the Khali chop! REALLY!

The classic piledriver is the most devastating move to ever come around in wrestling history in my opinion. There is nothing more :wtf: then seeing a guy land on his head in such a way (not even a DDT looks that realistic). As pictured some of you remember this very move injuring the Texas Rattlesnake so many years ago. Now it has been banned, and for legitimate reasons.

Another move that was effective was the Lion Tamer made famous by Chris Jericho years back. Yet again this move has ben banned. Much more impactful then any Walls of Jericho in my book, it put the serious hurt on his opponents. See a pattern here?

What I'm getting at is the banned moves are the ones that really work, because they actually injured superstars on a daily basis. There's always a way to soften an RKO or a Pedigree, but these moves were just risky as hell.

As for moves in today's wrestling that just don't do it for me, I have to look at Kofi Kingston's Trouble In Paradise. It isn't as unimpactful as Wade's or Henry's finisher, but I have watched wrestling for a very long time and know what an Enzuigiri Kick is. I've seen it done by numerous superstars (Jericho most often) to know what it is and how much it should "damage" an opponent. I don't find it to be a good finisher for any superstar least of all someone with Kingston's caliber.

Yes, he does do it really fast and all but I've seen that kick so many times it shouldn't be considered a finisher in my books.
ok. i got a few tht i nelieve are absolutely crap finishers.
1) AA- john cena- rlly? how u drop on ur back on a wrestling mat. an then u get pinned. real realistic
2) urange slam- otunga- wow its a weak spine buster. hurtful aint. it?
3) cobra- santino- a throat thrust. plus i have never seen this move completed.

ones tht look painful.
1) killswitch- christian- im surprised this wasnt mentioned. think about it. your opponent's weight being brought down on your head an slamming your face on the ground.
2) rko- orton- like others have said, it is so quick an can be executed anywhere.
3) sweet chin music- hbk- i kno some of you will say its just a kick. bt look at the video where he hits it on shelton benjamin off of benjamin's springboard. it was unexpected an, if were real, could snap someones neck.
On finisher i have a problem with is Kavals for some reason it just doesn't look that efective. Yeah I know he's jumping from the top rope right onto your chest but maybe its just the wrestlers he hits it on don't sell it at all, they'll move slightly and thats it.

Finishers I do like are Alex Rileys "Dissmised" or whatever its called and Michael McGillicutty's (I SPELLED RIGH! yay) Mcgillicutter both I see as realy good finishers. Another finisher I like is the "Unprettier" that Christian does its him just driving your face straight into the ground lol.
I agree for the most but some of Nexus has good finishers, like Barrett's Wasteland is pretty sweet & you already mentioned Gabriel. I never understood why Tarver is trying to have the Boxer character, he can't wrestle and all he does is little punches that don't hurt. His finisher just shows that he needs to go back to the drawing board.

I kind of like Santino's Cobra, I mean I know it's completely stupid and fake but it goes well with his character. As long as they don't try to give him a title or put him in main event where he is using The Cobra on people, I'm okay with it.

One of the all-time worst finishers is the 619 in my opinion. It just looks so fake, a little dude throwing you so you just so happen to land on the ropes then he kicks you. It honestly can't hurt that much and it's so easy to counter too which makes it harder to sell.

I also think the Sharpshooter is the best submission hold but Natalya really needs to stop using it. None of the Diva's are good at selling it and it kind of just ruins the move imo.
A simple move like the Stone Cold Stunner is far and away one I consider among the best. Not everything has to be elaborate and high-risk. Finding a move that focuses on one main aspect will hold up over the long run. It's as if people are trying too hard anymore. Heck, the British Bulldog did a powerslam. I love C.M. Punk, but his finisher is, in my opinion, bad because it looks very botched and very fake a lot of the time. I give him credit, though, as I've never really seen it before he added it to his arsenal.

EDIT - I love the idea of submission finishers, assuming the worker truly does master it. Malenko's Cloverleaf, Bret and Owen with the Sharpshooter, Benoit with the Crossface, Jericho with the Liontamer, Danielson with his submission. They were unique and identifiable.

The over-selling of being in a hold has gone downhill. Those moves were finishers for a reason. Not everyone should be able to break a hold once it's in, or get a ropebreak as easily.
The Spear- A lot of superstars- Anyone who has ever played football and have been really tackeled hard know that it hurts. When Big Show was using it it actually looked really cool

I'll disagree with that to a certain extent. As far as Edge doing The Spear goes, the more and more time goes along, I feel like it looks weaker and weaker. I wish Edge would switch it up and develop a brand new finisher.

I'll just name one finisher that should be changed besides Edge's Spear.

I think The Lie Detector is horrid. It is absolutely nothing. The main part of the move is his twist after the move. Its steadily looks weak and shitty EVERY TIME!!

It even looks like he misses it more than half the time. I actually think if he kept that move as more of a signature and used a completely different move to finish his opponents, he would truly get OVER and go further.
Cool thread...

My selections are...

Kurt Angle/ Ken Shamrock's Ankle Lock, fucking excruciating looking and works in real life (yes I have hurt someone with this when I was a kid lol)

The Rock Bottom Planting someone on their back like that on pavement could easily crack a few vertebrae and even shatter the back of someone's head

CM Punk's G2S Seen that shit? Knee to jaw/nose, busted Rey Mysterio's face wide open at PPv, nuff' said....

Sting's Scorpion Death Drop (Reverse DDT) Landing on the back of your head like that just isn't natural, concussion easily
Replies in Bold
Michael Tarver- Right Hook thing- At least when Show does it the guy actually falls over. Yeah even little Bourne did not fall over No Tarver's fault other guys don't sell the move properly and WWE wants Show to have the KO hook instead

Santino Marella-The Cobra- No need to explainYou do know he's a comedy character right? Blaming him for having a cartoony move is more a failure on your part than his.

Primo-Backstabber- Its a backbreaker nothing more nothing less Again selling. Drive your knees into another person's spine and/or vital organs (kidneys for ex.). It'd probably stop 'em a bit.

R-Truth- Lie Detector (but whens the last time he used it)- A lit enziguri type of spinny kck may look cool but doesn't do anything It looks to actually be a spinning press/forearm combo. Again a large 200+ lb. man throwing his entire bodyweight at you will hurt.

Anyone who uses a chokeslam- Yeah it looks like oh he got your throat but all they do is throw you on your back The mat is not soft. At all. Again falling on you back really does hurt and can do serious long term, potentially permanent damage to you.

Honestly anyone who uses a simple fireman throw- Yeah John cena and Wade Barett. Basically the same thing I've seen better moves to finish the fireman throw is I put you on my shoulders and now your gonna fall. See above with regards to falling on you back from any kind of height.

Basically agree or disagree and some of your own
Yes guys should sell/deliver these moves better. But honestly this is a real problem that WWE has to address via a reeducation of their fans. All of these moves are tremendously painful and would have potential to cause injury for everyone involved. That you, a WWE fan, think these moves are ineffectual speaks to WWE's need to reeducate their fan base on the very brutal aspect of this style of entertainment. It would go a long way to ensure more protection of their talent in the long run.
I think to an certain extent that any move can look devastating if the oponent sells the move correctly or if the man delivers the move correctly, a perfect example of this is Undertaker's Tombstone. He sometimes has his oponent about 7 inches from the mat and you could never sell that, a perfet example for my other opinion is Cm Punk's GTS, if the man doesn't react the move won't look devastating. So I think most moves can look devastating.
BillAlfonso was reading this thread and wants to give my opinion! The most effective moves in wrestling were, in particular order, daddy!

DDT: Arn Anderson wins because of who he is but The Raven Effect is the best form, I just love the speed at which Raven falls.

Stone Cold Stunner: Not because of the in ring use because if you know how to take the move, it doesn't really hurt but someone's died using that move I believe.

Powerbomb: 'nuff said.

F5: The F stands for fuckin awesome and it was original.

Figure Four Leglock: That shit actually hurts.

Ankle Lock: See Figure Four.

Tazzmission: see Powerbomb.

There's also a move in Pro Wreslting Noah called "Burning Hammer" I think. It's the one where the guy does a front flip off the top rope slamming his opponent.

*whistle*That was the greatest moves in history. Now the weakest.

GTS: Never hits it right.

Futureshock DDT: Never hits it right.

Attitude Adjuster: Doesn't look like it hurts.

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