Fascination With Forum Members?

Hailey Rose

Dark Match Jobber
I'm new here, so I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers or anything as I really don't know anyone here, but I can't seem to wrap my head around the fascination that surrounds some forum members on here. It just seems a bit odd to me, what with all the pics and investments in people's lives. I've been a part of other forums in the past and haven't really seen anything like it.
Yeah we can be a bit obsessive at times. A lot of people here get more attention than others. Its something that everyone gets used to and its really not as bad as it seems. We're mostly safe to be around.
I don't really see it as bad thing, and I've seen it go even more at other forums. I know lots of people who became best friends through forums.

Flames Out
That's cool, I guess I'll get used to it like everyone else has over time. Most people on here seem alright. And I'm not necessarily saying it's a bad thing, because who am I to judge. I just found it a bit odd. Friendships can be forged through forums, I've seen that happen before.
It really is something you get used to. I got here in Jan of 07 and didn't set foot in the bar room or have any idea who anyone was for probably 10 months. Now I'm one of the family here, along with my husband Norcal.
I know what u mean though "hailey rose". Im a member of a some music, tv, hockey, & wrestling forums and none are this close as the people in here. Of course you have people u talk to more, but its not like here. But I guess its what makes WZ popular, it's the people and the other stuff is second.
One of the forums I go to has people that have been friends with each other for yearssss, and they first met on a forum. One of my best friend's I met on a wrestling forum, I really don't see anything wrong with it.

Flames Out
One of the major reasons I am on so much is because this is just a strong online community like any other. Only since we're wrestling fans, we get caught up in each others characters as well.
And IIIIII myself have addressed this.

You know what is even more odd than caring about people from an online forum??

Getting caught up in that, and calling others odd for being nice and liking others. that is rather odd.
And IIIIII myself have addressed this.

You know what is even more odd than caring about people from an online forum??

Getting caught up in that, and calling others odd for being nice and liking others. that is rather odd.

Hey, I didn't mean anything bad. There's nothing wrong with there being a community atmosphere and being friendly. It's just that I hadn't really seen it so much in other forums as I have on here.
Hey, I didn't mean anything bad. There's nothing wrong with there being a community atmosphere and being friendly. It's just that I hadn't really seen it so much in other forums as I have on here.

Yeah I could tell you didn't. You seem like a pretty cool person. :)

Flames Out
Hey, I didn't mean anything bad. There's nothing wrong with there being a community atmosphere and being friendly. It's just that I hadn't really seen it so much in other forums as I have on here.

Well then Sugar. I belive the word you are looking for would be "different" not "odd"

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