Fans at iMPACT! Zone Have to Go


Dark Match Jobber
Sorry if this topic's been made already, move if necessary. So whenever I watch Impact, I can't help but be embarrassed for the live fans in attendance. Seriously, the ridiculous chants need to stop. Hearing "this is awesome", "this is wrestling", and even "match of the year" chants I believe can turn away new potential fans who are tuning into the show. Match of the Year? Really? Sure it was a great match, but the "match of the year" chant started to ruin it if you ask me.

So anyways, do you think hearing these chants on a weekly basis is good or bad for TNA? And do you think that potential new fans are turned off by these ridiculous chants during every match?
this is awesome this is awesome... are you fucking kidding me!?! Was it a good angle.. sure... but come on... at least when the Nexus attacked WWE the fans were shocked and stayed that way... The fans that yelled this is awesome are more anti-wwe than they are pro-TNA and so yes they need to go. It really kills the atmosphere to have fans not act appropriately.. On a complete side note and total tangent, since i'm watching it now.. TNA reaction is actually pretty cool and pretty damn innovative of TNA
I am not sure that it should go away completely. Impact is filmed in a small arena so it gives a "home field" type of feel when you watch it. Yes, the fans do sometimes overdue it. I guess I would say if they toned it down, I believe if wrestlers play into it too much they may become "spot happy" and try to make an entire match a glorified spot fest as opposed to mixing it, which in turn could put a lot of TNA wrestlers at higher risk of being injured, so my answer is it belongs in TNA, but I would like to see it toned down.
I think a grown fan who knows the ins and outs of the wrestling business should take some personal fucking responsibility and play along and realize as a fan they are like an extra to the show. The ppl trying to emulate ECW fans by yelling this is awesome did nothing but hurt TNA with that chant.
funny...just thought I'd post this since I was there. A majority of that crowd were people who were there thanks to the vip package..a big portion flew in from uk. I think the this is awesome and this is wrestling is something they're use to hearing so that's why they chant that. The only one out of the three i chanted was match of the year, some dude next to me started it, he flew in w his gf. Met one of the cancer crew guys...didn't talk to him much but looked like he could be a prick
I think its BS. Let the fans there say, cheer, or chant what they want. The Impact Zone is no different from the ECW arena in this aspect. "Smart" fans saying what they want. If the internet had been relevant when ECW was in it's heyday, this same discussion would have been made about the numerous "OH SHIT" calls or the numerous "he/she's hardcore" or the "holy shit"/"ECW" chants. The only reason people are irritated by this is because TNA is new and it has national exposure. Double standard, anyone?
In ECW the fans seemed to know there is a time and place to yell the things they were yelling... In TNA it's just to be obnoxious and it shows... in ECW the fans wanted to be a part of the show not distract from it
How can you even say that? That's the nostalgia talking through and through. Was Bubba Ray putting Balls Mahoney through a flaming table for the 10th time really a reason to chant ECW? It might have been the first two times. Was Sandman/Tommy Dreamer hitting Raven or any number of his flunkies with a Singapore cane a reason to chant "he's hardcore"? It might have been the first two times. Everything is subjective. The TNA fans might be pushing the limits on fan smark-dom and ******ed chants....but don't act like it the first time it's happened. It happens in ECW, ROH, WWE, and everywhere else.
How can you even say that? That's the nostalgia talking through and through. Was Bubba Ray putting Balls Mahoney through a flaming table for the 10th time really a reason to chant ECW? It might have been the first two times. Was Sandman/Tommy Dreamer hitting Raven or any number of his flunkies with a Singapore cane a reason to chant "he's hardcore"? It might have been the first two times. Everything is subjective. The TNA fans might be pushing the limits on fan smark-dom and ******ed chants....but don't act like it the first time it's happened. It happens in ECW, ROH, WWE, and everywhere else.

glad someone said something to him and not me lol. I would have probably replied with "what!?" lol Seriously, i mean as you've already pointed out...TNA isnt the only pace that has stuff like this happening. I've stated that most people there were people that paid 100 for vip packages and were from out of town so maybe they were chanting stuff they were use to hearing. Must say though...a good portion of the vip people didnt go to tuesdays taping so it felt a bit more dead...just a bit.. Was annoyed with the girl behind me with that annoying screeching scream throughout the night...
Come on guys it's entertainment. If they are chanting stuff like that it means they're really into the show. As a fan isn't that what you want when you go to one? I get that it can be down right silly what they chant, but you can't fault them for having a good time.
yeah i actually was confused by the this is awesome, blah blah blahblahblah chant during 08/12/10's impact. i figured before even reding the thread this pertained to it. you should had taken a poll. Even with ECW elements now inTNA the chants are overkill and passé..
Come on guys it's entertainment. If they are chanting stuff like that it means they're really into the show. As a fan isn't that what you want when you go to one? I get that it can be down right silly what they chant, but you can't fault them for having a good time.

The "come on guys, it' entertainment" excuse can be used to counter any argument about pro wrestling. lol
I think a grown fan who knows the ins and outs of the wrestling business should take some personal fucking responsibility and play along and realize as a fan they are like an extra to the show. The ppl trying to emulate ECW fans by yelling this is awesome did nothing but hurt TNA with that chant.

Personally, I think the fans in the Impact Zone go overboard and use the 'this is awesome/wrestling' chants a little too liberally nowadays. They certainly don't mean as much as they used to (although in this case, I think the chants were warranted).

However, this notion that fans should 'play along' and act as participants in the show is a load. I've never been to a live TNA show, but I can assure you that if I'm expected to play a role, I had better be getting paid to do so. Otherwise - and particularly if I'm paying to attend - I'll chant whatever I want.

Speculating on what the crowd 'should' do is pointless. Realistically, the crowd has zero responsibility to do anything. If TNA want's to elicit a particular reaction from them (like heat for a heel), than ultimately it's up to their own writing/booking/wrestling to do so. Granted, it's difficult to do when dealing with a 'smart' audience (an audience consisting mainly of people over the age of 12). But that's the reality that TNA has to deal with.

So if the chants are really a problem, the only options are:

1. Find a more effective way of getting the audience involved emotionally in the plot (heels that the crowd actually hates, promos and writing that people actually care about?)
2. Go PG and fill the audience with children who think it's all real
3. Stop having spot-fest matches
4. Have a scripted audience like 'Wrestling Society X'
5. Start kicking out audience members who are too appreciative.

Personally, I prefer option 1. Make the stories and action believable and involving enough to allow fans to suspend their disbelief and override their basic appreciation for the spectacle that they are seeing. In movie terms, it's the difference between a Michael Bay explosion-fest (technically impressive, but shallow) and something that's actually good.

However, I don't think the powers-that-be in TNA actually consider the chants to be a problem. Actually, they seem to go out of their way to encourage them, going so far as to have the announcers acknowledge and agree with them.
As apposed to the crowd saying "What?" over and over again when a heel is on the mic?

How can getting a vast majority of the audience to chant something like "T N A" or "This is awesome" be a bad thing? If anything it improves the show. It shows that the crowd is into the match and is enjoying what they are seeing. You don't see that too much in Vince's program.
Sorry if this topic's been made already, move if necessary. So whenever I watch Impact, I can't help but be embarrassed for the live fans in attendance. Seriously, the ridiculous chants need to stop. Hearing "this is awesome", "this is wrestling", and even "match of the year" chants I believe can turn away new potential fans who are tuning into the show. Match of the Year? Really? Sure it was a great match, but the "match of the year" chant started to ruin it if you ask me.

So anyways, do you think hearing these chants on a weekly basis is good or bad for TNA? And do you think that potential new fans are turned off by these ridiculous chants during every match?

Well, to be blunt, compared to the rest of the garbage TNA usually puts out there, that match IS the TNA match of the year, thus far. And, sadly, that match wasn't even that great a match. It suffered from horrible pacing, since they just had to take the last 15 minutes of the show for a beatdown segment. In fact, they had to take the last 15 minutes of Impact AND the first 5 minutes of the next show for it. That really is 20 minutes that could have been spent in a much better way, in my opinion. But, that entire match just felt rushed to me.

Don't get me wrong. This was, by far, the best TNA broadcast I'v ever seen. But, sadly, that's not saying as much as I'd like to claim.
I don't think its that bad. Sure its annoying, (the Hardcore Justice crowd took the cake in that regard) but at least they are lively!

Do they still get in for free BTW?
I wrote a thread on this months ago called "The Cancer Crew Needs to Go", and what I said then I still say now – they need to be cut out like the infection they are.

I can barely put into words how angry this too-smart-for-their-own-good group of smark-ass smarks makes me every week I turn iMPACT! on. I am sick and tired of the ROH-style indie chants and all their pathetic dancing and feeble-minded attempts to make themselves a part of every show.

IMO, there's no bigger cancer in the industry than fans who think they know better than the talent what belongs and what doesn't, and I'm fed up with having to watch these shit bags degrade the quality of what could otherwise be perfectly good programs and segments week-after-week because they'd rather see Amazing Red and the rest of the dial tone personality spot-monkeys put on a 15-minute spot fest/"pure" wrestling match than listen to Anderson cut a promo.

If you ask me, the entire cancerous cell should be cut out like the disease they are and barred from the building entirely.
glad someone said something to him and not me lol. I would have probably replied with "what!?" lol Seriously, i mean as you've already pointed out...TNA isnt the only pace that has stuff like this happening. I've stated that most people there were people that paid 100 for vip packages and were from out of town so maybe they were chanting stuff they were use to hearing. Must say though...a good portion of the vip people didnt go to tuesdays taping so it felt a bit more dead...just a bit.. Was annoyed with the girl behind me with that annoying screeching scream throughout the night...

This is 1 of my biggest problems with the Impact Zone. Aside from them chanting too much, that screaming girl is annoying. Like can you please tell her to tone it down or punch her in the face. Goodness, she's right behind you screaming and you don't say anything? Like wth. Do you know how annoying she comes across on tv. Please tell her to stop when you get the opportunity.
Come on guys it's entertainment. If they are chanting stuff like that it means they're really into the show. As a fan isn't that what you want when you go to one? I get that it can be down right silly what they chant, but you can't fault them for having a good time.

Exactly they are just chanting because they a having a bloody good time watching the show. I was at Hardcore Justice and being at one of those live events is really exciting. They are not just chanting that shit to piss off WWE thats ridiculous.
you "fans" today (and i use that term very loosely) just bitch and whine about absolutely anything. the fans?? really??


someone should make a thread about you desperate attention ****es who find the need to bash anything that doesnt have a wwe stamp on it and then post it like anyone gives a crap about your pessimistic, antagonistic opinions.

how dare you say fans dont have the right to enjoy what they see and show it instead of sitting there and taking in whatever they are fed and being content with the company adding in FAKE crowd noise as they see fit *cough* WWE *cough*. if tna fans enjoy the show and want to chant, let them.
you "fans" today (and i use that term very loosely) just bitch and whine about absolutely anything. the fans?? really??


someone should make a thread about you desperate attention ****es who find the need to bash anything that doesnt have a wwe stamp on it and then post it like anyone gives a crap about your pessimistic, antagonistic opinions.

how dare you say fans dont have the right to enjoy what they see and show it instead of sitting there and taking in whatever they are fed and being content with the company adding in FAKE crowd noise as they see fit *cough* WWE *cough*. if tna fans enjoy the show and want to chant, let them.

I would, if they actually enjoyed the show and wanted to chant relevant things, but they don't. They cheer heels because they're smarks and are "too smart" to fall in line, chant obnoxious insults on a televised program even after being asked/told not to and constantly try to make themselves a part of the show by turning their back on certain performers, dancing like buffoons in front of the cameras, etc.
The only problem I have with iMPACT...

The fans in attendance!! they HAVE to go... I think iMPACT would be better if they did it in an empty arena or maybe have every fan a plant..

And the chants...Seriously??? Stupid...if TNA wants to big time, they have to either get out of the Zone or get rid of these non-wrestling fans..they don't no what they see...they do the msot stupid things ever, they are the worst fans you can get...They were chanting Fuck You Vince!!, the man who brought back ECW! and its just immature as well..

There should be some sort of petition going..and if there was..I would sign it!!
I agree with IDR and they need to go. A few weeks ago on Impact when Raven was explaining to Dreamer why he attacked him.....Dreamer said his kids call Raven Uncle Scotty.

What do you know----5 seconds later---They break out in an "Uncle Scotty" chant. I think its just so damn annoying. They chant so much, and so many different things, that is loses its charm and becomes ANNOYING.
I've been saying that since since.. Maybe late 2006?

I mean in 2004-2006, TNA's matches were cutting edge for TNA/PPV stuff. However, if you chant "that was awesome" at EVERYTHING, than what is really "awesome"? Then there are times when those assholes ruin what is being presented to the viewing audience. LAX was suppose to be the bad guys at first, but everyone who went against them got booed like they stole something. I remember when Roxxi shaved her head. She was crying, the other Knockouts were crying, heck even the ref had to check to see if he still had any testosterone. But what did that crowd do? "Fire Russo!"

Besides the booking, I think it just makes TNA look so damn Busch league. Okay, 30% of a 10,000 crowd chanting "that was awesome" might slide because you believe that's 3,000 people liking what they see. However, the TNA crowd ain't even 3,000 people big and they chant at everything. Big difference.

Bottom line, those people are fucking idiots. If you REALLY want to be a part of the show, then play along. If Abyss is thumping someone's head, don't positively respond to the guy. If they are doing an anti-American faction, don't boo the AMERICANS.

And it sucks because I am sure there are people who go to the show just wanting to enjoy a free pro wrestling show.. And they can't even hear or see what is going on because some assholes.

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