Eugene/Nick Dinsmore

I had 2 ideas to get him out of it.

1st - When he was fueding with Matt Striker last year, Michelle McCool made her debut in her teacher gimmick. I thought Striker could of tried to "help" Eugene by sending him to Smackdown to be taught by special needs teacher Ms. McCool. He then reveals to her he's not ******ed and tries to hit on her.

2nd - When Bischoff came back to promote his book Controversy Creates Cash, well what controvery would of been bigger than revealing that Eugene was really just a plant by him to get all the inside WWE scoup incase he wanted to take over. This was before Survivor Series with all the NWO rumors.
This thread comes up every so often. And I think there is a consensus that Nick doesn't deserve this gimmick. Ive seen ideas on here that I like about changing eugenes gimmick. But my personal favourite would be for him to get so pissed off that he does a good promo, saying how he was acting like that for all those years and then have his uncle Eric come out and be his Manager.
i honselty cant see eugene in any different light, than the "special" wrestler. they should just make him and announcer/interviewer when he's fed up of jobbing to everyone
This thread has been merged with an old one, just to give it a bump. You won't be warned for making a duplicate thread because the last reply to the first one was a while ago and it was a long way back in the Raw section.

wouldn't it be one of the biggest twist if the WWE repackages him as a normal (in the head) person that was just being "special" to get ahead in the company. (if they did do that though the fans would think but Eugene isnt really getting ahead)
I think if like they did something 'for' eugene such as a world title shot just to make him happy, and he comes out different and wins it against cena. Anyone but cena. That would be a decent twist.
Now that Eugene has his head shaved, who thinks he is going to finally going to change his "Special" gimmick? IMO i think it is finally going to happen, all that needs to be done is to have an incident like when Booker hit Heidenreich with a chair so hard that it made him half ******ed. After something like that happens, Nick Dinsmore will be repackaged with a different gimmick(most likely a heel gimmick).
I can definately see Eugene getting a new gimmick after having his head shaved last night, as his goofy hair was always one of the things that made me never take the guy seriously. They should give him some kind of twisted pissed off character, angry to get revenge for shaving his head and killing his innocence. Something real dark, you know? We haven't had anything remotely dark in the WWE since Undertaker was running around sacrificing people to his ministry back in '99. (Does anybody find anything 'Taker does these days even half way as threatening as when he first came out?)

Either that, or they should can him, because the Eugene character sucked. The only entertaining thing he did was steal the Rock and Stone Cold's finishers.
I wouldnt mind seeing Eugene as a heel (again). But this time have him with the whole "Why me?" "Why didnt anyone help me?" angle. One by one I guess starting with Hacksaw again, he can go after his "friends". I know its a reach but as long as Dismore is Eugene, no twist on this character will work well.
no. his character was going over well with the fans, especially when he was in main event spot. eugene stays!
One thing that I'm curious about... will he keep the beard of will he shave it off?

Do we want a Eugene that looks like a lumberjack? ;)
If hes a Lumberjack then hes OK.(Monty Python Reference)
They may just hide him until he grows his hair back, this could be good if they then bring Uncle Eric back and have him as his manager with a slight twist in that he gets hit by a chair shot so much that he turns somewhat normal except for keeping his thing as being a Wrestling Savant.
umm i know about the retarted eugene but im not quite sure about the nick dismore story line why is it better

i know anything is better than eugene special stuff besides boogyman and power ranger and mizz

but what happened in nick dismore pls tell me ?
^^TO the poster above, Eugene is the stage name of the guy Nick Dinsmore, HE has the most title reigns in OVW, this is why people who have watched OVW know what Nick can do and how stupid this gimmick is in regards to what he could be.
Major heat! It is discovered that Eugene isn't "really" ******ed, and that he has used that gimmick to make the fans feel sorry for him! He's been a fraud for two years! Eugene comes out and thanks Vince McMahon for shaving his head, and making him realize that he doesn't need the sympathy of the scum WWE fans. Then, he could be a monster heel, perhaps doing Vince's bidding! This would be better than a hit in the head or shock therapy angle, because it wouldn't insult the fan's intelligence, at least not that much. It would make the fans pissed at Eugene, but for the right reasons.

And, Uncle Eric MUST come back to manage!
The Eugene gimmick is one of the most pathetic ideas to ever come out of Vince McMahon. The only way that he could ever shed that gimmick is by wearing a mask or completely changing his appearance. It's ashame because he is actually a very talented wrestler and all of it is going waste.
Why not have Eugene feud with McMahon after Wrestlemania. It would be similar to the McMahon vs Zack Gowan feud a few years back.
Here's hoping Eugene's the winner of the make a wish foundation announcement and kicks McMahons butt!

But I don't even think WWE would go that low
They will release him before they repackage him. Creative seems a bit lazy and doesn't want to come up with something to explain why he is not handicapped. If they do repackage him, they won't explain why they will just move him to SD! or ECW and he will be something else. Best idea (if they really want Nick Dinsmore to have a tv presence) I think would be injure Eugene, bring Dinsmore in a year later and hopefully everyone has forgotten. Or put a mask on him, masks are cool. He could be a luchador. I am kidding.
I think having Eugene drop the ****** gimmick could be huge. He's a real fan favourite with the kid's. Gotta love those ******s. Having him come out and slowly drop the gimmick would be great. Have him with Bischoff as his manager and make all the wrestling fan's feel dumb for believing that he was mentally challenged.
Does anyone else find that Eugene looks like a lumberjack with the shaved head and beard now?

I think it's awesome.
well i belive only one other person has mentioned what i belive to be the easiest and most effective answer to this....Juts have him do one more deplorable stupid job, have him snap and just beat the piss out of whoever he jobbed to...go rip the mike away from lillian, and jump in the ring and just go on a rant, about how underutilized he is and how he is sick of the crap...make it very real and belivable....and then build up credibility by just whipping people...maybe even have him come back for revenge on undeserving people he has put over, and just squash them...he obviosly has a large following as a serious competitor with the smark community, so I think it would work and please them....maybe give him a few months off before he comes back, so he can focus on gettin real ripped to enhance the look, and character as a "badass technical wrestler" who whips everyone....having him do one more ridiculous job and then have him leave lookin like a normal dude, and pissed, then have him come outta nowere, totally slay someone, and then lay his "shoot" promo....IC title contention at least after that i would say...
The more I think about it the only way to do it is give him time off for an extended amount of time then have him return with a new look and everything. WHen they changed Taker they sent him away for a while then he came back different, and they didn't have to explain why he was different, he just was. Maybe fans will let Dinsmore get away with it too, if they like him as much as people sound like they do.

But I would bet money that when they get rid of Eugene, Dinsmore is done.
It is definitely time to drop the Eugene gimmick and re-invent Nick Dinsmore as a new character. And it would be extremely easy to do so. In fact, it could be done in a couple of ways.

One way would be to have the creative team actually be creative, as some of you have already suggested. Have the disability be a sham, and have him turn instant heel by insulting the fans because he has been fooling them for so long. With Bischoff at his side, this would be even better. But even without Bischoff, he could blindside someone, either a friend or a diva, then return a week later as a heel explaining why he did so.

But they don't even have to be that elaborate about it. Wrestling fans tend to have very short memories. Just have him disappear for a few months (either by release or by inactivity). Then have him return with a new look, a new theme song, a new attitude, and a new name. Done.

Look at Umaga. There was no big explanation why he was no longer Jamal, he was released and he returned as Umaga. End of story. Nova became Simon Dean. Hurricane became Shane Helms. Rob Conway's gimmick changed. They are changing Snitsky's look in ECW, like he was never in WWE before.

No big thought or analysis needed. Have him disappear until the summer, then bring him back re-packaged. Fans will buy into it, they always do. Especially young fans or casual fans.
Unfortunatley if any of these scenarios to make Nick's carrer a little better they would have used the whole beating beaten senselss by Umage, having his head shaved thing as the excuse. His best chance now is to get injured. Get sent down to OVW and come back repackaged.

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