Embarrassing Sex Moments

one time I was railing this chick and thought to myself "dude....wrestlemania is on tomorrow. this weekend kicks ass"

HAHAHAHAHA That completely reminded me of the whole "Sex in the chair" ordeal I had with Erin a couple monthes back. :lmao:

It was during an Edge match and I asked if I could turn the chair so "I" could view the television whilst she did her thing. LOL She got upset and my reply was "But it's Edge, why didn't you want this during Cena's match?!"

I could've swore I also mentioned that story on here somewhere else too. lol

I've had tons of thoughts in my head during sex that really shouldn't of been there. Anything from "I'm hungry, I wonder what I can go find." to "It's about 1a.m., if we finish in about 10 minutes, I wonder how much Madden I can fit in before I should get to bed." LMAO Oh man.. Erin does NOT need to see this thread.
was doing this chick from the back in bed, her head wad won and we were so the front of me was like watching TV, and NFL Films came on.

"dude...SWEET...NFL films" and started watching it
Does Erin view any of your posts on Wrestlezone?

She doesn't know how to click on anything that says "find all of TheOneBigWill's posts" if that's what you mean. LOL I don't even think that option is available for "guests", which is how she views the site.

She doesn't have a user name or a membership or what-have-you.. only because we'd be using the same computer, and even if that was okay, I'm unsure how it'd work since I'm a mod and she wouldn't be..

But she does view the site every now and then to see what all has been said.
When I was 15, I had started dating a girl. One night, I was at a party, and stuff happened. Oral stuff happened.

Fast forward a few days. I'm laying in my bed talking to a friend on the phone,and I had told him about what happened. And at 15, thats every boys dream, so we were both pretty exited about it. And I had just finished saying the words "I can't believe se let me do that" as my mother walked by t go to the bathroom. She looked right at me, and asked "What did you do the other night?" and being as bold, stupid, and unimaginative, also still on the phone with my friend, I looked at my mom and said "I went down on her." My mom called me gross, and my friend laughed on the phone for about 5 minutes.

My mum knows parts. I wouldn't care if she knew everything. Well, apart from the girl experiences. She hates stuff like that.
I don't know one guy that can do that. And I have a lot of male friends. Most can't even do it with 2. Go NorCal.

Before I sound like a slag, I asked them, I don't know this from experience with them all :lmao:.

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