Elijah Burke To TNA?

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Houston's Hometown Hero
In case many of you have not heard already, Kenny Dykstra and Elijah Burke were released by the WWE today. And while nobody is incredibly sad to see Kenny finally get his walking papers, I must say that I am shocked, given the number of young stars that WWE wants to bring in soon, that Burke wasn't given another role such as announcer or manager as I'm sure that not everybody that they want to bring in is polished on the mic and could use the help. To be honest, it was a waste not to use him and is even more of a waste to cut him and let him just go to the wolves.

And now with that said, Burke will be free, in the given 90 day period, to try his hand in TNA. And to be honest, it could very well be yet another Christian situation where a talented star leaves WWE and truly gets the chance to shine and ply his trade in TNA. I mean he has a very athletic look. He's superb in the mic. And, given that TNA has been looking for a black star to take the whole left behind when Ron Killings left, Burke could make an instant impact. He has legit heel heat, but could also change over to a face easily.

And with impending rumors that Christian is about to head back to WWE, having a man like Burke on the roster to take that spot would be so much of a plus that it would boggle the mind. He can high fly, run, and is technically sound, so he is a finished superstar in the making that just needs the proper push and gimmick to get on his way. And in WWE, he used his own name, so no name change would be needed for him to come on board.

So the debate is, given the huge upside and the more than likely reasonable cost of doing so, should TNA sign Elijah Burke and why or why not?
Why not make one big "... to TNA?" thread though? Seems to be a lot of them these days...

Either way, I can actually see TNA utilizing Burke to his full potential. He's got talent no doubt. Perhaps getting the same kind of push that Ron Killings did when he was there? If he were to move, they should of course change his gimmick or at least tweak it. There was something in that gimmick that didn't "click" entirely for most fans it seems. Hence the lack of crowd reaction and the firing it resulted in (I think that was it...) Burke deserves a hell of a lot better treatment than WWE did, and TNA now have the opportunity to make the most of a very bad decision WWE made.
I'm shocked that Burke was released. This guy had a ton of potential and I saw a big future for him, as technically he was very good in the ring and had a good enthusiasm for the business. I think this was down to creative as they didn't have anything for him in a year, and I'm sure he just decided to actually go and wrestle somewhere else, so in that respect I can see him going to TNA because he'll get a lot of exposure on TV, and he'll be wrestling mainly, which is what he needs since he is young.
I love Burke. I have no idea why they didn't do anything with him. With the right push and right guys around him I think he could be big. I'd love to see him in TNA. He could be a good addition to the "young guys" roster if it's still going on. He's got good skills and good mic skills...at least from what we've seen. This could be a great pickup for TNA.

On another note, I love Lena Yada so I'd love to see her do something as well. I don't think she wrestles though so that's probably a drawback on her.
Personally it will be like Killings never left if Burke went there. The reason I don't pay as much attention to TNA anymore is because they let Killings go, who was my favorite wrestler on the show. Burke has amazing mic skills and his ring skills are superior to many on the TNA roster. I think he would fit great. Burke to TNA is a definite possibility and I would love nothing more then if it happened.
I would actually love for Elijah to go to TNA, Kenny too. If Elijah were to go to TNA people would blindly call him a WWE reject but the kid is still young enough to prove his worth in TNA. He is solid in the ring, has charisma, and is great on the mic. He could really be good for TNA and could maybe be Booker T's protege or something. Elijah has alot going for him and could become a top star in TNA if they really want him to. I just don't know where he would fit in right now since he is neither a TNA original or a legend. I guess he could be put into a tag team with someone(possibly a debut Kenny since both have the same attitude)but once this Main event mafia storyline comes to an end if TNA is willing to give him the time he could become a mid to top player for the company since he has the skills to suceed.
Truly a waste of great talent. He can use a mic. He put on decent matches. And i always felt he had a good amount of charisma. To be honest i am glad this happened. The WWE was not utilizing him the way they should. As spawn said he can possibly become a break out star on TNA like cage. He has the tools to become a main eventer on TNA hopefully he gets the chance to.
The dude a lot like MVP has no talent sucks on the Mic and only being push because he black

Are you serious? They are both great talents. How is it burkes fault that he was not used right? They did not even give him a sink or swim option he was just completely held off TV. As for MVP has no talent? Lol. Can you be more specific? If you are referring to his in ring ability they are clearly above average. Even with wwe rules. But if that's not enough for you i would recommend looking up his pre WWE matches. He can cut a great promo he is one of the few wrestlers in the WWE still who play their character perfectly. He is the whole package. If you think MVP sucks on the mic i would really like to know who you think qualifies as a good mic user. And you do know wrestling is scripted right?
Are you serious? They are both great talents. How is it burkes fault that he was not used right? They did not even give him a sink or swim option he was just completely held off TV. As for MVP has no talent? Lol. Can you be more specific? If you are referring to his in ring ability they are clearly above average. Even with wwe rules. But if that's not enough for you i would recommend looking up his pre WWE matches. He can cut a great promo he is one of the few wrestlers in the WWE still who play their character perfectly. He is the whole package. If you think MVP sucks on the mic i would really like to know who you think qualifies as a good mic user. And you do know wrestling is scripted right?

I was going to ask you that They gave Burkes the same push they gave Lensure the Rock and Undertaker and just like MVP and Mr kennedy he failed fans are just tried of wrestlers being push before their ready I mean the last thing we need is a other Cena where the only way to keep him is to have him be in World title matches all the time.

Some wrestler are just not cut out to be WWE superstars and he was One of them
I was going to ask you that They gave Burkes the same push they gave Lensure the Rock and Undertaker and just like MVP and Mr kennedy he failed fans are just tried of wrestlers being push before their ready I mean the last thing we need is a other Cena where the only way to keep him is to have him be in World title matches all the time.

Some wrestler are just not cut out to be WWE superstars and he was One of them

Are you actually comparing lesnars monster push to burkes? I really think you should examine what you just said their. As for Kennedy he was suppose to win the WWE championship but got injured he was gonna be Vinny macs bastard son. He was also set to win the US title recently so please don't tell me Kennedy failed if anything he would have had enormous success if he was not so injury prone.

Also you still did not tell me where MVP supposedly failed. How did he fail fans? He got booed that's his job to get booed if he is not getting booed then he is failing. His recent losing streak is a storyline according to him one more win and he gets a big payoff. Albeit its a ******ed storyline it is not his fault its the creative teams fault.
You don't get it ( no shock really) MVP is it getting boos he getting nothing because people are sick of wrestler like him who get push too soon MVP and Kennedy should be a tag team and going for the tag title and earn the right to be WWE champion
You don't get it ( no shock really) MVP is it getting boos he getting nothing because people are sick of wrestler like him who get push too soon MVP and Kennedy should be a tag team and going for the tag title and earn the right to be WWE champion

I am the one does not get it? What don't i get? I cant even understand what your trying to say "MVP is it getting boos". Are you trying to say he isn't getting boos? Cause from what i watch he clearly is and that's his job to get booed. Who are these people you speak of who are tired of seeing wrestlers pushed to soon? I am guessing just you. Lesnar push was too soon. How is MVP's push to soon? He won his US title almost a year later after debuting seems fair to me especially since he had a great feud with Benoit for it. While Lesnar won the WWE Undisputed Championship 4 months after his debut by beating the rock at Summerslam. That is a fast push. You my friend are the one who does not get it.
WOW i guess it went over you head you do know MVP very first match was for the WWE title

His in ring debut was at no mercy against Marty Garne. So i don't know what your talking about. If your trying to imply how far he has fallen since his debut just remember. Creative team writes the storylines not him.
WWE can go to hell, they never really gave Elijah much of a chance to succeed, nobody is saying they should have pushed him as Champion on Raw or Smackdown but he should have gotten more of a push on ECW at least they never used him correctly besides that New Breed vs ECW originals which was very entertaining

I think Burke would be great on TNA they should sign him, WWE dropped the ball on this one I think, maybe like R-Truth he will come back in a few years but they could have used him as a mouthpiece for someone he had too much charisma just to release him but oh well best of luck to him I hope he does go to TNA because I would watch
Dude sometime it just the wrestler flat WWE didn't drop anything escape some unwanted waste of space you know they have to make cuts in order to keep alive too

Your not even arguing with me about MVP and kennedy anymore. Now your just telling me he is just a waste of space or at least that's what i think your telling me since i can barely understand what you type. I am guessing you are referring to Burke. Yes the WWE did drop the ball with him like i said earlier he was not even given a sink or swim option. They should have just thrown him out their on ECW and if he makes it he does and if he doesn't fine. The reason why people in this thread think it is a waste is because he had tons of potential that was never utilized. Can he just walk into ECW and say put me in a match? No. Can he just walk into ECW and say give my some tv time? No. It is the WWE's fault plain and simple. I am done arguing with you since its obvious you are the one who does not understand. Also please proof read what you write.
WOW insults that when you know they lose

How did WWE drop the ball?

They gave him his Own stable he was in one of the most high profile matches at WM23 and he was given a shot at the ECW title and he HIMSELF drop the ball
WOW insults that when you know they lose

How did WWE drop the ball?

They gave him his Own stable he was in one of the most high profile matches at WM23 and he was given a shot at the ECW title and he HIMSELF drop the ball

Actually, first of all, to break it down to him just being a "black man getting a push" is being a little simplistic and closed minded, don'tcha think? He came into the WWE being a sidekick to a sizable white wrestler and pretty much outshined him with both athleticism and charisma. So I doubt this to be a relevant analysis of Elijah Burke in any way shape or form. If anything, he was held back and broke through, ahead of others heavily pushed such as Punk, Shannon Moore, The Sandman, and Ballls Mahoney,

Second of all, WWE very much dropped the ball with Burke. Sure he got pushed with his own stable. But who was in it? A vampire? An Alpha Male? A school teacher? Oh yeah, that sounds like a stable on the same level as The Horsemen. And who was his feud with? The Sandman? Balls Mahoney? Tommy Dreamer? I'll have to remember for a Slammy Award in the future as it sounds like the feud of the century. And where are these individuals at who they set Elijah up on the road to success teaming and feuding with? Well one is in parts unknown, the other went home to play with the kids, one is an announcer, one should be in rehab, and nobody really cares where the rest went. So um yeah, they set him up for stability there.

Finally, the thing is that Elijah Burke was hard NOT to notice during a time when lesser finished wrestlers like Booby Lashley, MVP, and Big Daddy V were being pushed through the roof as if they were the new faces of the WWE. He was a heel. A great selling, technically sound, charisma controlling heel. As I said earlier, he would have been great in a role similar to what he was doing for Sylvester Turkey when he first came to the main roster. I think that with the sizeable talent like Jack Swagger, Elijah could have let them do the wrestling while he did the talking. WWE lost out, letting this youngster go. I'm not saying that he could make a Christian Cage sized impact in TNA, but he damn well has the potential to do so if given the right push.
I am an absolute Burke fan and would never in a million years qualify him as a WWE reject as I do others simply because he's not even in his prime yet. He was never given a chance to blossom in the WWE and TNA would be completely crazy not to try and snatch him up. The man's gold! A young heavyweight with in-ring talent and great mic skills? That is something TNA sorely needs because quite frankly Morgan disappoints me so far. I will never understand why he was let go but that in itself is a golden opportunity for TNA and they MUST make the most of it. They need an Elijah Burke a lot more than they need a Paul London or Super Crazy and they should give the Black Pope a chance to build something of a legacy.
Wait, where is all this Elijah Burke love coming from? What has he ever done to deserve it? Put on some piss bucket matches? Refuse to long-term sell? Incorporate zero psychology into his matches? And I'm supposed to believe this guy has potential?

The WWE didn't drop the ball on Burke, Burke just wasn't ready for the big time yet. And there's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure if Burke takes some time to polish his skills and become a better worker, then the WWE will welcome him back.

As far as Burke in TNA goes, I seriously doubt it. They already got guys who can do flippys, and they got guys who are far superior workers. Elijah Burke would just get lost in the shuffle, provide no real benefit, and TNA has reportedly been looking to cut wrestlers any ways.

On a side note, I've noticed some people try to turn this into a race issue. All I will say is this. I have yet to see a black wrestling fan not support a black wrestler.

That is all.
Wait, where is all this Elijah Burke love coming from? What has he ever done to deserve it? Put on some piss bucket matches? Refuse to long-term sell? Incorporate zero psychology into his matches? And I'm supposed to believe this guy has potential?

Sorry about that, I had to take a second because I thought I would hear Herman Edwards chime in with his famous 'we play to win the game" line somewhere in there or something similar like "They are who we thought they were". I mean seriously. You DO realize that wrestling is scripted right? You do realize that these wrestlers go out and do what they are told to do right? I mean seriously you are telling me that Big Daddy V, Snitsky, and Mike Knox have more ring psychology? Hell no. The thing is that they do what they are scripted to do.

The WWE didn't drop the ball on Burke, Burke just wasn't ready for the big time yet. And there's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure if Burke takes some time to polish his skills and become a better worker, then the WWE will welcome him back.

Don't you mean that he wasn't the biggest man being pushed at the time? Wasn't ready? How in the HELL could you be ready when WWE is pushing all of the monsters like Batista, Snitsky, Big Daddy V, and Mark Henry. And please don't get me started on how unfinished and not ready Lashley was before he got a Goldberg like push to the ECW championship. This is a moot statement to say that his skills were unpolished and that he wasn't a good worker when 5 of the top 6 wrestlers being pushed ahead of him were sloppy, untalented, and horrid to watch and were just being pushed because of their size. Hell, Sylvester Turkey was being pushed ahead of him and he was supposed to just be a lackey. So he was doomed from the start.

As far as Burke in TNA goes, I seriously doubt it. They already got guys who can do flippys, and they got guys who are far superior workers. Elijah Burke would just get lost in the shuffle, provide no real benefit, and TNA has reportedly been looking to cut wrestlers any ways.

Actually, I beg to differ on this greatly. Ever since Ron Killings departed the company, the status quo in TNA have been looking for a replacement. They spoke with Lashley, they signed Booker, they have even elevated the exposure of such guys as Consequences Creed and Jay Lethal. But they have yet to find a guy who fit that particular mold of mic charisma and swagger. Aside from the athleticism that Killings has with his moves, Burke is the man who fits that need. He is a leader and has been on tv as well in such a role. It wouldn't be hard to pull off, with the right booking. He's more than just a flippy flop guy. And you could sign him for what a current superstar who may be looking to squeeze a raise out of the company is getting. He's not hurting for money, and he needs tv time to get back to the spotlight and possibly to get WWE to see what they missed. Much in the same way that Christian has used TNA to raise his own stock.

On a side note, I've noticed some people try to turn this into a race issue. All I will say is this. I have yet to see a black wrestling fan not support a black wrestler.

That is all.

This is not a race issue. I am a black wrestling fan and I support Elijah Burke. I also do NOT support Shelton Benjamin, because he's an underacheiver. I don't support Cryme Tyme because they are a joke and only non-black people think that what they do is funny or cool. I still don't see what Vince's whole fascination was with Viscera/Big Daddy V and why he repeatedly pushes him when he's there. And I think that Lashley was not ready and was not worth pushing and that he was only being pushed as "reparations" to the talent and public. I support Mark Henry because he has gotten better and I think MVP has potential. I've seen alot of white wrestlers with potential as well and supported them when they fell and I like Booker T because he's from my hometown.

So I think you're "color" theory is extremely flawed and only belittles the whole argument in the first place. If there are those who make color an issue, it's because they lack the true incite into certain situations and it's all that they can do in order to get noticed. In other words, it's an attention seeking device and I certainly hope that you are not sinking to such levels because I have a high amount of respect for you as an intelligent and though provoking poster. And now THAT, my friend, is all.
Sorry about that, I had to take a second because I thought I would hear Herman Edwards chime in with his famous 'we play to win the game" line somewhere in there or something similar like "They are who we thought they were". I mean seriously. You DO realize that wrestling is scripted right? You do realize that these wrestlers go out and do what they are told to do right? I mean seriously you are telling me that Big Daddy V, Snitsky, and Mike Knox have more ring psychology? Hell no. The thing is that they do what they are scripted to do.
Way to COMPLETELY misunderstand that part of my post.

Nothing you said changes what I said. Go back and read it, and maybe you'll understand.

On a side note, in the newspaper article about one of our basketball games, the opposing coach said this:
Other Coach said:
When I saw their starting lineup, I knew who they were going to put out there.
I think that goes right along with "They are who we thought they were".

Link: http://www.semissourian.com/article/20071205/SPORTS/712050040

Anyways, back on track, are you trying to tell me that the WWE told Burke not to sell, incorporate zero psychology in his matches, and wrestle poorly?

Don't you mean that he wasn't the biggest man being pushed at the time?
No, I'm quite confident I said what I meant.

Wasn't ready? How in the HELL could you be ready when WWE is pushing all of the monsters like Batista, Snitsky, Big Daddy V, and Mark Henry.
Oh, I don't know, how about maybe being a better worker? Finding ways to make people care about your character? Adding realism to your matches? Improving your psychology? Learn to sell long-term injuries? Use a believable offense?

Would you like me to go on? At the same time the WWE was pushing those guys you mentioned, they also pushed CM Punk. So, you really have no excuse for Elijah Burke.

And please don't get me started on how unfinished and not ready Lashley was before he got a Goldberg like push to the ECW championship.
The difference?

Fans cared about Lashley. They never cared about Burke.

This is a moot statement to say that his skills were unpolished and that he wasn't a good worker when 5 of the top 6 wrestlers being pushed ahead of him were sloppy, untalented, and horrid to watch and were just being pushed because of their size. Hell, Sylvester Turkey was being pushed ahead of him and he was supposed to just be a lackey. So he was doomed from the start.
But see, that's what you don't understand. Those other guys had people that cared about them, or if they didn't, they got fired.

Big Daddy V was underrated in the ring. Turkay was fired. Batista is a mega star, Lashley was one of the Top 5 over wrestlers in the WWE.

Elijah Burke? Nothing.

Actually, I beg to differ on this greatly. Ever since Ron Killings departed the company, the status quo in TNA have been looking for a replacement. They spoke with Lashley, they signed Booker, they have even elevated the exposure of such guys as Consequences Creed and Jay Lethal. But they have yet to find a guy who fit that particular mold of mic charisma and swagger. Aside from the athleticism that Killings has with his moves, Burke is the man who fits that need. He is a leader and has been on tv as well in such a role. It wouldn't be hard to pull off, with the right booking. He's more than just a flippy flop guy. And you could sign him for what a current superstar who may be looking to squeeze a raise out of the company is getting. He's not hurting for money, and he needs tv time to get back to the spotlight and possibly to get WWE to see what they missed. Much in the same way that Christian has used TNA to raise his own stock.

This whole part of your post is extremely racist. I'm not even going to bother to respond. All I will say is "Why do they have to replace Ron Killings with a black guy"?
Way to COMPLETELY misunderstand that part of my post.

No, I didn't misunderstand it. It was a poorly justified rant that was meant written just to differentiate from the popular opinion. Classic Sly move if you ask me. Classic and yet simplistic in form.

Nothing you said changes what I said. Go back and read it, and maybe you'll understand.

Not sure how nothing I said changes even the smallest iota of what you said. I mean even a small simblence of sway has to lean now that you have read justification for what you dubbed "Burke Love".

On a side note, in the newspaper article about one of our basketball games, the opposing coach said this:

I think that goes right along with "They are who we thought they were".

Link: http://www.semissourian.com/article/20071205/SPORTS/712050040
Um yeah. Cute.

Anyways, back on track, are you trying to tell me that the WWE told Burke not to sell, incorporate zero psychology in his matches, and wrestle poorly?

No, WWE told him to go out and job to a bunch of to a bunch of sloppy, over-rated up and comers and over the hill ECW has beens. And he still did what he was told. he went out, put on a good match, and then laid down for them. Not sure how much "ring psychology" that needs to incorporate, but it seems that he still did the same thing that MVP is doing these days. And MVP is still employed. Where is the difference in the two other than gainful employment and MVP's new gimmick being a jobber? I'm sure you will explain or say you don't need to. Either or, this was a point I felt needed to be brought up.

No, I'm quite confident I said what I meant.

And I'm quite confident that it was in "Slyspeak", a language that you speak fluently and use a reason not to elaborate. The point still is that larger wrestlers were getting pushed during what should have been his time to shine. Less charismatic wrestlers at that.

Oh, I don't know, how about maybe being a better worker? Finding ways to make people care about your character? Adding realism to your matches? Improving your psychology? Learn to sell long-term injuries? Use a believable offense?

People care if you get a push. Nobody gave a shit about Steven Richards. Nobody gives a shit about Funaki. Nobody give a shit about Snitsky. Hell, the only reason why people gave a shit about Lashley was because he was booked in a way that gave him cheap poppage and MADE you give a shit. Nobody gives a shit about a wrestler who's booked to come out and lay down ever week unless it's part of an angle, as with Colin Delaney. And I'm not sure what you mean by selling long term injuries. I mean the guy was booked to come out and lay down. No big time beat downs. No hardcore matches where he was brutally slaughtered. What was there for him to sell long term? Please, tell me that and give an example of someone booked similarly who "sold" these imaginary long term injuries.

Would you like me to go on? At the same time the WWE was pushing those guys you mentioned, they also pushed CM Punk. So, you really have no excuse for Elijah Burke.

Ah ys, I was waiting for someone to bring up the Punkster. Who pushed for Punk to be brought up to the main roster? Who pushed for Punk to get his push? Answer that one and you will see a pattern. Or should I lay it out for you and mention the likes of Batista, Shawn Michaels, Orton, and many others who Triple H favors.

The difference?

Booking and connections. Booking and connections my friend.

Fans cared about Lashley. They never cared about Burke.

Fans cared about Lashley the same way they cared about Goldberg. They didn't know what in the fuck to think until he came out and started getting wins over all of the bad guys. That's why people gave a shit about him. Booking. If Burke were booked like Edge, Jericho, or a host of other non-superheavyeights, he just may have shown something different. But I guarantee you that people would have cared.

But see, that's what you don't understand. Those other guys had people that cared about them, or if they didn't, they got fired.

Oh god. Do I really need to explain this again? You really have to stop repeating your statements. The others had bookiEcw Originals vs. The New Breed angle. But that was flubbed with the whole Punk Fiasco and it went downhill from there. But I really felt that Burke established himself well with that and was separating himself. Of course, creative just decided to stop pushing him for some reason. No creative. No booking. Nobody cares.

Big Daddy V was underrated in the ring. Turkay was fired. Batista is a mega star, Lashley was one of the Top 5 over wrestlers in the WWE.

That was a comedic statement right? Because I am laughing my ass off as I am still picturing Big Daddy V pull off the worst two black hole slams that I have every seen during his first ECW match. And after that, he never used the move again. Sure, he had a high spot or two, but he made Ron Reese look good for putting on a suit made of toilet paper every time I say him. And was that supposed to he his version of a ripped off Vader sign with his hands? It looked like he had leprosy every time he did it. And let's not get started on Lashley. He was highly over rated and pushed entirely too high. He was like Butterbean, wrestlings version of the king of the 5 minute match. Simply atrocious.

Elijah Burke? Nothing.

Burke looked more finished than V and Lashley. Not sure why you won't admit it.

This whole part of your post is extremely racist. I'm not even going to bother to respond. All I will say is "Why do they have to replace Ron Killings with a black guy"?

Wait, what you said in your post was the equivalent of saying that you never met a black person that didn't like fried chicken and you have the absolute nerve to say that my response was racist because I said that the status quo in TNA has been looking for Killings replacement in another black wrestler? Shameful for you to even try such a ploy. If you didn't have anything good to say, then you should have just skipped this rather than making a complete mockery of the process by stooping to such levels. Shameful Sly. Very very shameful.
Yet another dumb move on Vince's part.i think Burke would be a great addition to the TNA roster.Mabye start him out in the X Division to give it a boost.I'd personally like to see him in the ring with Angle or AJ Styles.Even Kenny could be brought in to form a new tag team to challenge Beer Money.Vince is gonna regret letting all these young talented guys go when Cena and HHH are done.
No, I didn't misunderstand it. It was a poorly justified rant that was meant written just to differentiate from the popular opinion. Classic Sly move if you ask me. Classic and yet simplistic in form.
Obviously you did misunderstand it. Because I was talking about some of the qualities that make a good wrestler, thus a wrestler the WWE would want to keep, and then connected that with the fact that Burke doesn't have those qualities.

Then you ask if I knew it was scripted. Which has ZERO to do with what I said.

Not sure how nothing I said changes even the smallest iota of what you said.
Because you never addressed the fact that Burke sucks? That he couldn't sell, incorporated zero psychology into his matches, etc.?

All you talk about is the OTHER people the WWE was pushing, while NEVER ever actually commenting on what I said.

So, like I said, it changes nothing. Come back again if you'd like another lesson.

Um yeah. Cute.

No, WWE told him to go out and job to a bunch of to a bunch of sloppy, over-rated up and comers and over the hill ECW has beens.
Ignoring for a moment that Burke spent the a large part of 2007 feuding with with guys like Tommy Dream, Rob Van Dam, and CM Punk...so?

What does that have to do with what I said? You can still work psychology into your matches, and you can still sell long-term injuries. Who you're working with means ZERO when discussing those attributes.

And, you can still get yourself over with the fans, regardless who you are working with. Especially when you are working with the top talent on the brand, and contending with World Champions like Punk, RVD, and Batista.

And he still did what he was told. he went out, put on a good match, and then laid down for them.
That's just the thing...he DIDN'T put on a good match. That is what I'm trying to say.

Not sure how much "ring psychology" that needs to incorporate, but it seems that he still did the same thing that MVP is doing these days.
MVP plays his character in the ring far better than Burke did.

Where is the difference in the two other than gainful employment and MVP's new gimmick being a jobber?
Talent? The ability to get over?

And I'm quite confident that it was in "Slyspeak", a language that you speak fluently and use a reason not to elaborate. The point still is that larger wrestlers were getting pushed during what should have been his time to shine. Less charismatic wrestlers at that.
Which has NOTHING to do with Burke being able to get over, especially, as I've already pointed out, CM Punk was getting over as well.

People care if you get a push.
No, people care if you are good.

Hell, the only reason why people gave a shit about Lashley was because he was booked in a way that gave him cheap poppage and MADE you give a shit.
What? People cared about Lashley because he was an incredible physical speciman, connected well with the crowd, and had a very good power game.

Nobody gives a shit about a wrestler who's booked to come out and lay down ever week unless it's part of an angle, as with Colin Delaney.
But Burke WASN'T booked to job every week back in late 06 and 07.

And I'm not sure what you mean by selling long term injuries.
I know.

I mean the guy was booked to come out and lay down.
No he wasn't. He was booked as one of the main-eventers on ECW.

Ah ys, I was waiting for someone to bring up the Punkster. Who pushed for Punk to be brought up to the main roster? Who pushed for Punk to get his push? Answer that one and you will see a pattern. Or should I lay it out for you and mention the likes of Batista, Shawn Michaels, Orton, and many others who Triple H favors.
LOL :lmao:

A classic. Whenever one of our favorites don't get pushed, let's blame creative and Triple H. It certainly can't be the wrestlers' fault, oh no. Always someone elses.

That's a joke Spawn and you know it. And I can't believe you would resort to such ridiculousness.

Fans cared about Lashley the same way they cared about Goldberg.
And fans cared about Burke the same way they cared about Heidenreich.

Oh god. Do I really need to explain this again? You really have to stop repeating your statements. The others had bookiEcw Originals vs. The New Breed angle. But that was flubbed with the whole Punk Fiasco and it went downhill from there. But I really felt that Burke established himself well with that and was separating himself. Of course, creative just decided to stop pushing him for some reason. No creative. No booking. Nobody cares.
Nobody cared about him BEFORE they took him off the screen.

But, after the New Breed vs. Originals, Burke was in several main-event matches, and contending for the ECW title several times.

Burke's failure to get over was HIS fault, no one elses. It's also a sign of his lack of skills, and the things he needs to work on.

That was a comedic statement right? Because I am laughing my ass off as I am still picturing Big Daddy V pull off the worst two black hole slams that I have every seen during his first ECW match. And after that, he never used the move again. Sure, he had a high spot or two, but he made Ron Reese look good for putting on a suit made of toilet paper every time I say him. And was that supposed to he his version of a ripped off Vader sign with his hands? It looked like he had leprosy every time he did it. And let's not get started on Lashley. He was highly over rated and pushed entirely too high. He was like Butterbean, wrestlings version of the king of the 5 minute match. Simply atrocious.
You're right. Clearly you know more about professional wrestling than Vince McMahon.

That's why Big Daddy V was around the WWE so long. Because he sucked, right? That's why Bobby Lashley was a main-eventer, and incredibly over with the fans, right? Because he was over rated?

How can you possibly type these words and ever believe they come close to making sense? How can you not understand that getting pushed has nothing to do with getting over, and that the ones who get pushed are usually the ones who are getting over anyways?

Burke looked more finished than V and Lashley. Not sure why you won't admit it.
Looked more finished? The guy couldn't get over. Maybe you aren't aware, but professional wrestling is a "for profit" business. If you can't get over and make people pay money to see you, then you are not a good worker.

And then you get fired.

Wait, what you said in your post was the equivalent of saying that you never met a black person that didn't like fried chicken and you have the absolute nerve to say that my response was racist because I said that the status quo in TNA has been looking for Killings replacement in another black wrestler?

What I said had NOTHING to do with fried chicken, so kindly shut up. Don't turn into a Jesse Jackson and force me to body slam you for racism. All I said was is that I haven't met a black wrestling fan who hasn't supported a black wrestler. Were the implications clear? Absolutely.

But hey, it appears you didn't get it, so let's try this another way. Why are you not up in arms about the WWE releasing Kenny Dykstra? Or Paul London? Or Chuck Palumbo?

How come the only person I see you starting threads for is Elijah Burke? TNA has NEVER said anything about a "status quo", so you are obviously making that up to suit your cause. Where is the "Paul London to TNA thread"?
Obviously you did misunderstand it. Because I was talking about some of the qualities that make a good wrestler, thus a wrestler the WWE would want to keep, and then connected that with the fact that Burke doesn't have those qualities. Then you ask if I knew it was scripted. Which has ZERO to do with what I said. Because you never addressed the fact that Burke sucks? That he couldn't sell, incorporated zero psychology into his matches, etc.? All you talk about is the OTHER people the WWE was pushing, while NEVER ever actually commenting on what I said. So, like I said, it changes nothing. Come back again if you'd like another lesson. Agreed. Ignoring for a moment that Burke spent the a large part of 2007 feuding with with guys like Tommy Dream, Rob Van Dam, and CM Punk...so? What does that have to do with what I said? You can still work psychology into your matches, and you can still sell long-term injuries. Who you're working with means ZERO when discussing those attributes. And, you can still get yourself over with the fans, regardless who you are working with. Especially when you are working with the top talent on the brand, and contending with World Champions like Punk, RVD, and Batista. That's just the thing...he DIDN'T put on a good match. That is what I'm trying to say. MVP plays his character in the ring far better than Burke did. Talent? The ability to get over? Which has NOTHING to do with Burke being able to get over, especially, as I've already pointed out, CM Punk was getting over as well. No, people care if you are good. What? People cared about Lashley because he was an incredible physical speciman, connected well with the crowd, and had a very good power game. But Burke WASN'T booked to job every week back in late 06 and 07. I know. No he wasn't. He was booked as one of the main-eventers on ECW. LOL :lmao: A classic. Whenever one of our favorites don't get pushed, let's blame creative and Triple H. It certainly can't be the wrestlers' fault, oh no. Always someone elses. That's a joke Spawn and you know it. And I can't believe you would resort to such ridiculousness. And fans cared about Burke the same way they cared about Heidenreich. Nobody cared about him BEFORE they took him off the screen. But, after the New Breed vs. Originals, Burke was in several main-event matches, and contending for the ECW title several times. Burke's failure to get over was HIS fault, no one elses. It's also a sign of his lack of skills, and the things he needs to work on. You're right. Clearly you know more about professional wrestling than Vince McMahon. That's why Big Daddy V was around the WWE so long. Because he sucked, right? That's why Bobby Lashley was a main-eventer, and incredibly over with the fans, right? Because he was over rated? How can you possibly type these words and ever believe they come close to making sense? How can you not understand that getting pushed has nothing to do with getting over, and that the ones who get pushed are usually the ones who are getting over anyways? Looked more finished? The guy couldn't get over. Maybe you aren't aware, but professional wrestling is a "for profit" business. If you can't get over and make people pay money to see you, then you are not a good worker. And then you get fired. LOL What I said had NOTHING to do with fried chicken, so kindly shut up. Don't turn into a Jesse Jackson and force me to body slam you for racism. All I said was is that I haven't met a black wrestling fan who hasn't supported a black wrestler. Were the implications clear? Absolutely. But hey, it appears you didn't get it, so let's try this another way. Why are you not up in arms about the WWE releasing Kenny Dykstra? Or Paul London? Or Chuck Palumbo? How come the only person I see you starting threads for is Elijah Burke? TNA has NEVER said anything about a "status quo", so you are obviously making that up to suit your cause. Where is the "Paul London to TNA thread"?

There, now your post is it's true form of blatant gibberishness. I mean seriously this response was the lowest form of anything I have seen from you Sly. You took parts of my reply and shifted them around to fit your responses and then you blatantly skipped over and left out clear questions so that you would look like you had a point that went unanswered. So I will do this to make it clear and direct.

1. This is not a post about a wrestler who sucked. You came in and decided that since everybody else was speaking highly of Burke, you would do the opposite. It's something that you have done for months in other posts. Cute, but the norm. So nobody is shocked. I'm not saying he's a great man. I said he would fit in well in TNA and that he could use the time in TNA to raise his stock, much as Christian did. Nobody said he was the next messiah or that the WWE Universe would crumble without him.

2. A man who for some reason you people seem to thin is a great mind, Paul Heyman, was strongly behind Burke. And so was his successor, Dave Langana, saw Burke's potential and pushed him. When both of these men were gone, you saw the difference in how Burke was utilized. It's was blatant.

3. I notice that you not only skipped over where I asked you to please elaborate on what these phantom long term injuries that he was supposed to be selling was. Not only did you ignore the question, but you left it out of what you copied and pasted from what I said. So once again, I ask you what was it? I mean his job was to come out, wrestle a match, and then job to the finisher. And to be honest, nobody who he jobbed to had such an impactful finisher that he needed to sell it for more than the end of the match. Hell, some guys, like Hardy, get to kick out of finishers. Lucky them huh?

4. You were the one who wrote, and I quote "I've never met a black wrestling fan that didn't support a black wrestler. What EXACTLY was THAT statement supposed to imply, while you are sitting there saying you're now Jesse Jackson and calling me racist? I mean seriously Sly, just admit that you said it rather than deflecting and casting judgment in an attempt to draw focus from the topic at hand. It's not progressive in this discussion, nor is it controversially intellectual. It has no place in this debate.

So here, is what I propose. Let's just agree to disagree. Nobody is saying that Burke is the greatest star and that he was robbed. He wasn't used, he got cut. Simple enough. I'm just saying that he could possibly use TNA as a chance to develop his skills and see if he can elevate his game. If nothing else, he makes a decent mouthpiece for somebody else. And that is all that I am saying. Nothing more, nothing less.
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