The Pope or Elijah Burke?

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Dark Match Jobber
Who is better. The pope deangelo dinero or Elijah Burke. Elijah Burke was an amazing young athlete on the new ECW he made his wrestlemania debut in his first year with wwe he had some great feuds and some great matches especialy in Chris Benoits last match. I had thought he was on his way to an ECW title. The day I saw he had been released and yet they still held on to Ricky Ortiz What the hell. The WWE are the stupidest company ever.


TNA realizeshis talent which is why of course the brought him in. He has a great talent and he was booked so well going into TNA. He has great potential. his feud with suicide was great and also his feud with Team 3D and Rhino and Jesse Neal is fantastic. When TNA books him right he can steal the show. I hope wwe feels like shit after releasing him.

My question who is better Elijah Burke Or Deangelo Denero Real answers please
Pope by far. WWE has the issue of 'even though you are an independently contracted employee with no company benfits, you will do exactly as we say'. Therefore, i feel he was limited as the same way every wrestler is. Every match and every up-and-comer there has the same feel. In TNA, he brought HIS character in. His style. His persona. Pope was his invention. TNA lets him run with it and, suprise, suprise, IT WORKS! When he debuted, I haven't heard that loud of a chant for a heel in quite some time. Yes, he was on his way for a bit there in WWE, but you see where that led. He's one of the few WWE 'future endeavors' thatwill help make TNA a better product.
i totaly agree. The pope is one of the most likeable wrestlers in TNA and that was done in no time atall. Im not diggin the knees to the back finisher tho, but thats just me being an asshole.
Pope by a mile. It's not even a contest, IMO.

The Black Pope was Elijah Burke's character from the start, as he even had a website up using the moniker once he had been released from the WWE to begin with. TNA let him run with it, much like they did with another successful idea from the wrestler himself in Curry Man, and it blew up faster than anyone would have anticipated, IMO.

Pope's character, though vague at times and often ambivalent was a bit of an instant classic for TNA, as the company was better suited to allow for such a "cartoonish" style.

Elijah Burke the brawler wasn't a bad character by any means, but he simply wasn't nearly as strong as the street preacher, IMO.

I for one would love to get my hands on some Dinero bucks!
The Pope is by far 10 times better then E Burke. Once again proving TNA is getting better and more entertaining then WWE week after week. I hope this guy is heavyweight champion some day soon.
DX Mols soon is some what a little(by me of course) hasty sure he is over with the crowd and a great worker but others deserve it too (more i dont think so) but hernandez and morgan deserve their title shot (one on one if possible) and after that the pope should get his if of course they dont give a instant title shot to jeff jarret when he comes back or to another big WWE relese then The pope will gte his chance to get the title
The_Model_2.0, for the love of god, use some punctuation. I know the period on your keyboard works; I can see it in your name.

To answer the question, it's not even really fair. Elijah Burke in the WWE wasn't even really a character. It was just Elijah Burke with beads in his hair and generic shorts. He, like Benjamin and many other talents in the E, had to get by on just plain being a good wrestler and never really getting a chance to have a character or a gimmick or a feud or anything. TNA doesn't have the same sort of restrictions on their wrestlers and take into account that Dinero already some fame in his corner coming in, and it really isn't much of a debatable topic.

As far as those in TNA that never quite made it in WWE goes, it's almost always the same result with the exception of Jeff Hardy, whose TNA run wasn't particularly worth noting.
Neither. OK, allow me to expand on that. Elijah Burke was just a bore in the ring, and save for the New Breed storyline, he wasn't that entertaining outside the ring, either.

As for the "Black Blasphemer....errrm, Pope", he's got no depth, can't cut a promo without screwing his lines up, and is just sloppy in the ring. Do I really need to remind everyone about his botched move that caused Consequences Creed to vomit on iMPACT! ?

So, all in all, I'd say the guy is equally bad, in both persona's. I know I'm in the minority on that, but I'll stick to it till he can show me something. As for the people saying "He'll win the title in no time!", I respond with: He's a solid mid-carder, at best. Don't get your hopes up.;)
The guy is definitly a former champ. He reminds alot lke The Rock, they both had MAD charisma, good wrestlers and over with the fans. So Pope is by far the chosen character. Burke was just a bore.
Neither. OK, allow me to expand on that. Elijah Burke was just a bore in the ring, and save for the New Breed storyline, he wasn't that entertaining outside the ring, either.

As for the "Black Blasphemer....errrm, Pope", he's got no depth, can't cut a promo without screwing his lines up, and is just sloppy in the ring. Do I really need to remind everyone about his botched move that caused Consequences Creed to vomit on iMPACT! ?

So, all in all, I'd say the guy is equally bad, in both persona's. I know I'm in the minority on that, but I'll stick to it till he can show me something. As for the people saying "He'll win the title in no time!", I respond with: He's a solid mid-carder, at best. Don't get your hopes up.;)

No depth? I think the guy cuts promos in a unique fashion (Hernandai, Suicidee), He WAS a bore in WWE because thats what WWE gave him - a bad character.

He botched a move?! Stop the presses!!! I don't know who you smark out for but I feel he botched too and it was worse than vomit. Is it Owen Hart? Lesnar? D'LO?

I hope he doesn't win in no time. I would care less if they made him the Next Tommy Dreamer. Top talent, but never gets the title (and don't count that crappy nu-ECW Championship win. That doesn't count.). If TNA can survive what Hulk has coming for them, Pope can make WWE wish they had him back, and NOT in a Christian Cage kind of welcome.
With all the help the WWE needs right now in elevating new (and ultimately younger) faces to combat the repetitive mediocrity they have in their glass ceiling, I don't doubt the potential of Vince looking back on Burke and maybe thinking twice about having let him go to begin with if the WWE's struggles to grow new youth continue. Although I'd imagine he's found a bit of his replacement in Kofi Kingston. I realize it sounds moderately prejudice to say so, but the PC world does in fact "require" an ethnic "face" so-to-speak when it comes to a product like professional wrestling, and it has for some time now. It also helps in raising fans of greater ethnic descent by giving them wrestlers who show pride in said ethnicity.

Either way, TNA made out like bandits with Burke, IMO, because despite his flaws (as if all wrestlers don't have flaws?) the overall character progress of the Pope from developmental stance has been phenomenal, and though it's early in his TNA career, there's a lot of bright future in the push he's gotten from management, which means there's a lot of potential success ahead for both Burke, and his new company.
Character Wise, I liked Elijah Burke better than D'Angelo Dinero. It's close, very close, but I think that he had a better developed character in WWE that was given a chance to grow instead of the "Black Pope" character that was a combination to his indy persona and his WWE persona.

As far as wrestling styles, Dinero is better. He has a lot more freedom with what he can do.
I like D'Angelo Dinero and what they are doing with him.He is good in the ring and getter better on the mic.Some of the wwe biggest stars came from other companies to name some,undertaker,stone cold and Chris Jericho. So I hope TNA can do the same thing with D'Angelo Dinero and don't screw this up like so many other super stars they had..So out of Elijah Burke or D'Angelo Dinero I pick D'Angelo Dinero
Pope. I have no idea what the Pope character is even supposed to be, but it's certainly entertaining. The crowd reactions say it all.
My question who is better Elijah Burke Or Deangelo Denero Real answers please

A simple answer for a simple question.... He is better as The Pope than he was as Elijah Burke. I was not a fan of him in WWE because I did not find him entertaining. However, in his TNA character, I look forward to seeing more all the time because he is very entertaining now. He is better on the mic, better in the ring, and more interesting too. The Pope is a better character than Elijah Burke because he actually entertains me now.
Burke was nothing but a disaster in ECW and never developed into a "good" wrestler or entertainer that he should of been. With that said, TNA has used him (so far) good and can capiitalize on him as a up and being that he should have been in the WWE.

He could of been the next Shemass (haha). should of been the nest up and bright star that WWE missed like Christian could of been, same as jeff hardy (until he came back and they gave him the respect he needed and deserved). He can be something in TNA and MAYBE??? could be....
first off it wasn't deniro who made him vomit it was amazing red....lmao

and second of all he is a great talent he has this Dwayne Johnson feel to him with the pope character and i def like they possibilities of him being a big talent for any company he steps in to....why cause with every preformance his "stock" grows and he shows people why "Da E" mad a big mistake on releasing him...

TNA also did a great move by not hot shotting is signing nor his debut he had a great starting fued with suicide and is really shining more in this fued with the ECW alumni and jesse neal (which reminds me of rhino with a fuckin mohawk)

i waiting to see the pope and shelly do a promo against each other...lmao
It has to be The Pope. His look, and mic work are far better than Elijah Burke in WWE. Burke was athletic, and solid in the ring, but character wise he was boring as hell. There was nothing entertaining about it, and even though he was a heel, it didn't seem that way. He just came off as some lame douche-bag.

Kind of wish TNA wouldn't have turned him face though. His feud with Suicide actually made him worth watching seeing as ever since Suicide lost the X Division title, he's been horrible once again.
Im not gonna lie i was a big fan of the elijah experience in WWE, here was a guy who was called the future by vince *yet he got released hint hint drew* and paul e called elijah a "future main eventer in waiting" solid ring skills, good promos but with the only good angle was being the leader of the new breed faction, and a couple of high profile matches elijah wasnt allowed to do a lot but when he was given a chance he showed that he was solid and ready but then was released.

Now in TNA he gets a couple of promos before he debuts, a solid starting feud, a few good matches, great promo times and now a push it seems. Then TNA locks him up for a while after they see hes over with the crowd and that he indeed has the skills.

So even though i was a fan of Elijah Burke I dig the pope D'angelo Dinero and want to see where they go with that gimmick and maybe give some more background on him.
I have to go with Pope, I can't say I've got a massive array of knowledge but I think that's precisely my reason. I'd never really took note of Burke except a few CM Punk matches, but as soon as Dinero hit in TNA I thought "oh, not another WWE reject" but he immediatly proved me wrong and put on a series of great matches. No doubt he's had a much bigger impact and became a decent player showing off his skills, WWE must be kicking themselves.
I shouldn't even answer this. 'The Pope' D'Angelo Dinero. Elijah Burke was good, especially with the New Breed, but it's NOTHING compared to D'Angelo Dinero. I believe that is one of the greatest gimmicks of this decade. I look forward to him, and hope he wins the TNA X Division or Global title. In the future, winning the TNA World Championship. That guys purely talented. WWE really screwed up this time by letting him go. What a waste of talent, this is why TNA is smart and better. They know Wrestling, They know Talent.

D'Ang > Elijah Burke by miles.
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