Elijah Burke...will he return to WWE?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Just saw the news that Elijah Burke has gona free agent and left TNA!

I really think this guy is super talented and personally would love to see him in the WWE now that he has found new found status elsewhere and raised his profile. I have been watching him since he has been at TNA and I have been very impresses with his in-ring ability and his charisma/mic skills. I really think given the chance he could bring a lot to the WWE roster now that he has established himself.

heard he just graduated with a degree in Law and was chasing that and leaving wrestling... Never know what will happen although I think he will take some time off.
when he was in WWE, he was mostly on the ecw brand if i remember correctly. so translated to 2011, he would likely be on superstars.

considering he spent time in tna, vince wont want to push him and he would probably be a jobber. i'd like to see him because i think he's a decent talent, but if he goes back to WWE i dont see him getting a lot of tv time or any high-profile feuds.
Wasn't he fired/released by WWE in 2009? I don't think WWE wants him back too badly, especially since he "went over to the enemy".
jeff hardy "went over to the enemy" and they gave him the world and wwe belt.

i think Burke has pushed himself into the main event status and his mic skills/ability would be great in wwe.why not on smackdown.(you can't tell me that he can't do what the miz is doing). but VKM kills me with his ego. i would hope he would bring in these guys after they "go to the minors" (which is a better way to say it), to better help the wwe make more money.....i would love to see burke in wwe but like was stated, there are 4 or 5 things will probably prevent it from being awesome and it is just kind of depressing.
The question is, why should the WWE be interested in signing Burke? His career in the WWE was a bust. He went to TNA hoping to prove the WWE wrong. He got a few pushes but he was unable to make much out of it. So his career in TNA was a bust too. The WWE is loaded with superstars who are younger and more talented than Pope. There is no reason why they should be interested in him.

But like I said in the TNA thread about him, I think that The Pope is bowing out of pro wrestling. He is 33, not exactly a spring chicken and just suffered a major injury. He has no titles in a major wrestling company to show for his efforts. Maybe he thought that he wasn't going to succeed in pro wrestling and so h has decided to pursue some other field of work.
Haven't seen anything saying he's done with tna, just a whole lot of speculation. Can you provide a link showing that he is done?
when he was in WWE, he was mostly on the ecw brand if i remember correctly. so translated to 2011, he would likely be on superstars.

considering he spent time in tna, vince wont want to push him and he would probably be a jobber. i'd like to see him because i think he's a decent talent, but if he goes back to WWE i dont see him getting a lot of tv time or any high-profile feuds.

When he was on ECW, that was like 3/4 years ago. Times change and characters/personalities develop.

Like Vince doesn't want to push Kharma?

I would like to see EB back in WWE. I dont think it could happen anytime soon but if Triple H has seen his work in TNA then maybe there could be an opportunity.
He's still in TNA. He was just talking about Graduating from College.

I think the guy was talking about the OP

Just saw the news that Elijah Burke has gona free agent and left TNA!

I really think this guy is super talented and personally would love to see him in the WWE now that he has found new found status elsewhere and raised his profile. I have been watching him since he has been at TNA and I have been very impresses with his in-ring ability and his charisma/mic skills. I really think given the chance he could bring a lot to the WWE roster now that he has established himself.


Pope/Burke wouldn't be such a great acquisition for WWE, he doesn't have the star power to make it big, although he could make a great tag team partner for R Truth.
he doesn't have the star power to make it big, although he could make a great tag team partner for R Truth.

Why? Because he is black?

I keep hearing everyone saying he would be a good tag partner for Truth but no one mentiions why.

Why not use JTG as Truths partner. They both have that gangster character.

The Pope has not been confirmed that he is leaving TNA yet but if he does I doubt WWE would want him.
And why not a stable? JTG, Truth and Pope? Of course, I don't know what name will he use and if he will return as Elijah Burke, but KEEP THE POPE GIMMICK! I mean, he has this sort of a gangsta gimmick, like JTG and Truth. It can be a perfect combo if you ask me. And yeah, WWE would want him, he is a big star now and has a nice relationship with Vince (I think?).
I'd definitely like to see Pope return, but I don't see it working out for him. Dirtsheets said he had a bad attitude in WWE and TNA so the odds are not in his favour. Pope may have more talent than any black wrestler ever (excluding Dwayne Johnson because he's not full black), but with his history and with WWE already pushing a few black folk right now, Pope making it big in the WWE is probably not happening.

I wouldn't be surprised if he retires and I wish him the best going forward.
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