What happened to Elijah Burke?


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So I was playing SvR2009 after work today, and for one reason or another decided to randomize who Id play. Burke came up and I played as him. After listening to the commentary from The Coach in game about how great Burke was on the mic and in the ring I decided to check out some matches and promos on youtube. The guy was pretty talented, so what gives? Certainly he was a more marketable commodity than a lot of guys currently on the roster, he had the right look, the right wrestling style and charisma out the wazoo, so what went wrong for Burke?

I don't recall really hearing much about his release, and wikipedia hasn't got anything on the why's of it all. Not to mention the fact that he hasn't wrestled, to my knowledge, for TNA or ROH or any of the other promotions that usually jump all over ex-wwers. Has he finished up with wrestling, am I alone in thinking he'd be a solid business decision for any wrestling company?

It seems to me that there is a lack of talented black performers working on a major stage, and it just seems like a shame for a worker of Burke's level to be sitting at home instead of having a prominent role on my TV.
Well, first of all, the meat-turds that are WWE's Creative Writers decided not to give a charasmatic, truly awesome in-ring performer the push he deserves, and, once again being the idiots they are, couldn't decide anything else to do with the man, not even a simple mid-card push, so he joined the FE club.

So, now he has recently been competing on the independent circuit, because TNA has not been smart enough to pick him up yet. I heard he recently, in the past month or two, has wrestled and won a tryout dark match for TNA, but yet has not signed that I know of.

Either way, Elijah is seemingly working the indies, but I believe he was a great talent and should have gotten a championship push while he was in the WWE. Hopefully, if he does get picked up by TNA or WWE again, he gets the push he deserves. He has only been in the business since 2003, and I can see him having a great future. I hope to see him back on TV soon.
He was released a while ago. I have no idea why either. The guy is just all around awesome. He's got charisma, mic skills, and can wrestle. He had a good gimmick, with the whole "4 knuckes upside your head" thing. He's now working n the indies. He actually wrestles here in Jacksnville, his hometown, fairly often. But sadly the promotion doesn't advertise their shows for shit, so I never know about them until its too late to go. If I was starting a wrestling promotion, he would be the guy I would build my company around. Young, charismatic, and a good worker, perfect for being a cornerstone in a promotion.
It´s very unfortunate that Burke has not been pushed correctly, his feud in ECW was a good start and he made it work very well.

He had the whole package but it´s bad luck if the creatives just don´t have any plans for young talent, at least on ECW back then.

Him and Punk in an intense feud would´ve been gold. Add Morrison and now Swagger and it would be platin with diamonds all over the place.

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