Ed Ferrara & TNA split ways?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
PW.net is reporting that (former?) creative team member Ed Ferrara was not at the taping for iMPACT!, and that he is no longer with the company.

Ferrara, as some of you may know, was brought in when Dutch Mantel was let go.

The article also notes that neither TNA nor Ferrara have confirmed the report yet.

Ferrara had been part of the creative meetings with Vince Russo, Matt Conway, and Eric Bischoff.

Question is, what does this mean for TNA moving forward – specifically with regard to now having a vacant spot on the TNA Creative team? Could this mean Kevin Sullivan, or perhaps Paul Heyman? What about more creative wrestling types like Foley, Dreamer or Raven? Why or why not?
Well I don't know too much about Ferrara's brain or booking ability but I sure wish he would remain over Vince Russo. According to Russo, Ferrara was more of the brain between the 2 which could explain why TNA was so good for those 2 months when Ferrara came in. To be honest, I or no one doesn't really know but judging from the lack of Ferrara news, I get the impression that he wasn't much of a factor in the new regime and him leaving might not change anything at all. He seems to have gone under the radar once Hogan & Bischoff came in meaning no one heard any reports on him. My thing is that if Ferrara is gone, then maybe TNA will go through with the plans of putting Tommy Dreamer on the creative team like how some reports said some time ago. Now that may be interesting imo especially with the ECW angle. I'd rather someone so passionate and close to Heyman like Dreamer book an ECW angle. So maybe this will lead to something brighter.
While I'm sure Heyman could book the show a bit more classically, I'd love for someone new to be given a shot in the creative business.

If not than I would have to press Heyman even harder to sign because from what I've seen of most of Sullivan's work, he's average at best and TNA would be better served with a new writer.
Thank. Jesus. Christ.

Seriously, this can't be anything but good for TNA. Never mind how I feel about Ferrara as a human being, because he amounts to a piece of monkey crap as a human. He's always been Russo's lackey, and everywhere Vince has gone, Ed's been right there, close enough to keep his lips puckered to Vince's ass. In all hope, this is the first step to phasing out Vince Russo from Creative. Again, maybe that's too speculative, but that's how I see this going.

Now, as to who should replace him, I've been championing Kevin Sullivan for months to come to TNA. Simply put, he can build up heels better than ninety five percent of bookers in the world. Say what you want about him, but he was booking during the high life of WCW. That, coupled with the fact that he's an ECW alumni, and knows more about ECW than anyone currently on Creative, and adding Sullivan to replace Ferrara can do wonders for TNA.

Still, it may never happen, but this is absolutely a step in the right direction
the only thing i ever remember from ed ferrera was that stupid character he had that was supposed to be WCW's version of jim ross.

i didn't even know ferrera was in TNA. he truly has ridden russo's coattails.
Well, Ferrara has never been a favorite of mine. The guy is a clown. For every good idea he has, there always seems to be several bad ideas. Turning Goldberg heel in WCW anyone? Do I need to say more?

As for Kevin Sullivan, the dude is a genius in the industry. Sat what you want about the man personally, but like it or not, he has a mind for this industry. I wouldn't be against him, Dreamer and Heyman actually taking over the Creative team. Let someone else take the reigns at TNA and watch the sparks fly. A new flavor that might actually make the company take off. Keep Bischoff on as an on screen in charge character and dump Hogan because he really hasn't brought anything to the tanle at all other than a waist high big boot and his "Precious".:banghead:
Well, if this IS true, I think the booking will take a step up at some point. If you watch the Rise and Fall of ECW, Heyman had very high marks for Raven.....that he's someone who "gets it"....and I think he would be an immense asset to the creative team. However, something tells me that even when (if) he's added, his input would be limited, because I can already see Hogan and Bishoff stating several times that they don't want to turn this into another ECW (yet, WCW is not that far behind unfortunately in my eyes....c'mon....Hall and Pac as tag champs two months into the company? :worship: -- kidding on that emoticron I might add). Might as well give me the finger poke of doom on that one.

It's not any big secret that Heyman and Russo are lovers (kidding folks...they did not get along at all), ....and let's ALL hope that that was in the past, and that Russo---whatever ego was exemplified during his on air persona (a la McMahon) of WCW, ---is gone and he actually would welcome any addition to help him think. I think Foley would be another helpful addition. Not saying that his on air personality, or angles he was put in reflects his thinking process, but I think he's been around the block enough to know what works and what doesn't. He's kind of in the crossfire of working with some of the greatest wrestlers and minds in the industry of the past (Funk, Rhodes), and some new breed of genius (Heyman---back in the ECW days).

I remember at one time that Rhodes was working in TNA when it first hit the airwaves on Friday afternoon when it was finally making it to TV (yes I know he's no longer with the company), and I honestly didn't think the booking and angles were all that bad. Certainly we know that Jerry Jarrett is not behind the scenes since he and Jeff don't speak much. Even D'Amore was somewhat of an asset.....I just hope that WHOEVER it is, they're not bringing an briefcase full of recycled ideas.
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Great news. Ed Ferrara is an absolute tool and his time in this business has long passed, rightfully so. He gets way too much credit for his role in the Attitude Era, he was terrible in WCW, he was terrible in the beginning days of TNA, and I can't think of much he's visibly contributed to TNA since re-joining them. Get rid of this guy, he's dead weight and brings too much heat with him to be worth the paycheck.

Good news for TNA if this is true. Now just give Russo the boot and we can start talking. I sincerely hope they give someone new a chance, and when I say new I don't mean go out and grab another booker who's best days are a decade behind them (*Cough* Paul Heyman-Kevin Sullivan *Cough*). They need to give some new blood a chance, so does the WWE, get some new creative minds in there to help think of angles, enough with holding onto the same bookers because they were good a decade ago, it's time to move the fuck on, and hopefully for TNA this is a step in that direction.
I could see this being part of Paul Heyman coming into TNA. If Heyman doesn't want to work with Vince Russo, I doubt he would want to work with Ed Farrara. Vince Russo wants a diffrent role in the company, and now Ferarra is gone...cards seem to be falling into place for Heyman to join TNA creative. I really hope so atleast. Plus with all the other signs like Spike letting TNA get more violent, and all the ECW guys forming together in TNA.

I wouldn't say Ed's second TNA run was an "epic fail", but it is time to change things up in TNA creative fooor suuure.

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