TNA = WCW. Hogan and Bischoff in control, Russo booking matches, Jeff Jarrett? I mean come on, in it's quest to become different than WWE, TNA has become WCW, and i'm sure it will soon suffer the same fate as WCW did
So, WWE is booking pointless angles, plot holes, reused feuds, overbooking, losing ratings, attendance, backstage problems and It's TNA that is becoming like WCW?

That is not what made it popular. Good lord, do your research., that is unless TNA goes back to what made it popular (imo) in the first place, the cruiserweight/x division, now it's all blurred together, and it's turning into the WCW where the wrestlers book their own matches and wins/losses, which ends badly.
Really? They are doing the samething WWE is doing? Last time I checked, there isn't a John Cena, Randy Orton, PG product or shitty run storylines about a order for TNA to have any sort of longevity (past this point), it needs to seperate itself from the WWE, not just by trying to do the same thing WWE is doing with old WWE wrestlers.
In order for fans like you to shut up, how about think twice about posting before saying things that are simply out of this world of stupidity.
Goes to show you do not watch the show because they have wrestled back in July. They wrestled again in September and they are scheduled to wrestle at BFG.We need an AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels X Division match, where the x Division guys can shine, because WWE doesn't care about them.
No, WWE doesn't care about them...They don't work for them.
Yeah, because their ego totally held TNA back the last 2 years, right?Also, making sure that Bischoff and Hogan's ego's don't get in front of the company will help out too.