Vince Russo Removed As The Head Writer Of TNA

TNA = WCW. Hogan and Bischoff in control, Russo booking matches, Jeff Jarrett? I mean come on, in it's quest to become different than WWE, TNA has become WCW, and i'm sure it will soon suffer the same fate as WCW did

So, WWE is booking pointless angles, plot holes, reused feuds, overbooking, losing ratings, attendance, backstage problems and It's TNA that is becoming like WCW?


, that is unless TNA goes back to what made it popular (imo) in the first place, the cruiserweight/x division, now it's all blurred together, and it's turning into the WCW where the wrestlers book their own matches and wins/losses, which ends badly.
That is not what made it popular. Good lord, do your research.

in order for TNA to have any sort of longevity (past this point), it needs to seperate itself from the WWE, not just by trying to do the same thing WWE is doing with old WWE wrestlers.
Really? They are doing the samething WWE is doing? Last time I checked, there isn't a John Cena, Randy Orton, PG product or shitty run storylines about a CEO.

In order for fans like you to shut up, how about think twice about posting before saying things that are simply out of this world of stupidity.

We need an AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels X Division match, where the x Division guys can shine, because WWE doesn't care about them.
Goes to show you do not watch the show because they have wrestled back in July. They wrestled again in September and they are scheduled to wrestle at BFG.

No, WWE doesn't care about them...They don't work for them.
Also, making sure that Bischoff and Hogan's ego's don't get in front of the company will help out too.
Yeah, because their ego totally held TNA back the last 2 years, right?
Pritchard will hopefully be able to put some focus into TNA's booking...

Many folks presume that heading up Creative means that Pritchard has to come up with all the new ideas himself, but that's not so; what he has to do is coordinate the efforts of the Creative staff and oversee their efforts. For that, he doesn't have to be an ace writer himself.

IMO, Vince Russo's success in WWE came as a writer, not as the guy in control of the creative process. He was a major contributor, but not the boss of the department. Then, rising to his level of incompetency, he got a job as the top writer in WCW......and we all saw what ensued. For one thing, he couldn't resist making himself an in-ring performer, which was a mistake, among all the other missteps he made after he started thinking of himself as a star.

Let's see what happens with Bruce Pritchard; if Brother Love suddenly wins the TNA world championship, we'll know he's headed down the same misguided path as Russo. (

Hopefully, the man knows better.
This is good news. I would rather they have taken it one step further and just flat out fired him. Russo having less control over the storylines is great for TNA though because this might lead to them no longer being plagued by complicated booking. I am happy about this announcement, I have never liked his booking and don't understand how they could have kept him for so long. With Pritchard in charge instead I think we will slowly see improvements in TNA's storylines. They really should just fire Russo then it will be even better.
I don't know much about Bruce Prichard. A quick Wikipedia search says that he was Brother Love and is currently the head writer and Johnny Ace of TNA. Cool.

I think this can only be a positive thing. I don't like Russo, but he has proved that when he has a strong superior (such as a Vince McMahon), he can produce popular and successful storylines. Hopefully, Prichard can exert significant influence on Russo's writing and temper his dumbfuckery just like McMahon did.
Many folks presume that heading up Creative means that Pritchard has to come up with all the new ideas himself, but that's not so; what he has to do is coordinate the efforts of the Creative staff and oversee their efforts. For that, he doesn't have to be an ace writer himself.

He does both. He creates a direction of where the show goes while Ruuso, Conway write the format with Prichard's lead.

Since Bruce is also head in talent relations, he would also determine which talent gets pushed or not.

IMO, Vince Russo's success in WWE came as a writer, not as the guy in control of the creative process. He was a major contributor, but not the boss of the department.
Exactly. He was a major part of Rock, Austin's push as a writer because he knew how to make them stars in his detailed writing but as a head of creative consistently coming up with new ideas is a big issue with him along with booking.

Then, rising to his level of incompetency, he got a job as the top writer in WCW......and we all saw what ensued. For one thing, he couldn't resist making himself an in-ring performer, which was a mistake, among all the other missteps he made after he started thinking of himself as a star.
I don't see it that way. I think he tried to make himself an Eric Bischoff or Vince McMahon which is never a bad thing but it certainly came off bad.
Let's see what happens with Bruce Pritchard; if Brother Love suddenly wins the TNA world championship, we'll know he's headed down the same misguided path as Russo. (
Why the hell would Dixie, Jeff Jarrett and Chris Sobol allow a creative writer to win the title? Has Hogan won the title yet? No, so I think that type of thinking should end.

I find it funny people think TNA is stupid enough to let Hogan or anyone in creative win the World title while Vince McMahon books himself as ECW Champion and it's okay.
Hopefully, the man knows better.
He isn't that much of an idiot. I mean, he bashed the entire product.
This should be a good move for TNA.

I've checked some boards where old school workers that know Pritchard personally post... and they like this for TNA. Pritchard's a creative guy, but more importantly, he's a creative WRESTLING guy. As long as he's given the real control that his position assumes he'll have, TNA should start seeing a shift towards angles and storylines that are rooted more in wrestling logic... even when the actual story will be a little out there.

Plus apparently he's also very good with match structure and finishes, which is another bonus for TNA.

I hope this move works out for them.

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