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Ed Ferrara to TNA wrestling

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I dont give a shit how many of you on here claim that Ferrara and Russo had 100% to do with the success of the attitude era and WWE's success. Ferrara will never get any of my respect due to the fact that he was the man behind the "Oklahoma" character. Say what you will about me being a "WWE mark", "sheep," or that I suck JR's ass every night. He is a worthless piece of fuck for just portraying that character.

However, if this clown does get things turned around for TNA; good for him. Honestly, I would like to see them get it turned around, move to Monday nights, so that us wrestling fans can have a "War" again.

Like others on here, there has to be some concern for the lack of filter coming from TNA's brass. We have seen Russo/Ferrara's best and with the Mac filter it was some of, if not the best, wrestling entertainment in history. We have also seen the worst(WCW). Some of, if not the worst, wrestling entertainment in history. It will indeed be interesting to see.

Still dont like the douche bag though!!
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Great another moron to book TNA. Has no one watched The Rise and Fall of WCW, Vince Russo and Kevin Nash closed that company down. Russo is an idiot, he already destroyed WCW, now the NWA/ TNA is next. Russo and Ferrera worked in the Attitude era, you know why? CUZ VINCE McMahon was there to tell them their ideas sucked and there morons. No you let the puppets of the string. I give TNA 6 months and their rating will be back down to a .4 or .5 just like they dropped last week. Russo will turn every title into a prop, look at the KO belt, he put it on Cody Deaner? WTF is that dipshit doing there anyways. The KO division is the highest rated parts of the damn show and Russo disgraces the belt within his first 2 months in control. IN two month he made a title that TNA built as the best women in the world over 7 years into a prop! Who's next to win it Dixie Carter or maybe Ferrara will come out dressed up like a bitch to copy Santina and win the belt, God doesn't TNA ever get an original idea? FIRE RUSSO,FERRARA, NASH, STEINER, BOOKER, EVERY OLD HACK THAT CAN'T RUN ANYMORE THAT HAS TO SHUFFLE THEIR FEET CUZ THEIR TO OLD TO SUCCESSFULLY PUT ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER. THE GUYS ARE HAS BEENS AND EGO-MANIACS, KILL THE CANCER NOW THAT IS STARTING TO EAT TNA AWAY
I am absolutely ecstatic about the possibilities of a major overhaul in the creative direction of TNA. It was almost 10 years this day that they signed with WCW. I am a bigger fan of Russo than Ed Ferrara because Russo was the main and only writer of WWF from March 1997 to July 1998 (Hart Foundation, Austin/McMahon, DX the REAL ONE, Sable/Mero, Undertaker/Kane, Val Venis and MUCH MUCH more)...

Then Ed came along in July 1998 when they were already taking off. Russo is a great writer, but Ed can maybe be that guy to help Vince fine-tune the shows. They worked together in WCW Powers That Be... which was some of the best stuff in the history of wreslting. As TNA continues to have such a huge roster, it may need two people who have a great history of success, a history of working well togehter, not being afraid to "push the envelope" in a TV industry where casual viewers can quickly change the channel or surf the net.

I really hope that these guys are given the opportunity to write the shows exclusively. I think Glenn Gilbertti being added to the mix down the line may add some humour to the shows. I don't watch wrestling for the wrestling - I watch for the comedy, action, storytelling, and excitement - characters and fun.

Take that all away you have a legit sport like MMA - which is super popular but I think it's boring...

Wrestling is not that type of show and flourishes on entertainment. I really hope things will realy go down

I think if they are writing alone, and have the support of Spike TV, they can probably get 1.8 in one solid year.. but I really hope TNA will invest in these guys rather than going on and off in the direction

I'm ECSTATIC that Dutch Mantel and Jeff Jarrett are no longer there to lead the creative... but I'm actually concerned that the recent shows have had more wreslting than ever. THe shows that have more long winded wrestling matches are the ones that draw lower ratings (.9 over hte past few weeks as opposed to the ones that did 1.3.

I really hope Ed and Vince together writing exclusively will show HUGE changes in terms of storytelling for the stars and young guns (characters) so that casual viewers will enjoy the show and spread the word to others.

Without that casual viewer/word of mouth, all you have is the same audience tuning in every week. They need to grow their audience rather than stay stagnant. I am optimistic. It's only up to TNA on whether they are willing to invest in these guys - or are they going to lsiten to dinosaurs like meltzer/keller critique them
I think it's definitely good to change up the creative team a bit in TNA, but I don't think Ferrara will help turn the company around by any means. But I could be wrong.

Let's face it... when WCW finally overtook WWE after years of trying, you can point to several reasons. Great matches from the undercard, more big name star power... but really, it was one hot angle that got wrestling fans to change the channel, and casual fans to start watching... the NWO.

That being said, if Russo and Ferrara can find that one hot angle, things could change.

However, based on the sample size of their work, we can only assume that Vince McMahon was the filter that made them successful. During their WCW run, there was no filter.

Russo has said himself in shoot interviews that McMahon could not sit down and write a wrestling show. But he also said that Vince made the tweaks and adjustments that no one else could make, and that McMahon was the best at it.

Their lack of filter in WCW led to awesome unfinished storylines like who drove the sometimes black / sometimes white Hummer, and who fathered Stacy Keibler's baby, as well as world champions David Arquette and Vince Russo. Many have mentioned good old Oklahoma, which was a total slap in the face of the best wrestling announcer ever, in my opinion.

How about Judy Bagwell or Viagra on a pole? Come to think of it, you might need Viagra to want Judy Bagwell on a pole, but that's neither here nor there.

So, maybe Ed and Vince can come up with something. They may just hit on that hot angle. But I wouldn't count on it.

For the most part, Ferrara and Russo's post-WWE storylines are like *********ion. They are the only ones who enjoy it, and they should be arrested for doing it in public.
Isn't Russo's coat-tails worn out by now with Ferrara riding them all this time?!?

It should be said that, no, Russo (who was NOT the only writer for the WWF during the Attitude Era) was NOT 100% the reason why the WWF took off the way it did in the late 90's. The WWF had strong talent lead by Stonecold Steve Austin and The Rock (neither of which were 100% of the reason either). A bunch of elements all fell into place for the WWF during that time, including The Monday Night Wars, the original ECW was reaching it's peak, strong storylines, The Montreal Screw Job, internet "smarks" were booming -- just to name a few. Russo can claim some responsibility, but, really, there were a helluva lot of neat things going on in and beyond the WWF which the WWF managed to exploit and take full advantage of the atmosphere at the time and laid claim and name to it all by having the strongest marketing above their competitors.

Russo was also not 100% of the reason why WCW fell apart neither.

That doesn't necessarily mean he's going to destroy TNA (apparently now along with Ferrara)... but, he ain't going to save TNA either.

For those sitting on the edge of their seats wetting their pants thinking we're going to see anything remotely like WWF's Attitude Era in TNA anytime soon, think again. You're not.

TNA's talent roster doesn't have that "it" guy with enough charisma to dominate like a SCSA or The Rock... not saying they HAVE to be like either of those guys... but, they both (SCST & Rock) had wild charisma to take charge with their own characters. McMahon's trying to push Cena as that "it" guy... but, Cena, while having a ton of a certain charisma... he's still not that "it" guy to take charge... and there's no "it" guy in TNA. Sorry, you can disagree and use the phrase "not when you have guys like..." No. You can list the entire roster, at this point, I'm not convinced that TNA has that "it" guy at right now. Sorry.

We're not going to see anything Attitude Era like these days in TNA. Thanks to Janet Jackson popping out her boob at the Superbowl years ago, the FCC has been making TV execs nervous and anything too daring is simply shut down these days before it even hits the air. They censor the word "ass" now! C'mon!

Under Russo's watch, it's going to be basically more whiny promos from wrestlers bitching about how they're getting screwed over by TNA and how they want to make TNA a big company... blah blah blah. We're going to see more scantaly dressed women sleeping around in story lines and some dumb ass trickery like... well, you can't fit beer trucks into the Impact Zone... so, we'll see a beer golf cart driving into the Impact Zone with Beer Money supersoaking their oppoents (ala SCSA did with Vince).

Plus, if you want to kind of chuckle to yourself... remember all the great moments that you fondly remember from the WWF's Attitude Era? The moments that made you go, "Wow! That was awesome!" or "Holy sh!t! I can't believe that!"

Yeah, imagine those wild and crazy moments... in that little TV studio filled with tourists at Universal Studios in Florida that TNA calls "The Impact Zone." Kinda seems silly now, doesn't it?

I can't say that this is a step in the right direction with Russo and Ferrara at the helm... in fact, I think it's two steps back.

Again, I'm thinking this is the beginning of the end for TNA. It's imploding at the top down.
Some people are taking this too seriously. I mean if it works thats awesome, it will make TNA a better product and I might watch something that doesn't involve the MCMG and the tag team division.

If it fails then TNA is back to square one, they will fire ferrara before it implodes. I think dixie is smart enough.
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