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Who's going to benefit from Russo and Ferrara on creative?

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Personally I think people tend to be alot more creative and loose when they're with their friends. It's rather obvious that Russo at least suggested hiring Ferrera. Cornette comes off as a hot head that could be rather difficult to work with. I'm not saying that's the case it's just the impression I've gotten from his personality. Russo just happens to have a better resume (on paper) than Cornette and Dixie see's more promise going in his direction, and honestly I can't argue.

Since Jarrett took his leave the direction and focus of the company has changed dramatically. Younger stars have been put towards the forefront and some MEM guys have taken a backseat by working with younger/ lower card talent. It almost seems like every older star is in a program with a younger star but I haven't really checked those stats of course. The IWC's previous main complaint about TNA was the older/former WWE superstars burying the young guys. That problem has been more than solved but everyone is in an uproar because of who made it happen.

While the Vince Russo/Ed Ferrera duo has a bad reputation, their strong point happens to be exactly what the IWC was asking for. Blame yourselves not Dixie Carter. During their WCW stint they literally turned the place upside down. Kidman went after Hogan, Vampiro turned on Sting, and other young guys went after the older guys on the very first show (I got the tape but I haven't watched it in awhile. Forgot the other feuds that started that episode). During their WWE stint they were all about creating new characters. They stuffed a few guys into a stable with Shawn Micheals to gain some notoriety off of him, which one of them did. They threw a few guys into a stable with Ron Simmons and I think one of those guys went on to be a little bit popular too if I remember correctly. Goldust might have been a miss, (or partial hit depending on opinions) but you don't need anywhere near a perfect score for a successful result. Creating stars is their focus, Creating stars is what TNA needs to do, and creating stars is what the IWC demanded.

So far I think I've avoided opinion and leaned more towards fact. It's time to get my opinion in. I prefer TNA to WWE for one reason, things seem to change rapidly and you never know what's going to happen next. That's not always a good thing. When you switch ideas too quickly you leave some stories unexplained and you're gonna use some crappy ideas along with the good ones. I'll deal with a few crappy stories in order to be surprised every once in awhile. There seems to be a major storyline change on every single Impact whether it's good or bad. Regardless I turn on TNA knowing that something is gonna happen, I turn on RAW hoping something finally happens, and I turn on Smackdown hoping CM Punk talks kids out of doing drugs so there's more for me. TNA is still Non Stop Action, it just represents constantly changing storylines instead of the actual wrestling in the ring. The last time RAW left me off excited to see the next show Cody Rhodes no sold it and acted like his dad getting RKO'ed was no big deal.

Now for a few individuals. Booker T's thing is weird, but can you tell how much fun he's having with a little bit of creative control? That makes it awesome for me right there. He just seems like a kid in a candy store wanting to try a little bit of everything.

As for Abyss, what he's doing is alot more entertaining than a played out monster gimmick. We know he has it in him, Foley knows he has it in him, but he's trying hard to suppress it and sometimes he can't help but to indulge himself a little. Of course that's immediately followed by disappointment in himself and pulling his hair out of his own head. That's a cool concept. A monster trying to stop himself from being a monster, but he can't quite do it. I think in the long run we'll find out that the interview chick convinced him that he's a better person than the monster he's potrayed as so he seeked help to get away from his hardcore ways.

Hernandez can put on a better match than any WWE big man yet that dude said he's not ready? He's also decent on the mic and reaches a hispanic demographic that TNA would love to have. At least their top tier Mexican is over 5 feet tall and seems credible in a main event.

Eric Young is a little iffy just because his voice annoys me but I liked the guy since the "Don't Fire Eric!" storyline. Also looking at The World Elite I can't find a better leader except Bashir, but having a Canadian run the faction is alot less controversial than someone from The Middle East. Controversy is good, but considering the events of the last decade that would be just plain disrespectful.

Someone asked for a comedy example so I gotta use my recent favorite. Mick handed Abyss a bag and Abyss said "You got me groceries? I like groceries". That was so simple but I laughed now just thinking about it.

Is Russo as good as Marty makes him out to be? No, but at this stage he is exactly what TNA needs. He's credible and the man does have some good ideas. I don't think the bad ideas out weigh the good ideas. He has a questionable eye for talent, but then again does he? Eric Young is a questionable guy to push but he's pushing nearly a dozen undeveloped stars at once. That's what happened at the beginning of the attitude era too and not all of the guys got over, but the ones that did are currently legends of the business. That's also what he tried to do in WCW and it was slowly working and he was making progress. I got a few new favorites out of it at least. He likes to do fast paced storylines which gives you the edge of your seat, whats gonna happen next, feeling. I personally think Russo is one of the most underrated people in the business but that's only because he's hated as much as he is. If people didn't hate him and just knew he was there, without liking or disliking him, I wouldn't call him underrated. He's not great, he's not horrible, but he is good and he keeps me entertained.
I'm delighted these guys are back together, am a bit of a Russo mark so I'm going to point out some of the good things they did in WCW -

- Bret Hart became world champ within a month after they joined, this was result of a great tournament leading into Mayhem 99.

- Screamin' Norman Smiley was brilliant idea and gave WCW a Hardcore division.

- Chris Benoit got pushed to the sky, so much so that when Russo was demoted from head booker Benoit left WCW within days.

- Psycho David Flair was awesome, taking him out of his dads shadow and making him seem genuinely nuts with Daffney by his side.

- 3 count were so infuriating you wanted to kill them....but it made great tv! The idea of a boy band stable who mimed all their songs was genius.

- Revolution vs Filthy Animals rivalry.

Those all came within the 3 month period they booked together on WCW, I dare anyone to watch Halloween Havoc or Mayhem 99 and tell me they aren't the best shows WCW did that year.

Back to point in hand though -

- Hernandez is now main-eventing Impacts
- Matt Morgan is a future world champ.
- AJ Styles is back on top of TNA for first time since they split from NWA years ago.
- Eric Young is now being taken seriously and not some lame comedy act.
- Foley is acting awesomely nuts and destroying Abyss.
- Rhino is not tutoring some kid but instead goreing everyone and being generally bad-ass.
- Bobby Lashley is just running through low/mid card guys, looking like a streak is in the offing?
- When Mr Anderson arrives he's gonna soar, believe me.

The last episode (first with Ferrara on board) was brilliant entertainment, classic crash tv which made you want to stay tuned in. TNA is getting better, the only people who have something against Russo and Ferrara are the 15 year olds who were about 4 when they were booking WWF to the top.

Now WWE are a joke...a PPV with 3 Hell in a cells all with no blood? can't wait... :zzzz:
Okay, you're not one to say that Russo was the "brains behind the Attitude era" because obviously you say he's not a great filter. So it's good that YOU agree that Russo deserves credit for the 1.9 to 6.9 increase that occurred during his WWF run.

When the fuck did I ever say that someone wasn't a good filter? Good job at putting words in my mouth.

Did I ever say he didn't deserve credit for his role in the Attitude Era? No, I didn't.

All that Mark Henry / Transvestite stuff.. I think it was censored here in Canada.. but it was all part of the "anything can happen" crash TV formula that took off when Russo was heading the direction. It was entertaining to the fans watching and people had to talk about it the next day. It was word of mouth like that helped catapult WWE to mainstream success during that time.

So, just so I've got this correctly, you are defending the Mark Henry dating a transvestite angle...is this correct? Should I even point out how fucking stupid of an angle that was? You think people were talking about Mark Henry with a tranny the next day at the water cooler? No they were not.

Yes to Eric Young. He has turned 180 degrees from a comic character to a compelling serious character. His segment with Jarrett was great. He carries the segments well, and doesn't stutter like AJ Styles. I believe in him and so does TNA's creative. What would have happened if Russo gave up on Rock after Rock struggled for a bit after he joined the Nation back in 1997

Did you REALLY just compare Eric Young to THE ROCK? Seriously?

Eric Young is shit. Always has been, and always will be. The amount of TV time being given to him is a total and complete waste of time and money.

The comedy of TNA: I can go on and on.. and want them to release a DVD. Curry Man hitting on the ladies: "action action action" to Angelina Love. Nash's segments the past few weeks, Shark Boy's house where he wakes up from his coma and talks like Austin, AJ kissing Karen during the wedding, Christian asking Nash to be his partner... and Nash saying "i'm busy"
-christian: 'doing what'
-nash: "doing what i do best, sit around, do nothing and get paid"

There was so much funny stuff. The thanksgiving special at kurt's place.. when all the wrestlers show up.

Right. I see arguing with someone so feeble minded and easily entertained as yourself is a lost cause. Anyone who finds those skits to be genuine quality comedy writing...just wow. You clearly know nothing about comedy. The damn Epic/Superhero/Disaster Movie series has more laughs then the shit Russo comes up with. Trust me, you're in the extreme minority in finding that stuff humorous.

Foley/JB segments are funny

Not really. Oh, Foley is wearing a wig?! Well that's just genius comedy writing that is! :rolleyes:

Kip James saying he used to have a porsche. someone says when. he says "when I was over"..

How is that funny?

I can't think of all of them, but there is so much great comedy when TNA wants to make things funny and I laugh out loud sometimes.. it's great entertainment.. Maple Leaf Muscle when he imitates Arnold "yah.. yah? yah??." "What would arnold do?"

Scott steiner saying "cross your is and dot your Ts".

Angle/Christian feuding over AJ.. there were so much funny stuff back then. I swear, if they released a funniest moments at TNA, it'd be awesome. Nash vs Mr X had me laughing in tears - especially when nash jumped off the first rope.

I can go on and on but i can't remember all of it...

I remmeber when they were backstage and they were imitating "Yo Mama" and the wrestlers were doing mama jokes and teh wrestlers were crowding..

Curry Man talking and hitting on the ladies are hilariosu. Even Cody Deaner kissing Awesome Kong during Impact after he kissed Angelina one week. That stuff cracks me up.


You find Cody Deaner to be quality comedy writing? Right. No need to even point out the stupidity here.

I dont know of Rock's singalong and whatever heel turn he did.. but his character was essentially created during Russo's run...

And yet he didn't achieve his greatest fame until after Russo left.

I love Booker T.. i prefer his accent, what he says now, to his complete babyface character in 2000. He's great... i want to see more with him. I think a lot of what he does now is influenced from his king booker run (which i didn't really see much of)

No one cares about Booker T anymore. No one. He comes out to crickets.

-- I saw a CM Punk promo and thought it sucked... I can't believe you honestly say WWE now is better than TNA creatively.. Russo made the attitude era succeed and while i admit the wwe probably had a few shows that entertained me, most of their stuff (i'd say 95%) is totally lame bullshit compared to the stuff Russo wrote for them, and what Russo can do for TNA here.. as well as what Russo did for WCW..

You're really going to sit here and tell me that CM Punk's promos with Jeff Hardy weren't great? Seriously? Do you even understand what constitutes a good promo? Guess what, it's not making you chuckle because a redneck kissed a fat chick. It's making you care enough about the program to buy the PPV, which TNA consistently fails at, and their dismal PPV buys prove this.

CM Punk right now is better on the mic then anyone in TNA. Anyone.

I think Glenn said it best - all WWE promos usually just talk about their matches and the belt.

Except for CM Punk, who's promos have been about straight edge lifestyle and Jeff Hardy's past real life drug use.

There's really no other story because the writers can't think of anything else. In TNA, tehre's so much other stuff going on - World Elite/MEM want to be dominant, Morgan wanted to join the MEM, Abyss just wants to be cared about with Foley, Nash wants money, AJ was goin to quit but Sting brought him back, there's stories going on for almost everyone.

Half of those stories are terrible, and played out. The CM Punk-Jeff Hardy feud was something completely original. Never before had we ever seen a program like that one. Ever.

Russo and Ferrara have the mentality to increase their audience - to take it to a 2.0. To do that, you need to write for ppl who watch Spike TV just to be entertained - not to see fake wreslting. Although good action in the ring is great when there's a great heated story..

And you actually think people will see Cody fucking Deaner on their TV and say "Oh, what's this, I should watch!"? Tell me you aren't that delusional.

As for Russo writing comedy -- I think a tv studio would hire him if they see some of his work he did in WWF/WCW/TNA -- like a portfolio..

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You actually think any television or film company would hire Vince Russo to write for them? Are you high? Yeah, I'm sure they'll see Cody Deaner and think to themselves "Why this is pure GOLD! Hire that man immediately!"...there's a reason Russo is a wrestling writer Marty. It's because he wasn't good enough to do anything else. Wrestling writing is literally the lowest form you could possibly think of. Soap opera writers get more respect.

Tell me what was so great about Spike TV era oct 2005 - sep 2006 - what were your favourite characters and stories, because all i remember is james mitchell "stalking" christian's wife = lame. Paparazzi "stalking" sting = lame. Sting's gameshow thing = lame. Jarrett being champion talking shit every week = lame. Raven/Abyss = lame. They tried to build monty brown but didn't do anything = lame. I can't name one good story or angle they did except Kevin Nash vs Mr X..

Oh I don't know, how about the feuds with Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe? This is where we differ. You don't watch wrestling for wrestling, you watch it for shitty soap opera storytelling. Go watch General Hospital if that's what you're looking for, because most people want to watch wrestling to watch fucking WRESTLING. And in 2005 TNA showcased some amazing wrestling, something they've completely forgotten how to do in the last few years. I'll take the things TNA was doing in the summer of 2005 over anything they've done since any day.

Why do you even watch wrestling, when you freely admit that's not what you're looking for? Do you actually think the soap opera elements are quality storytelling or something? If so, you're even more delusional than I thought. Some of us want to see WRESTLING Marty, not terrible Cody Deaner promos where you and Disco Inferno giggle over fart and dick jokes.
Ok for you Vince Russo lovers type in history of the attitude era into your little search engines and read how much your little hero actually had to do with the attitude era. What am I talking about? What really made the attitude era happen. You no what Vince did that i will admit was great? He gave the wrestlers freedom. Yeah there promos still had an outline, but they didnt have the whole thing written out word for word. Russo had very little to do with the creation of Stone Cold. The 3:16 line was ad libbed and if you dont belive me look it up. Saying he made the Rock, once again look it up Rocky ad libbed most of his most famous catch phrases on the spot. Not saying Russo did nothing but he gets alot more credit than he deserves.
To the guy that was talking about how great Russo was doing at the end of WCW, wtf are you talking about. The first thing he did was come in and strip all titles from the belt holders thus making all those legendary titles worthless. Then you talk about him pushing young stars like Billy Kidman was going after Hogan. That right their shows he has no effing clue what he is doing. Kidman was a pretty damn good worker but like Hogan or not Kidman doesnt even belong in the same locker room as the man so he definately shouldnt be in an angle with him. All i really rember was every single wrestler in WWE was in some type of gang. They had what like 30 factions going on I couldnt keep up. Oh yeah and Master P that was great stuff right lol. Oh yeah you say you like Booker T well who can forget his charachter last time Russo got ahold of him. Correct me if I am wrong but wasnt he called GI Bro? Yeah that Russo he is a hell of a writer.
Anyway the man has no respect for wrestling. He proved that with what he did to Hogan. I dont care what bad Hogan ever did, and honestly i dont like Hogan, fact is Hogan is the greatest draw this buisness has ever seen and deserves respect. I dont care if Hogan refuses to ever lose a match he has earned that right. Truth is he is bigger than wrestling. Rock may have made it in movies, Stone Cold might have sold more merchandise, but first neither would have had that stage to become a star if Hogan hadnt built it for them second I bet you money Hogan worldwide is more recognizable and famous than the Rock and Stone Cold put togther.
Yeah I always end up posting long post sorry. Anyway I have been watching wrestling since I was 2 years old. That was in 1979. I have never turned on wrestling wanting to see comedy. I came for the spectacle, the honor of 2 man going 1 on 1 to see who is better(even if it is a work true wrestling fans allow themself to fall into the illusion during a great match), I laughed out loud more in a 1 hour show at the 80s era of the NWA than I did during the entire attitude era. I laughed with joy as my favorite star be it Dusty Rhodes, Sting, Road Warriors, etc got me excited about their match and I laughed with excitement when the match got their and I got to watch them whip that bad guys ass. During the attitude era, yeah I enjoyed some of the comedy Rock was great alot of what Stone Cold did was also. More often than not though at laughed at guys who I used to think of as great thinking what morons and losers they must be to need the job bad enough that they would make that big of a fool of themselves. The Mark henry thing has been mentioned, not the best wrestler but this guy at one time was a legit superstar athlete my how far he has fallen. Anyone rember Perry Saturn in a dress? How about meat or Beaver Cleavage. I though Brian Christopher might really be somebody one day, great look and pretty damn good in the ring. Yeah I no he screwed up and even if Too Cool didnt happen he would have blew it, but really you have the son of Jerry Lawler and all you can think of is a stupid white rapper gimmick? How bout them Oddities, bet you really enjoyed seeing Mae Youngs puppies didnt you. Need I go on because I can. People forget or should I say forgive all the bad shit which their was alot of because the good stuff was so good. Honestly if some crude humor, tasteless skits, and naked women are all you tune into wrestling for I really wish you would just turn on Howard Stern or hell help out some of those starving stand up comics and go watch their stuff. The skits are ok occasionally, but from what I have seen they are pretty much all Russo can do. Also I pose another question to you. Was the attitude really as great as it is being made out to be? Ok I will give you the fact that wrestling made more money than ever, was more watched than ever, and was very entertaining. Truth is though a big majority of the attitude era fans quit watching wrestling as soon as the era. They came in as teenagers, watched until it bored them then left. Unlike these little kiddies you all hate on who will grow up with wrestling and watch it all their lifes. In all honesty shouldnt an attitude be partly judged by what it did for the future of the sport? The attitude era gave us stuff so over the top that they can no longer shock us. We had guys fall from what like 50ft and live? Guys like Austin could be run over by a car and be fine a few days later. People trying to actually kill each other Austin/Pillman also Austin/Mcmahon(yeah i no they were worked storylines). Point is short of jumping from the rafters and living somehow is their anything that could really impress us? It gave us so many great and legendary stars that I dont no if anyone can ever live up to their legacys. Most of the fans that started their viewership of wrestling in the attitude era want it to be a comedy show now, wrestling was never really meant to be a comedy. Alot of this stuff was great for the ones of us lucky enough to be there to watch it, but in the long run didnt it kind of hurt the future of the buisness?
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Actually, everyone on the roster who is young, will benefit from Russo and Ferrara being on the booking team. What Russo and Ferrara are also experts at is having a system that gives everyone on the roster something to do. So in essence, these two give the fans exactly what they want, yet get shit all over because their last names aren't McMahon.

And you can clearly see what type of product Vince McMahon gives you when he is the Lead Writer. Stale Main Events. Only pushes the Main Event. Doesn't provide any concentration on the Midcard. Terrible commentary. Little Hornswoggle running around each week on TV fighting Chavo for 20 weeks in a row. I guarantee that if Russo and Ferrara came up with Hornswoggle for the Kids, they would be shit all over for doing so. But since Vince McMahon does it, it's apparently okay and is a great addition to the roster.

I know I am going to benefit as a fan from seeing these two on the Creative Team. They do everything that I would ask out of a competent writing team. They develop characters. They concentrate on all aspects of the card. They actually do storylines. They produce interesting feuds. And they give the quality wrestling where it counts ... on PPV, so the fans actually look forward to the Big Shows.
Little Hornswoggle running around each week on TV fighting Chavo for 20 weeks in a row. I guarantee that if Russo and Ferrara came up with Hornswoggle for the Kids, they would be shit all over for doing so. But since Vince McMahon does it, it's apparently okay and is a great addition to the roster.

Spot on mate, weird how McMahon's supposed ability to "filter" out bullsh*t managed to miss this for the last like 3 months.

The truth is when WWE tries to be funny now with things like this, Big Dick Johnson, Santina, "funny" Khali or anything DX does they fail miserably...Russo wrote the funny stuff in WWE and it stopped being funny once he left.

TNA has loads of funny stuff, my fav running gag right now is Kip James working as a repair man, parking cars, installing phone lines/cctv etc..all just so he has a job to do in the company. They make jokes about the wrestling industry with stuff like "When I was over!" or when Foley said "I won't have you sully the good name of Jethro Holiday in my presence"...brill stuff :lmao:
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