ECW FANS- Loud but childish

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Now last night the ECW fans were very loud and sure they had a lot of energy but some of the things they chanted bothered me, lets start with "You suck dick" aimed to Randy Orton, firstly its very very very chilidsh and is nothing wrestling related, at least in the Cena match, their chants were wrestling related but during the Randy Orton match i felt i was back in the school playground with ridiculous gay jokes. "Orton swallows" Come on ECW fans you can do better. Very immature of them and what makes it worse is that they all started chanting it, showing that they are nothing but a flock of sheep just following each other with every chant, I dont think any of them has a brain of their own. These were men mostly over the age of 18 and the best they can do is copy each other with a bunch of ridiculous homophobic jokes, low very low, Id began to respect the ECW product because damn may I say it One Night Stand was an awesome PPV (albeit with the help of a few WWE stars (particularly Cena) But i just couldn't help but feel slightly embarassed for the ECW fans because of their chants during Ortons match. The ECW fans arent extreme, they are silly, chilidish and it seems none of them or perhaps one of them has a mind of their own. Anyone choose to agree.................................????????
No not really, ECW fans are great! I love them! All the things they chant aren't really different than what you hear at any Raw event especially when Lita is out there. But those ECW fans are more emotional and spirited and I bet you that most of them are part of the IWC just like we are....Internet Wrestling Community for you all out there....which means they are not your casual I watch WWE when I can catch it, thry are the dedicated wrestling fans that wants the best. And it's not like RVD and Heyman didn't warn you earlier about the crowd. I loved them, not like any of us ever said something childish to someone. Don't feel bad for the ECW fans because RVD and all the other ECW guys aren't they knew exactly what they were walking into and the ECW crowd you saw at One Night Stand was exactly like the crowd of the old ECW.
I respect ecw more because of its fans and their reactions, especially when they kept throwing cena's t-shirt back. I loved the fact that they said what they wanted through signs and chants. I agree with you in the u suck dick chants where a bit childish but the rest was great. Can't wait for the tv show to start.
Thats another thing, do ECW fans not have a brain cell between them, they could have put that Cena shirt straight up on ebay, no matter how much they legitimately " hate " Cena , because we all know the ECW fans hate of Cena is not real its just to gain props from the WWEIWC fans, because thats what both those groups of people try and do, impress each other. Anyways, even though the shirt throwing seemed a bit staged if I was in that crowd there would have been no chance of me throwing the shirt back, id take it home and slap it on ebay immediately.
^OK, they put the Cena shirt on eBay. Honestly, no one is gonna believe that's his shirt first off. Second, if they do, then it's not gonna get more than 100 dollars. So yeah, 100 dollars is shit to most fans.

On topic, get over it. ECW is WWE, Vince signs their checks. How many fucking times am I going to have to say this to get these dumbass anti ECW people to stop saying "fuck ECW, they suck"?
They are all the same company, so any ECW fan you speak of is a WWE fan. So you call yourself loud and childish, so aha, dumbass.
I understand why they chanted "SAME OLD SHIT" at Cena, but I want to know what makes The Sandman or RVD so original?
OchoaSTL said:
I understand why they chanted "SAME OLD SHIT" at Cena, but I want to know what makes The Sandman or RVD so original?

Cause Sandman and RVD do something new every match. Unlike Cena who does punch punch shoulder block. DVD, STF match over. But cant hate on him cause WWE super stars are mostly all like that.
The ECW fans arent extreme, they are silly, chilidish and it seems none of them or perhaps one of them has a mind of their own. Anyone choose to agree.................................????????

LOL They arent anymore childish or silly as your condensending post.

From my experience in the scene they are some of the most hyper interactive fans out there. I also use the term fans loosely because it seems that these marks are more educated (no offense to anyone intended) about the behind the scenes and technical aspects of the sport.

Often calling out botched spots and unique chants stemming back to the "we want blood" chants of the early 90's.

How often (during ECW's stint in the 90s) did you see stand ovations in the (then) WWF for wrestling abilities during matches as you would for ECW (then). The question is Rhetorical.

We could go on and on in compairison but that wouldnt warrent a fruitful discussion as one look at your username can inform us that you are not only bias but scorned that your favorite wrestlers were ostracized by a white hot crowd.
Governmentuser85 said:
Cause Sandman and RVD do something new every match. Unlike Cena who does punch punch shoulder block. DVD, STF match over. But cant hate on him cause WWE super stars are mostly all like that.
True, so damn true.

At least RVD does the van-terminator, van-daminator, frog splash, rolling thunder (2 Diferent versions), split legged moonsault. He has so much more variety than John Cena. That's why he is a better champion.
FLUFF said:
True, so damn true.

At least RVD does the van-terminator, van-daminator, frog splash, rolling thunder (2 Diferent versions), split legged moonsault. He has so much more variety than John Cena. That's why he is a better champion.

True there to. But Again its just not Cena who I guess loved the event last night. But Triple H,HBK and alot of other WWE wrestlers are the same way. Cause again its not like ECW. ECW matchs arent as scripted as WWE matches. And you could tell last night Watching RVD in ECW. Go back to any of his WWE matches and hes just like Cena.
That another thing, ECW fans are massively hypocritical (but then again all wrestling fans are), correct me if im wrong but every move RVD used last night he uees week in week out on RAW, no doubt Cena does the same moves aswell but ECW fans sure are hypocritical. Lets not even talk about the Sandman.
Jackhammer23 said:
No not really, ECW fans are great! I love them! All the things they chant aren't really different than what you hear at any Raw event especially when Lita is out there. But those ECW fans are more emotional and spirited and I bet you that most of them are part of the IWC just like we are....Internet Wrestling Community for you all out there....which means they are not your casual I watch WWE when I can catch it, thry are the dedicated wrestling fans that wants the best. And it's not like RVD and Heyman didn't warn you earlier about the crowd. I loved them, not like any of us ever said something childish to someone. Don't feel bad for the ECW fans because RVD and all the other ECW guys aren't they knew exactly what they were walking into and the ECW crowd you saw at One Night Stand was exactly like the crowd of the old ECW.

Hey! I am one of those ECW fans that are apart of the IWC! cool, now to my point - I must agree with the unnamed hater that started this thread on the part of You Suck Dick chants directed towards Orton, but in retrospect It was the funniest shit I've seen or heard on a wrestling show in a long time. I wasn't there last night(although I wish I was) the crowd really brought back that nostalgia feeling wrestling has been missing since the collapse of ECW, since the nWo was on top and wasn't a old stale storyline, or since DX appeared. Ultimately ECW I think will bring wrestling back to the forfront lead by the fans themselves and I am one of them. I fellout of the wrestling community since ECW's departure and just came back when I started hearing rumors of ECW coming back, and I know that there are alot of fans like me that are coming back to it as well, so please everyone direct your You suck dick chants towards that unnamed hater that brought us this thread
That another thing, ECW fans are massively hypocritical (but then again all wrestling fans are), correct me if im wrong but every move RVD used last night he uees week in week out on RAW, no doubt Cena does the same moves aswell but ECW fans sure are hypocritical. Lets not even talk about the Sandman.

That's true, but they also bring something new to the ring every week as well, not they same stale as routine night in and night out like Cena. Since Cena turned face I haven't seen anything new about him other then the STFU which isn't anything special. With ECW you never know what your gonna get, the match could be a piece of shit or it could make history any given night, that's what makes it special, that's why ECW fans are so critical, and yes sometimes hypocritical, but thats caused by loyalty, and love for the brand
Thats another thing, do ECW fans not have a brain cell between them, they could have put that Cena shirt straight up on ebay, no matter how much they legitimately " hate " Cena , because we all know the ECW fans hate of Cena is not real its just to gain props from the WWEIWC fans, because thats what both those groups of people try and do, impress each other. Anyways, even though the shirt throwing seemed a bit staged if I was in that crowd there would have been no chance of me throwing the shirt back, id take it home and slap it on ebay immediately.

I don't know anyone that would by a shirt that someone wiped there nads on lol, they can pay me and I'll take to the dry-cleaners if it doesn't smell funky
Only at an ECW PPV would the audience find the virtual execution of WWE "superstar" Eugene getting the shit beaten out of him by The Sandman to be entertaining.

What will those masochists think of next? :crucified:
if a lays potato chip "with the shape of an angel" on it can sell for some grands on ebay. cenas shirt can...i promise. Naw, I dont like Cena, but its true
Governmentuser85 said:
Cause Sandman and RVD do something new every match. Unlike Cena who does punch punch shoulder block. DVD, STF match over. But cant hate on him cause WWE super stars are mostly all like that.

Thats exactly what I think. Stone Cold Steve Austin basically just landed punches and stomps and a suplex here and there and he was a complete fan favorite. The fact that people hate Cena because of what he does is just stupid in my opinion, and if you can tell me someone who can counter better than Cena then ill respect them too.
ManInBlack 2 said:
Only at an ECW PPV would the audience find the virtual execution of WWE "superstar" Eugene getting the shit beaten out of him by The Sandman to be entertaining.

What will those masochists think of next? :crucified:

The segment sucked for the most part, however Eugene getting the shit beat out of him is great, if it smartens him a little, I think it's degrading to see a wwe superstar come out every week imitating a mentally disabled person, there's not to many things i wouldn't stand for, WWe mocking the disabled is cruel and really can't stand it when Eugene is wrestling or on the Mic(No offense to the guy that plays Eugene, He is a good wrestler) hopefully WWE has something going with this, or your right it was garbage
Now last night the ECW fans were very loud and sure they had a lot of energy but some of the things they chanted bothered me, lets start with "You suck dick" aimed to Randy Orton, firstly its very very very chilidsh and is nothing wrestling related, at least in the Cena match, their chants were wrestling related but during the Randy Orton match i felt i was back in the school playground with ridiculous gay jokes. "Orton swallows" Come on ECW fans you can do better. Very immature of them and what makes it worse is that they all started chanting it, showing that they are nothing but a flock of sheep just following each other with every chant, I dont think any of them has a brain of their own. These were men mostly over the age of 18 and the best they can do is copy each other with a bunch of ridiculous homophobic jokes, low very low, Id began to respect the ECW product because damn may I say it One Night Stand was an awesome PPV (albeit with the help of a few WWE stars (particularly Cena) But i just couldn't help but feel slightly embarassed for the ECW fans because of their chants during Ortons match. The ECW fans arent extreme, they are silly, chilidish and it seems none of them or perhaps one of them has a mind of their own. Anyone choose to agree.................................????????

i totally agree with you. i think the chants were childish, and it shouldn't be apart of wrestling. i think the chants for cena were ok. but the sexual chants at orton are uncalled for, especially when kids are watching the show.
Ecw rules!!!If you knew anything youd know that them being able to say that is waht personifys ecw.No censorship and the talent reings may not agree with what they said but whats the difference between that and wwe fans telling lita shes a ****.And dont even try and say feel sorry for orton heres a guy who gets suspended for being a jerk and imagine just how bad it was for a guy to get suspended by another who makes people kiss his bare ass.Just what the hell did orton do?And im sorry but id rather see an uncensored ecw crowd the a generic you can only say what the writers want you to say wwe crowd
Bigt5687 said:
i totally agree with you. i think the chants were childish, and it shouldn't be apart of wrestling. i think the chants for cena were ok. but the sexual chants at orton are uncalled for, especially when kids are watching the show.

Thats why it was on ppv. Not everythings about kids. Infact fuck kids.
Tons of wrestlers use the same moves week after week, but at least most of them add something new from time to time. RVD, HHH and HBK are at least amazing at what they do. Cena is awful at his same repetitive moves. His moves are just brutal. The FU is probably the worst finisher in the WWE. His other moves are brutal too, 5 -knuckle shuffle is a prime example. Every single Cena match it is soooo easy to predict what is gonna happen. Cena gets his ass kicked the entire match, then someone he turns on "Superman" strength and wins. All the great superstars: HHH, HBK, Angle, Taker, etc can make matches unpredictable, you never know when they are gonna win or when they are gonna lose, if they are facing eachother.

As for ECW fans, they were amazing. Its wrestling, they can do whatever then hell they want, its not like its some formal event, where everyone has to behave. Personally, I think you are only mad at the ECW fans, if you are a Cena fan. These fans made great original chants, which were all true about Cena. Although, Cena may be a nice guy outside the ring, he is a poor wrestler and his character sucks, which is why soo many people are starting to hate him.

Hats off to ECW fans
The Lita is a **** chants are instigated by the wwe writers. That's the difference.

Chanting something like You Suck Dick to Randy Orton is just mob mentality. It's the thrill of being able to say that to someone without fear of getting your ass kicked. Very similar to e-balls.
I myself am a fan of ECW, Cena (a little bit) and Randy Orton, but the crowd was funny, the wrestlers knew what the enviroment was gonna be like, and I think Orton and Cena enjoyed it if not finding it to be funny themselves. If a heel wrestler gets harassed that much like last night, then they are doing there job above and beyond what they are expected. I would like to thank them for helping to create an atmosphere that exciting and electric. After the show I gained alot respect for these two for being able perform through this event.
Now last night the ECW fans were very loud and sure they had a lot of energy but some of the things they chanted bothered me, lets start with "You suck dick" aimed to Randy Orton, firstly its very very very chilidsh and is nothing wrestling related, at least in the Cena match, their chants were wrestling related but during the Randy Orton match i felt i was back in the school playground with ridiculous gay jokes. "Orton swallows" Come on ECW fans you can do better. Very immature of them and what makes it worse is that they all started chanting it, showing that they are nothing but a flock of sheep just following each other with every chant, I dont think any of them has a brain of their own. These were men mostly over the age of 18 and the best they can do is copy each other with a bunch of ridiculous homophobic jokes, low very low, Id began to respect the ECW product because damn may I say it One Night Stand was an awesome PPV (albeit with the help of a few WWE stars (particularly Cena) But i just couldn't help but feel slightly embarassed for the ECW fans because of their chants during Ortons match. The ECW fans arent extreme, they are silly, chilidish and it seems none of them or perhaps one of them has a mind of their own. Anyone choose to agree.................................????????

Well they could've used the same old asshole chants that uncreative WWE fans have used for over 7 years now.
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