Does TNA Even Care Anymore?

Poop Master Flex

Mid-Card Championship Winner
and what I mean by that is does TNA give a crap about 2 things:

1) The Fans
2) The Talent that works for TNA

Now this has a lot to do with the whole Victory Road debacle (and I will use victory road as an example) but there is a lot of other factors which is why I decided to make it a new thread altogether. If it should be somewhere else I apologize in advance.

Enough has been said about what happened at Victory Road so I'm not gonna even go into that. From what I see there are 2 explanations for what happened:

A) its a work
B) Jeff was legitimately in no condition to wrestle

The fact of the matter is at Victory Road TNA pissed off their fans and their talent by putting that main event on. I don't care one bit about what actually happened all I care about is what is put on the television and the main event of Victory Road is unacceptable for Free TV let alone a PPV where you have to spend $35.

From my count this is the 2nd time this year where Jeff Hardy was apparently in "No condition to wrestle" for a PPV and there has only been 3 PPV's this year so far, so for 66% of the year so far Jeff showed up to a big event not ready to go (supposedly). They put a visibly upset Sting in the ring with Hardy, someone who they tried so hard to resign and in less than 2 weeks you royally piss him off. Rumors have it is that the TNA locker room is at an all time low morale wise and TNA has done nothing to rectify it.

Most of the problems in TNA don't involve Hardy in any way, it just has to do with horrible mismanagement by the higher ups of TNA. Now I hear Daffney is now suing TNA for being treated so poorly.

All past problems aside, what happened at Victory Road showed to me that TNA doesn't care about its fans or its talent.

If TNA cared about its talent then they wouldn't have so much of their talent simply walk away and they certainly wouldn't put their talent in a match with someone who is unfit to wrestle (I'm not saying Hardy was intoxicated, I'm just saying he wasn't fit to wrestle, that much was obvious). By doing that you tell your talent that you don't care about their well being and that all they are is expendable assets and nothing more. They do nothing to protect its talent and they take no responsibility for anything that happens. If Hardy was screwed up on Sunday that's isn't TNA's fault, but it is their fault for letting it slide and having him go to the ring. You put Sting's well being at risk by doing that and you send a message to the locker room that it doesn't matter what state you are in, we will just put them out there anyways.

The absolute worst part about this all is that TNA hasn't even issued an apology to the fans or talent for what transpired on Sunday and that alone is inexcusable. Even when WCW had the whole "Halloween Havoc" debacle of '98 they still issued out refunds to everyone who didn't get to see the main event, is TNA doing that?

If this was all indeed a work, then they should still apologize to the talent for working them in such a way (working the talent into thinking intoxicated people can wrestle isn't smart) and they should still apologize for screwing up the main event so bad.

I don't want anything from TNA, but for all the mistakes they have made in the past I would at least like it if they actually owned up to the mistakes they have made, that's all I ask. I don't want a refund, I don't want them to change their booking, all I want them to do is to publicly (whether on the internet or TV) to issue an apology for the mistakes they have made. WWE has often screwed up but they also try to rectify it in some way, thats because WWE actually cares about its talent and fans.

TNA doesn't care anymore and if they did they would at least make a statement of some sort about these situations and try to rectify these situations and because they don't I feel they don't care anymore.
let me go ad and say this....'yawn'....35 isn't alot. I wish everyone would quit fussing about that. secondly...w the whole daffney thing....I don't know or care what happens, didnt konnan do this shit too? I think he lost or they settled out of court or something like that. In the end all wrestlers are self contractors and aren't guaranteed benifits and stuff. WWE has so much money that I don't think it's a big deal for them to help out talent. Basing this off of only victory road is I get your point though. I'm not too upset as I'm more worried for jeff's health. Should they have shuffled the card? yes. Would fans still fuss if they had? most likely
An apology? Really? Thats as stupid as tha moderators of these forums! Its a TV show! If they wanted to they could stop having any wrestlers what so ever and put on a show about aliens invading and eating all tha wrestlers! And just as it is now, it would be your choice to watch or not watch. Nobody forces you to watch!
Very well argued and eloquently put. I've read the statement you've made and you make a lot of good points. I believe that what you've mentioned, particularly about Victory Road, is a crying example of why TNA shouldn't have thrown their lot in with Hogan and Bischoff in the first place, particularly after the example of what happened with WCW.

As far as I'm concerned, I think that the current TNA regime does care about what they perceive as their fans, but I do believe that they are out of touch with who their actual fans are (and if the current way they're handling things continues, they'll likely become less and less.) The die hard TNA fans liked TNA (I think) because it was so different from the WWE. Everything the WWE wasn't doing, TNA was doing. To use a high school hallway analogy, WWE was the blond jock wearing the letterman jacket while TNA was the surly punk with the biker leathers and the piercings. Each company had their appeal to their audience. Now that Hogan and Bischoff are attempting to make it more and more like WWE (presumably to try to compete with the WWE for their fanbase) they are alienating their previous die hard TNA fans.

As for the talent, I'm with you all the way. TNA has been way too forgiving, especially with talent that has made a name for themselves in the WWE. I think that TNA is afraid that, if they fire someone who already has a fanbase, they'll lose that fanbase and it'll be a catastrophic loss. This may be why Jeff Hardy (if he is indeed the one to blame) is given so much leeway. As to TNA not apologizing to fans or talent, I'm with you 100%. TNA owes both an apology and an explanation.
Are you serious? Of course they don't care. No big wrestling company does; until/unless they are paying money to go to the events, or to see the PPV's, or buying the merchandise, or watching the TV shows.

But what you refer to with TNA in particular; they ESPECIALLY do not care.

For point 2, there's plenty of documentation for that. These two articles gather much of it together succintly:
Sadly the majority of people enjoyed the ppv and thought it was fantastic. These are called blind sheep. TNA can never do anything wrong or bad in their opinion and will continue to support them. This was not a work. Or we would have seen Jeff's drug issues brought up a long time ago in a twisted storyline that TNA would come up with.
An apology? Really? Thats as stupid as tha moderators of these forums! Its a TV show! If they wanted to they could stop having any wrestlers what so ever and put on a show about aliens invading and eating all tha wrestlers! And just as it is now, it would be your choice to watch or not watch. Nobody forces you to watch!

Now I know wrestling is pre-determined but its still an ATHLETIC COMPETITION, the fact of the matter is its unacceptable to show up at any job in that state let alone a job where a person is GIVING YOU THEIR BODY AND WELL BEING. The way I see it letting Jeff Hardy work intoxicated is the same as if the Penguins let Crosby play while hammered or if the city lets a bus driver showed up to work drunk, ITS NO DIFFERENT. I'm pretty sure TNA owes Sting and its talent an apology for letting that happen.

Frankly I don't want an apology, I just want TNA to admit their screw up and move on, just address it in some fashion. Its not about apologizing its about being accountable for ones actions.
TNA is on it's death bed, thou as long as the money keeps getting pumped into the company it will continue to produce shows but TNA messed up BIGTIME allowing an intoxicated Jeff Hardy go out there and the match or lack of was a disgrace and if NO ONE else ever purchased another TNA ppv THEY have no one to blaim but them selves and Jeff Hardy.

I've been a big Jeff fan in the past, Matt on the other hand no but Jeff doing this twice being skull fucked and coming to the ring is ******ed, he knows he's wrestling in TNA's biggest match at the moment and he goes and gets drunk?

I've Hogan and Bisch could be playing the boys and the IWC well bravo; you've pretty much just cut your testicles off trying to out smart fans and have us believe wrestling is real, Hogan being a figure head isn't any good he's got that mentality to try and out smart the fans and have us believe wrestling is real, we know it's far from real but we know it is also dangerous. TNA fucked up majorly on Sunday, WWE must be sitting back and laughing at this and counting their blessings Jeff didn't resign with them in 2009.
Now I know wrestling is pre-determined but its still an ATHLETIC COMPETITION, the fact of the matter is its unacceptable to show up at any job in that state let alone a job where a person is GIVING YOU THEIR BODY AND WELL BEING. The way I see it letting Jeff Hardy work intoxicated is the same as if the Penguins let Crosby play while hammered or if the city lets a bus driver showed up to work drunk, ITS NO DIFFERENT. I'm pretty sure TNA owes Sting and its talent an apology for letting that happen.

Frankly I don't want an apology, I just want TNA to admit their screw up and move on, just address it in some fashion. Its not about apologizing its about being accountable for ones actions.

i know its athletic competition! or more like sports entertainment! but its still a tv show that they can do whatever they want with! as long as pple keep watching then they still have a tv show! all it comes down to is you watch tha tv shows you like and don't watch tha tv shows you don't like! nobody forces you to watch desperate housewifes and nobody forces you to watch tna!
You know I couldn't agree more about TNA owning up to the huge fuck-up they allowed to happen on their watch on a PPV people were paying to see. They do owe a huge apology to Sting,the other Talent,the Live audience at the PPV,and whoever was watching.

Apparently the TNA Roster is up in arms over what happend and I wouldn't be surprised if any of them are wanting out of TNA at the moment. Hogan & Bischoff need to stop trying to play with the Fans and the IWC on what may or may not be real.
the thing about it with wrestling is you are supposed to be guaranteed a good match and outcome... it's sports entertainment and you aren't supposed to get the 90 second Mike Tyson knockout or the heartbreaking losses unless there is a point to it... you ultimately are left satisfied and when that doesn't happen it is a problem. Whenever I see a fight like Mayweather that is boring as fuck or a heartbreaking and stupid Niners loss I say to myself THIS is what i love about pro wrestling, end of the day I know that Hulk Hogan is going to beat the Giant and it will be a good action packed match and i WILL get my moneys worth. If it is not then why the hell am i watching a scripted show, I may as well go back to the crap shoot real sports and see if i will be satisfied or not. I can justify spending 50 bucks on wrestlemania because it is going to meet/exceed my expectations of a good show, whereas real sports i take a risk that i may get a shitty performance on the field of mike singletary run up the middle bull shit and watch my team lose and feel ripped the fuck off... TNA ran the ball up the middle to lose yardage with that bull shit main event, something wrestling just has not been known for doing so much since quite frankly, it can't afford to.
i know its athletic competition! or more like sports entertainment! but its still a tv show that they can do whatever they want with! as long as pple keep watching then they still have a tv show! all it comes down to is you watch tha tv shows you like and don't watch tha tv shows you don't like! nobody forces you to watch desperate housewifes and nobody forces you to watch tna!

I'll just end this now, I barely watch TNA I just follow it. Victory Road 2011 was the first TNA PPV I've seen in a while and for the most part I enjoyed it but then the main event happened. After that main event I really don't have any desire to watch TNA for a while and won't so you're right I don't have to watch TNA.

BTW, who in their right mind would book someone to go down to the ring, pretend to be drunk then throw the main event in a minute 26 seconds? I'm sorry I find it a little hard to believe someone would work the crowd like that, what does that accomplish entertainment wise or otherwise? Not even the worst booker in history would be that stupid. They let Hardy go down intoxicated and put Sting in danger, they owe him an apology. If I'm wrong and this is a work, it will be TNA's finger poke of doom.
TNA is on it's death bed, thou as long as the money keeps getting pumped into the company it will continue to produce shows but TNA messed up BIGTIME allowing an intoxicated Jeff Hardy go out there and the match or lack of was a disgrace and if NO ONE else ever purchased another TNA ppv THEY have no one to blaim but them selves and Jeff Hardy.

I've been a big Jeff fan in the past, Matt on the other hand no but Jeff doing this twice being skull fucked and coming to the ring is ******ed, he knows he's wrestling in TNA's biggest match at the moment and he goes and gets drunk?

I've Hogan and Bisch could be playing the boys and the IWC well bravo; you've pretty much just cut your testicles off trying to out smart fans and have us believe wrestling is real, Hogan being a figure head isn't any good he's got that mentality to try and out smart the fans and have us believe wrestling is real, we know it's far from real but we know it is also dangerous. TNA fucked up majorly on Sunday, WWE must be sitting back and laughing at this and counting their blessings Jeff didn't resign with them in 2009.

Hardy isn't showing up drunk. He's showing up blown out of his mind on pills...
and what I mean by that is does TNA give a crap about 2 things:

1) The Fans
2) The Talent that works for TNA

Now this has a lot to do with the whole Victory Road debacle (and I will use victory road as an example) but there is a lot of other factors which is why I decided to make it a new thread altogether. If it should be somewhere else I apologize in advance.

Enough has been said about what happened at Victory Road so I'm not gonna even go into that. From what I see there are 2 explanations for what happened:

A) its a work
B) Jeff was legitimately in no condition to wrestle

The fact of the matter is at Victory Road TNA pissed off their fans and their talent by putting that main event on. I don't care one bit about what actually happened all I care about is what is put on the television and the main event of Victory Road is unacceptable for Free TV let alone a PPV where you have to spend $35.

From my count this is the 2nd time this year where Jeff Hardy was apparently in "No condition to wrestle" for a PPV and there has only been 3 PPV's this year so far, so for 66% of the year so far Jeff showed up to a big event not ready to go (supposedly). They put a visibly upset Sting in the ring with Hardy, someone who they tried so hard to resign and in less than 2 weeks you royally piss him off. Rumors have it is that the TNA locker room is at an all time low morale wise and TNA has done nothing to rectify it.

Most of the problems in TNA don't involve Hardy in any way, it just has to do with horrible mismanagement by the higher ups of TNA. Now I hear Daffney is now suing TNA for being treated so poorly.

All past problems aside, what happened at Victory Road showed to me that TNA doesn't care about its fans or its talent.

If TNA cared about its talent then they wouldn't have so much of their talent simply walk away and they certainly wouldn't put their talent in a match with someone who is unfit to wrestle (I'm not saying Hardy was intoxicated, I'm just saying he wasn't fit to wrestle, that much was obvious). By doing that you tell your talent that you don't care about their well being and that all they are is expendable assets and nothing more. They do nothing to protect its talent and they take no responsibility for anything that happens. If Hardy was screwed up on Sunday that's isn't TNA's fault, but it is their fault for letting it slide and having him go to the ring. You put Sting's well being at risk by doing that and you send a message to the locker room that it doesn't matter what state you are in, we will just put them out there anyways.

The absolute worst part about this all is that TNA hasn't even issued an apology to the fans or talent for what transpired on Sunday and that alone is inexcusable. Even when WCW had the whole "Halloween Havoc" debacle of '98 they still issued out refunds to everyone who didn't get to see the main event, is TNA doing that?

If this was all indeed a work, then they should still apologize to the talent for working them in such a way (working the talent into thinking intoxicated people can wrestle isn't smart) and they should still apologize for screwing up the main event so bad.

I don't want anything from TNA, but for all the mistakes they have made in the past I would at least like it if they actually owned up to the mistakes they have made, that's all I ask. I don't want a refund, I don't want them to change their booking, all I want them to do is to publicly (whether on the internet or TV) to issue an apology for the mistakes they have made. WWE has often screwed up but they also try to rectify it in some way, thats because WWE actually cares about its talent and fans.

TNA doesn't care anymore and if they did they would at least make a statement of some sort about these situations and try to rectify these situations and because they don't I feel they don't care anymore.
Daffney isn't suing them for poor treatment of her. She just filed for Workman's Comp against them to have them pay for her injuries suffered in their ring. When I was a kid working at McDonald's we had a girl slip and fall and she did the same thing and never even left the company. It's not a big thing from what I've read.

As for Jeff Hardy I've seen a report that Immortal was to run to the ring and attack Sting drawing it out after Sting and Hardy stalled a little but Sting seeing the shape Hardy was in chose to end it quickly and Immortal never made it out. I also wonder if it was tough love as they wanted Hardy to see the consequences of showing up in that condition and maybe he would see he needed help. Who knows.

As for an apology and taking responsibility Hulk did tweet to a fan they were dealing with it and had to do something about it. They did send Hardy home from taping yesterday and I believe they will probably address it on Impact Thursday. He's probably been given the choice of rehab or be fired which is what I would do in their shoes. Who knows what will happen we will probably know sometime later tihs week.
Does TNA care? Of course. They are in the entertainment business, and without an audience they are out of work. But like Klown Karnage said, I think TNA is out of touch with just who the audience is, and what they want. More than that, I think they are in panic mode. That's a whole other issue to get into though (and a subjective interpretation), so I'm skipping that for now.

As for an apology? Well, on the one hand, TNA gave viewers the vast majority of what they promised. On the other hand, main events are supposedly the big seller of any given ppv, and TNA definitely didn't deliver on that end. While you can't really blame TNA for Jeff Hardy showing up impaired, you can blame them for indulging his addictions in the past, for putting Sting in a potentially dangerous situation, and for neglecting to come up with a more reasonable replacement match. So should they apologize? To Sting, certainly. To the fans? Well, it couldn't hurt.

Generally, if companies fail to deliver on what their customers paid to purchase, they will issue some sort of apology if only to remind customers that their product is generally of a much higher quality, dissuading them from giving up on it altogether. In this case, I think doing so is better than the alternative, which would be to pretend it didn't happen and move on. TNA's audience is obviously very aware of what went down, and ignoring it won't make it go away. It will only send the message that such occurrences aren't a big deal in TNA, which will give fans zero reason to expect any better of them next time. Even the briefest apology or acknowledgment, on the other hand, will show fans that TNA is paying attention to their concerns, and that they believe in higher standards than were displayed. So whether or not an apology is owed, I think it's the smart thing to do.

Sometimes, sucking it up and acknowledging your mistakes is the best way to save face. At least it shows that you're aware of them.
I have been a fan of wrestling for many, many years and seeing what I did this past Sunday was simply unbelievable. All I could think of was "this was as bad as when they put the belt on David Arquette"

TNA is all but finished. The story lines suck and dont make any sense what so ever. You see Jeff Hardy coming to the ring "Drunk"" And yes he was. This is clearly the beginning of the end.

I can see Shane McMahon coming out again and it is WCW buyout all over again. But this time it will really put Hogan and Bitchoff out for good.

But look at the positive side of this, Cause it will happen. We can see super great matches with TNA talent against WWE. A resurgence of an actual Tag Team Division. Can you imagine Beer Money in WWE. EPIC!!! It will be the super shot in the arm for WWE.

Now I would bring back the "has-beens" that WWE let go. But bring in Talent that TNA brought up. AJ Styles, Kazarian, Beer Money, Abyss, Motor City, Etc. But keep the garbage where you left it. (Hardys, Samoa Joe, Dudleys, Flair)

Hell I would bring Sting and Angle back to WWE just because they can still provide "Great" matches.

I dont see how, after this past weekend, WWE isnt ready to do a significant buyout.
I'm new here, but I think all wrestling companies should provide medical coverage for all of their employees. If a wrestler gets hurt, they should have to file a claim and get medical attention to protect both the promotion and themselves.
I was more of a TNA fan before Hogan & Bischoff signed. Ever since they've "taken over" I can barely watch. I loved the innovative 6-sided ring, the X division, how the Knockouts out performed the divas, and how they let guys like AJ, Joe & Daniels Carry the company. I honestly prefer the Jarrett era than the current one.

I have completely lost interest in TNA and as much as I like Guys like them, Beer Money, Angle, and other TNA mainstays, TNA's current product is garbage. I wouldn't even bother to watch the TNA ppv's online for free, and the Jeff Hardy debacle makes my decision feel valid.

As far as an apology is concerned, at this moment there is nothing that TNA can say that will get me to tune in.

If it were WWE, they would have spun it as an attack and done a last minute change and most likely fired him (he left on 2 strikes). I agree that Ho-Schoff is killing TNA and is trying to revive the past and honestly I don't want WCW -3.0, I want an original TNA product different from anything that WWE is doing.

My friend once jokingly said to me that Hogan was in kahootz with Vince to destroy TNA. He may not be in league with Vinnie Mac but he sure is sending TNA straight to hell.
well it appears they do care about the fans they just offered 6 months of TNAOnDemand for ppl who ordered Hard Justice... kind of seals the deal on whether this was a work or something that just happened too because why admit they fucked up otherwise. NOt too bad i suppose for ppl who paid for it and exposes ppl to their on demand service so a smart move on their part
so this is what i found on the internet:

TNA Wrestling strives to give fans who purchase our pay-per-views as close to a full three-hour event as possible. This past Sunday’s "TNA Victory Road" fell short of that standard. Your support of TNA is never taken for granted. To show you how we value that support, we would like to offer six months of free access to the library.

To receive your free offer, please send us a copy of your Victory Road pay-per-view purchase receipt to :

TNA OnDemand Offer
209 10th Avenue South, #302
Nashville, TN 37203.

Please be sure and submit your name, address, and email address, as we will be emailing a special code that will unlock over 300 hours of great TNA Wrestling action.

Does this offer show you that they care?
A few years ago, we would all sit around the TV here and watch TNA, the whole family enjoyed it. Now if I turn it on, I'm the only one left in the room. I don't think they care anymore and it shows. I wonder how long they will last before SPIKE cancels them?
and what I mean by that is does TNA give a crap about 2 things:

1) The Fans
2) The Talent that works for TNA

Now this has a lot to do with the whole Victory Road debacle (and I will use victory road as an example) but there is a lot of other factors which is why I decided to make it a new thread altogether. If it should be somewhere else I apologize in advance.

Enough has been said about what happened at Victory Road so I'm not gonna even go into that. From what I see there are 2 explanations for what happened:

A) its a work
B) Jeff was legitimately in no condition to wrestle

The fact of the matter is at Victory Road TNA pissed off their fans and their talent by putting that main event on. I don't care one bit about what actually happened all I care about is what is put on the television and the main event of Victory Road is unacceptable for Free TV let alone a PPV where you have to spend $35.

From my count this is the 2nd time this year where Jeff Hardy was apparently in "No condition to wrestle" for a PPV and there has only been 3 PPV's this year so far, so for 66% of the year so far Jeff showed up to a big event not ready to go (supposedly). They put a visibly upset Sting in the ring with Hardy, someone who they tried so hard to resign and in less than 2 weeks you royally piss him off. Rumors have it is that the TNA locker room is at an all time low morale wise and TNA has done nothing to rectify it.

Most of the problems in TNA don't involve Hardy in any way, it just has to do with horrible mismanagement by the higher ups of TNA. Now I hear Daffney is now suing TNA for being treated so poorly.

All past problems aside, what happened at Victory Road showed to me that TNA doesn't care about its fans or its talent.

If TNA cared about its talent then they wouldn't have so much of their talent simply walk away and they certainly wouldn't put their talent in a match with someone who is unfit to wrestle (I'm not saying Hardy was intoxicated, I'm just saying he wasn't fit to wrestle, that much was obvious). By doing that you tell your talent that you don't care about their well being and that all they are is expendable assets and nothing more. They do nothing to protect its talent and they take no responsibility for anything that happens. If Hardy was screwed up on Sunday that's isn't TNA's fault, but it is their fault for letting it slide and having him go to the ring. You put Sting's well being at risk by doing that and you send a message to the locker room that it doesn't matter what state you are in, we will just put them out there anyways.

The absolute worst part about this all is that TNA hasn't even issued an apology to the fans or talent for what transpired on Sunday and that alone is inexcusable. Even when WCW had the whole "Halloween Havoc" debacle of '98 they still issued out refunds to everyone who didn't get to see the main event, is TNA doing that?

If this was all indeed a work, then they should still apologize to the talent for working them in such a way (working the talent into thinking intoxicated people can wrestle isn't smart) and they should still apologize for screwing up the main event so bad.

I don't want anything from TNA, but for all the mistakes they have made in the past I would at least like it if they actually owned up to the mistakes they have made, that's all I ask. I don't want a refund, I don't want them to change their booking, all I want them to do is to publicly (whether on the internet or TV) to issue an apology for the mistakes they have made. WWE has often screwed up but they also try to rectify it in some way, thats because WWE actually cares about its talent and fans.

TNA doesn't care anymore and if they did they would at least make a statement of some sort about these situations and try to rectify these situations and because they don't I feel they don't care anymore.

What's so funny about all of this is I was right. (as I usually am.) I said MONTHS ago that Hogan and Bischoff would ruin TNA like they did WCW. I said that these factions were NWO redos (i.e. ripoffs) because Bischoff and Hogan had nothing new to offer and instead were offering to regurgitate the same old stuff on a new network.

Hopefully people will FINALLY see Hogan and Bischoff for what they really are. Hucksters!!! Con men intent on continuing THEIR careers at the expense of others' careers.

As for this Hardy thing being a work, so what? If it's a work, that's even WORSE than the decision to put a person who was impaired in the ring for an event. I say worse because a work would mean they ACTUALLY had production and pre-tape meetings where they discussed an actual storyline that would have them portray one of their wrestlers as having an addiction issue with drugs. Think for one moment what that means! That people like Bischoff, Hogan, Carter, Jarrett, and the lot of them actually not only would have had to discuss that, but actually BELIEVE that it would be a good decision. Wow!!!

Now I've always been a harsh critic of TNA because I am no fan of Hogan or Bischoff. BUT, I've always believed the core of folks there like A.J. Styles, Beer Money, Samoa Joe and others truly are talented in-ring workers more deserving of a chance than allowing guys like Hogan and Bischoff to continue to live out their indulgent fantasies on tv. Hogan needs the money. He's got off camera issues he's dealing with that require money and lots of it. Bischoff needs the exposure as he continues desperately to get noticed by Hollywood as a legit producer of legit television. If they THINK this is 'edgy' they are supremely wrong. If this happened outside their knowledge, they are supremely incompetent as they knew who and what they were getting with Jeff Hardy when they brought him back to TNA.

Either way, it's sad to watch a product like this go down in flames like this. No matter what happens from here, I will ALWAYS connect TNA to the debacle that IS Jeff Hardy.
so this is what i found on the internet:

TNA Wrestling strives to give fans who purchase our pay-per-views as close to a full three-hour event as possible. This past Sunday’s "TNA Victory Road" fell short of that standard. Your support of TNA is never taken for granted. To show you how we value that support, we would like to offer six months of free access to the library.

To receive your free offer, please send us a copy of your Victory Road pay-per-view purchase receipt to :

TNA OnDemand Offer
209 10th Avenue South, #302
Nashville, TN 37203.

Please be sure and submit your name, address, and email address, as we will be emailing a special code that will unlock over 300 hours of great TNA Wrestling action.

Does this offer show you that they care?

If this is legit, it's a good move by TNA. A lot better than I expected, actually. Now, they've just got to deal with Jeff and get an actual drug policy in place. Obviously, the 'it's ok if you're on drugs, so long as you can wrestle' policy isn't working. It's time to make an example of Jeff Hardy; if CBS can afford to lose Charlie Sheen, than TNA can afford to lose Jeff freakin' Hardy.
I have been a fan of wrestling for many, many years and seeing what I did this past Sunday was simply unbelievable. All I could think of was "this was as bad as when they put the belt on David Arquette"

TNA is all but finished. The story lines suck and dont make any sense what so ever. You see Jeff Hardy coming to the ring "Drunk"" And yes he was. This is clearly the beginning of the end.

I can see Shane McMahon coming out again and it is WCW buyout all over again. But this time it will really put Hogan and Bitchoff out for good.

But look at the positive side of this, Cause it will happen. We can see super great matches with TNA talent against WWE. A resurgence of an actual Tag Team Division. Can you imagine Beer Money in WWE. EPIC!!! It will be the super shot in the arm for WWE.

Now I would bring back the "has-beens" that WWE let go. But bring in Talent that TNA brought up. AJ Styles, Kazarian, Beer Money, Abyss, Motor City, Etc. But keep the garbage where you left it. (Hardys, Samoa Joe, Dudleys, Flair)

Hell I would bring Sting and Angle back to WWE just because they can still provide "Great" matches.

I dont see how, after this past weekend, WWE isnt ready to do a significant buyout.
One problem with your scenario is TNA's TV ratings aren't much lower than Smackdowns and well above NXT and supposedly profitable so why would the Carters sell it?. WCW didn't fall because of the story-lines it was sold because AOL/Time Warner had merged with Turner and they didn't want any kind of wrestling on there channels so they sold it. That and the fact WCW spent way too much money and was losing money every year. Had Turner still had control it never would have been sold.

As for me, I refuse to watch WWE wrestling. I went without wrestling when Vince buried WCW talent in the early 2000's and can do it again if TNA fails.
WCW didn't fall because of the story-lines it was sold because AOL/Time Warner had merged with Turner and they didn't want any kind of wrestling on there channels so they sold it. That and the fact WCW spent way too much money and was losing money every year. Had Turner still had control it never would have been sold.
Almost entirely the latter and virtually none of the former.

One of the great myths perpetuated by the people that tanked WCW was that Time Warner/AOL sold the WCW library and name rights to the WWF because they just didn't want wrestling on their networks. This is a narrative beautifully crafted to appeal to the professional wrestling fan, who is accustomed to people looking down on the particular form of entertainment. It wasn't the slapdash booking bringing progressively lower and lower numbers; it wasn't the absolutely insane amount of money WCW was losing every year, despite their high ratings- nope, it was a completely irrational decision made on the basis of a pre-existing bias by uninformed television executives that just didn't get it.

Either that, or the accountants with Time Warner/AOL looked at WCW, how much money it was losing, and how likely and how soon WCW could recover, then made the business decision to shut WCW down to stop losses.

One makes a good story, but has almost no basis in truth. One is kind of boring and doesn't require people to act with irrational emotion, but is a bit more accurate. Professional wrestling fans always seem to prefer a good story as opposed to an accurate one.

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