Does Evil Exist?

Барбоса;5604813 said:
No one chooses to do anything they themselves perceive as evil?

Yes. Which is why evil cannot be defined with regards to realism. It is only debatable that it exists as a by-product, which, even then, is variable from person to person.

What new philosophy book have you gotten recently?

This isn't anything new I've started to believe in.

In a political discussion, it is good to keep an open mind but not everything is a political discussion. There are lines in the sand when why Nazis, ISIS, individuals etc. are acting as they are are no longer important.

And that shuts down the avenue of nuance and creates an environment where you view the other side as irredeemable without consideration. That's not me saying we shouldn't fight against ISIS or we shouldn't have fought against the Nazi's, but the pretense that these people are "evil" makes it too easy to justify our own issues. You can make good reasons to want to stop these people, with force if necessary. "Evil" is not one of them.

All words are fictionalised constructs - you just happen to not like the term evil; an overused term for sure but not one we should just stop using because it might hurt feelings or colour our reception of someone/thing.

Yes, but evil is different from most adjectives. Something like "selfish" is easy to define - someone interested in advancing their own agendas as opposed to others. Evil, on the other hand, is a very loose term.

And how is that not applicable to something like the Holocaust? Regardless of why it or any other genocide is taking place, it is inherently evil.

Because it was not inherently created for the intent of being evil. It may be a by-product, but to define something as evil is not a valid argument of opposition against something, especially when the decision is based upon pragmatism.

The ends don't justify the means, but to quote Stannis Baratheon: "Hard truths cut both ways."
I'm getting extreme here, but I'm curious: If someone killed your family for no apparent reason, would you not perceive that person as evil? Or would you try to psychoanalyze the person and describe him/her with more gentle terms?
I'm getting extreme here, but I'm curious: If someone killed your family for no apparent reason, would you not perceive that person as evil? Or would you try to psychoanalyze the person and describe him/her with more gentle terms?

That's more of a personal thing, and I'd be burdened with an emotion turmoil that would prevent me from thinking about the situation with a full picture.
Yes. Which is why evil cannot be defined with regards to realism. It is only debatable that it exists as a by-product, which, even then, is variable from person to person.

So anyone who says "I knew it was wrong but I did it anyway" are all just lying?

And that shuts down the avenue of nuance and creates an environment where you view the other side as irredeemable without consideration.

But the Nazis and ISIS were/are irredeemable!

That type of nuance is for way before or after the fact so you can prevent/learn/explain.

Evil, on the other hand, is a very loose term.

Only in the single meaning you are ascribing to it.

Because it was not inherently created for the intent of being evil. It may be a by-product, but to define something as evil is not a valid argument of opposition against something, especially when the decision is based upon pragmatism.

So something not created for the express purpose of being evil, including the intentional killing of an entire race which poses no threat to you, cannot be evil?

That is more absolute, grade A horseshit.

Sticking your fingers in your ears and denying that there is evil out there. What is that old saying about the Devil's greatest trick?

Is it any wonder you joined the Lib Dems...
Барбоса;5604841 said:
Nah, it doesn't exist.

profoundly immoral and malevolent.
"his evil deeds"
synonyms: wicked, bad, wrong, immoral, sinful, foul, vile, dishonorable, corrupt, iniquitous, depraved, reprobate, villainous, nefarious, vicious, malicious; Stephanie McMahon.

On and CNN has just projected that Kentucky and Indiana have been won by Trump. Clinton wins Vermont. Electoral college map Trump 19 - Clinton 3 so far.
What the actual fuck...

So a sexist, racist, loudmouthed asshole with no political experience becomes president? Were people voting blindly with their party or are they just that ignorant to their choices? Do people think the SNL skits were funny so they wanted more?

The world is shaking their head at America again & I dont blame them. The captain of our team is a cartoon character who does not care about 95% of the country he now leads. Fingers crossed he doesnt start a war or lose us needed allies by saying more ridiculous shit than he already has.

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