Does Evil Exist?

But KB you must not have been watching TV for the last year or so. Trump is going to make America great again :)
That sums it up perfectly. There's a big, big difference between a not great candidate and a snake oil salesman who only cares about enhancing his brand. If Hilary wins, we have a not great President for four years. If Trump wins, I'm not sure where we are in four years.

Some say that they prefer an uncertainty over a certain negative. I disagree with them, but you can kind of understand why they'd be inclined to take a gamble.
I got in trouble for wearing my Trump t-shirt to my voting location. I had to go cover it up before I was given my ballot. I then emerged from the booth rocking my Trump shirt once again. Fun times.
I've actually found a few Trump supporters that aren't completely backward in their reasoning, and who can make sense of a lot of Trump's proposals. To be fair; it can be just as hard to find supporters of Hillary who aren't just jumping on a fun band-wagon.

The main thing on the minds of well-spoken Trump supporters is that the economy has been better for people who are on Government aid and for people who live in cities that are commercial epicenters. For people living in more rural areas, the economy was terrible and never got better under President Obama. They admit that it was obviously George Bush who put them in that spot, but they have a very good reason for not voting for someone whose main goal in the first year will be to further cement President Obama's economic policies.

I will say that if Donald wins tonight, Norcal and I are likely going to be getting huge pay raises during the next fiscal year.
I voted for Evan McMullin and I as proud to do so. He was the candidate that I felt best represented my beliefs. I understand that voting third party probably won't cause any ripples, but I couldn't bring myself to vote either Trump or Hillary.

I honestly can't find any dirt on Evan McMullin, his biggest crime is being a new face it seems.

I'm thinking that he and Trump might split the red vote in Utah, and Hillary still won't have enough support to beat either of them.
Some say that they prefer an uncertainty over a certain negative. I disagree with them, but you can kind of understand why they'd be inclined to take a gamble.

And rational people would say that Hilary is the uncertainty in this example.
This kind of self-righteousness and "good vs evil" mentality is the reason why political discourse is dumbed down to the degree it is, and the reason why someone like Trump is a serious candidate to be one of the most powerful people in the world.

Trump is the worst choice, but he's not going to bring about the end times. No candidate will.

No shit. People's inability to use sense in arguments, get immediately defensive and not have an intelligent debate is one of the most annoying things about this entire election. Both sides think the other will make sure everything turns out apocalypse. We've been on a downward trend for quite a long time now and, regardless of who wins the election, it'll likely continue.
And rational people would say that Hilary is the uncertainty in this example.

I think that in any sense, Hillary is the more rational option. Kind of like a game of chess where you're fucked no matter what you do, so you may as well play a strong game while you can.

I wouldn't be this pessimistic if Hillary had taken the high road on a few occasions like Michelle suggested.

I absolutely lost my shit when I found out about Donna Brazile sending debate questions to Hillary, and neither Hillary nor her campaign said anything.

Then I was getting miffed at how everytime a revelation would come of a Wikileaks e-mail dump, we were told to just ignore it because Russia is evil.

Hell; Wikileaks isn't innocent in all this. They were endorsed by David Duke, and then they refused to denounce the KKK because they claimed that they shouldn't have to denounce everyone who endorses them. Right after making that excuse, they turned around and said that they denounce rapper Talib Kweli because he was calling them out on the issue.

We're really having to pick our enemies wisely.
No shit. People's inability to use sense in arguments, get immediately defensive and not have an intelligent debate is one of the most annoying things about this entire election. Both sides think the other will make sure everything turns out apocalypse. We've been on a downward trend for quite a long time now and, regardless of who wins the election, it'll likely continue.

This is exactly why I prefer to exchange thoughts on this forum.

I can honestly say that everytime I've been owned on this forum (too many times to count), I come away smarter and more sensible for it. If I so much as posted "I voted for Hillary" on my Facebook, I would have flaming bags of dogshit stacked a mile high in front of my front door.

People don't find it sexy to explain their points these days, everything has to be a dismissive insult or an idiotic meme.

Recently I was dogged out by about a hundred Hillary supporters on Twitter because I said that I wouldn't call Trump a child rapist until he was convicted in court. The same people who exploit sound-bytes of Donald talking like a chauvinist were labeling me every nasty pejorative in their repertoire.

The WrestleZone Forum may have to declare itself its own political party.
And rational people would say that Hilary is the uncertainty in this example.

Don't know how you'd see Hillary as more uncertain when compared to Trump. You said yourself that she wouldn't be a great president, which indicates some certainty. I agree that Hillary will always be a better choice than Trump, but that doesn't make her a good choice, and many see Trump as an uncertainty, which in their eyes, is worth taking a gamble on.
Don't know how you'd see Hillary as more uncertain when compared to Trump. You said yourself that she wouldn't be a great president, which indicates some certainty. I agree that Hillary will always be a better choice than Trump, but that doesn't make her a good choice, and many see Trump as an uncertainty, which in their eyes, is worth taking a gamble on.

Those people are stupid. I really don't know how else to put it.
No shit. People's inability to use sense in arguments, get immediately defensive and not have an intelligent debate is one of the most annoying things about this entire election. Both sides think the other will make sure everything turns out apocalypse. We've been on a downward trend for quite a long time now and, regardless of who wins the election, it'll likely continue.

People shit on me for saying this, and call me an elitist but I genuinely want politics to be near the upper echelon with regards to intelligent discussion. That doesn't mean getting rid of democracy, but with a subject matter as intricate, delicate and nuanced as politics, it needs to be treated with the utmost maturity, which is why I despise populism, particularly on the right-wing as it loses out on the right-wing's biggest advantage, which is its pragmatism.
Барбоса;5604671 said:
I see Trump is getting his excuse in quickly in Nevada.

It's looking like he's already filed a lawsuit based on a polling station staying open late. I wouldn't be surprised if he files a similar lawsuit against states where he doesn't win.
This kind of self-righteousness and "good vs evil" mentality is the reason why political discourse is dumbed down to the degree it is, and the reason why someone like Trump is a serious candidate to be one of the most powerful people in the world.

Trump is the worst choice, but he's not going to bring about the end times. No candidate will.

The only dumbed down thing we're dealing with here is your inability to read and comprehend what's in front of you. I said both candidates would be ineffective as president, which is the exact opposite of calling Trump the end of the world. Normal political discourse doesn't apply here given one of the candidates is unstable and, yes, evil. I didn't say that about Romney because it would've been false.
The only dumbed down thing we're dealing with here is your inability to read and comprehend what's in front of you. I said both candidates would be ineffective as president, which is the exact opposite of calling Trump the end of the world. Normal political discourse doesn't apply here given one of the candidates is unstable and, yes, evil. I didn't say that about Romney because it would've been false.

Trump is not evil. Hillary is not evil. "Evil" is reserved for movie villains, not real life.
As if this year couldn't get any stranger, Marilyn Manson gave us a sneak peak of his new music video "Say10". Features a political figure...

NSFW and all that.

I have to agree with Nick Cohen, and say that Godwin's Law does not apply in dangerous times, even if dangerous may be a bit hyperbolic.

Ah, so I can bring up the Nazis in reply to your incredibly naive claim that there is no "evil" outside the movies?

To be fair, I don't really need them as the real world is littered with enough evil examples to make you look silly.

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