Does anyone else think CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar will happen at WrestleMania 29?

I am Mr. Excitement

Occasional Pre-Show
This may just be me. But, with Paul Heyman now managing both stars Punk and Lesnar do you think that Punk and Brock will go face to face before next summer? Reports have been saying that next summer Brock's big fued will be with CM Punk possibly heading into SummerSlam. But with Heyman dealing with both Lesnar and Punk I think the WWE might pass up a big oppurtunity for a fued between the two heading to WM. I mean every week it's different. One week Heyman is with Lesnar and this past week Heyman was with Punk but we still haven't seen Heyman with both men. I just feel like the two men are going to meet sooner or later. My personal opinion, I think Brock gets involved with the Rock/Punk match this Sunday and the following night on RAW they start a much anticipated fued between Brock and Punk. Now, I think the two will fued for WrestleMania only if Undertaker can't work WrestleMania.

So do you think Punk and Brock fued into WM29?
Or do we wait it out and get the two to fued during the summer?

Please give your opinions and leave comments.

The fact that Brock attacked Vince really leads me to believe it's gonna be Lesnar/Triple H II at Mania. IF The Undertaker can't make WrestleMania though, or won't be capable of pulling off a full 1 on 1 match, they will have to alter the card. Assuming The Undertaker VS CM Punk is off the table cuz Taker can't go, we have two options at Mania.

The Rock (C) VS John Cena for the WWE Title
CM Punk VS Brock Lesnar


CM Punk (C) VS John Cena for the WWE Title
The Rock VS Brock Lesnar

I think the second group of matches would be better for Mania cuz Brock will be much more available over the summer to eventually do a Punk feud leading up to SummerSlam.
It's way too early to try getting cheers for C.M. Punk right now. A few mere months ago, as in maybe less than six months ago (before Summerslam), he was perceived of challenging Cena for fans, and the course hasn't really set through yet for him to draw cheap heat like he has been doing. For that reason, I think the unlikeliness of having him feud with Lesnar exists more than it doesn't.

Still, if they ended up doing things sooner, I could barely imagine Lesnar being the "good guy", and it wouldn't really be so believeable for Punk to legitimately seem as a threat against him, with the way Brock had been brutalizing others during these recent weeks. With the stipulation of Rocky losing the WWE Championship if he gets disqualified, I just can not see how Lesnar would be willing to spend all that time and effort and energy to try and sneak in the main event at Elimination Chamber, to make things foul for Punk, and a simple way of Punk asking people like members of the Shield (which some folk around here had suggested) to interfere and hit him, causing the disqualification and thus the handing over of the title to him) or Lesnar himself would be very predictable, even within the storyline to the point of the referee possibly ignoring the interference, seeing how he obviously would know who is siding with Punk and who isn't siding with him.

Of course, maybe they might bring Brad Maddox back and have him actually call the disqualification if that happens to be the case, but the likelihood is slim for either of those possibilities. Punk and Lesnar would both benefit from the longer anticipation between Wrestlemania and Summerslam, than an idiotic rushing between now and Wrestlemania, which would only cater to whims of impatient people.
I'd be more inclined to believe we could get Triple H & Undertaker vs Punk & Brock or a combination of those four in singles matches.
I’m all for seeing a Brock Lesnar vs. CM Punk feud at SummerSlam. I don’t think they should rush this, considering that we’re talking about the Next Big Thing and the Best In The World. If both guys really can’t think of anything to do at WrestleMania due to the choices being repeat matches or Undertaker’s health, I’d like to see them be the team to finally defeat Team Hell No. Kane vs. Brock Lesnar and Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk are two great potential matches. Combining them as a Tag Team match would be even better.
We actually have a few different options at Mania, and it all depends on Undertaker. Out of the 4 possible scenarios I only see one situation where Punk would face Brock at this years Mania. It probably would be best served for a Summer Slam like someone mentioned. These are the only possible outcomes for the 3 biggest matches @ Wm29....

Rock vs Punk vs Cena
HHH vs Brock


Rock vs Cena
Brock vs Punk
HHH involved with the Shield somehow

...if Taker isn't ready to go.

Rock vs Cena
Taker vs Punk
HHH vs Brock


Rock vs Punk vs Cena
Taker vs Brock
HHH/Dx? and the Shield

....if Taker is ready

Personally I'd rather see the last option. I don't think rematches of last years Mania main event and Summer Slams main event makes any sense whatsoever as they are predictable and have obviously been seen before.
As much as I don't want to see Triple H vs Brock you can bank on it happening, Trips wants that win over Lesnar and will get it at Mania.

Punk vs Brock can be built up towards Summerslam unless of course Rock just pops in and takes that slot instead.
guys what if ....... HHH comes out on raw to interrupt a Cm punk rant, Brock comes out........ a typical 2-1 beatdown all of a sudden the lights go out bam! taker saves HHH WM29 HHH and taker vs punk and brock.

anybody else like this idea?
guys what if ....... HHH comes out on raw to interrupt a Cm punk rant, Brock comes out........ a typical 2-1 beatdown all of a sudden the lights go out bam! taker saves HHH WM29 HHH and taker vs punk and brock.

anybody else like this idea?

Thats actually a pretty good idea. Since they're no sure about Taker's condition have a tag match at Mania. Have HHH work the majority of the match at Mania. Since HHH isnt breaking down like Taker and have Taker take a few bumps and all that. But it would just be an awesome sight to see HHH team with Taker and have Heyman, Brock and Punk all in the ring together at the same time.
Thats actually a pretty good idea. Since they're no sure about Taker's condition have a tag match at Mania. Have HHH work the majority of the match at Mania. Since HHH isnt breaking down like Taker and have Taker take a few bumps and all that. But it would just be an awesome sight to see HHH team with Taker and have Heyman, Brock and Punk all in the ring together at the same time.

and after two WM in a row it would be a massive moment if they teamed up
Lesnar would be able to crush Punk with one hand. Physically they don't match up and standing next to each other it's hard to take Punk as a challenge to Lesnar. Guys like Cena and The Rock can work with Lesnar because they fit the mold. They look like they could beat Brock Lesnar up or at least give him a challenge.

It's not a match that I want to see at all. Give Lesnar Taker and Rock and don't have him face Punk. If he does then you know Lesnar has to go over. When that happens the people will be ever so angry about it.
This match will definately happen at some point, without question, I think we could even see it at Extreme Rules! But the smart money for me is Triple H/Taker vs Brock/Punk. I called this back in August just after Punk turned heel and ended up with Heyman and Trips and Brock were involved in a storyline.

Wrestlemania 29 is going to be stacked - putting 2 potential matches into 1 and having a good solid logical background story makes sense to me. Triple H vs Brock II is a fairly predictable result, and Punk off the back of 2 huge losses to The Rock isnt ready to face Taker at Mania. He needs to be on a role.

Brock turns on Punk costing them the match. Punk turns face and they square off at Extreme Rules.
Not at mania. They may feud after but I can't really see them facing each other at WM29. There is a better chance of them teaming than facing each other. Also, who would be the face. Generally, there is always one heel and one face in WWE feuds of late and I can't see either turning.
The way they're booking things right now I can see it going one of two ways:

1. Triple Threat match for the WWE Championship: Rock 'C' v Cena v CM Punk
Somehow there's a draw or controversy during the Cena/Punk match on RAW next week setting up the triple threat match.

2. Brock Lesnar v CM Punk
Paul Heyman accidentally costs CM Punk the match vs Cena, finally having CM Punk snap on Heyman and blaming him for his two losses to the Rock and the #1 contender spot. CM Punk berates Heyman until Lesnar comes out, setting up the match.
Not a chance. I'm sure some have already pointed it out, but this coming Monday on Raw will be used as the perfect backdrop for Triple H vs. Lesnar II.

Vince is coming back, despite being only a few weeks removed from hip replacement surgery, to "fight" Paul Heyman. Anyone who knows anything about hip surgery, especially hip replacement surgery, knows that Vince isn't going to be "fighting" anybody anytime soon. At the most, he'll whack Heyman a couple of times with his crutches before Brock Lesnar's music hits. The crowd will go wild, Vince will be in the ring looking a mixture of angry & intimidated, Lesnar will climb up onto the apron, he'll enter the ring and probably stalk Vince a bit, maybe back him into a corner or take away one or both crutches, then Triple H's music will hit.

The crowd will go wild, Trips will run out and save Vince. He'll mix it up with Lesnar in which Lesnar might eventually get the upper hand before Trips turns things around. Trips will clothesline Lesnar over the top rope. Heyman will come over to help Brock up/restrain him while Triple H taunts him from in the ring. Triple H then MIGHT get on the mic then & there and challenge Lesnar to a match at WrestleMania.

Punk vs. Lesnar will not happen at WrestleMania 29.
No way will Punk/Lesnar happen at Mania!

Jack Hammer is spot on with what is very very likely to happen on Raw on Monday. Lesnar will be fighting HHH at 'mania in what I think will be a pretty brutal street fight!

Besides ... Do you think Lesnar & Punk could put on a decent match? I personally don't think they would mesh well together in the ring. But hey! I've been wrong before!
Lesnar would be able to crush Punk with one hand. Physically they don't match up and standing next to each other it's hard to take Punk as a challenge to Lesnar. Guys like Cena and The Rock can work with Lesnar because they fit the mold. They look like they could beat Brock Lesnar up or at least give him a challenge.

It's not a match that I want to see at all. Give Lesnar Taker and Rock and don't have him face Punk. If he does then you know Lesnar has to go over. When that happens the people will be ever so angry about it.

I don't agree with this.

Punk looked good against Rock and I think Rock isn't much different in size from Brock.

Also last time we saw Brock he looked like he lost some weight too. Rock might be even bigger.

Punk knows inring psychology like no other and I am pretty sure they both would find a way to work a great match.
I don't see it happening. Not because of the size difference, but rather I see Punk invovlved in the WWE Title match that will likely be a triple threat between Rock/Cena/Punk. This leaves two options for Lesnar. Either Taker or Trips. I don't see Taker fighting in this years Mania so I think that leaves it as Lesnar/Trips II. Now if that does happen as much as people talk about it being about Trips getting his win back from SummerSlam, Trips is all but done in the ring and Lesnar just signed an extension. I would view this match as another boost to Lesnar's character and a win that will put him in line for a title shot whenever he gets in the ring after Mania.
I don't agree with this.

Punk looked good against Rock and I think Rock isn't much different in size from Brock.

Also last time we saw Brock he looked like he lost some weight too. Rock might be even bigger.

Punk knows inring psychology like no other and I am pretty sure they both would find a way to work a great match.

Have you seen Lesnar. The man is a monster. He was a UFC heavyweight standing against CM punk. Remember if this match were too happen, which I can't see, it could be on posters and whatnot. What part-time wrestling fan is going to think punk stands a chance or would put on a good match. I think the Lesnar fans want to see a fight and not a match with CM punk.

A Sheamus, Taker, HHH, Ryback, Cena match are better options. If Lesnar has a match it NEEDS to be brutal.
Dusty Roids is right- The Rock and Lesnar are roughly the same size. Rocky is a little taller, Brock a little heavier, but if Punk wasn't dwarfed by The Rock, he won't be by Brock.

I also agree with Dusty's claim that they'd make it work. It's not like Punk hasn't faced big guys or Lesnar hasn't faced smaller guys. They're pros, and they're damned good. It could be a lot of fun so long as Brock keeps Heyman on his side for promos.

All that said, I doubt it will happen, 'Mania or otherwise, but I'd certainly be fine with it no matter where it went down.
You can't have Taker in a tag match at Mania, that's blasphemy, either he goes at it alone or not at all. Someone could back him up outside the ring but to just throw him into a tag match to get him on the card is no good
Can't see it. As Jack-Hammer pointed out, Heyman's "fight" against Vince this Monday is the perfect scenario to set up Triple H VS Brock Lesnar II. Triple H will kill two birds with one stone: gain redemption for his loss at Summerslam and avenge his father-in-law's attack, while upholding the McMahon family name.

Also, I know it's pro wrestling, and I know it's supposed to be "fake," but I could not, and would not buy into CM Punk as a legitimate physical threat to Lesnar. Lesnar is a hulking monster, AND on top of that, he's a legit former UFC Heavyweight Champion. In kayfabe or real life, Lesnar is more than capable of annihilating Punk with ease.
If the reports are correct, the only way I see Taker getting through another Mania match is in a tag team match. Taker can come in at the end and get the pin, but HHH could take the beatdown mid way through the match. But I doubt it, I see Taker only wrestling CM Punk this year if at all, and at Wrestlemania 30, I see him going over The Rock, and retiring as I believe both men will co headline the HOF Class of 2014 the night before Mania 30, thus both guys final ever match in WWE. Add Austin vs CM Punk, that is the origins of a great Wrestlemania 30.

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