D'Lo Brown to make WWE Return

Here is a new update to shed some light on the subject. This made my day to hear that there IS interest in bringing the man back, especially if Stephanie wants him back (which it's rare for her to like anyone).

Stephanie McMahon is pushing for D-Lo Brown to be rehired into the Raw brand and pushed as a mid-card act. He has recently worked some dark matches for the company and the fans seem to be in favor of him.

The WWE most likely contacted D'lo for a try out, he accepted because he obviously wouldn't mind a return, he had his dark matches and hopefully in the near future [possibly after SummerSlam?] we will see D'Lo back home!
D-Lo Brown is a very good wrestler. havent seen him for a long time now. I hope he comes back with a godd impact.
I think if they were to bring back D-Lo Brown, they'd need to team him up with Mark Henry once again. That way you're not wasting Mark like they are right now. Mark needs a big change and teaming him with D-Lo I think would be a big boost for him and his career. And if not, I still hope they bring back D-Lo anyways. I was a fan of his.
well I just really hope they dont bring him to RAW, that wouldnt make any sense...they are so stacked over there, they barely have any room for the talent they do have, or to give them storylines..I think D lo could at LEAST make a difference in the US title picture on smackdown...I mean they are pushing chuck palumbo for fucks sakes, D lo could make a much bigger impact over there...
D'lo brown always moved, bobed and weaved his head so fast that it look like I was watching the matirx. He was a funny guy. It would be interesting to see how he would vibe with the likes of kenndy and finley. And I don't no why but for some reason I think it would be funny having him fight the boogie man. I know, it dosn't make sense. I'm just weird just ignore me. lol
I just saw D Lo at a UWF Show in Fayetteville NC, and he was looking in REAL good shape. He has bulked up a lot and his arms have gotten massive. He looks like a true heavyweight, I was pretty impressed.
I'd love to see D'Lo back. If he's improved his shape and bulked up a bit then that would be awesome. I was always a fan of his and he had some good European and IC title runs. I reckon when he comes back he could bring some life back to the US or IC titles where not much seems to be happening at the minute.
D'Lo Brown is SICK!! That man is a heavyweight proforming Moomsaults!! Now thats skill. He was also one of the greatest European Champion of all time.
WWE should Sign D'Lo Brown. one of the many reasons wwe should sign him is beacause he is a Veteran that can still go in the ring. wwe needs him on the Mid Card Scene over on Raw. he would be perfect for Raw.
I think it would be neat if D'Lo came back. Add him and Shelton Benjamin together and they would make an interesting tag team I think, much better than the World's Greatest Boring Team gimmick currently.
I wouldn't mind seeing D'Lo come back for another run in WWE. My only concern is the timing. If he comes in anytime soon, it'll be while guys are still suspended, so he's likely to get a decent push just because the company needs him right now. But, what would happen when guys start coming back? Is he still gonna get that same push, or is he gonna get thrown back into mid-card status again like he was in his last run with the company and end up going nowhere again? If that happens, it'd be sad, because I agree with the majority here. He's the type of person, in workrate, ability and physique that the company needs right now, and it'd be a shame if he didn't reach his potential...again.
dlo is one of the most amazing athletes in any organisation, he was mis used in the wwe, mis used in tna but now with the steroid prob i think they may push him to the moon which is what i hope for in regards to salvaging the current status in the wwe.
I'm really hoping we get D'Lo sent to either Raw's midcard or Smackdown as a heel. I'd love to see a D'Lo vs Jeff Hardy run for the IC title or put D'Lo in the same vain as Finlay and MVP over on Smackdown to feud with Mysterio and Matt Hardy. They could really benefit from someone like D'Lo right now. Eventually when people start coming back and filling out the rosters again, I say move him over to ECW as one of their top guys, since he's a veteran and could easily help bring the new talent up to speed on things.
D-Lo's either moving to Smackdown or ECW. He could have been used well as a big heel over on smackdown with Lon going heel and going back to managing him as his big star. but since the WWE writers are a bunch of "soap rejects", they put him in a stupid completely unbelievable story line and it'll never happen. His best bet now is ECW. All they need to do is give it some more titles. I hate when they say, More titles dilutes there meeting, as if with three separate shows it really matter how many they have all together, thats a bull shit excuse and it doesn't apply in a situation where none of those titles mingle and the shows are like three different companies.

D-Lo for next TV champion!
Can anyone confirm that D'Lo is either under contract or going to be soon?? I am a humoungous Brown fan and I would have the mark out of all mark outs if this is true
D'Lo would be great as a mid carder on the Raw maybe challenge Jeff Hardy for the Intercontinental title as heel competitor, or even make him a main event talent on Ecw to challenge for the title I would love to see him again in wwe.
Straight from WWE.com

WWE.com has learned that former Intercontinental and European Champion D-Lo Brown has signed a Superstar contract with WWE.

Personally, I'm skeptical about this. He's had a couple of chances with the company, but never really made it out of the Attitude era, similar to Val Venis.

Now, I'm all for D'Lo, but I just don't see where he's going to go.

Raw is too jam-packed as it is. And, with Heat gone, he's as good as a jobber.

SmackDown! might have a place for him. I could see him in the US title picture....but, then again, there is no Velocity.

I think ECW might be the ideal place for him. He could take the role that Hardcore Holly had before he got drafted to Raw. Also, this could be a chance for him to bring back the European Championship, which is pretty much the only title he's ever held. They could rechristen it as the ECW TV Title. That would give some of the other wrestlers, like Stevie, Shelton, etc who have been thrown out of the title picture, something to shoot for.

DAMN! You beat me to it! I think with an old popular name like D'Lo returning, he could have the same impact that numerous other returning stars have had. Come back, be popular for awhile, then fade away. Personally, I think D'Lo could become as high up as Mark Henry right now, in the upper midcard of Smackdown or ECW, but if you put him on RAW, he'll be gone before he starts.
i would bring him back on TV around the draft... after trading some mid card wrestlers from raw... bring D'lo to raw to build him up as a upper midcarder.. kinda like a Kennedy then have him go to ECW or Smackdown and use that status to get the ratings up...
i would bring him back on TV around the draft... after trading some mid card wrestlers from raw... bring D'lo to raw to build him up as a upper midcarder.. kinda like a Kennedy then have him go to ECW or Smackdown and use that status to get the ratings up...

Why get the ratings up for Smackdown and ECW when the ratings for RAW are at there lowest in like ten years!?

D'lo brown is underrated, he never made a massive impact but I dont know why... he could work well with Mark Henry as a tag team partner, it's been done before and where as the singles roster doesn't need any more superstars lord knows having Henry and D'lo as a heel tag team could be great! Maybe even have teddy long as there manager on ECW. It's tempting to throw in Ron Simmons to the mix and bring back a version of the nation but there is always a risk at just repeating storylines when they bring back old stables.
Heres my idea for Dlo Brown. After Mark Henreys feud wraps up have Henrey bring Dilo Brown back into wwe and form a tag team just like the good old days in the late 90s. We can use another tag team in the smackdown brand.
Hm...I'm not opposed to D-Lo coming back...not sure where they could fit him in there....but he just never really shocked me in any regards. He was decent but nothing special.

Thusly, I'd like to see him boost the midcard or tag team divisions. I'd rather see him debut as a face, though, as the WWE is overloaded with heels right now. Not sure if he looks out of shape or rusty or anything, but hey, I'm willing to give the guy another shot.
WWE.com has learned that former Intercontinental and European Champion D-Lo Brown has signed a Superstar contract with WWE.

I think we'll see a similar thing to what happened when Umaga was resigned. Everyone was thinking that 3 Minute Warning would reform. Then Rosey got fired. people will now think that D'Lo will reignite his feud with Droz. But they'll fire Droz before it can be resumed. That is if Droz still has a job with the company. Ain't seen much of him as of late.

This probably won't end up as much. He'll probably go the same way as Flash Funk. A couple of house show matches. Then he'll be fired when they're having a clear out.
Um, to the person above me, you do know Droz was paralyzed from the neck down is officially retired from Pro Wrestling due to that, don't you? lol, anyway.

I'm happy D-Lo signed with them again, I like him, always did, and now I think about it, there could be a new Nation kind of Stable.

D-Lo, Shelton, Burke, MVP, Henry

And they can fued with the Black wrestlers they think are like stereotypical to the Black Race, and 'disrespect' it.

Shad, JTG, Ron Killings, Kofi Kingston

It's doubtful for that to happen, but I'd like it to happen. Even Ron Simmons can get into the mix somehow. But either way it goes, I'm glad D-Lo will be back on TV soon, but it also makes me wonder how long will it take. Chuck signed back with WWE, and took him forever just to get back on TV, Ron Killings signed back, and is yet to return to TV.

D-Lo could bring me back as a WWE fan, because I've been TNA-Pro for sometime now, and more Anti-WWE, and with a Attitude Era kind of guy like D-Lo returning, it would interest me, as I'm not all too interested in the likes of Batista, Cena, Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton, Matt Hardy, ect.
SmackDown! might have a place for him. I could see him in the US title picture....but, then again, there is no Velocity.

They still have Velocity,they just moved it to Tuesdays and call it ECW.

But D-Lo would not have much of a place to fit.I could see a fued with Kane for the ECW title or a fued with Matt Hardy for the U.S. Title,but thats about it.Maybe he'll be a part of the draft.But I like the idea of him coming back,but he does'nt have much of a place to fit in on the roster.

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