Does WWE have to replicate the attitude era to ever be HUGE again???

No, and it's stupid to think that.

Seriously, how many more people think going back to the attitude era is going to make the WWE huge again? Sure, losing the PG rating and having some more edgy storylines would help, but not to the extent of the attitude era. Times have changed, and with it, so does the way that the WWE needs to produce television.
I didn't say they had to change to the Attitude Era. I actually agree that it hurt the business in the long run. I'm just saying they MIGHT try something new that will work. I'm sorry if I caused any confusion
The fatal 4-way tag match you mentioned has nothing to do with PG or not. Its up to the bookers and wrestlers to decided how hard they want to work, how good they want to match to come out or match style. Good wrestling has nothing to do with the rating. They are really starting to work on the up-and-coming talent so I can see 8 guys they have in the company today easily putting out a quality match like the one you mentioned without the sleaze and shock TV.
It'd be very stupid to replicate the attitude era, simply for the fact that we've seen it all before. As much as i'm gonna get bashed for saying this, i personally am content with the PG stuff. The storylines suck donkey balls, the Cena/Rey Mysterio winning all the time thing is ridiculous, and seriously Hornswoggle over Chavo? But let's not act like we don't get good matches, we still got Undertaker Shawn Michaels, minus a lot of cock references, minus a lot of cursing, we got Rey Mysterio Chris Jericho minus Jericho calling Rey an illegal and Rey calling him a Canadian ******. Theres still good wrestling in the PG era. People are just being complaining brats cuz we were spoiled in the 90s and didn't really know it. Now they wish they could have to cursing, the bra and panties, all that crap. Ratings have slumped yea, but us true fans are still there even tho it ain't popular no more so it's all good.
The attitude era spawned tons of great new breakout talent. That's one thing the new WWE simply has not been able to duplicate. Not only has there not been a huge standout besides Cena, there has been a refusal to push anyone into the main event. It's literally been the same 8 or 9 guys for years now.
No, and it's stupid to think that.

Seriously, how many more people think going back to the attitude era is going to make the WWE huge again? Sure, losing the PG rating and having some more edgy storylines would help, but not to the extent of the attitude era. Times have changed, and with it, so does the way that the WWE needs to produce television.

It is not stupid to think that at all.

Wrestling is not as popular as it was 10 years ago. Whilst John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy and Batista are popular, they ain't on the level of Austin, Foley or The Rock.

Wrestling was at it's biggest during the attitude era, therefore I think asking 'Does WWE have to replicate the attitude era to be HUGE again???' is a fair question Mighty OIL :)
I don't think trying to Repeat the attitude era would really increase ratings at all, i mean, that era was great, but thats also taking into account that they were competing with another company, and that they built it around certain superstars that can't be replicated. The only real problems with the wwe product is the lack of pushing new guys, which is another thing that was good about the Attitude era, when people like HHH, Undertaker, Lesner, and in the last few years, people like Edge and Cena emerged as main eventers, yet currently, the only breakout star we've had is CM Punk. And on Raw, HHH ,Cena, Batista, and Orton are the only people getting title shots, At least make them look good, like they did with Swagger vs Cena, instead of having newer guys be squashed by Main-Eventers. These guys are eventually going to need to carry the company, and having them lose constantly makes it seem inconsistent to have them main event later. If Miz constantly loses to Cena, and all of a sudden goes over him, it seems very inconsistent and unbelievable. So the only real problem is no new main eventers.
No they wouldn't have to replicate the Attitude Era to be successful. Here's the thing, when the Attitude Era happened, it became a fad amongst people in the late 90's-early 2000's. It's just like when a certain type of music is a fad, Ex: Grunge, that was a fad in the early 90's but has certainly faded away since the mid 90's. In order for WWE to be successful again is to change their product to something people like. Like when it switched from the New Generation which was fairly PGish to all of the sudden BOOM! The Attitude Era was ushered in, and it was out with the Family Friendly in with the brash sexual references. Another major thing that the WWE needs to do to bring back past viewers is to make every title seem prestigious instead of just the WHC and WWE. They also need to change up their main event scene especially on Raw. Switch it up from time to time, put MVP as a contender. And bring back some different storylines, not just I'm going to use my "rematch clause" thats in my contract that guarantees me a rematch whenever I want. Another thing they need to do is to stop making the heels look sooooo weak. It seems like Orton can't win without doing some dirty tactic or having Legacy interfere. I'm sure the WWE will have another boom period in a couple of years, but it won't be called the Attitude Era 2 lol.
Did WWE have to replicate the Golden Era in order to be HUGE again? No. They were innovative with Attitude Era programming. Thus, they will be innovative again, the public will get on board, and ratings will be high.

Took the words right out of my mouth! The WWE just need two thing, IMO. One, and believe it or not this is the easy part, is they need a star.. I don't think it's John Cena. Someone Who can draw like Hogan or Austin or the Rock, some new, original break-out star. And two, they just need an opportunity, one moment where Vince can slip in and say "Hey! We're back, and god dammit we're better than ever! ..with this guy!!!" But they gotta figure out who that guy's gonna be.
Am I the only one that wants to see "the Golden Era" return? Where the show is more about a wrestling match than someone getting popped with a chair, thrown through a table and then tossed off the titantron? I honestly think that's where Vince is taking the WWE. Don't get me wrong, I like the hardcore stuff too. But the original ECW is dead, and I don't want to relive seeing every match end with someone getting hit with a chair.
While it may not be stupid to think this, it is very unrealistic. It won't happen, it can't happen. For one the Attitude Era hit in a time when it was ready to be embraced. If they tried it sooner, it would have not of been as huge as it was, the same goes if they tried it later. Timing is everything in how a Era will play out and work. The Attitude Era came about at just the right time to make it the biggest era ever.

Then you have the superstars of the Attitude Era... the majors ones, Austin and Rock are gone. Yes you still have HHH, HBK in DX, but you don't have the rest. Mick Foley is gone. E&C are split up doing their own thing, Edge is also currently out injured. All these people are gone or doing other things, so you don't have the star power you had then, to make the Attitude Era work now. You can't replicate it without the same types of superstars and that's just not going to happen. There will never be another Austin, Rock or even Foley. No DX like the orignal. Times have changed way to much in every fashion to think that replicating the Attitude Era would make the WWE huge again.
The attitude era spawned tons of great new breakout talent. That's one thing the new WWE simply has not been able to duplicate. Not only has there not been a huge standout besides Cena, there has been a refusal to push anyone into the main event. It's literally been the same 8 or 9 guys for years now.

No offense, but that just isn't true. As far as producing stars, have you heard of our WWE champion, Randal Keith Orton? He's 20 times the wrestler Cena is.. Certainly not as big of a star in terms of merch sales, but even then I think Rey Rey might have Cena beat. And on that note did you see the IC title match between Rey Mysterio and Morrison the other night? You don't put a guy like Morrison against a guy like Mysterio for the intercontinental strap, if ya don't think one day he could possibly be a good main eventer. And that match, amongst others, has proven one day Morrison will definitely be there. Plus, they're building up Kofi, Ziggler, even Miz and the list goes on.. The argument isn't that they're not building stars. The argument is would they have to resort to duplicating a time that has already come and gone.. As for the Attitude Era, how many stars did they produce? Triple H, The Rock, and Austin.. And I think saying the Attitude Era produced Austin is backwards.. It's more like Austin produced the Attitude Era. Triple H is the only one that's still around.. Austin was pretty much at his peak back then, and unfortunately a neck injury cut his run short. The Rock sold us all out, [don't get me wrong I loved him as a wrestler, and I love him as an actor] but, it's the truth, he sold us out, much like the casual fans of the Attitude Era.

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