Dixie worried she is not able to compete with Vince.....


Occasional Pre-Show
So my question is.........

Reports are saying that Dixie is worried she can not truly compete with Vinnie Mac, an she is worried she's bragged an come up short. Do you feel it is time to reach out to other promoters who have been to the top of the mountain somewhere sometime in their lives.

And by that I mean, Shane McMahon, Paul Heyman, Ted Turner, or maybe even the Fertita Brothers?

To me I think it's a little early to be jumping ship, but hey you knew you wanted to go to the top of the hill to fetch that pail of water, but did you know that there's a wall you have to climb, a gate you have to unlock, and a rope you have to pull up to get that pail of water.

Now with that said, Shane McMahon would be the man to acquire to put the chink in Vincent's armor. Who knows his dad more than Shane? Plus he could buy stock into TNA and run things or he could just be an on air character. He would be the one to help bring TNA to the dance. He was unhappy with the projection of WWE programming, an since it looks more and more as if Stephanie an Triple H will be the ones to run WWE once Vince retires, he would have what should rightfully be his, a wrestling show that he can take to the next level. He'd have to put out better product than what's on WWE tv right now. I know I used to be a hardcore WWE fan back when they fought WCW but now I am sick of the same five storylines being run, the same wrestlers being in the title hunt, and the same PG content I see time in an time out on Monday Night Raw and Smackdown.

Paul Heyman, the man is a fucking genius. He ran a company on his own, he managed the second best stable in wrestling history (yes The Dangerous Alliance was better than the nWo) He books matches that fans want to see, he brings in talent and people that will shock the fans. He is friends with Mr. Anderson, RVD, a vast list of celebrities, and the current reigning UUUUUUFFFFCCCCC HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WOOOOORRRRLLLLLDDDD Brock Lesnar. He could very well be the man to help TNA out.

Ted Turner, Turner who has battled Vince McMahon in the past and won, then lost should be steaming as a man who sold his company to the rival company only to watch it be shat upon by the same man who his company ran almost into the ground for 87 weeks in a row by Turner's company would piss any man off. And it pisses this man off right here *thumb points to his chest* now Turner could get back into the game and bring back wrestling to the promise land, he already has a few of the players from his game back when in TNA and he could bring back the others (the ones who helped WCW out in the beginning not the wrestlers but the production people and people behind the scenes) He could bring TNA to a new light.

The Fertita Brothers, now I know some of you are saying, they are professional mixed martial arts fighting not professional wrestling. True but they happen to be on the same network, happen to along with Dana White touch anything and turn it to gold, an happen to have a former professional wrestler as their Heavyweight Champion. And what better way to get the UFC some more fans than to jump on the pro-wrestling fanbase. I know I love the UFC and would mark out if tomorrow I turned on the news and see that TNA an its parent company have been bought out, or hired the Fertita's to help their company.

Now this thread really isn't a this is how TNA is failing, but more of a if Dixie Carter is really as scared as the reports make it out she is, this is what she should do. Although if you ask alot of the other fans, they'd say for her to get out completely an sell it to Hulk or Vince or Hulk & Flair. But this is also just something that I see that TNA should do to really help them out. So you discuss and let's see your opinions of who an what would ease Dixie's mind.
This was discussed a while back (not the topic in detail) but it was well agreed upon that Dixie does need to stop worrying about trying to compete and focus on their own show. Make that the best you can. Forget about Vince. Someone said that TNA needs to realize they are #2 and be okay with that. I agree. There is no problem with being #2 considering how many damn companies are out there right now. I'm a huge TNA fan but I still know who #1 is. Doesn't mean I like them any better but I always know. If TNA focuses on their program and makes it better and better then people will start to hear about it and tune in. Maybe one day they will get to #1, maybe not. Who knows? The people really benefitting from this are the fans. If Dixie continues to try to put everything they have into competing then TNA could wind up folding in 5 years. I don't want to see that happen nor do many many fans.

I really don't see Shane doing that unless Vince was going to buy it. But if that did happen I don't see Shane being just the on air owner but the president of the company. That way we could have two different companies but with the financial backing of WWE. I'd love to see that but I don't see it happening.

Heyman is the guy that everyone has begged TNA to approach. And they have but up until now Heyman has thought about it and hasn't really came back. I think with RVD there as well as Anderson and a few others that Heyman is good freinds with there is a slight possibility. But with Eric Bischoff there I don't see that coming to frition anymore. Now if Eric Bischoff & Paul Heyman could get ont he same page, put their differences aside and work for a common goal then WWE would not doubt have competition. TNA may still be #2 but they would be a very close #2.

Ted Turner could be a possibility. I know his no-compete contract ran up last year (I believe) and he could easily put TNA on their station. Then again I don't pay attention to the goings on of the tv world so I don't know if the merger that took palce and dropped WCW is still in effect, if those people even work for the company anymore. Someone else would have to let us know about that. I would personally love to see TNA on TNT or TBS. I know people would bitch even more about "WCW 2.0" but it's a more known network that more people have and would help TNA more than hurt it I imagine.

The brothers I can't see helping TNA as much. TNA & UFC already have a working relationship. They constantly promote each others stuff and lets not forget Hogan's big announcment about the first Monday show was on a UFC fight night. Say what you want about Spike wanting them t do it but if Dana didn't want it on the show it wouldn't have happened. Hell TNA's website background is a UFC background promoting their next show. But I don't see them helping out TNA more than they already are.
It just needs to be said. TNA is hogwash right now. Are they going in a good direction? Yes if your Hogan & Bischoff just trying to make a quick buck. No if your die hard true wrestling fans, and see them as another WCW runned old folks home..

Dixie should be worried. She opened her mouth and inserted her foot. She didin't do her research on how Vince crushed the "territorial era", and took wrestling out of the carnivals and the gymnasiums and making it mainstream.
She didn't seem to understand that Ted Turner had his own money, while she is using daddy's money.

Dixie just needs to focus on making her product a better product. And lets face it..Thats not gonna work by bringing in old gerriatric wreslters who don't want to put over younger talent. I said this before and I'll say it again Hogan is not in this for the love of the sport. I really wish people could see that. If he wanted to make TNA such a better product and beat WWE, he would've had jumped on board from the start. Why wait 8yrs. Its like I said. Hogan just needs money. His life has almost crumbled. A bad divorce, his son almost killing his best friend. Come on people. it doesn't take a rocket scientist.

When Dixie Carter came on board to TNA she wanted to go right after Vince. Big mistake. She thought she could pull a Ted Turner and it backfired. Now she truly knows she's up a creek w/out a paddle.

Is there an answer for TNA yes there is. Just be yourself. When WCW started beating WWE Vinne Mac saw what he had to do. And he's been doing it ever since. Elevate younger talent through the veteran talent. He did it with Edge, Jericho, Benoit,Cena, and so on...Thats how he got back on top, plus the WCW's bread and butter at the time..the NWO..had gone stale...

This is what TNA needs to do. Give the younger talent more tv time and better storylines.The point is Dixie and TNA have the talent if they would focus on the younger talent, and not on fat slobs like the Nasty Boys or stiff wrestlers with no selling power like Orlando Jordan...

If TNA wants to succeed and at least put up decent numbers compared to WWE then yes there are two ppl they need to bring in. They need to bring back Jim Cornette, and bring in Paul Heyman. Two people that know the young wrestlers are the future of wrestling. Two people that will tell Dixie to run the business end, and let them run the wrestling end.

As long as Hogan can do what he wants, and bring in all his old former buddies then Dixie is gonna have a lot to worry about, and TNA will never be able to even beat Smackdown.

:worship: "Its cool when your young and top of your game...but when your 60+ and still trying to lace em" up it's just pathetic"

TNA is 1/10 the size what WCW was..And they are maybe 1/20 the size what WWE are right now, with money,tv etc. so i think tna should focus on bringing the better product out there and not to care about if they are number one or two etc. WWe today are BIG , really big and i think that to get enywhere near wwe you need a huge amount of money and the right product, money isnt tna thing and they should focus on the product beacuse if the product gets better then comes rating= money and so on.
I dont believe the reports on TNA as they are all written by WWE MARKS trying to give TNA a bad rep. Who gives a shit about ratings, it's all about money. Even if TNA have no viewers and still making million of dollars then im sure they would be happy.

I doubt Dixie even gives a shit about WWE, she only wants people to recognize her prouct and show people that their is a better wrestling company out there. And what better way to get people's attention by going against WWE on Monday's.

More butts in seats+More money=$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SUCCESS.
She should know by now she cant compete with wwe

some idiot on the board said 'ratings dont matter they still making millions' that guy seriously doesn't know how business works so for him lets quickly do a idiots guide to business

'if people are not interested in your business you cant make money'

now back to dixie carter she doesnt have no idea how to run a wrestling business its just another case of a spoiled rich .... trying to make it on her own ,there is a reason why she is rich and thats her daddy not her lol

'lets hire all the past wwe stars we can because lets think they are not rejects for nothing right????'

dixie carter is the reason why tna is failing someone with no sense is living off her dads money thinking 'hey my daddy will buy me this'
I feel like the only other you can sign at this point that could help out TNA is Paul Heyman. It would seem as though Creative may become in a bit of a rut, and thus are relying on splashy signings of big names to get over the hump. If I'm TNA, I'm making a call to Paul Heyman, and seeing if he, in any capacity, wants to be a part of the TNA Creative team, possibly the head booker. Otherwise, she's partially right in believing, at the moment, there is no competing with the WWE. It's not as though you can take down an entity that has been around generations before you without first building yourself up. If Dixie is so concerned about TNA's product, that's where the majority of TNA's eeforts need to be placed on; not worrying about the competition. Sure, Eric Bischoff cared about the competition, but he made sure he had a viable product before he went head to head with WWE. Dixie may have been premature in her decision to try and compete with the WWE now, as it's merely not a fair fight. Actually, it is fair, because Dixie is the one to pick the fight, but that's not the point. It's a complete mismatch at this point, and Dixie should realize that, and focus on building her program, before she even thinks about what the WWE is putting on
I dont believe the reports on TNA as they are all written by WWE MARKS trying to give TNA a bad rep. Who gives a shit about ratings, it's all about money. Even if TNA have no viewers and still making million of dollars then im sure they would be happy.

I doubt Dixie even gives a shit about WWE, she only wants people to recognize her prouct and show people that their is a better wrestling company out there. And what better way to get people's attention by going against WWE on Monday's.

More butts in seats+More money=$$$$$$$$$$$$$ SUCCESS.

You know what, you're absolutely right. Dixie Carter doesn't give a sh*t about WWE. I mean, how could she? It's not like her company could put on a program with the production value, storylines, and talent (Yeah, I said it) of a Monday Night Raw, or even a Smackdown! episode.

Now, I'm not against competition. I think that if there was a company to force Vince's creative hand into getting something more compelling on WWE television, it would only help the business. TNA isn't it.

TNA looks like it's being shot in a poorly-lit high school gym. So what if RVD and Jeff Hardy are jumping out of the building? So what if guys in the X Division are flying around, pulling off spot after spot after spot? If nobody wants to watch a wrestling program that looks like it's filmed by your local news affiliate, is it really even happening?

By the way, for those who have watched TNA a lot longer than I've tried... what makes this better than what I'm watching on Raw or Smackdown every week? I like the Pope, and I've always been a huge fan of RVD, but that's about it... give me a reason to care, dammit!
Now with that said, Shane McMahon would be the man to acquire to put the chink in Vincent's armor.
Why in the world would Shane McMahon give up part ownership in the WWE to run TNA? That makes zero sense. Not only is it his father and sister he would be trying to put out of business, he would make much less money doing it.

Silly thought.

Paul Heyman, the man is a fucking genius. He ran a company on his own, he managed the second best stable in wrestling history (yes The Dangerous Alliance was better than the nWo) He books matches that fans want to see, he brings in talent and people that will shock the fans. He is friends with Mr. Anderson, RVD, a vast list of celebrities, and the current reigning UUUUUUFFFFCCCCC HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WOOOOORRRRLLLLLDDDD Brock Lesnar. He could very well be the man to help TNA out.

So to help TNA, you'd bring in a guy who was a miserable failure both times he was put in charge of something? How does that even begin to make sense?

Ted Turner, Turner who has battled Vince McMahon in the past and won, then lost should be steaming as a man who sold his company to the rival company only to watch it be shat upon by the same man who his company ran almost into the ground for 87 weeks in a row by Turner's company would piss any man off. And it pisses this man off right here *thumb points to his chest* now Turner could get back into the game and bring back wrestling to the promise land, he already has a few of the players from his game back when in TNA and he could bring back the others (the ones who helped WCW out in the beginning not the wrestlers but the production people and people behind the scenes) He could bring TNA to a new light.
Ted Turner? the man never ran WCW, he just threw millions of dollars at it, money he no longer has.

Besides, TNA is currently owned by Panda Energy, which makes far more money than Ted Turner does. Why bring him in?

Now this thread really isn't a this is how TNA is failing, but more of a if Dixie Carter is really as scared as the reports make it out she is, this is what she should do. Although if you ask alot of the other fans, they'd say for her to get out completely an sell it to Hulk or Vince or Hulk & Flair. But this is also just something that I see that TNA should do to really help them out. So you discuss and let's see your opinions of who an what would ease Dixie's mind.
If TNA wants a top name to take TNA to the top, then going with Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff is the right way to go. There is no other "name" in wrestling who would have a better chance of getting TNA on the WWE's lever than these two men.

People cry about the older wrestlers in TNA, but nobody watched the younger ones, so why continue to put them out there? You bring older guys in to get people to watch, and let the younger guys work their way up from there. AJ Styles and Abyss are with Hogan and Flair. Eric Young is getting the rub with the nWo. Daniels and Kaz are working with Rob Terry. Angle is putting over Anderson, etc. It all has a purpose.

TNA is fine, and becomes more exciting each week.
Why in the world would Shane McMahon give up part ownership in the WWE to run TNA? That makes zero sense. Not only is it his father and sister he would be trying to put out of business, he would make much less money doing it.

Silly thought.

So to help TNA, you'd bring in a guy who was a miserable failure both times he was put in charge of something? How does that even begin to make sense?

Ted Turner? the man never ran WCW, he just threw millions of dollars at it, money he no longer has.

Besides, TNA is currently owned by Panda Energy, which makes far more money than Ted Turner does. Why bring him in?

If TNA wants a top name to take TNA to the top, then going with Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff is the right way to go. There is no other "name" in wrestling who would have a better chance of getting TNA on the WWE's lever than these two men.

People cry about the older wrestlers in TNA, but nobody watched the younger ones, so why continue to put them out there? You bring older guys in to get people to watch, and let the younger guys work their way up from there. AJ Styles and Abyss are with Hogan and Flair. Eric Young is getting the rub with the nWo. Daniels and Kaz are working with Rob Terry. Angle is putting over Anderson, etc. It all has a purpose.

TNA is fine, and becomes more exciting each week.

Except no one is watching now either. People didn't watch the younger wrestlers, and they're not watching the geriatric ones either. And I don't see TNA getting any more exciting now either. It was getting a little more exciting in the pre-Hogan regime when it was touting a true alternative to the WWE, whereas now it's become WWE-lite, a poor man's rip-off of the WWE which attempts to be an alternative to the WWE, but without the talent, production value, or quality of the WWE.

TNA should be building itself as a strong number 2 wrestling organization, rather than attempting in vain to become the number one group. Building a strong core audience as alternative viewing to the WWE. Ted Turner, Shane McMahon, Paul Heyman, none of these guys will help make TNA number one. Even Dixie herself is starting to realize her false bravado is exactly that.

Let's face it, despite WCW's 82 week challenge to the WWE, they ultimately failed. And TNA will fail too, if they attempt a Monday Night War version 2.0.
Dixie should be scared she's stuck in a hole with no direction. She brought alll these big names in and nothing has happened since January 4th the ratings have went down with each coming week and tonight raw has a monster show. So she should reach out to Paul Heyman or whoevers out their. But surely Shane wouldn't go to Tna. I believe Shane's past the wrestling part of his life for now as he stated he's interested in mma. I think the key for Tna is that they need to get out the impact zone. But I don't believe they have enough funds to do so now with all the names they just brought in.
She should know by now she cant compete with wwe

some idiot on the board said 'ratings dont matter they still making millions' that guy seriously doesn't know how business works so for him lets quickly do a idiots guide to business

'if people are not interested in your business you cant make money'

now back to dixie carter she doesnt have no idea how to run a wrestling business its just another case of a spoiled rich .... trying to make it on her own ,there is a reason why she is rich and thats her daddy not her lol

'lets hire all the past wwe stars we can because lets think they are not rejects for nothing right????'

dixie carter is the reason why tna is failing someone with no sense is living off her dads money thinking 'hey my daddy will buy me this'

Let me give you an example because you clearly still dont understand. Even if WWE had no viewers at all, i guarantee you that they would still be making millions of dollars, WHY, because they put butts on seats.

I heard they make $5 million dollars in revenue just by doing WM. They are so big, they dont need ratings, they can live off revenue income for the rest opf their lives. Because everyone knows about them.

Thats where the money is, no one gives a shit about ratings apart from people on the internet with no lives. Dixie doesnt give a shit about ratings, she knows it's all about money, ratings is just the bonus for her. She needs people too pay too fill the arenas so her company and wrestlers make money.
Let me give you an example because you clearly still dont understand. Even if WWE had no viewers at all, i guarantee you that they would still be making millions of dollars, WHY, because they put butts on seats.

At some point, house shows dry up. It's actually what happened to WCW. Even in late 1998-early 1999, WCW shows still drew 20,000 people regularly to their episodes of Nitro and PPVs, and actually did good business as it pertained to touring. They did such a good job, that they actually doubled the amount of shows they did, causing burnout of the wrestlers. Still, WCW eventually worked their wrestlers into the ground, and thus, the will to perform wavered. As it wavered, the audience began to realize the show wasn't so good. And as they realized the show wasn't as good.... Well, I'm sure we all know what happened after that.

I heard they make $5 million dollars in revenue just by doing WM. They are so big, they dont need ratings, they can live off revenue income for the rest opf their lives. Because everyone knows about them.

And why does everyone know about them? Mainly through advertisers, which provide the money to run their shows to begin with?

And where do we get advertisers from, Junior? That's right; Ratings

Thats where the money is, no one gives a shit about ratings apart from people on the internet with no lives. Dixie doesnt give a shit about ratings, she knows it's all about money, ratings is just the bonus for her. She needs people too pay too fill the arenas so her company and wrestlers make money.

Actually, no, she does care, because she needs advertisements to keep her product from failing. The most important factor of wrestling revenue is no longer house shows; it's money from the advertisers. And if the advertiser feels you aren't a lucrative product in which people watch, they will not do business with you. See; WCW.
It may be a little too early to judge TNA's low ratings. This was their 2nd show on Monday nights in competition with the WWE, who is on the Road to WrestleMania. WWE has a large fan base, and WrestleMania is the Super Bowl of professional wrestling. (Why TNA chose March to go in direct competition with the WWE is beyond me.) I would say wait until after WrestleMania to make any direct judgments on TNA VS. WWE.

I was part of that wonderful 1.0 rating for TNA (mainly because I'm a huge RVD fan), and I was actually a little disappointed in TNA's live show. Some segments dragged on (Sting's post match beatdown of RVD and Hogan's standing on stage was getting a little long) while the main segment of the night was cut before it even finished. (who ends a show with Jeff Hardy on the turnbuckle before his Swanton Bomb?!) Unfortunately, simple mistakes like these as well as the overall look of the Impact Zone makes TNA look second rate to WWE. I like TNA, and hope they only improve from here. Give it time.
Dixie shouldn't be using a defeatest attitude just yet, from what I've heard she's a peoples person, she listens to the public?

If that is the case, maybe TNA should do something WWE have done recently at PPV's and do a questionare to see what the fans would buy, and see what the fans can afford as far as PPV goes, how many per year.

This way, if the average fan can only afford say 6, then scale back, and see what the fans want as far as gimmicks.
WWE got rid of the old gimmicks, and reinvented their PPV's and business has boomed from the rebranding, maybe TNA should do the same.

Also see what divisions fans would like to see, from cruisers/light heavies, to hardcore matches, and once they find out, change that Legends/Global belt into a Light heavy or Hardcore belt.

Fans bark at the idea of the hardcore division returning now, since it's pg in wwe, however, maybe i'm biased as i loved the title, but wouldn't such a title add more to the product? it caters to pretty much everyone, it adds that edgyness to the show with the matches could go all over, plus they've got A LOT of hardcore guys who could really help bloster such a divison.

TNA has more advantage over WWE then they realize, the problem is they won't capitolize on it as the simply don't know how or what they want.

One major issue I have with TNA is their names for gimmicks, 8 card stud for a tournament? really? I know Chris Candido isn't a huge name in wrestling by any means but TNA did hold a tag team touranment for him after his death, if TNA wanted to hold a yearly tournament wouldn't it not make sense to go with something they did a few years back? it has history at least it doesn't sound like a backstage 29 minute meeting made up name.
heres how i see things. you have to start somewhere and going head to head with the E may not have been the boldest thing to do, but its a start, cause with some things vince is doing, people will flip the channel at least for a bit to tna causing a slight disruption in the ratings. they do need a competate booker such as heyman, cause as i dont really care for eric, he is a smart man and with the two of them, even counteracting each other, could lead to some fun stuff. as for tnas production value(looks like its done is a high scool gym, therefor it sucks comments). i seem to remember a similar promotion by the name of ECW that looked even worse then tna and with except for money, flourished with the fans, so please dont pull that card, cause we dont buy it. dixie needs some loot to boost her show ala production value, bigger arena, better booker, for starters. with some of these things, she can hit the road and begin to make bigger waves. WWE didnt start out on top, and neither did nitro. it does take some time to get to the top, and money doesnt always do it(ask bischoff) by the way, yes i am a WWE fan and i do think they are better, but tna is good for wrestling in general and i hope they succeed for raw is war, and with 2 companies, war is good
Actually, no, she does care, because she needs advertisements to keep her product from failing. The most important factor of wrestling revenue is no longer house shows; it's money from the advertisers. And if the advertiser feels you aren't a lucrative product in which people watch, they will not do business with you. See; WCW.

Tenta hit it right on the head. Anyone involved with TV that doesn't care about ratings is lying through their teeth. Both Vince McMahon and Dixie Carter care immensely about ratings. TNA does not make Impact to simply entertain the fans for free in the Impact Zone. TNA is looking to make money, plain and simple. Spike (and thus Impact) makes money solely from advertisements from companies willing to pay to air commercials during TNA Impact, The Ultimate Fighter, and other shows. The better the ratings, the more money these companies must spend to air commercials, which means if TNA gets higher ratings, they can ask for more money from Spike to air their show.
IMO Dixie cares about every .01 of a point right about now. The move to Monday nights isn't exactly starting a war right off the bat. I'm interested to see what's going to happen in the next few months. I think TNA would be in trouble if 6 months from now they're in the same boat.
everyone talks about WCW and comparing it to TNA. they brought in Hogan, Bischoff, etc. etc. and now it looks like it was for nothing. there's 1 thing that TNA has not done and that's something WCW DID do:

they brought in relevant (key word there) guys from Vince. WCW was trash ratings wise until Hogan came in, that made it climb a little higher, but that was when he took time off to do his acting stuff. the key components they brought in: Hall and Nash. they were still relevant, they barely left the WWF and the fans knew who they were. you didn't have to go back to your long term memory to figure out where they were or how big they were because everyone did remember. i think Vince knows this and he's killed it with the 90 Day No Compete Clause. TNA needs to bring a Cena, an Orton in to make it relevant.

the mistakes they've done is bring in guys WWE didn't want anymore and try to push them as "Impact Players" (like Mr. Anderson). if WWE doesn't want them, all TNA is looking like is the company who gets the scraps. Vince wanted to keep Hall and Nash, WCW took them away. they have to throw money at guys wants to keep, not at guys who Vince doesn't want anymore.
First of all to the person who said TV Ratings don't matter is an idiot. Why do you think Wrestlemania and house shows get so big, because people watch it on TV and want to see it live. You remove it from TV and all of a sudden your house shows will drop as well.

Now IMO the biggest mistake Dixie did was listen to Eric and Hogan and moved TNA to monday nights already. Eric and Hogan are trying to recreate the Hey days of WCW, and who knows maybe within a year they would have made some head way. But it was way to early to go head to head with the WWE. With the new regime of Bischoff and Hogan they should have kept it on Thursday nights and seen if the ratings improved. If they improed immensly within 6 month to a year, than fine try it against Raw. But not know
I think TNA is a better company when it comes to in-ring talent. WWE makes their matches look watered down with the "PG" rating. TNA stars actually WRESTLE! I would rather tune into TNA than WWE. Only WWE has on TNA is bigger venues. Their main focus is on the heavy weight division. The tag team divison, light heavy weight, and etc are great divisions but WWE dont push it like they used to. There are plenty of guys that would make big names for themselves in these divisions, because thats how majority of the stars now got a push. Im so tired of seeing the same storylines and the same people in the title hunt. They crap on the younger talent while TNA gives them a chance. Gotta use the new talent and bring them up right because they are the future. TNA uses all their divisions and have the in-ring talent to back it. WCW started out a Universal Studios as well until they got big enuff to move up. I see TNA doing the same thing, but they need to share the spotlight with the younger talent like they did before. Undertaker and Shawn Micheals are too battered to put the compnay on their backs. HHH has been given most of his championship reigns kuz he's boning the boss' daughter. Ill watch TNA over WWE anyday.
She should of thought about this before she got her and tna in this position, they should of left the monday night slot alone til they were ready they arent ready yet. they should know it would take a long time for a company such as tna to compete with a corporate and media giant as wwe.
TNA and WCW both have one thing in common which is their NWA ancestry roots...TNA is almost 8 years old. WCW(which broke away from the NWA) in 1990 was 8 years old in 1998. So if you wanna compare the two, lets compare WCW (independent of NWA) at 8 yrs of age in 1998 with TNA(independent of NWA) at 8 yrs of age (currently)...

8 yr old TNA pulls an approximate 1.0 rating. 8 yr old WCW was destroying WWF in 1998 with a whopping 4.0+ ratings consistently. Ratings speak wonders, especially in this case. So looking at it this way, if the best TNA with Hogan/Bischoff can do after 8 yrs of existence is a measly 1.0 rating, then im sorry to say TNA is in a sh*thole. WCW was kicking ass at 8 yrs of age with Hogan/Bischoff.

Bottom line....im surprised Dixie is ONLY worried...if she truly grasped the situation...being worried is just an understatment. The only true winners in this are Hogan/Bischoff because even if TNA fails, im sure they have some "guarantees" in their contracts and can walk away milking TNA for whatever its "1.0 quality" is worth.
Dixie really should have waited on the move to Monday nights. But none the less, TNA puts over younger talent more than WWE. WWE keeps their focus around the vets (HHH, HBK, Undertaker, etc) kuz they want to bring back the Attitude Era. Time to focus on the future and move on. These guys arent gettin any younger.
It depends what you mean by "war" or "compete".

No way TNA gets higher ratings than raw anytime soon. But when there is a lame segment, people (adult people) will change to TNA. So maybe after a while that 1 or 1.5 goes to a 2 oe 2.5.

2.5 would be an enormous win for TNA.

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