Stop ripping TNA, it is not the new WCW and it is early for them to compete with RAW.

I'm not hating on TNA and I really do wish they could compete with WWE but let's face it, does anyone REALLY think it can happen? Especially now since they're going head to head with them without a real big following? If TNA wants to compete with the WWE, they need to go back to Thursdays, gain a following THEN try and go head to head. WWE has way too big of a following for TNA to compete against. And there's a few things that really aren't helping TNA...

1. Booking- Does anyone really buy Abyss as World Champion material? We all know AJ is going over, and this whole "Hulking up because of the ring" storyline is garbage.

2. Scott Hall and Sean Waltman- Pac may be able to still wrestle, but Scott Hall needs to go away, having them both around just goes to show Hogan and Bischoff are STILL making mistakes that WCW made.

3. Jeff Hardy- Aside from horny females, teenagers and kids is he really that appealing that you'd go and sign him KNOWING that he could possibly spend some time in jail?

4. The Nasty Boys- Enough said right there lol.

5. WAAAAY too many commercials- Everytime I turned to Impact it was a commercial, they take way too many commercials I don't know if they have any control over WHEN they take there commercials but they really need to stop coinciding there commercials with WWE.

1- Booking. I agree there are some angles that arent immaculate. However, keep in mind that in so many ways, TNA is starting out fresh as if they are brand new to this business. TNA is the king of the bush leagues. Now theyre trying to move up to the major league level and will have to iron out the kinks along the way. Lower your expectations.

2- Scott Hall looks like a fat drunk nowadays, which sucks because he used to be awesome. Syxx Pac is a walking overdose waiting to happen. Both of them together are living examples of what kind of lifestyle not to live. I dont know if Pac is rusty in the ring or what but his timing has been off and his execution is not precise at all and its going to get someone injured. These guys dont have the work ethic that they used to. They dont have the star power anymore either. Hall can be good on the mic but that depends on how fucked up he is at the time. People dont think of the good things these two have done for the business. They dont think about Razor and HBK making the ladder match a success. They dont think about the 123 Kid paving the way for smaller guys in the business. All they think about is a couple of washed up, has been, drug addicts. Its sad. They either need to clean up or fade away.

3- Jeff is pretty good in the ring and TNA's style and schedule for him is better than WWE, but you raise a good point. How could TNA sign him knowing that he's got unresolved legal issues that could make their company look really bad should he even be remotely convicted of a single charge? It makes me think there must be something we dont know about Hardy's situation. He must be very confident that he is going to shake these charges. I dont think Hardy and TNA would sign this long of a contract if there were a possibility that he wouldnt be able to fulfill his end of the agreement.

4- I said this in another thread but I really think the Nasty Boys in TNA can do some good as long as its a very short term thing and theyre actually used in a program to put over a younger tag team. The Nasty Boys are genuinely disliked because theyre fat and old and take TV time away from young guns. Everyone hates them exactly for the reasons that they should hate them for. If TNA is going to use this to their advantage, they need to put the nasty boys in a program with a team like the Motor City Machine Guns. Let the MCMG's beat the living crap out of those two fat terds and drag them out of the impact zone so the nasty boys can fade back into obscurity where they belong.

5- TNA making fans switch channels back and forth on Monday nights was a really premature move. Theyre introducing new storylines that have yet to fully develop even for their regular fan base to follow. Someone who is just checking TNA out for the first time isnt going to know what the hell is going on unless they watch the whole show without switching to Raw. Good luck getting them to do that.

I think its going to be a long time before TNA even scratches the armor of the WWE. Now that theyve moved to Monday nights, its going to take even longer if it even happens. If TNA is going to stand a chance, they need to move back to Thursdays where they can get higher ratings.
I dont want to bash TNA cause i kinda do like it, but they make it really hard for me not too. TNA should have stayed on Thursday nights because they arent ready to go one on one with WWE Raw yet and the cable ratings are proving that. But thats not there only problem at the moment, TNA is pushing all the wrong people. When TNA was airing The Nasty Boys and Jimmy Hart against the Dudleys the WWE was giving us John Cena against The Bigshow. I dont know about anyone else but i am gonna watch Cena/Bigshow. But i am sure there are 1 or 2 die hard Nasty Boy fans out there.

Also TNA is making everything seem even more fake (on a product that already isnt real to begin with.) They had Hogan show up in a hummer, but he wasnt alone...He had a face painted Jeff Hardy and RVD in the backseat, and Abyss was driving? Are you serious? How am i supposed to be sitting at home thinking "o cool they must travel together" no i was thinking there is no way in hell a masked man is gonna drive to the arena like that and Jeff is not gonna be in the backseat with full on face paint. And are they a stable or are they just fighting a common cause (to take out AJ and Flair) it was never really touched upoon.

The show is also becoming more about Hogan and Bishoff then anyone else, i dont want to see Hogan wrestle, i dont want to listen to Bishoff flap his gums for 30 minutes of the 2 hour show. I want to see the talent put on a show, but instead its just garbage and it pains me to say that because TNA has the roster that could compete with the WWE if used right. But some of them are losing there air time to Hogan which is sad. Its fine for him to be there and all but be more in the shadows, i dont need to see you out in the ring talking to know ur there.

Now TNA is giving away there product, they arent leaving people wanting more, in two weeks i have already seen RVD Vs. Sting and Jeff Hardy vs. AJ Styles. Two matches that could easily be sold on pay per view and people would buy, but instead TNA is trying way to hard to pull an auidence. And granted those matches may have or may not have pulled some people from Raw but eventually they go back over to Raw and when it comes time for the pay per view's no one is going to buy cause they know they can see it for free.

Now as for the Hogan doing it for the money thing...I can see why people think that, Hogan pretty must lost everything after his son had that big wreck and the family took action on Hogan for it. And Hogan may have seen this as a chance to get some of his money back, but i could be wrong and he might be doing this for the love of the busniess. But something tells me its more about him then anything else, but again i could be wrong.

Now as for there build to Destination X, the only reason i would even contemplate buying that show is for the simple fact of the Ultimate X match, where the real stars are showcased. I could give a flying crap about Abyss and Styles cause i already know Styles is going to win. The Pope has the next title show and they arent going to have Abyss against Pope at Lockdown. And the tag team title match with Beer Money and Morgan/Hernandez is well a crapshoot i guess. If Beer Money dosent win the title in this match then i think we can take a fair assesment at how far TNA will go right off. Cause Morgan needs to be a singles wrestler competing for the World Title (granted he is still getting better) and long as he avoids the mic he looks goo everytime out. But as it stands right now i could care less about this pay per view (but thats just me)

So i guess what i am trying to say is TNA should have stayed on Thursday nights til it got there shit straightened out, cause they have the roster to get the job done and be a legit threat to the WWE but right now i doubt TNA is even a blip on WWE's radar.
I really want TNA to do well, but I don't think they will. They would be way better off staying on Thursdays. It's way to early for them to be on Mondays going head to head with raw. They are way to eager to compete with WWE. They should have been more patient built up their talent and their fan base first.

It's only been 2.5 months since Hogan and bischoff have been there but they've been on Spike for several years now. They should be way further a long then they are. To me it was a better show pre Hogan they had a exciting different feel to it. Now I hate to say it but it does remind me of WCW, and not the WCW that was good and beating WWE.

The big difference is they don't have the money WCW had. Big stars aren't going to jump ship for far less money. The ones that have like Angle and Hardy are only there because they want to work less and rest their body's. The majority of the guys they get from WWE are midcarders at best that were released. Just because they got fired doesn't mean they don't have talent because they do. It just takes longer for TNA to build them to main eventers.
Being a relatively new poster, a female wrestling fan, and a constant reader of the forums, I have got to get this off my chest.......

This forum on tna vs wwe, it seems like tna is getting exactly what they want, we are talking about them, and for some of us in a positive light. I have no preference, I am equally entertained and disgusted by both promotions. However us posters ( I can include me now right?) seem to have an extreme case of add. We love tna we hate tna we love em we hate em....ooooh shiny object........ back on subject ....ahem.....

tna has their merits, a crop of good young talent mcmg, generation me, kaz, aj, samoa joe, matt morgan, the list goes on when they focus on actual wrestling matches save the nasty boys, fogies, boys, wait who are they?? they put on an amazing spectacle ultimate x always leaves me on the edge of my seat waiting for that big spot.

they have their downside as well. they are going top heavy signing "big name stars" most of which are past their prime or not currently relevent (see rvd, spike dudley, and nasty boys) they are going story line heavy which to me is boring, i like to see a good technical matchup, however i am a closet spot monkey. i am not excited to see jeff the drug addict hardy arrive there, i hardly believe he will raise ratings 1.0 down to .8

Am i a hater no. I dvr tna and watch raw live, i enjoy both products. is tna ready to challenge wwe, by no means, could they be, absolutely, will it happen overnight, god no, but hopefully before it's too late, the competition could spark fresh product which is a win for us the wrestling fans,

only my second post so please enjoy and of course hit me with the appropriate feedback
Stone Cold or not I don't watch WWE anymore.

About the 0.8(which in fact racks up about 900,000 viewers),did anybody consider that WrestleMania is a couple weeks away? It's very likely a lot of people would be watching RAW. Even TNA fans. Hmm? Regardless, I say that moving TNA to Mondays is a great way to kick off a wrestling company. While I agree with some that Carter/Hogan may have bit off more than they can chew but they should not be surprised that they have gotten a low rating so close to WWE's biggest ppv.

IMPACT did have some hit and misses. Such as:

Hogan is still injecting himself in show to damn much. Bischoff and Hogan needs to stay in the back. On tv is fine but not in the ring. Including Jarrett. God, I hate "fight for a job storylines" Reminds me after WWF Survivor Series 2001. So lame.

Abyss/Styles nice build up. Jumping back to TNA 2005.

There were more wrestling matches on IMPACT than their old Thursday night time slot.

Center around the X-Division is the best way to show what TNA is all about and showcase their PPV. The backbone that keeps it aligned. Amazing Red leap off the ladder? Sick.

I liked the match with Hardy vs Styles that was on free tv. Hopefully again on a PPV scale.

The RVD confrontation with Sting was okay but still very fresh. Things to come. (Maybe a match at LockDown?)

The Nasty Boys and 3D? When is this going to end? Hogan please get Knobbs in a gym.
Brother Runt is back? Not to bad.

Shannon Moore is the #1 contender for the X-Title,so where in the hell was Doug Williams?

Carter wants to beat McMahon at his own game; showcase your talent as much as possible and have PPV quality matches on free tv. That's how you beat him. People will watch.

Too many commercials. Enough said. Maybe they should try a commercial free IMPACT one day out of the month or every other month.

That's my two cents. IMPACT was enjoyable but not the greatest.

The Marauder.:bringit:
Stop making excuses for TNA, they brought this upon themselves:
Hogan and Flair are only doing this because they are desperate for cash and it shows.
Jeff hardy - Are you serious? The man is under federal indictment and you let him compete. it shows TNA condones all of his actions.
If I were Danials and Eric Young I would be calling Vince everyday because they are getting for being faithful to TNA is appalling.
Dixie greenlighting a monday night TNA during the Road to wrestlemania is about as smart as me creating a rival football league (insert XFL joke here) and debuting it during NFL Wild card weekend. She must be using Jeffs or RVDs hidden stash.

Somebody please tell Eric Bischoff he is not Vince McMahon and never will be so stop acting like him on camera all the time.
Gee how did TNA know that instead of watching WWE divas and Hornswaggle, I'd rather watch the Beautiful Pinheads (who combined have 1/3 of the wrestling ability of Kelly Kelly) and the Nasty Boyz (Who would of thought the name Jerry Saggs would be so ironic now?) Face it the Nasty Boys are wrestlings answer to Mermaidman and Barnacle Boy but not as entertaining.
Tell people don't watch is moot because they aren't and won't as long as TNA continues to produce tripe like this...
For the people who say that TNA's rating were in the toilet before did not do their research. TNA had a steady .8 - .9 last summer. I have been keeping track of this. A few years back they had a 1.0 without Hogan and the band. When the ratings hit the .8 mark on a weekly basis they brought in Hogan with all of his fake promises of change and how his legendary status would translate to viewers.

Well It didn't and it won't for a reason that has not been mentioned. Hogan represents the entertainment business not wrestling at all. If TNA wants the UFC crowd then hiring Hogan was the opposite of what they needed. Paul Heyman and Jim Cornette were the two people who know how to deliver a product that older audiences want.

Look at ROH. They are on a crappy network that no one gets and yet has twice the amount of people at house shows than TNA. And their big show coming up is selling like hot cakes. Everyone in Charlotte is coming including the Latino community because they are bringing luchadores from Mexico.

Do you see my point? TNA's biggest way to compete would be to listen to the fans. Read these forums, watch the web videos and poll the fans to find out what they want. Then give it to them. No excuses. Whether that hurts Hogans ego, so what. Whether Bischoff is pissed, get over it. The fans are leaving the product.

I said on this very same board that Hogan would not produce and people ripped me for saying it. Now I will say it loud. I TOLD YOU SO. Don't give me that give them time argument. They don't have time when the ratings are back to what it was last summer.

TNA needs to

1) Get Hogan, Bischoff and Jarrett off the camera.

2) Spotlight the X Division as the main event.

3) Kiss Kong's ass and Spotlight the Knockouts.

4) Fire bubba and the army. He's a liability.

5) Ask the fans what they want and give it to them.

6) Make the company the most interactive brand on the market.

7) Go back to Thursday. You can't compete.

8) Present a ROH style show with 2 segments at best.

9) Stop all the commercials

10) Give us more than 20 minutes of wrestling in 2 hours.

If they do this, then they will have a chance to repair the trust that Hogan has broken. For the first time in years, I didn't watch the show on tv but waited for an online replay since I didn't want the commercials and was totally upset with the product except for the X Division match.

The things you want TNA to do might actually bankrupt the company. Some of the things you proposed are probably the worst suggestions TNA could take into consideration (except for firing Bubba, that was a good point).

1. Get Hogan/Bischoff/Jarrett off camera- Ok, so you want TNA to take away three of its biggest, most well-known names while trying to market the product? I agree that we see far too much of these guys, but you want them gone all together? That would be a disaster, I hate to break it to you.

2. Spotlight X-Division as Main event- You have to be kidding right? Yes, it's entertaining stunt work, I'll give you that. But it isn't wrestling. Those kinds of spot fests have their place, and that's in the mid card. But I think the biggest problem I have with this is what would you like them to do with Styles (no longer an X Div. guy), Pope, Wolfe, Jeff Hardy (no longer an X Div. guy), Kurt Angle, Ken Anderson, Abyss, and any other guy who can't do a 450 splash? Fire them? So, you want them to take away TNA's biggest names so YOU can watch a non-stop spot fest? That idea would destroy TNA. They would be dead in the water.

3. Spotlight the KNockouts- Over who? Whose tv time should they take? Womens wrestling doesn't have nearly enough of a fanbase to give it more than one segment per show/ppv.

4. Ask the fans what they want/give it to them- I agree with polling, but asking fans (like you) to basically run the show would be like purposely steering the Titanic into the iceberg.

5. Go Back To Thursday- Maybe they shouldn't have started on Mondays during Mania season, but leave now? Are you nuts? That would be the biggest catastrophe in the history of the company. They would look like cowards and even less legitimate than they do now. Horrible idea to run away with your tail between your legs.

6. ROH Style with 2 segments- Do you mean only two talking segments/interviews per show? This is SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT! Wrestling has survived off of characters and storylines. I hate to break it to you, but it isn't a REAL competition. A wrestling promotion could not last one year on cable without mic work, couldn't happen.

7. Stop All the commercials- Stop all of the commercials? You want a show on tv to not have commercials? Well, no one likes commercials, but they are necessary. It's called advertising. Without it, their wouldn't be a tv show. This is the worst idea yet.

8. More wrestling on tv- I actually agree that their matches need to be longer. WWE shows far more wrestling on their show, and that surprises me.

The ratings were garbage last summer, were garbage at the end of December, and are garbage now. So how has Hogan made it worse? He hasn't made it any better really, but he hasn't destroyed it. And the only persons trust he broke was yours, and it's your own fault for trusting Hogan with what you watch, seeing his idea of wrestling and yours couldn't be any further apart. The fans are not leaving the product. Ratings have been steady. Maybe you're leaving, and I don't think TNA cares.

I don't mean to be such a dick, but come on. If you think you proposed any ideas that would make TNA a bigger company, you are nuts. Sure, you proposed things that YOU want to see, but not what wrestling fans in general want to see.
I think calling TNA "WCW 2" is an insult to WCW.

It has already been said but TNA has jump the gun. I think Hogan and Bischoff over estimated their abilities to draw and have got to let TNA be #2 and stop trying to #1. This whole idea of the monady night wars happened once ,but should not be attempted a second time. The buisness has changed too much for another company to attempt to take out WWE.TNA should focus on being a solid alternative to RAW, not a full blown opponent.Moving to Raw was ballsy, but there is a difference between guts and stupidity.

If TNA wants to stop being ripped on than they should start pulling ratings.They do not seem to be grabbing any WWE fans because what they rip from WWE they do at half effort and they do not seem to be appeasing their core fan base.

Somethings got to give because the ratings are dying. Although this is WWE's strongest time of the year, If TNA do not pick up during the coming months ,though, than things are going to get bad fast for them.
TNA is getting ripped on, because they are not a serious company. They are not serious competition, and the history to that company, is crap!

But, TNA has gotten somewhat more serious. Hogan and Bischoff are doing something that the company has never done. Make them credible.

However TNA just won't hang. Last night, they had Jeff Hardy against AJ styles. That was a waste of a great PPV match. Not also that, but, I hate to burst the Styles fans, but he can't cut it. He has needed Angle, Sting, now Flair to get him over with people. It just isn't going to help the company.

I hate the Impact Zone. I can't believe compared that to the Hammerstein Ballroom. A lot of history in wrestling happen there. The Impact Zone is a joke. They need to sell some of those arenas, small arenas. Get the name going around the states.

Why are people saying WCW was barely in it's 8th year before it failed?? WCW had lots of history before they went under. The main reason they went under was because mismanagement, and horrible PPVs.

TNA right now, has horrible PPVs. So yes, if WWE gets ripped on for being pg, then TNA gets ripped on because they are ridiculous.
Hogan and Flair are only doing this because they are desperate for cash and it shows.

- Really? REALLY? Hm, can I ask you a question. Do you know them personally? Have you ever seen them eye to eye? How do you know? I want a solid proof, I want you to tell me exactly why Hogan and Flair, two of the most successfull Wrestling stars in the history of history need money. Really? Flair? Is he broke?

Hogan? Yeah he might've been broke but even now he has more money than all the members of WZ combined.

What shows it? Huh?

Jeff hardy - Are you serious? The man is under federal indictment and you let him compete. it shows TNA condones all of his actions.

Didn't WWE let him compete after two strikes? That was just a time bomb. WWE didn't do any better. And Hardy said that he'd wrestle ONLY when things get better. Do the math.

If I were Danials and Eric Young I would be calling Vince everyday because they are getting for being faithful to TNA is appalling.

And..and Vince would use them better, right? I'm guessing Young will be stuck jobbing to Hornswoggle and Daniels will flip burgers. We all thought Matt Sydal a.k.a Evan Bourne would be HUGE in WWE because we all know how awesome he is and there he is again on Monday, getting killed yet again.

I'm pretty sure Vince is drooling over Big Rob Terry though. He likes big dumb idiots. Look at Cena.

Dixie greenlighting a monday night TNA during the Road to wrestlemania is about as smart as me creating a rival football league (insert XFL joke here) and debuting it during NFL Wild card weekend. She must be using Jeffs or RVDs hidden stash.

It's not smart, it's GENIUS. WM time is when all the ex and current wrestling fans tune in. What better time to do it? TNA is not drawing huge ratings but it makes people TALK and honestly, that's better than any commercial or press conference.

Somebody please tell Eric Bischoff he is not Vince McMahon and never will be so stop acting like him on camera all the time.

Wh...? Eric Bischoff is acting as Eric Bischoff, what the hell?

Gee how did TNA know that instead of watching WWE divas and Hornswaggle, I'd rather watch the Beautiful Pinheads (who combined have 1/3 of the wrestling ability of Kelly Kelly) and the Nasty Boyz (Who would of thought the name Jerry Saggs would be so ironic now?) Face it the Nasty Boys are wrestlings answer to Mermaidman and Barnacle Boy but not as entertaining.

Sure, Nastys suck testicles but... Did you just say that you'd watch Hornswoggle over The Beautiful People? .. why did I even respond to this...

Dude, the B.P have more inring ability and mic skills than Cena and I'm not kidding.

Tell people don't watch is moot because they aren't and won't as long as TNA continues to produce tripe like this...

We will, we sure will. Oh look it's a midget pinning a full-grown wrestler!
well put man but its to early to say or do anything i think tna might have moved a little 2 fast thinking there were gonna take wwe fans away fact of the matter is the need to grow there own fans in order 2 even think there gonna stand up 2 the giant the wcw 2.0 argument is crazy cuz wwe is at least 100 times more stable then it was 12 years ago vince was almost put out of business now he is a mega billionaire who could write checks with infinite zeros and keep going tna has to depend on the boss's daddy so for tna bashers to just write them off like there wcw x2 shows there knowledge of business tna needs to just build its fans the old fashion way 1 by 1 and not worry bout competing cuz its not david vs goliath its more like goldfish vs great white shark i do think tho that tna should have stayed on thursday rather than move 2 monday and worry bout doing there own thing
Waiting won't do anything for TNA. They've been around the block for what...8 years now? They had to move to Mondays while the talk about TNA was still going. What if they waited 3-4 months when Hogan and Bischoff are old news?

"Hey Bob, there's this company TNA, they have a show on Thrusday and Hogan and Bischoff are there. They came like four months ago."

Turns you off doesn't it? You strike the metal when its hot. Trust me, they'll have BAD ratings for quite some time. I don't think they'll go to 1.2 in the next month or two. But being on Monday is a good thing. RAW is RAW, they'll screw up, they'll bore people more and more. Face it, this year it's Nightmare for RAW. There are no new stars. Nothing. Even the draft won't help them. Taker and HBK are taking time off. We're going to see the same old matches we've seen over and over again. The only breath of fresh air is Christian and that's more like a fart because Christian blows.

Eventually people will flip the channel, see what's going on in TNA and like the product. All TNA has to do is keep it real, be consistent and be patient, don't throw a tantrum.
I agree. People do need to stop ripping TNA itself. And I being one of those people will stop..For its not just the product...but the people behind the product.,,Hogan, Bischoff, Dixie..etc...The people giving us this hogwash product..

TNA has always had the talent. and to a certain extent the knowhow...People are wondering why all of a sudden everyone is bashing TNA...thats easy. TNA was put on a grander stage..and promised us things they haven't delivered on...8yrs ago when TNA started...knowone cared...except those wrestling fans who were yearning for that alternative...

TNA was exciting...It featured wrestlers Vince couldn't see dollar signs in...and it had a credible, and justifiable wrestling background with jarret and his dad...and sting, cornette and other veteran mentors to help establish the younger...TNA was not worried about WWE and they were just trying to build their produc and make it better..

Now fast forward, and here comes Dixie Carter trying to be a female Ted Turner, and challenge Vince...Promising this and that for the fans...Well where is it? Lets face it..she has bitten off more than she can chew...

Some key mistakes:
1)She rushed things along....WWE is a big time publicly traded company...TNA is a little kid still trying to get its feet wet..

2)She fired people that knew the wrestling business and could help her go in the right direction to compete with Vince(notice i didn't say beat)

3)She promised things that she hasn't been able to keep..

4)She brought in Bischoff & Hogan, who are out for their own agenda..

Look at the facts people...Where was Bischoff & Hogan when TNA started...Why not get on board from the apart of something that they could help steer in the right direction to compete with Vince...thats an easy money to be made...I said it before, and I guess it bares saying again...people....look at what has HAPPENED to Hogan...Simple and plain he needs money...A bad divorce..cost him money...His son nearly killing his best friend...cost him a ton of fees...cost him money...Bischoff and Hogan could care less about the wrestling product itself..If they did..the last two live monday night shows would have showcased what TNA has to offer...Young up and coming wrestlers, and actual wrestling...compared to the now watered down WWE...

But does that happen..oh no...all we have gotten are Hogan and his fat old home friends...and wrestlers that Vince doesn't want...or they blew all there chances in WWE...(next live event how much you wanna bet we see Gregory Helms)..

People are saying give Bischoff a chance..He did great things with WCW and in WWE...yeah he did those things, but it ultimately was Vince in WWE or Bob Giegal in WCW that had the final say so...well Vince anyway...Bob Geigal is a whole another story...

Bottom line is Bischoff and Hogan are all wrong for TNA...They don't care about the product itself or the younger wrestlers...Right now its just about filling there pockets with as much money as they can before the ship finally sinks...I hope Dixe can wake up and realize the mistake she has made...

If she doesn't then yes TNA is doomed to fail...because as I see it right now...storylines are being built around Hogan and his friends...Younger talent is having to take a backseat to Hogan..hmmm(can anybody say 1980's all over again...i believe there is a thread about who should have been champ in that era)

So yes..we do need to stop basshing TNA as a product...And bash(with really big clubs) the people who are giving us this product....

Any mockery TNA gets as a result of their move to Monday nights is completely their own doing. They were the ones who threw down the gauntlet, challenged the WWE, made all those outrageous claims about how TNA was going to do this, was going to do that, so, as far as I am concerned, this is one of those "being careful what you wish for" situations. Perhaps the OP's point would be better taken, if Impact were still on Thursdays, building up their fan base, but, that point became completely moot the minute TNA started bragging about how they were going to war with the WWE on Mondays. They brought it on themselves.

Stop whining.

I agree TNA opened itself up to criticism with comments from Hogan promising a 3.0 - moving to Monday and Bischoff talking smack day after day and now suddenly he has gone quiet.

Anyone who takes the time to watch a show has every right to criticize it, and maybe Dixie Carter should stop making David and Goliath comments. TNA is not David, TNA has no slingshot and they started this fight not the WWE.
- Really? REALLY? Hm, can I ask you a question. Do you know them personally? Have you ever seen them eye to eye? How do you know? I want a solid proof, I want you to tell me exactly why Hogan and Flair, two of the most successfull Wrestling stars in the history of history need money. Really? Flair? Is he broke?

How long have you been living in a fucking cave?

Some reports have indicated that Flair is all but broke following his divorce last year. Flair has been in tax trouble numerous times over his career. Flair took out an $800,000 loan from Vince McMahon a couple of years back.

For years, there has been a question in professional wrestling, ?why is Ric Flair still wrestling?? The answer has finally been revealed, and the answer is, Ric Flair is broke.

Ric Flair?s financial woes involve the IRS, in which the 16 time world champion owes the IRS more than $1 million since 1997, and his wages are being garnished $200,000 this year.

In May of this year, Ric Flair?s wife filed for divorce, citing steroid and alcohol abuse. To this day he is paying his ex-wife $20,000 a month until the divorce is finalized. Not only that, but the judge that is working on the divorce is considering freezing his assets due to him buying a $92,000 ring for his girlfriend.

Terry Bollea asked the judge in court to unfreeze the couple's marital assets so that he could pay his, and his wife's bills. According to Hulk's own testimony in court today, the wrestling giant owes $312,686.35 in bills and fees. Hogan's current bank account balance is at $410,985.84. In December of 2008, Linda Hogan asked the judge to unfreeze $400,000 for attorney fees, and the motion was approved.

I'm pretty sure Vince is drooling over Big Rob Terry though. He likes big dumb idiots. Look at Cena.

You don't understand how people make money do you? Oh wait, you're the guy who just admitted you had no idea Hogan and Flair were both desperate for money when everyone else in the fucking world knew that.


Never mind.
Yes, because somehow the Nasty Boys (as shitty as they are) are to blame for TNA's low ratings. Who else among Hogans "mates" are to blame? Hall? Waltman? Jimmy Hart? While I don't believe they are helping as much as Hogan would like, they are NOT hurting the ratings either. TNA's ratings sucked before Hogan, and they suck now. He hasn't hurt the brand, like a lot of you like to make it seem.

You said it yourself. TNA was shit before, and they are shit now. I don't agree that they are shit, but I agree that it's basically no different than before. But now, they are TRYING to move forward, instead of just sitting around, wating for fans to come to them. Are they doing that great of a job? No, not as well as I would like. But you have to remember, this is Wrestlemania season. With Austin coming back last night, I can't believe TNA even pulled a 0.8 in the ratings. I thought it would be around 0.5, to tell you the truth. This will take years. Not weeks, not months, but more than likely years.
Hey here's a thought, bring back booker t. At least the ratings were a solid 1.2 and sometimes a 1.3 when he was there.
Your right. Because when WCW went against Monday Night Raw they Raw was not aired that Monday and Lex Lugar jumped ships.

TNA is way below WCW standards. I have to say TNA is carrying the WCW flagship to the ground. My 5 ideas to help TNA.
5. Leave the impact zone.
I'm sorry but we would love to see you guys on the rode.

4. Do not send your top talent back a notch.
Hernandez and Kazarian are back in division that they were in 2 years ago. Come on bookers, a waste of time and talent.

3. Stop bring in the WWE rejects.
We all love MR. ANDERSON and the Pope, but you have to many wrestlers on your roster. You cannot even satisfy the guys that are making peanuts to ANDERSON, POPE and RVD contracts.

2. Time to Drop some belts/divisions.
I love the K.O./X/Heavyweight divisions, but Jarrett said it best, "If we keep adding titles then the belts will lose value to the company." NWA-WCW??? Remember when they had to many belts? Maybe not, I might be 26 years old, but 8 belts were there at one time.

1. Do not waste your storylines.
Angle get the medals back. The troops are there the crowd goes wild. Now Anderson have the medal back??? Does not make sense. The Pope wins a tournament to be #1 Contender and now he barely have any promo time? Feast or Fire briefcase??? Where are they at??? Abyss World title shot, but he did not make it to the Grand Finals of a tournament? Desmond Wolfe is losing every match... Who the fuck is the X-Divison Champion anyways??? Storylines are like a porno. They only good for a couple of weeks.

That is just my thoughts about TNA not being the new WCW. I would like to add that I have been watching wrestling for over 20+ years. This is not the new WCW people, it WCW in hell; never to see a resurrection.
Some of you people remind me of Bills fans. Loyalty is cool, but if everyone says it sucks, it usually does. TNA sucks, point blank. Their show is not entertaining. You can tell its not, because people don't watch it. Funniest part? I watch it every week. It sucks. Sorry. If you think its good, so be it. But I think it sucks, and so does almost everyone else.
I think calling TNA "WCW 2" is an insult to WCW.

It has already been said but TNA has jump the gun. I think Hogan and Bischoff over estimated their abilities to draw and have got to let TNA be #2 and stop trying to #1. This whole idea of the monady night wars happened once ,but should not be attempted a second time. The buisness has changed too much for another company to attempt to take out WWE.TNA should focus on being a solid alternative to RAW, not a full blown opponent.Moving to Raw was ballsy, but there is a difference between guts and stupidity.

If TNA wants to stop being ripped on than they should start pulling ratings.They do not seem to be grabbing any WWE fans because what they rip from WWE they do at half effort and they do not seem to be appeasing their core fan base.

Somethings got to give because the ratings are dying. Although this is WWE's strongest time of the year, If TNA do not pick up during the coming months ,though, than things are going to get bad fast for them.

This is a good post. I started a thread about a month ago asking if it was a good idea for TNA to go head to head against WWE. I said that it would force people to choose one product over the other and I got a lot of flack for it. Well, I was exactly right.

I have another question...what is TNA gonna do when football season starts up again? Even WWE's ratings take a hit during this time. If TNA's ratings drop too drastically then sponsors will pull out which will drastically decrease ad revenue. TNA doesn't make money from ticket sales except for the very small house shows they do on the road. It is free to get into the Impact Zone which is why you see the same people in the audience every single week like that idiot with the big beard and white sunglasses (people who wear shades indoors is a pet peeve of mine but that's another story) and who does that dumb dance when certain entrance musics are played. TNA also does abysmal ppv sales.

What I'm getting at is without the income coming in, how are the going to continue paying not only their regular salaried talents but also the ones who get the big bucks like Hogan, Nash, Bischoff, Flair, Sting, Jeff Hardy (I would assume), and others? Simply put, with less income coming in, you can't pay your talent. Just ask Paul Heyman about that and his product was far superior to TNA's.

Anyway, I'm gonna make a prediction right now....if TNA continues to flounder, Hogan and Bischoff will no longer be a part of TNA and will be long gone in less than a year from now. Actually I'll be surprised if they are still there in six months. They aren't stupid and they aren't going to take paycuts for the sake of the company.

If in a year's time, Hogan and Bischoff are still with TNA, I will come on these message boards and admit my mistake and say how wrong I was. But somehow I don't think I'm going to have to do that.
Ok I admit it has been a rather poor two weeks for TNA, granted I am happy they atleast pulled a 1.0 and I am sad that they only did a .08 but what really makes me curious is really how well does smackdown do on Friday nights? and really they have no competition, and they pull atleast a 2.0 if I am not mistaken so you can't take the fact that they have a 1.0 rating lightly, its the same thing if Impact went to friday nights against smackdown cause more people get Spike TV more than likely TNA would tout their own horns and people would go well damn this is a good product and if they moved to Mondays and they got that same rating oh well man they start to suck...

Granted I have to admit while I am not a fan of Hogan and Bischoff fully, you have to admit they with Russo haven't gone to complete stupidity. Bischoff gets his head shaved and people call it a load of crap yet when Vince got his head shaved at wrestlemania it was gold. You can't sit here and tell me Hardy vs. AJ wasn't the best match out of the two shows that night, and you have to admit that seeing Flair slammed through the stage was awesome cause something like that hasn't happened on WWE TV in almost a year.

Until we start having miner 49er matches and lingerie on a pole you have to give TNA the benefit of the doubt and they'll figure out whats working and what isn't.
The things you want TNA to do might actually bankrupt the company. Some of the things you proposed are probably the worst suggestions TNA could take into consideration (except for firing Bubba, that was a good point).

1. Get Hogan/Bischoff/Jarrett off camera- Ok, so you want TNA to take away three of its biggest, most well-known names while trying to market the product? I agree that we see far too much of these guys, but you want them gone all together? That would be a disaster, I hate to break it to you.

2. Spotlight X-Division as Main event- You have to be kidding right? Yes, it's entertaining stunt work, I'll give you that. But it isn't wrestling. Those kinds of spot fests have their place, and that's in the mid card. But I think the biggest problem I have with this is what would you like them to do with Styles (no longer an X Div. guy), Pope, Wolfe, Jeff Hardy (no longer an X Div. guy), Kurt Angle, Ken Anderson, Abyss, and any other guy who can't do a 450 splash? Fire them? So, you want them to take away TNA's biggest names so YOU can watch a non-stop spot fest? That idea would destroy TNA. They would be dead in the water.

3. Spotlight the KNockouts- Over who? Whose tv time should they take? Womens wrestling doesn't have nearly enough of a fanbase to give it more than one segment per show/ppv.

4. Ask the fans what they want/give it to them- I agree with polling, but asking fans (like you) to basically run the show would be like purposely steering the Titanic into the iceberg.

5. Go Back To Thursday- Maybe they shouldn't have started on Mondays during Mania season, but leave now? Are you nuts? That would be the biggest catastrophe in the history of the company. They would look like cowards and even less legitimate than they do now. Horrible idea to run away with your tail between your legs.

6. ROH Style with 2 segments- Do you mean only two talking segments/interviews per show? This is SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT! Wrestling has survived off of characters and storylines. I hate to break it to you, but it isn't a REAL competition. A wrestling promotion could not last one year on cable without mic work, couldn't happen.

7. Stop All the commercials- Stop all of the commercials? You want a show on tv to not have commercials? Well, no one likes commercials, but they are necessary. It's called advertising. Without it, their wouldn't be a tv show. This is the worst idea yet.

8. More wrestling on tv- I actually agree that their matches need to be longer. WWE shows far more wrestling on their show, and that surprises me.

The ratings were garbage last summer, were garbage at the end of December, and are garbage now. So how has Hogan made it worse? He hasn't made it any better really, but he hasn't destroyed it. And the only persons trust he broke was yours, and it's your own fault for trusting Hogan with what you watch, seeing his idea of wrestling and yours couldn't be any further apart. The fans are not leaving the product. Ratings have been steady. Maybe you're leaving, and I don't think TNA cares.

I don't mean to be such a dick, but come on. If you think you proposed any ideas that would make TNA a bigger company, you are nuts. Sure, you proposed things that YOU want to see, but not what wrestling fans in general want to see.

Let me Clarify

1) Commercials - I don't mean to get rid of all of them but use the standard 47 minutes of programming for ever 1 hour. TNA adds extra commercials to the product.

2) Knockouts - The knocks have a record for getting the highest segments on TNA. Do the research yourself and stop bashing me. I am saying for TNA just to add more of that because it makes them different. And does draw the numbers.

3) ROH Style - Hate to break it to you but they are getting more asses in the seats than TNA. Obviously they know how to get people to show up while being on a crappy network.

4) Polling - WWE Polled the fans for ppv ideas and gave it to them. WWE knew that fans wanted to see younger stars pushed so they did it. TNA has the most interactive brand. They should play that up and put matches that the fans want.

Do they have to do everything we ask? No. But at least show that you are listening. It goes back to customer service. If you don't make them happy they won't watch.

5) Ratings - You constantly say they were in the toilet but you have no data to back up your claim. Get some before you make a judgment on something you don't track. FoolKiller99 post every rating for every week for the last several years on his youtube channel. Just google him and you'll see I am right.

I am saying the same thing that most of the fans here, on TNA's forum and across the net are saying. If they listened to me, Hogan wouldn't have been there hogging the spotlight in the first place. And I wouldn't have moved to monday nights on the road to wrestlemania.....
Ok I admit it has been a rather poor two weeks for TNA, granted I am happy they atleast pulled a 1.0 and I am sad that they only did a .08 but what really makes me curious is really how well does smackdown do on Friday nights? and really they have no competition, and they pull atleast a 2.0 if I am not mistaken so you can't take the fact that they have a 1.0 rating lightly, its the same thing if Impact went to friday nights against smackdown cause more people get Spike TV more than likely TNA would tout their own horns and people would go well damn this is a good product and if they moved to Mondays and they got that same rating oh well man they start to suck...

Granted I have to admit while I am not a fan of Hogan and Bischoff fully, you have to admit they with Russo haven't gone to complete stupidity. Bischoff gets his head shaved and people call it a load of crap yet when Vince got his head shaved at wrestlemania it was gold. You can't sit here and tell me Hardy vs. AJ wasn't the best match out of the two shows that night, and you have to admit that seeing Flair slammed through the stage was awesome cause something like that hasn't happened on WWE TV in almost a year.

Until we start having miner 49er matches and lingerie on a pole you have to give TNA the benefit of the doubt and they'll figure out whats working and what isn't.

I personally don't have a problem with the head shaving thing on Impact (I'm watching it now as a matter of fact), because it would've sucked to see Foley shaved. I think the difference between it happening to Bischoff and when it happened to McMahon is that this is like the third time Bischoff has had his hair shaved off on tv. If you remember, during WCW he had it shaved and that was when everyone discovered that his hair was solid white under all that black dye. Also unless I'm mistake he also had it cut during his tenure in WWE. I could be wrong about this and if so I apologize. So this makes at least the second time it has happened to him. It is nothing new.

When McMahon had his shaved it was a big deal because it was a stipulation between him and Donald Trump. Whoever's man lost, Lashley representing Trump and the late Umaga representing McMahon, the loser got his head shaved. Everyone knows how vain Trump and McMahon are. That is why that was a big deal. When I watched it, I was genuinely surprised to see it happen because I figured they would have a double DQ or something ******ed like that and weasel their way out of it but they didn't. McMahon has kept his hair shorter ever since.
Yes, because somehow the Nasty Boys (as shitty as they are) are to blame for TNA's low ratings. Who else among Hogans "mates" are to blame? Hall? Waltman? Jimmy Hart? While I don't believe they are helping as much as Hogan would like, they are NOT hurting the ratings either. TNA's ratings sucked before Hogan, and they suck now. He hasn't hurt the brand, like a lot of you like to make it seem.

You said it yourself. TNA was shit before, and they are shit now. I don't agree that they are shit, but I agree that it's basically no different than before. But now, they are TRYING to move forward, instead of just sitting around, wating for fans to come to them. Are they doing that great of a job? No, not as well as I would like. But you have to remember, this is Wrestlemania season. With Austin coming back last night, I can't believe TNA even pulled a 0.8 in the ratings. I thought it would be around 0.5, to tell you the truth. This will take years. Not weeks, not months, but more than likely years.

your exactly the kind of fan i hate. oh its wrestlemania season. austin is back. u expected a .05 so are you saying that TNA cant compete with wwe at all. Then youll whine about it being baseball season then football season then nba playoffs then wrestlemania season again. TNa doesnt have years. they focus their show on old guys because they are the only ones that can draw. once those guys are gone you think AJ is gonna be able to get TNA's ratings up he is a great performer but hell no. nobody can in TNa i just love the fact that they keep bringing in guys. Every ex wwe guy that comes in was the greatest move in TNA history. Christian,Mick Foley,Kurt Angle,RVD,3D. then they brought in sting. If you have noticed the ratings have never been going up steadily even with all these guys. I honestly think TNA cant do anything. stupid name for a wrestling promotion trying to be big with stupid booking and stupid heads:banghead:
We all have brought up a lot of good points and we can agree on several things. First of all, we want to see TNA succeed on some level because it has the talent and the competition would be good for both companies. TNA, as a whole, can do great things but they are inflicting their own problems due to congestion, agendas, and other factors. It also seems nearly unanimous that the WWE product is stale and is in need of an overhaul.

With these in mind, here are a few more ideas/suggestions:

1. The move to Monday night was not a bad idea. However, TNA and Spike should have programmed the show to air either from 7-9 (with an overrun going into the start of Raw) or 8-10. The latter time-slot worked wonders for Nitro and they always had compelling segments when Raw was beginning. From this initial programming block, Impact could ease into direct competition once the show reached specific ratings targets.

2. There are too many new characters in TNA right now and the roster is saturated. It would have been a far better idea to introduce their new stars gradually and hyping their arrival through vignettes or through other feuds. There could have even been a "20 new stars in 20 weeks" campaign which could attract interest and speculation on boards like this one.

3. There has to be more in-ring action with wrestlers in all divisions. A compelling part of Nitro, and an important part of its success, was that there was an exciting Cruiserweight match every week. These matches get the crowd excited and makes the product more interesting.

4. TNA has to get away from the Orlando studios more often. They can start touring the South in mid-size arenas and in cities that do not get WWE tapings. While the crowd in Orlando is into the product, they can also turn people away from it.

5. TNA needs to spread out the "PPV quality" Impact matches. While it is exciting to see a match such as Hardy/Styles, these cannot happen every week if the company expects its audience to spend money for monthly PPVs. If these matches are done every 2-3 weeks, they make the match seem more important. For instance, WCW could have made the Goldberg/Hogan match an epic PPV that could have sold the show itself. By rushing the match, they did not build a feud or allow the viewers to invest in Goldberg's quest.

6. There should be a reduction in the PPV price and/or the number of PPV shows per year. TNA could even promote a "$9.95" PPV show like ECW did when they began their ascent. These tactics would make the company more accessible to the audience and allow more development for feuds.

7. The company's website could be a great asset if enhanced properly. Individual wrestlers and factions could "produce" their own programs, much in the way that WWE did with its web originals. Talented mic workers such as Anderson, Pope, and Angle would shine while other guys could fine-tune their gimmicks and give viewers reasons to go to their website.

8. Most of all, TNA must develop their characters more and allow fresh faces to shine. They need to phase in their new talent and use the more established stars as enhancement talents. For instance, if Eric Young gets the pin against Hall/Pac, it would be a huge boost to his credibility and can lead to future pushes and title opportunities.
Is the "war" over? No. But honestly there really isn't even a war going on right now... so why bother worrying about the week-in/week-out minutia? TNA will either get better and increase profits or they'll continue to burn through the money they have until the coffers are empty at which point they'll go away, hopefully leaving the next group of people with enough lessons to learn from so as to not repeat the failure. Time will tell. Until then, OP, those who mock TNA are as free to share their opinions as those who supposedly have the booking solutions needed to save it with their expertise and insight are to share theirs.

Bottom line Raw viewership went up, Impact viewership went down. So what. Put whatever spin on it you want, offer up a million suggestions that fall on deaf ears (as if Vinny Roo and Bischoff read this stuff), do whatever you want to make yourself feel better, it's largely irrelevant. More people watched WWE than the week prior, less people watched TNA than the week prior. Fact. What that says to me is there are those who, for whatever reason, saw what TNA offered and said "thanks, but no thanks" (at least for one week) and that OK for right now.

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