Oh and actually you've been here since September 2006 and you have almost the same amount of posts as me. By now you should be a moderator if you're so amazing. Oh wait, you don't love HBK. I guess you never will be.
Or maybe I signed up here ages ago, then came back a few weeks ago? Don't worry, it's not your fault they don't teach common sense as a subject in Primary School. Run along now.
Lol, I asked who you are because I actually have no idea, but you dislike me for no reason. And I called you ignorant because you have no idea about me if you believe the eonly thing I post about is HBK. I don't care that you don't think I'm a good poster, you can't please everyone, and I don't plan on bending over backwards to please you. But when you're going to attack me, at least be informed about it.
Or maybe I signed up here ages ago, then came back a few weeks ago? Don't worry, it's not your fault they don't teach common sense as a subject in Primary School. Run along now.

So pretty much you've been a waste of forum space for two fucking years? Why should we care about your opinion? And HBK-aholic is like one of the best posters on the site, maybe you've only read a few posts about HBK but that doesn't mean a fucking thing.
Why does it matter "who" I am, what I said was just as valid coming from me or someone who's been here sicne the forums opened, or someone who has a million posts. Clearly you still don't understand that, but whatever.
So pretty much you've been a waste of forum space for two fucking years? Why should we care about your opinion? And HBK-aholic is like one of the best posters on the site, maybe you've only read a few posts about HBK but that doesn't mean a fucking thing.

Are you mentally handicapped? I've stated numerous times why you should care about my opinion.
Why does it matter "who" I am, what I said was just as valid coming from me or someone who's been here sicne the forums opened, or someone who has a million posts. Clearly you still don't understand that, but whatever.

We know you're a much worse poster than HBK-aholic. So don't attack her if you're just gonna make yourself look like an idiot.
It's not who you are that matters so much, more the ignorance of your statement made me wonder. I'd have no problem if you said "I don't think HBK-aholic is a good poster", because as I said before, you can't please everyone. But you can't have been a big member of the site if you honestly believe HBK is my only topic. I mean, when I was first modded it was because of my work in the Non-Wrestling sections, which obviously have nothing to do with Shawn.
You're right, the "who the fuck are you" strategy is bullshit, and guess who used it earlier? Beloved HBK-aholic themselves! Just because I only have 200 posts doesn't mean I only learned to read 200 posts ago - but apparently logic and general common sense is lost on a large numebr of posters who want to back someone who "paid their dues!!!!" - as if that actually means anything.

I never said it was right when anyone uses it. But let me give you a little taste of the real world...

In the real world, people who have experienced a bit more and accomplished a bit more tend to command a little more respect. This forum is really just a pro-wrestling based small community anyway.

For example - I've worked at Enterprise for nearly 4 years, and I'm a Hiring Manager. I command a certain level of respect. If I hire a guy, and 2 weeks later he sends me a message talking about how he thinks the way the business is run is all wrong, my first reaction is "who the heck is this guy? He's been here 2 weeks, and he's criticising managers who have been here for 3 years?"

At the same time, I'll never send our CEO an e-mail claiming that the group general manager does nothing, despite knowing full well that he's been here for 18 years, has managed hundred of people, and does more behind the scenes than I can fathom. And why won't I do that?

Because I've been here 4 years. And it's also not true - I know that because I researched and found just how hard the guy works. Same holds true for HBK-aholic.

I prefer prim k dface... said:
Oh and actually you've been here since September 2006 and you have almost the same amount of posts as me. By now you should be a moderator if you're so amazing. Oh wait, you don't love HBK. I guess you never will be.

PLEASE stop helping...
I don't listen to the opinion of anyone with a Goldberg sig. He was WCW's Batista, what's with all this love all of a sudden? Goldberg was shit on in last years WZ tournament if I remember correctly.
I think DhA is hugely ignorant in his assessment of HBK-aholic, don't get me wrong, but I do think that his opinion should be treated as that, an opinion. Clearly the guy has been here for quite some time, and if he thinks Becca doens't do anything, then he shouldn't be met with a chorus of "who the fuck are you?" for saying so but instead told why people disagree with him.

I disagree because I have seen a her make countless well thought out posts in the NWS, and I know she moderates because my only warning in my time here came from her.
I never said it was right when anyone uses it. But let me give you a little taste of the real world...

In the real world, people who have experienced a bit more and accomplished a bit more tend to command a little more respect. This forum is really just a pro-wrestling based small community anyway.

For example - I've worked at Enterprise for nearly 4 years, and I'm a Hiring Manager. I command a certain level of respect. If I hire a guy, and 2 weeks later he sends me a message talking about how he thinks the way the business is run is all wrong, my first reaction is "who the heck is this guy? He's been here 2 weeks, and he's criticising managers who have been here for 3 years?"

At the same time, I'll never send our CEO an e-mail claiming that the group general manager does nothing, despite knowing full well that he's been here for 18 years, has managed hundred of people, and does more behind the scenes than I can fathom. And why won't I do that?

Because I've been here 4 years. And it's also not true - I know that because I researched and found just how hard the guy works. Same holds true for HBK-aholic.

PLEASE stop helping...

Who are you?

I don't listen to the opinion of anyone with a Goldberg sig. He was WCW's Batista, what's with all this love all of a sudden? Goldberg was shit on in last years WZ tournament if I remember correctly.

Bastard Kicked Bret Hart in the head people!

ur face
Whatever mate, you listen to fear before the march of flames or whatever, even if you listen to JD/Refused/X, there's no excuse.

And OK, I may have been wrong about HBK-aholic (although I still maintain the only times I see her post is about HBK - but then again I only read the wrestling forums here - god forbid), but the point is valid. If another mod or "veteran" had made the same "ill informed" opinion as me, they wouldn't have gotten a ton of shit for it, even if it was just as "wrong" or "poorly researched".
There are numerous things to factor in this equation. What IC25 said is dead on. At my job, at a Bank of America call center, I'm an associate. I answer to Team Managers, Account Managers, and other supervisors. If I go and e-mail the complaint department at BOA about my Team Manager not being up to snuff at his job, guess what? I have to give valid reasons for why he's not up to snuff and back it up while he or she is there with me. Which means if I whine about how they're well liked and they're work isn't as good as led on, then I'll probably lose a great deal of reputation with my work place and could possibly be sent out the door for ANY offense, instead of being given the benefit of the doubt.

This is a private forum and the thing is, Becca's a solid poster. She's a little overrated, sure. But she's done work behind the scenes that no one sees. She's a great contributor to the forum and although the 17-year-old in her comes out on occasion, it happens. It's called being a teen...wait for it...AGER! If you're going to go after anyone, have some case and points as to why you feel that way.

And if you really don't like her posting...if you see her post in a thread, then don't read it.
If another mod or "veteran" had made the same "ill informed" opinion as me, they wouldn't have gotten a ton of shit for it, even if it was just as "wrong" or "poorly researched".

Correct. Because they've earned that level of respect. Don't get me wrong - your opinion is noted, and you're free to make it. You just have to be willing to accept the consequences of it. In this case, people came after you. No biggie, happens all the time.
Whatever mate, you listen to fear before the march of flames or whatever, even if you listen to JD/Refused/X, there's no excuse.

And OK, I may have been wrong about HBK-aholic (although I still maintain the only times I see her post is about HBK - but then again I only read the wrestling forums here - god forbid), but the point is valid. If another mod or "veteran" had made the same "ill informed" opinion as me, they wouldn't have gotten a ton of shit for it, even if it was just as "wrong" or "poorly researched".

I post essays, and rarely post about HBK, so can I have Becca's mod spot?

Actually, post length doesn't necessarily equal quality, but it does take a certain girth of text to effectively put across a message. No one is saying that there should be a thousand word minimum or anything though.

I am not familiar with the poster is question, but I can generalize. Underlings always question authority. It comes from a generation of parents telling kids that they can be anything they want. These parents usually leave out the message that you have to work for it. Becca has a history of outstanding posts, whether I agree with a word she says or not. You can't question whether she means what she says, as she only really post son a subject if she has a certain passion for it. Not every post she makes is great, no one does that, but every post she makes is her opinion, and at the very least worth reading. She is a mod because her body of work warrants her position.
I know she moderates because my only warning in my time here came from her.

If I ever get an infraction from her, I would probably be pissed off. It's one thing for KB or IC25 or NorCal to infract me, but a high schooler infracting me? It better be a damn good reason. I have trouble taking orders from someone the same age as my younger brother...and a high schooler at that. Sorry if that ruffles feathers, but a 17-year-old telling me what to do is not my cup of tea.
Correct. Because they've earned that level of respect. Don't get me wrong - your opinion is noted, and you're free to make it. You just have to be willing to accept the consequences of it. In this case, people came after you. No biggie, happens all the time.

Happens too much, but it happens. Come hard or don't come at all! :one_samuria:

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