
Master of the Aussie kiss
I feel quality of posts is too closely linked to the length of the posts tbh. Someone should have a talk to the moderators about that. Also, why is that HBK-aholic person a moderator? They only post in threads about HBK...and their posts aren't even that good?
Your fucking kidding right?
Stay tuned for his next post...

Something about Becca only being a mod because of the boobs, or wait for it...

Jonny and Jake are from the same country as Becca maybe she was sleeping with the boss's. to get her mod spot.

I do totally have Split personality. And of course I only talk about HBK, it's why I became NWS mod. Wait..
The first part of that post is a very good observation. I just think the end bit kills the overall value.

Then again, they did say that the longer the post... the higher the quality.
So maybe that HBK-aholic dig was just added on the end to lower the quality and make sure that point is proven?
Another problem here is the elitism, people saying "who the fuck are you" to me as though that made my opinion worthless merely highlights that. What, so because I haven't been here for ages makes my opinion null and void? And makes HBK-aholic's average posting somehow amazing? Give me a break.
Well actually the "who the fuck are you" thing is more like you not doing anything noteworthy and then feeling the need to harshly and needlessly criticise someone who's better than you.

But apart from that.
DhA, you have to understand that when you attack a poster, especially one people resepct, some people may react by wondering what your credentials are to make such a statement. Honestly, someone who's been here a while and has accumulated 1,400 posts or something like that is in more of a position to make those statements than someone with 200 posts.

Now, that's not to say they have more of a right to say it. You've got the same right to say it. And you make a valid point about people going to the "who the fuck are you" strategy. That's simply why it occurs, though.
You're right, the "who the fuck are you" strategy is bullshit, and guess who used it earlier? Beloved HBK-aholic themselves! Just because I only have 200 posts doesn't mean I only learned to read 200 posts ago - but apparently logic and general common sense is lost on a large numebr of posters who want to back someone who "paid their dues!!!!" - as if that actually means anything.
Another problem here is the elitism, people saying "who the fuck are you" to me as though that made my opinion worthless merely highlights that. What, so because I haven't been here for ages makes my opinion null and void? And makes HBK-aholic's average posting somehow amazing? Give me a break.

Who the fuck are you?

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