Death's That Made You Say Finally

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FunKay the Inevitable

People Like Me, We Don't Play
Now, as many of you may recall, I posted a new topic a few days ago called 'Saddest Death to Watch in a Television Show'. That thread was all about the deaths that made you cry; this one is about the ones that made you say FINALLY! The deaths that made you stand up and say 'YES! Finally that Guy Died.'

Cell's Death - Dragon Ball Z


To give a sense of continuity between the two threads, I picked another Dragon Ball Z death. I decided to pick Cell as his death was possibly more important than Freeza or Buu's death and made more of a lasting impression on me.

Cell debuted in his Imperfect form at the end of the episode The Reunion and would last until Save the World. He lasted just over 50 episodes before he met his demise. Now that may not seem like much, but Cell was a character who just would not die. Vegeta had the perfect opportunity to finish him when he was in his Semi-Perfect form, but his blind will to do battle with the strongest in the universe got the better of him and he allowed Cell to become complete. Afterwards, Cell was thought dead again, after Goku had used a Kamehameha Wave to destroy the top half of Cell's body BUT it still wasn't enough as Cell regenerated.

Then came the ultimate sacrifice. After Gohan had failed to put Cell away, Cell initiated his self-destruct sequence. Gohan & the other heroes were left broken as Earth was doomed, however Goku stood up and sacrificed himself for the greater good, using his Instant Transmission technique to save Earth. Again it was to fail.


Cell returned and even stronger than ever. There seemed to be no way to stop him. In the end it was Cell's own self confidence that got the best of him. He instigated a HUGE Kamehameha Wave battle. Cell again seemed to be in control as Gohan weakened, Cell was in total control but with Goku's help and with Vegeta swallowing his own pride, Cell was FINALLY done.

That was my pick, but what is yours?
I'm going to go with another one from The Sopranos. I was very happy when Ralph Cifaretto died.

Cifaretto was by far the biggest scum bag/piece of shit in the show's history. He was such a weasel. Tony went nuts when a racing horse Ralph owned gets burned alive. Tony was offering Ralph advice on horse racing, and of course the boss has to get his share of the winnings. Tony had become emotionally attached to the horse, and the gruesome death really bothered him. Ralph's son had stupidly injured himself during this time, and he was hospitalized. So Tony suspected Ralph killed the horse in order to cover his son's medical bills. They had a heated argument, and Tony beat Ralph to death. Ralph denied killing the horse, but I thought it was pretty obvious, Ralph had to be the culprit.

Ralph mocked Tony for showing sympathy for animals, and not showing sympathy for humans. This is what set Tony off. Although, I find this kind of funny, because there was a time where Ralph beat a pregnant stripper to death. Soprano was pissed, but he didn't kill Ralph, so while I do think Cifaretto was a piece of trash, he did have a point with what he said.
with Goku's help and with Vegeta swallowing his own pride, Cell was FINALLY done.

Lol, you mean Ghost Goku shouting 'NOW!' and Vegeta hitting Cell with a Final Flash to the back that did little more than distract him during his finishing blast, right?

Great death. But i for one felt that waiting for them to defeat Buu was far more frustrating. He got smaller and smaller yet more and more difficult to keep down for more than 10 seconds at a damn time.

Lol, i'll follow the theme that's going here and use the same show i used last time.

Most anticipated death? Charlie Pace's in Lost.

As those of us who've ever watched a long running series know, they tend to recap the previous events in the show that have yet to be addressed. So, near the start of Season 3, Desmond tells Charlie that he's going to get killed in the near future. Each and every episode near enough began with Desmond saying 'You're gonna die, Charlie!'.

It wasn't until the season finale that he finally died (completely unnecessarily by the way), and it was such a relief. FINALLY, after hearing about it coming for weeks, Charlie finally died.
Seeing how you used a DBZ reference, so shall I. I'm going to say the "death" of Freeza, or more specific, Planet Namik(I think that's how it's spelt). Now as we all know, Freeza shot a blast down to the core of the planet. He then said that Goku had FIVE MINUTES to kill him before the planet blows up, thus killing Goku from either the explosion, or the fact he can't breathe. Freeza would then be victorious.

Now if you watched the series, you know damn well that wasn't no five minutes. hell Freeza even ended up having to go 100%, and they went at it a good bit both before and after that. Then after a long battle, Freeza cuts himself in half with his own blade-disc type thing. Goku has i think -60 min before the planet blows up, so what does he do? Escape? No, he gives Freeza some of his energy so he could survive, as he was dumb enough to not expect Freeza to try and kill him again. So boom he gives Freeza the energy, he gest up, and Freeza tries to blast the shit out of him again, it failed, but sure as hell slows Goku down. It slowed him down JUST enough to supposedly get caught in the blast(of course we later found out he just barely made it out in time).

So, there you have it, the death of Planet Namik is a death that made me say "finally".
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