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Saddest Death to Watch in a Television Show

I'm gonna throw in my 2 cents on this. I was first very sad when they killed Warrick of the original CSI. I hadn't watched it in a while, and was hearing that someone was gonna die, and had seen him doing some investigating on the side. Then I was watching the end of the show when the double dealing detective guy came up to him as he was leaving the Coffee shop after having dinner/breakfast with the whole gang (Catherine, Brass, Greg, Sara, Gil, Nick) and then the dude starts to leave, then BOOM, u see the glass break and more bullets, and then he slumps over. Then the next episode starts and its chaos, and you see everyone completely torn. I was shocked, and to me CSI has NOT been the same since the death of Warrick, because then Grissom left shortly afterwards, and he was kinda the emotional glue for that group and you RARELY saw him breakdown, but he was very emotional during that, he seemed to consider Warrick like a son and when he found out Warrick had a baby, everything was just amplified even more that made him want to go and work things out with Sara in his strained relationship with her.

This, however I still think CSI is awesome. The Warrick death we kinda knew was coming due to Gary Dourdans drug offence. Still was very sad however and the main cast portrayed that throughout the episode. Really great stuff

The series finale of Angel, where Wesley dies, he dies in the arms of Fred/Illyria who he always had a crush on Fred. It turns out to be the sweet ending he had wanted. Sad way to end the show.

And This. Really great writing in that 5th and final season with the loss of 3 major characters. First Cordellia goes (which sucked because we had grown up with her all through Buffy and Angel but we kinda knew it was going to happen after the end of season 4) but they give her a cool sendoff and it's quite emotional at the end of the episode.

Then Fred dies in a completly WTF moment that I didn't see coming and had fantastic acting from all the main cast especially Alexis Denisof and Amy Acker. Then in the final episode they kill Wesley who went from nerdy guy in Buffy and Angel season 1 to awesome badass. It was very sad
My choice isn't necessarily a "death" as such, it was a sacrifice.

My choice is when Goku from DragonBall Z sacrificed himself by using his Instant Transmission technique to teleport both himself and Cell to King Kai's planet just before Cell self destructed.

To me, that was the saddest death I've ever seen in any TV show EVER. I bloody loved DragonBall Z and I grew up with it, it's my all time favourite TV show and for a cartoon (in this case an Anime) to portray and develop such melodrama in the viewer is just truly amazing.

Akira Toriyama, I take my hat off to you for giving birth to such a beautiful masterpiece.
In Spartacus Blood and Sand where Spartacus has to kill Varro his best friend in they it was not sad as he died but they built the series around getting killed in the Arena and it was a cheap shot that he died in an exhibition match he was not meant to die in but Spartacus was forced into killing him when he easily beat him. There was lots emotion before the blade was piece in his heart as Spartacus was begging not to kill him but then stab him.
I have to go with Charlie drowning in LOST. He was such a loved character and one that no one wanted to see die. I for one wanted him to continue with the show until it’s end but alas it wasn’t to be. The scene that showed his death was very heartfelt and the music and slow motion added to the emotion. Having Desmond at the door looking in and Charlie holding up his hand to warn Desmond that it’s “not Penny’s boat” was a last act of bravery from the Irish rocker and his death was the most impactful for me from the show.

the saddest death i saw was between 2 characters from the same anime wich i consider the best anime ever Death Note
the first one was L
i mean i loved this character so much only to see him die in the arms of the man he called his only friend the man who killed him light and to ad insult to injury as L was closing his eyes and taking his last breath he saw Light laughing i cried the first time the second and the third time i watched this
the second death as u may have guessed is Light
this was very sad for two reasons
1 it marked the end of death note
2 light's brake down and ryuko killing him like he said he will and then seeing L one last time and finally dieing by the same way he killed all of those ppl i cried in that moment so did every death note fan out there
Opie's wife in Sons Of Anarchy. Why? Because not only did they unintentionally kill her but they took a mother away from two kids. Donna was like the voice of reason in the first season; she was the one that was anti-gang but still loved her husband enough to support him. And after a while she started supporting SAMCRO again.....then that happened. I don't remember ever feeling such a guilt trip watching SOA then I did then (because honestly I didn't care for her that much). But when you give two to the back of the head of a mother, then you hit some serious tear-territory.

Say what you will about killing off dads, but moms have always been the stable characters in reality and out.
The Fox TV show 24 had many deaths. It seemed they killed off a main character in every season of the show. Each death just seemed worse than the next. And at other times, a character would be killed off, only to reappear in another season when you find out they barely escaped death and reentered the plot.

(I'll use spoiler tags, just in case you guys want to watch the seasons and don't want the plots to be given away.)

Even though many would say that the saddest deaths on the show occurred in one episode, when...

...former president David Palmer and CTU's Michelle Dessler were both assassinated, one after the other. Michelle's death was right before Tony Almeada's eyes. And after seeing what those two went through to finally be together in Season 4, it was heart-wrenching to see Tony lose her.
But for me, it was when one of the most innocent and important characters of that time was killed when...
...Edgar Stiles died from being exposed to nerve gas in CTU headquarters. Just seeing the look on Chloe's face as she had to sit safely in a room and watch her friend die through the glass window was just awful. Her post-catastrophic trauma drew the audience in and made us all feel horrible about what just transpired.

I remember that I couldn't stop think about how innocent he was and how he just didn't deserve it. And I really enjoyed his character because he was very intelligent and didn't take shit from anyone. He toughened up from one season to the next. And just when it seemed like he was finally getting the recognition he deserved, the tragedy occurred.

Both these are pretty good deaths but I would say that they are more shocking than sad. The former just came out of the blue while the latter had never been a favourite of mine. Too much like Chloe and one borderline Aspergers syndrome/autistic was enough.

I think there is one death that is better in 24...

when on Day 3, Jack is forced to kill Ryan Chapelle. He had been getting too close to Sanders and we were sent on a rollercoaster ride of whether Chase would be able to find Sanders in time. Just when you think the villain has been cornered and Chapelle and Jack show their relief at not having to go through with this, it is revealed that Sanders was never in any danger and it becomes clear that Jack is going to have to do this for, as Spock would say, "the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few... or the one."

Then we have the drawn out process of this pencil-pushing bureaucrat who had always been a pain in the ass to successive Heads of CTU now a blubbering mess who begs Jack to let him do the deed himself. Jack pauses thinking Chapelle will use the gun to escape but eventually accedes but he does not have it in him to commit suicide, leaving Jack to end the episode with a "God forgive me" before shooting Chapelle in the head and a silent clock...
SPOILERS MAYBE, not really saying much diff than SAMCRO but jus in case you ever wanted to watch the show from the beginning (Sons of Anarchy, that is)

for me, I agree completely with SAMCRO, but not just for the death alone, it was enough, but the aftermath, jesus, Opie not not knowing his on crew killed his wife, that the bullet was meant for him, that he was alone in raising the kids, and the reaction of the crew when they found out what they did, and my reaction, ... I was just glad it wasn't Opie, that made me feel pretty fucked up so yeah, gotta go with that one
Cant really think of much sad deaths but I was sad when Boromir in Lord Of The Rings died in Aragorn's arms. He was the asshole throughout the whole film but right before his death, he turns face and all by himself he protects two stupid hobbits against a whole army of whatever they were called, manages to kill a whole lot of em before getting shot in the stomach & chest with a few arrows by the leader before Aragorn helps him out and his last words calling Aragorn his "King" after the two were at each others throat throughout the film brought a tear to my eye. Boromir showed courage, pride & heart just after he got everyone hating him.

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