Dean Ambrose VS ??? at WM31

Who does Dean Ambrose face at WrestleMania 31?

  • Seth Rollins

  • Triple H

  • Brock Lesnar

  • John Cena

  • Roman Reigns

  • Kane

  • Other

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Here's Part II in my series for possible matches at WrestleMania 31. Part I was about Daniel Bryan, and it seems most people on here want to see Bryan face Lesnar, which is the result I voted for as well. This time it's with the most-over face in the WWE, Dean Ambrose.

Ambrose is looked at by some as this years Daniel Bryan to an extent, and I'm okay with that kinda comparison. So where does the Lunatic Fringe fall into place at WrestleMania? Lets look at some potential options:

Seth Rollins: No I do not expect to see this carry all the way to WrestleMania, lets make that clear. BUT since this is about looking at options, he should be included on this list. I'm sure WWE could find a way to continue the feud until then, but that doesn't mean that they should.

Triple H: With Ambrose currently feuding with Seth Rollins and the Authority, I could very well see Ambrose moving onto to eventually face Triple H at WrestleMania. Triple H seems to be in that phase of his career of putting over talent at Mania, and I could see that continuing here.

Brock Lesnar: I believe the biggest face should face the biggest heel at WM, and that's where this could fall. Especially if Reigns, the guy rumored to face Lesnar, suffers a set-back and even Daniel Bryan isn't able to compete, Ambrose could see himself put into this huge matchup. The build? It's simple, have Ambrose win the Royal Rumble.

John Cena: These guys just had a mini-feud and could see it be picked back up in time for Mania. Cena could put over Ambrose here in a huge way as a future star in the WWE

Kane: Kane should not be in matchup with Ambrose at Mania, but he is part of The Authority. I would only be okay with this if we saw a huge Big Red Machine push. The problem is that Kane has lost a lot of credibility as-of-late

Roman Reigns: The only way I could see this matchup is if they built it up as a "Who was the best in The Shield," but I'm pretty sure this has a very low shot in happening and is almost fantasy booking at best

Other: Randy Orton, Bray Wyatt, Sheamus, and others included here. Guys to where you could see a feud build up in the right situation, but not enough to warrant a spot on the actual list. I'd honestly be okay with a Sheamus feud if he turned heel. That could be a nice, hard-hitting match. I didn't include Orton since he has a rumored face turn around the corner

So now it's your turn, who does Dean Ambrose face?
There are 3 options that stand out to me as possible Wrestlemania 31 matches for Dean Ambrose at this time.

3.) vs. Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship: This is the most unlikely at this point but by some crazy chance that Vince & the rest of the WWE figures out just what they have in Ambrose & decide to go "all in" so to speak with him, then it's possible we could see Dean Ambrose be the one to defeat The One in 21 & 1 for the WWE Title (which personally I would love!!!). But it seems unlikely, even with the roll that Ambrose is currently on. Reigns may come back & WWE may decide they want to go with him in the main event, even though I think Ambrose is a much more proven performer at this point. Daniel Bryan may make his miracle comeback & challenge Brock & we may get "YES!-tlmania: Part II". Or maybe we will get a curveball & Vince will book his supposed dream match of Rock vs. Brock II. It's anyone guess at this point.

2.) vs. Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns in a Triple Threat Match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship: This somewhat unlikely situation actually seems much more likely to me than the previous. WWE seems to be set on Reigns getting his "big moment" at Mania & becoming the face of the company but they also seem really invested in Rollins too. So what if Rollins cashed in before Mania on Lesnar, either Reigns or Ambrose wins the rumble & then the other inserts themself into the feud/title match? A triple threat between these three is an absolute dream match IMO (especially if it were a WM main event for the title) & if WWE really wanted to invest in the future of their company then letting these three headline WM would really be the way to do it.

1.) vs. Triple H (either No DQ or Street Fight): This is easily the most likely match for Ambrose at WM 31 at this point (unless he get's stuck in a lousy singles match with Corporate Kane or something). Ambrose has already been embroiled in an intense feud with at least one member of The Authority in one way or another since WM XXX & since Orton is supposed to turn face again soon the only person left for him to have a high profile singles match with would be Triple H. Ambrose hasn't really had any big wins since The Shield broke up (hopefully that changes tomorrow night at HiaC) & a big win at WM over the guy that is basically the boss now could do wonders for his career.
I'm going off the board here, doubt it will be a popular choice but what the hell opinoons are like assholes right?

Anyway I vote for hot rod roddy piper... the match would be predictably short and limited but promos leading up would be lengendary!
Most over babyface in

My vote is for Ambrose to face Triple H at WrestleMania, but Triple H needs to get the win. Two of the biggest problems with WWE are having younger Superstars CONSTANTLY beat established stars (making the wins less meaningful than they would be if they were rarer, WWE just chooses quantity over quality) and babyface domination at WrestleMania, it's so rare to see a heel pull off the win in one of the top matches, and they really need to do it in at least one of the main events this year. For the last three or more years, Triple H has been booked almost as a nobody, and as long as he's employed by WWE and healthy, there's no reason to have Triple H not compete at WrestleMania. Triple H has lost 3 out of his last 4 matches at WrestleMania, and should get the win over Ambrose at WrestleMania 31.
I would say Triple H is the most likely seeing as how he is backing-up everything that Seth has done to him. But there was that moment when Triple H and Reigns had a staredown that was implying that they would go to war at some point and that point might be WM. It's pretty hard to say really. He might go against Wyatt for all we know.

I would safely say there is 0% chance he goes against Lesnar for the championship. I don't want him near Kane. And I would like his feud with Rollins to end as soon as possible as it has been dragged out a lot and a lot of the steam has been lost due to the untimely filming of the movie he is in and Ambrose being booked as a comedic nutcase who is about making jokes and being funny towards the guy, his "brother" who ended one of the best stables ever.

Also, by WM, Bryan might be back. Batista might be back. There are many variables, and everyone needs a match. It's very hard at this point to speculate whom he might feud with. The only easy one is Triple H but maybe by that time he is done with the Authority. Hell, there could be a chance of him facing Cena in a desperate attempt by WWE to once again "put over" talent by having Cena beat them.

So, to me, there are only 3 superstars that make sense, ATM, maybe later others might.

In no particular order, Triple H, Cena and Wyatt.

All of this is ofc, assuming he is in a singles match and not a tag team. Like him and Roman taking on Triple H and Seth or Kane or all 3, without Orton ofc cause he is surely gonna be a face by that point, maybe 3v3 actually.
He'll probably face Kane. It seems like if you're over and the WWE doesn't have major plans for you, they make you face Kane.

WM 30 - Punk was supposed to face him.
WM 29 - Tagged with Bryan to face Ziggler and Big E
WM 28 - Orton faced him.
His rebellious/crazy character needs to fight a authority figure for it to work. This is what WWE has failed to realize in the last few years, only Punk and now Ambrose can really pull a feud off against "The Authority", because it looks awkward if a face Orton, Cena or Batista are doing it.

Ambrose biggest feud will be against the shit writer(s), whoever wrote that doll segment should be fired immediately.
Ideally, if the WWE has the full complement of Superstars for Mania by time the Royal Rumble rolls around(both Reigns and Bryan back).
Then my Ideal Scenario(based on everything so far):

Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar(C)
Roman Reigns vs HHH
Dean Ambrose vs John Cena

However, at this time, that seems unlikely given the reports. Whilst I am all for the rumoured Reigns-Lesnar programme, as a fan of him, I'd say he has to make an epic comeback with the crowd invested in him for that to have the desired effect. Anything less, and it will be a bust and a huge setback for him long-term(unless he turns Monster heel thereafter to take over from Lesnar post-Mania).

Right, went off-track a bit there. But really I see Ambrose's Mania programme being dependant on the programmes of others, believe it or not, especially Reigns.
IF Reigns vs HHH(which has to happen,lMO) doesn't happen before Mania, then I see Ambrose facing someone like Cena.
However, if Reigns defeats the Authority as he promised post-Shield break-up(Rollins,Kane and Orton have been defeated cleanly), then at Mania, Ambrose could also get his own over on HHH as well at the Big Event.

As for my vote, I would love to have the entire roster fit before Mania, thus Dean Ambrose vs John Cena in an Actual feud between the 2 would be really great programming,lMO.
Once they are done feeding Ambrose to the returning Bray Wyatt, he will probably get Kane at WM and obtain a DQ victory that means nothing. Things don't look good for Dean, because feuding with Bray means he's out of the main authority angle and will probably forget he swore to stop Rollins from cashing in his briefcase.

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