[DC/Marvel] TV Shows/Movies Discussion Thread

If you guys aren't watching Flash or Arrow right now, you guys are totally missing out. More so on Flash though. Saw some flaws in this week's episode but I'll let that slip by because the episode as a whole was very good. The entire season has been phenomenal and it'll be interesting to see what happens next in their season finale and for season 2 as well!

The DC TV universe has been better than the DC Movie universe so far and I'm okay with that. The DC Movie universe should improve but now, I'm not too fussed that Grant Gustin isn't Barry Allen in the movie universe.

I am, can we recast Ezra Miller into something else
Fox has announced The New Mutants movie, hell yes. So that's Deadpool, X-Men Apocalypse, Gambit, Wolverine 3, and New Mutants all coming soon.
New Mutants is basically the prelude to X-Force. It's the next generation after the original X-Men, and the All New, All different X-Men. They start off as students of Xavier, then Magneto becomes the headmaster and team leader. Ultimately Cable shows up, hardens the team, and they become the original X-Force.

They're a little obscure. Cannonball, Magik, Sunspot, Mirage, Karma, and Warlock tend to be the most popular line up. They're early antagonist is David Haller, aka Legion, aka Charles Xavier's bastard son.
Well damn. The X-Men universe is really stepping up. Glad they're setting up their own universe nicely. Hell, I didn't even know there were this many comic books in the X-Men universe.

What other comic books can have their own universe?

Not gonna lie, it started out a bit meh but towards the end, I was totally digging it. They pretty much summed up a whole lot of stuff. Probably all the good parts of season one in this trailer but who cares. The tone seems to be the same as The Flash which is good because having it be a dark Supergirl show would just be weird. Not a fan of the casting of Jimmy Olsen or wait, James Olsen, but I'll give that a chance and see where it goes. As for the show as a whole, I'll definitely check it out.
It seems like quite the different market, targeting superheroes for females. Which is a good thing.
Well damn. The X-Men universe is really stepping up. Glad they're setting up their own universe nicely. Hell, I didn't even know there were this many comic books in the X-Men universe.

What other comic books can have their own universe?

Batman and Spiderman are probably the logical answers, but it's tough. I think Sony thought they could make a universe with their Amazing series, and it quickly unravelled on them.
Batman and Spider-man easily. Green Lantern probably as well.
Arrow finale was the drizzling shits, felt like a series finale. Kinda hope it is, because that was a waste of a season, IMO.

Edit: Batman, Green Lantern, Spiderman for sure. Maybe DC's mystical characters on their own, because there's certainly a lot. Justice Society could carry their own universe with ease, and maybe Fantastic Four at a stretch if you could all the characters that came through there like Black Panther.
Arrow's season 3 season finale was.....different. That definitely felt like a series finale, I agree. Will be interesting to see what they do in season 4.
The Supergirl trailer looked horrible. But then again I'm not the target demo. For me it has a Ugly Betty vibe. I'm guessing that show could have been part of the inspiration in the direction they went with. Would watch if the characters are interesting enough. Hell I sat through first half of season one of agents of shield before dropping it when it became good, surely Supergirl can't be worse than that?
Flash/Arrow spin off.

Caity lotz looks great. But her acting skills is still pretty bad. lolz
Looks fun as hell. I'm very happy for Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell. It would be amazing if they added Constantine for the second season too.
LOT looks great fun!

Can't wait for next seasons Arrow flashbacks. Coast City!
Holy hell, that trailer was awesome. But it looks like Vandal Savage is their main enemy, whis they didn't reveal that. So if Savage is gone, then there will be no need for this team anymore? Seriously though, everything about that trailer was great. Sure, they revealed a lot of things but there's a lot to look forward to. White Canary for sure.

No Static Shock?! I believe there was one more dude that was cast but his character hasn't been revealed yet.
Green Lantern couldnt maintain its own film universe, maybe tv. Barely mainstream, especially when compared to Batman, Superman and Spiderman.

Legends of Tomorrow looks interesting, somewhere in between watchable and good. Will be super cheesy more than likely. Cant be any worse than Gotham though, can it?
Green Lantern couldnt maintain its own film universe, maybe tv. Barely mainstream, especially when compared to Batman, Superman and Spiderman.

GL COmic wise has a massive universe. You have the full spectrum.
I am not familiar with Green Lantern lore but the idea that his weakness is the colour yellow is just dumb. At least Superman's kryptonite is used to stop a god like hero so I can understand giving him a dumb weakness.

I think if they want a successful Green Lantern movie, they should skip the origins and just go for the space opera stuff. Or better yet, game of thrones space opera style.

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