[DC/Marvel] TV Shows/Movies Discussion Thread

Episode 16 spoilers:
It's a shame they undid what happened last week but not at the same time. I like Cisco and now Barry knowing about Wells is interesting.
Arrow S03E17

Wow. That was a pretty good episode. Arrow was declining while Flash was slowly taking over as the best superhero tv show but Arrow was awesome in this episode. The Suicide Squad episodes are always good. I hope like hell that Deadshot isn't really dead. He's a key member of the group. Diggle and Oliver were awesome in this episode. I'd like to see the actor who plays Diggle play John Stewart, that'd be awesome.
Apparent leaked image of Deadshot (Will Smith)
Follow the link to see the image---> http://screenrant.com/suicide-squad-will-smith-deadshot-costume-weapons/

So yeah, I'm gonna need to see the entire costume before passing judgment on this photo.
Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor
Follow the link to see the image ----> http://screenrant.com/batman-v-superman-dawn-justice-lex-luthor-jesse-eisenberg-images/

Jesse Eisenberg is still a weird choice to play Lex Luthor imo since I think Lex has to be a big guy or at least look like a threat. Jesse Eisenberg just doesn't fit the bill but we'll see how he does on the big screen.
I feel like I should give The Flash a chance given fanboys raving....but I just don't know. I just wasn't into Arrow in that first season I watched. Heard that got great too though. Something about how the CW produces shows just seems so glossy and vacuous though.
I feel like I should give The Flash a chance given fanboys raving....but I just don't know. I just wasn't into Arrow in that first season I watched. Heard that got great too though. Something about how the CW produces shows just seems so glossy and vacuous though.

CW is pretty much garbage aside from those two shows and maybe Supernatural depending on if you've been watching it before season six.
I watch the episodes on delay on Hulu to avoid those stupid minute long promos that spoil the next episode.

Arrow Ep.17 Spoilers:
Is anyone going to help Roy?!?!? Come on, Oliver. Surely that is worth an arrow to the face for Ray.

Shouldn't have gushed over Ray's armor.

Also, I'm not ashamed to admit that one line from Quicksilver in the trailer got me piqued and interested to see more. Which is more than I can say for Black Widow, Hawkeye, Maria Hill, Nick Fury, or Scarlet Witch.

Also, how original that SW can manipulate people's minds. Who else did we know who could do something like that? *cough* Loki! *cough*
I watch the episodes on delay on Hulu to avoid those stupid minute long promos that spoil the next episode.

Arrow Ep.17 Spoilers:
Is anyone going to help Roy?!?!? Come on, Oliver. Surely that is worth an arrow to the face for Ray.


Really good episode. Interesting to see HIVE again as well.
Another week of no new episode next week. Dang it why?????? I need my weekly dose of the Flash damn it. Especially after the revelation this week of Wells' story. Who knew a superhero show about a guy that can run really fast is the best out of all the superhero shows this season?
That new Flash trailer has me very excited to see Grodd in the very near future. Not sure it's needed this season considering we've gotten so much already but I'm interested to see if the CGI will be good for a CW show.

Arrow this week was really interesting as well, not sure where they go from here.

Anybody else heard about the new spinoff show? Apparently there's time travel involved and will feature a multitude of heroes.
I only watched the first episode of Daredevil but damn, I can already tell that it'll probably be a better show than Arrow and Flash. Charlie Cox is really killing it as Matt Murdock. I've yet to see Kingpin but we heard from him in the first episode and his reveal will surely be glorious. Elden Henson as Foggy Nelson is great as well. Very good chemistry with Charlie Cox. You should all watch this show!

So this is the second trailer out for the rebooted Fantastic Four. Honestly, it looks really good in this one. I hope they stop making more trailers and just stick with this one. The movie is based on the "Ultimate Fantastic Four" comics like the Spiderman with Andrew Garfield movies is based on the "Amazing Spiderman" comics. Check out the trailer and tell me you still don't want to watch this movie. It looks fantastic.
MMMMM love me some Kate Mara

Bitchin' trailer. We will see how she goes.

This has probably been covered, but will they be part of the MCU?
This has probably been covered, but will they be part of the MCU
Probably will be part of the Fox/X-Men one. After seeing this trailer, I have no doubts that it won't bomb as much as people may think. It may not be the Avengers but I think it'll be a decent enough movie. I wish it'd be part of the MCU with Captain America, Iron Man, and all those guys but Fox owns the rights to the Fantastic Four franchise.
So this is how Jared Leto looks like as the Joker. I like it tbh. The tattoos look pretty sick. They're trying something different here. Don't think this is how he'll look in the actual movie though. I'm sure it'll look a bit different on the big screen.

Wow. If MoS were in these colors, the movie would've been pretty epic. I may be in the minority of those that liked MoS though so the color may not matter. I know the color of the movie probably wasn't the biggest problem in the movie but it would've been cool to see though. Watch this video and maybe it'll change your mind about some things.
I actually like that Joker design. No one is going to top Ledger's performance so going the completely opposite direction is probably the best thing they can do.
When I first saw Ledger in the Black Dahlia gettup, I wasn't so sure. But watching him made me realize it was a perfect change. I feel the same way here. Leto's isn't what I would expect either, but his acting will make it or break it.
When I first saw Ledger in the Black Dahlia gettup, I wasn't so sure. But watching him made me realize it was a perfect change. I feel the same way here. Leto's isn't what I would expect either, but his acting will make it or break it.

I learned a long time ago to always give comic movies a chance. How many people were dying to see Guardians when it was first announced?
Here is the major problem with this version of the Joker. Since when is the Joker patient enough to sit still long enough to get those tattoos. especially that one on the forehead.
So this is how Jared Leto looks like as the Joker. I like it tbh. The tattoos look pretty sick. They're trying something different here. Don't think this is how he'll look in the actual movie though. I'm sure it'll look a bit different on the big screen.

Wait, that was suppposed to be serious?

Holy SHIT man
I like the look. Feels modern.

Jared Leto is going to kill it. He'll most likely be the only good thing about the movie.

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