[DC/Marvel] TV Shows/Movies Discussion Thread

I'm honestly looking forward to the reboot of Fantastic Four. The logo looks pretty sick. Sure, they changed a bunch of the origin stories and the Human Torch is black but who cares. I still think the film is gonna surprise a lot of people even if it looks like the movie is an origins movie.

It looks like we have our lineup for the Teen Titans live action TV show. Totally get why they'd leave out Cyborg and Beast Boy but it's being said that they may appear later on in the show. Not too sure who Hawk and Dove are but they seem to be replacing the dynamic that Cyboard and Beast Boy had in the cartoons so I'm looking forward to it. Just happy to see this being made into a live action show. Woooo Nightwing!
Can't say I'm all that interested in Fantastic Four. The trailer seemed a bit generic following the same format of how movies depict superheroes as of late. But then again maybe I'm just burnt out on superhero reboots or superheroes in general. Hope it does well. Just doesn't look like it's for me.

I say this but I'm still clutching on to the hope of a good Black Panther movie. That should be tight.

This one looks good already imo. The tone of the show seems to be really dark - it may be the darkest Marvel property to date and that's not a bad thing. This trailer makes me want to see the red suit even more but I know that comes later on. Going the origin story route early on in this show isn't bad as even I'm not too familiar with the Deadpool story. More superhero shows, wooooo!
It's about time, I still don't think he'll add anything but name value to the actual Avengers movies and Sony definitely needs this more than Marvel.

That being said I'm happy and now it's about where they will introduce him. Logically I guess Cap 3 but everyone and their mama is said to be in that movie so much so that it's practically Avengers 2.5, plus I don't think unmasking Spiderman for Civil War in his first appearance is such a good idea. Only time will tell it seems.
Spider-man was my favourite superhero when I was younger and the franchise coming back home is best for bussiness. The only downside is that we might get another origin film, but they could avoid that, since it's not really necessary.

Finally! Marvel has gotten back their no. 1 Super-hero. I was tired of hearing Iron-Man getting all the spotlight. It's web-swinging time!
Rumors are going around that Logan Lerman is the man to don the Spider-Man suit for Marvel. It's just rumors but Logan Lerman? I'm not sure about him. I've yet to watch Fury. I only mention Fury because I think that's the best movie to best judge his acting ability.
Honestly think Andrew Garfield should be allowed to keep the role, his performances werent that bad the films as whole were just clusterfucks
Andrew Garfield was good as Spider-Man. Thought he sucked as Peter Parker though. Logan Lerman's alright. Fury shows good acting ability and I hear Perks Of Being A Wallflower was also good. He has experience with dumb action movies though with Percy Jackson and Three Musketeers. Also he's probably closest in age to any guy who's actually played Peter Parker
Anybody watch "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."? I watched an early episode, but I miss some Marvel superhumans. Do they feature later on?
Arrow season 3 really isn't on par with season 2 or even the Flash so far.

The Thea and Laurel arcs are testing my ability to suspend disbelief.

So the DJ just banged Thea and didn't try to kill her at any opportunity before that? Were Roy and Merlyn just observing the room while the two were banging to arrive just in time to save her? And Laurel lasting so long in an actual fight while under the effect of Vertigo? Why would a ruthless villain take so long to fight her for all the hallucinations to take place? Give me a break.
Holy hell Flash. If you aren't watching this show then you are definitely missing out. If season 1 is this good, how is season 2 gonna top it?!
Arrow season 3 really isn't on par with season 2 or even the Flash so far.

The Thea and Laurel arcs are testing my ability to suspend disbelief.

So the DJ just banged Thea and didn't try to kill her at any opportunity before that? Were Roy and Merlyn just observing the room while the two were banging to arrive just in time to save her? And Laurel lasting so long in an actual fight while under the effect of Vertigo? Why would a ruthless villain take so long to fight her for all the hallucinations to take place? Give me a break.

Laurel needs to die

Here's your Aquaman.
Y'all motherfuckers should be discussing how based Aquaman is but either way, lets discuss the Suicide Squad film.

Leto has dyed his hair blonde and Cara Delevigne is seeing a psychiatrist in order to figure out how a schizophrenic person acts.

Discuss the potential.
Y'all motherfuckers should be discussing how based Aquaman is but either way, lets discuss the Suicide Squad film.

Leto has dyed his hair blonde and Cara Delevigne is seeing a psychiatrist in order to figure out how a schizophrenic person acts.

Discuss the potential.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't kind of excited to see this movie. It just has a very different dynamic to it and I love that. Bad guys teaming together to achieve a common goal? And then maybe we might see some superheroes mixed in there? How fun.

Also, here's the Supergirl costume. Pretty spot on imo.
Fianlly up to date with Flash/Arrow and Gotham.

Damn did things get good.
I am think Roy could be the next one in line to die on Arrow, only for Thea to take his place. Or Thea dying and Roy have a change of heart. Or at least one of them joining The League of Assassins which'll make Oliver accept the offer (that should happen!!!) to become the next R'as Al Ghul.
I am think Roy could be the next one in line to die on Arrow, only for Thea to take his place. Or Thea dying and Roy have a change of heart. Or at least one of them joining The League of Assassins which'll make Oliver accept the offer (that should happen!!!) to become the next R'as Al Ghul.

My theory is that Roy will join Teen Titans.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT The Flash is truly awesome!

Episode 15 spoiler.
Shame Cisco's dead, I liked him. But that whole episode. Fucking hell!

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