[DC/Marvel] TV Shows/Movies Discussion Thread

Super Hero Hype mentioned it the other day. Not sure how Joker would work in Suicide Squad. He can't be in the squad and can't really fight them due to Harley Quinn.
I'm assuming they'll introduce Harley Quinn through a Joker appearance(whether there's a larger role than that i dont know) from there i'd assume that the Joker would go on to definitely appear in Batman movie and maybe a Justice League film
So Margot Robbie is reported to be playing Harley Quinn. She certainly looks the part. So does this mean we'll definitely be getting Joker? If so, then reports point to Jared Leto as our next Joker. An interesting name that I saw in the comments section at another website suggested Michael Pitt from Boardwalk Empire. Just by looking at him, he certainly looks more Joker-ish than Leto. Another report claims that Jon Bernthal will be playing Deadshot who is pretty much the "leader" of the Suicide Squad. You might know Bernthal as Shane from The Walking Dead. Bernthal is such a good villain so I'd love to see him play Deadshot. This Suicide Squad movie looks like it won't be half bad.
Suicide Squad cast announced aside from Waller. Huge rumour is that Oprah will play her which will be the best casting in any Superhero movie ever.
A friend of mine has never watched an episode of Arrow and Flash. But after seeing the crossover episodes, she has vowed to watch from the beginning. The crossover episodes were that good. I enjoyed the Arrow crossover episode more though but that might've been the point because it was the second half of the crossover episodes. So much to look forward to.
I've heard a rumour that Jason Todd may be in Suicide Squad as well.
So there's a Superman prequel named Krypton that is being developed by David Hoyer. The show will air on Syfy the article says. Not sure how I feel about this but we'll just have to see I guess. We already have Gotham that's pre-Batman and now we're getting Krypton that's pre-Superman. Guess we'll just have to see how this goes.

So excited! What's even more awesome is that it seems Dick Grayson has already donned the Nightwing mantra. I doubt we see Cyborg since he's getting his own solo film. But damn. DC is winning over the tv-verse but I kinda wish they didn't have separate universes between TV and movies. It'd be pretty aawesomeif everything was tied together. Nonetheless, I'm excited to finally be seeing Nightwing in some form. Its been a long time coming!

Plus, how cool would it be if Nightwing appeared on Arrow to recruit Roy? Wow.
It'll tie together in a few years time Crisis style.
Finally caught up with Gotham. Started slowly but from about episode 5 onwards I was hooked.

Just need to catch up on the last 4 episodes of Flash and Arrow and the last 3 of Constantine.
I just started watching Arrow. The action is good, the drama is a little silly. Is it worth continuing?
Yeah, season 1 picks up half way through but season 2 is my favourite.
I just started watching Arrow. The action is good, the drama is a little silly. Is it worth continuing?
It is. I remember the first half of season 1 being pretty tedious to get through. But power through that and it'll be worth it. Might want to start Flash as well but maybe after you're all caught up with Arrow.
Dont start flash til you've finished watching arrow season 2

Arrow is worth continuing with just for Deathstroke in Season 2
So Marvel is working on getting back the rights to Spiderman. If this happens, reports say that they'll re-cast the role of Peter Parker. Andrew Garfield was a really good Peter Parker but his movies just weren't very good. Reports also say that Marvel won't do an origins story because there have been two origin movies already. With these reports, it makes me think that Marvel is close to getting back the rights to Spiderman.

If so, how do you think Spiderman fits into the MCU? Black Panther is already scheduled to be the "tie-breaker" in the next Captain America movie which was essentially supposed to be Peter Parker's role in Civil War.
I'm expecting a Spiderman return to coincide with post-Infinity MCU plans.

They'd have Spiderman, Black Panther & Captain Marvel to hold the Avengers together along with Strange and the Hydra twins (for lack of a better term), plus Winter Soldier, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and whoever they keep from Thor after Hemsworth.
Word has it Sony has fired Garfield from the Spiderman franchise regardless if Marvel gets the rights back or not meaning another reboot may be afoot.
Another reboot... ffs
eabod Sony, accept that your movies are shit and not garfield you could have brad pitt be spiderman in Amazing Spiderman 2 and it would suck balls.

Now that I think about it, how good do you think brad pitt would be as a superhero? IMO would make a good batman/bruce wayne.
Now that I think about it, how good do you think brad pitt would be as a superhero? IMO would make a good batman/bruce wayne.

It's funny because apparently Sir Michael Caine came out after Dark Knight Rises suggesting Brad Pitt be the 'new' Alfred.

Either way, considering how popular superhero movies have gotten recently, I'm actually a little surprised Pitt hasn't been involved in one.
So Marvel is working on getting back the rights to Spiderman. If this happens, reports say that they'll re-cast the role of Peter Parker. Andrew Garfield was a really good Peter Parker but his movies just weren't very good. Reports also say that Marvel won't do an origins story because there have been two origin movies already. With these reports, it makes me think that Marvel is close to getting back the rights to Spiderman.

If so, how do you think Spiderman fits into the MCU? Black Panther is already scheduled to be the "tie-breaker" in the next Captain America movie which was essentially supposed to be Peter Parker's role in Civil War.

For the uninitiated, can you explain the whole "tie breaker" side of the Civil war?
Essentially Cap/Iron Man each want Panther because he has complete control of a secret technologically advanced country that has access to Vibranium (the stuff Cap's shield is made out of). That would be really useful.

Parker was never a tie-breaker in the sense that he tipped the odds he was more so a symbolic metaphor that was torn between the ideals of Steve and Tony at the time which is why Marvel wants him back so much.
What are the basic ideals? Ironman wants a sort of Keynesian system of Superheroes with government intervention? Cap doesn't?

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