Constantine S01E02
So I'm not sure how I feel about Constantine yet which is normal I guess since we're only two episodes in. From the many reviews I've read about the show, they always compare it to Supernatural and it's not hard to see why. But I did read that Supernatural basically borrowed elements from the Hellblazer comics so that's probably why. I'll say that I'm not a regular watcher of Supernatural but I've caught a few episodes. I must say that I don't usually watch this genre of TV meaning shows like Supernatural, Constantine, and Grimm. But hey, I'm giving it a try.
Well anyway, Matt Ryan who plays Constantine, I think really gets into his role in this episode. I love his mannerisms and his charisma as he plays the character. We also see Constantine puffing out some smoke from his cigarette but not directly. Seeing as that's a trademark of the Constantine character, I think we'll see more of that soon. The monster of the week formula is probably what we'll get for the time being but I don't mind it. It immerses it's audience into what kind of supernatural beings there are out there and that's fine. The way Angelica Celaya was brought into the show I think was pretty okay but kinda random as well. I like the partnership between her and Matt Ryan. I'm getting an Elementary-vibe from those two as seen in the chemistry with Lucy Liu and Jonny Lee Miller who play the modern Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
Gotham S01E07
I'm very glad that I stuck it out with Gotham because the latest episode was definitely it's best episode. After coming off an episode based on Detective Harvey Bullock that was entertaining as well, Gotham delivered with yet another good episode. Falcone looked like a real badass in this one, especially in the end. So Penguin actually works for Falcone? What a twist. But we all know that Penguin is playing him as well. I liked everything about this episode. The twists were good but ugh, we had more Fish Mooney in this episode. Not a fan of Fish Mooney at all but she was decent at least here since we didn't see her much.
The gun fight at the police station was pretty cool. Victor Zsasz tore that place up along with his henchwomen which I thought was pretty funny

But anyway, I can't wait to see what's next. Falcone is pretty much head hauncho right now and the relationship between Barbara and Gordon should be fun to watch. Can't say I dislike Barbara at all though like many people do. Sure, she put herself and Gordon in jeopardy in this episode but I think there's more the writers can do with those two.