[DC/Marvel] TV Shows/Movies Discussion Thread

Absolutey dude

Captain America and Captain America 2 are a great example of this. One is a throwback retro-feel movie which then neatly rips apart nationalism, and the other is a cool thriller with the discussion on the modern day "security vs freedom" debate.

And to think that at the time I was so uninterested in Cap A that I didn't even go to the cinema to see these ...

Thor should be the template of how DC adapt a Wonderwoman movie. And the tone of the Thor movies should be how Man of Steel followed instead of Dark Knight.
All I know is that Dawn of Justice needs to deliver. If not, DC is doomed. I think Dawn of Justice sort of suffers from not seeing a Batman solo movie before this team up. Yes, I know that we've seen a bajillion Batman movies but I think it would've been better if we saw Affleck as Batman in a solo movie before this team up. There's just so much to expect. I know that they're following Frank Miller's Batman comic book so expect some huge changes there. We know that Batman will be an older Bruce Wayne which should bring up a whole new dynamic of how he fights I believe. There are also rumors that maybe Batman might debut a new robotic suit to help him fight, which I'm actually interested to see. Not only that, but we might get a female Robin, Carrie Kelley. If you've seen some of the recent animated movies, you'd see Carrie Kelley in action as well as the new batsuit.

Also, what's up with all these superhero shows/movies being so grounded? I mean, I get it but it seems like it's getting a little too grounded. Like in Arrow, Oliver's abilities aren't showcased all that much but when it is, it's really a seen to behold because it's just awesome. As well as Man of Steel, that was a pretty grounded and dark movie, I don't get it. It's Superman, have fun with it! I didn't dislike Man of Steel, I actually liked it more than I thought. But I guess I was just expecting more.

What do you guys think of the gritty, dark style that the DC movies seems to be taking?
Batman in a robot suit just screams Ironman knockoff. I know it is an unfair criticism but for fans that only watch the movies it is unavoidable to compare the two. Especially when the next Avengers will introduce the hulkbuster suit.

Isn't Oliver's abilities simply shooting a bow and arrow? If you mean his funky arrows, they are kind of hit and miss. The latest episode has an arrow with nano-tech tracker is something one can overlook in a comicbook or cartoon setting but just comes off as stupid when I watched it on television. Those spider tracers memories from the 1990's spiderman cartoon lol.

I think DC just went with what worked for them. The Dark Knight trilogy was a huge win for them with that style. I think the gritty style works for heroes without any actual superpowers but will fall flat on people with powers. Wtf are you gloomy for when you can punch a building down? Just look at how CW adapted Green Arrow in Arrow essentially into Batman 2.0 and it worked.
The dark and grounded theme can work for some characters, see The Dark Knight and arrow as the characters dont have an over the top super power but wont translate across with others as you can see by the different pacing and mood of the flash

And i think the reason we aren't getting a solo batman film is because the solo batman film are(or at least somebody was saying cant remember who) going to be prequel/flashbacks if you get what i mean.
Constantine S01E02

So I'm not sure how I feel about Constantine yet which is normal I guess since we're only two episodes in. From the many reviews I've read about the show, they always compare it to Supernatural and it's not hard to see why. But I did read that Supernatural basically borrowed elements from the Hellblazer comics so that's probably why. I'll say that I'm not a regular watcher of Supernatural but I've caught a few episodes. I must say that I don't usually watch this genre of TV meaning shows like Supernatural, Constantine, and Grimm. But hey, I'm giving it a try.

Well anyway, Matt Ryan who plays Constantine, I think really gets into his role in this episode. I love his mannerisms and his charisma as he plays the character. We also see Constantine puffing out some smoke from his cigarette but not directly. Seeing as that's a trademark of the Constantine character, I think we'll see more of that soon. The monster of the week formula is probably what we'll get for the time being but I don't mind it. It immerses it's audience into what kind of supernatural beings there are out there and that's fine. The way Angelica Celaya was brought into the show I think was pretty okay but kinda random as well. I like the partnership between her and Matt Ryan. I'm getting an Elementary-vibe from those two as seen in the chemistry with Lucy Liu and Jonny Lee Miller who play the modern Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

Gotham S01E07

I'm very glad that I stuck it out with Gotham because the latest episode was definitely it's best episode. After coming off an episode based on Detective Harvey Bullock that was entertaining as well, Gotham delivered with yet another good episode. Falcone looked like a real badass in this one, especially in the end. So Penguin actually works for Falcone? What a twist. But we all know that Penguin is playing him as well. I liked everything about this episode. The twists were good but ugh, we had more Fish Mooney in this episode. Not a fan of Fish Mooney at all but she was decent at least here since we didn't see her much.

The gun fight at the police station was pretty cool. Victor Zsasz tore that place up along with his henchwomen which I thought was pretty funny :p But anyway, I can't wait to see what's next. Falcone is pretty much head hauncho right now and the relationship between Barbara and Gordon should be fun to watch. Can't say I dislike Barbara at all though like many people do. Sure, she put herself and Gordon in jeopardy in this episode but I think there's more the writers can do with those two.
So which Marvel movie and which DC movie are you all looking forward to?
Age of Ultron, Guardians 2, Black Panther and the Inhumans.

Nothing from DC really appeal right now.
Barbara is a ****** in Gotham, more or less as a lame plot twist or device. The fact that she's so ignorant to threat of death it's stupid. Fish Mooney's character doesnt work because she's so overly aggressive and we all know she's going to die, unless the writers decide they want to add their own character into the DC Universe(not totally against it but it shouldnt be fish)
Here's a question what do you think DC will do in terms of Green Lantern??

Do they reboot Hal Jordan or use John Stewart or Guy Gardner
holy shit that reveal at the end of the latest episode of Arrow.

Who had guesses at Roy being Sara's killer? Hope it was just a hallucination/nightmare.
If they use Hal they've got to reboot him. All 3 are viable options, though.

They'd probably get more mileage out of Hal Jordan with him going insane and becoming Parallax, then introducing Kyle Rayner as well. Or they could just use the Parallax story with whoever they pick
Anybody watch Gotham this week? Probably the best episode they've done. It felt like they were treading water beforehand, hopefully they can find a way to keep people interested.
I think the last three episodes have been the best three, with continual improvement as well. No idea where they're heading though, they have this whole mob war mixed in with the Arkham project mixed in with Wayne Enterprise. A large puzzle is being pieced together at a slow pace.
Last Gotham episode was by far the best, I'm really interested to see where they are going with what just happened. The Penguin Arc is by far the most interesting thing in the show.

In other news - Agent Carter is scheduled to start it's airing on January 6th. Not sure if I'm gonna watch this as I don't follow nor I like Agents of SHIELD.
holy shit that reveal at the end of the latest episode of Arrow.

Who had guesses at Roy being Sara's killer? Hope it was just a hallucination/nightmare.

I said Roy to the guy at work on Monday when we were guessing. The more I think about it the more I think it's Thea.

Also this weeks Gotham was brilliant. Finally picking up.

Shame there was no Flash this week though.
I dont see how it makes sense for roy to be Sara's killer, is the mirakuru cure only temporary? wouldnt be suprised if they use this as a way to bring vertigo back in seeing that Roy has/had drug problems in the comics
MARVEL's Agents of Shield: The 1st season wasn't bad but it took a long time for them to build & ultimately not much happened. The 2nd season has started out alright so far but still feels like the same deal, a super long & slow build for just a few reveals & so far we've yet to see any of these reveals have any real consequences on any of the events in the movies, which isn't that kind of the entire point of the series? But that is the one thing they have done really well so far, the couple episodes that have crossed over with events in the movies have been awesome. So hopefully they do a lot more of that with all the Ultron & Phase 3 stuff coming in the future.

Gotham: Probably my favorite comic book show right now. I'm really hoping the storylines start to build & intertwine more in the near future though because they haven't really done anything with Bruce yet & the show is starting to feel a little stagnant right now. They need to start adding layers to the characters they've already introduced, which they have started to do but it needs more.

Constantine: Not really my thing in terms of all the demonic/magical aspects but I really enjoyed the premiere & the 2nd episode was a solid follow up. The show has potential & while I'm not all that familar with Hellblazer, it's seems like all the people involved are trying hard to remain faithful to the characters & general tone of the comic.

I haven't gotten around to watching Arrow or The Flash yet. Arrow just never really interested me that much. It just looks like a worse Smallville to me, with too much of the plot revolving around whoever his current romantic interest is at the time & whatever that weeks baddie happens to be. & now that it's 2 or 3 seasons in with no real notable events that have made me want to start watching, I most likely never will now. Same deal with The Flash. It just seems way too cheesy/campy & like the others its seems like it's going to fall into that same Smallville wash cycle of weekly villians that they just hit "rinse, lather & repeat" on. Also the images I've seen of Flash's costume just looks ridiculous, I get he's supposed to be a younger/teen version but he looks like a scrawny little kid.

I'm also really interested in all the rumored comic shows coming to Netflix like Daredevil, Luke Cage, etc.
Arrow S03E05

First of all, Thea. Wow. That's all that really needs to be said.

But anyway, in this episode, we are introduced to the origin of Felicity. I'm not how it was in the comics but did they really have to make Felicity's mother dress like that? I mean, damn. That was a little much imo. But if they wanted to portray her as someone who had no similarities to Felicity then they did their job. But at the end, it was cool to see Felicity appreciate her mother.

Wasn't a big fan of the episode though. The bad guy this week was...weak. Felicity's past basically had her create a virus but as the creator, shouldn't there have been a way for her to somehow eliminate the threat of the virus? Also, the part where Oliver avoided all those lasers when the dude just said that they NEVER miss and it somehow missed Oliver all those times was a bit hard to watch. I'm not sure what the point of this episode was but I just wasn't a big fan.

Brandon Routh continues to kill it as Ray Palmer though. The whole stuff with Roy's dream is obviously a smokescreen to keep the audience on their toes. There's no way that Roy was Sara's killer, there's just no way. Unless they have Roy becomes Arsenal and become Oliver's biggest rival yet. That might actually be pretty interesting. But overall, I didn't enjoy the episode as much as I wanted to. Glad Arrow didn't take a break like Flash did though. I blame the elections.
I think Gotham is finally becoming good. I think Constantine will eventually find it's footing as well which is why I'm not giving up on it just yet. I've not a frequent watcher of Supernatural and I hear it's pretty good. I'll get to watching it eventually but in the meantime, I guess I'll get my supernatural fix from watching Constantine.
I think Felicity was a minor character that is totally different from the one on TV in the comics before the show.

I don't know what to say about DC comics when their animated series and TV shows can introduce characters so good that they add them into their comics. They can't come up with good memorable characters or they hire really good TV people.
I think Felicity was a minor character that is totally different from the one on TV in the comics before the show.

Exactly that. Hence the comment about her dying her hair blonde.

Regarding the bad guy of the episode he is quite heavily involved with OMAC which Ray Palmer was looking at the other week.
I've just realised Constantine's being shown on Amazon instant video for UK people so I can watch that on TV instead of streaming. Woop.
Constantine S01E03

This was a solid episode but I'm still not sure how about Zedd. She just happens to be there instead of being a character that we should really care about. I'll just think that it's still early in the season and that they'll incorporate her into the show better. Because right now, she's barely used and when she is, she just uses her psychic powers to point out something that Constantine could've figured out himself.

The acetate record was a solid story point here. The introduction of Papa Midnite was a highlight in this episode. Papa Midnite seems like a good recurring character that'll give Constantine a hard time in future episodes. I look forward to more episodes with him in it. Matt Ryan continues to play Constantine really well. I think by now, he has settled into the leading role. Hopefully in future episodes, we get introduced to more of Constantine's past so we see exactly why he's in this precarious position.

Overall, Constantine continues to improve but it's still finding it's footing. Hopefully they use Zedd better since she's going to be part of the team. Also, the way some of these "mysteries" are being solved have been a little lackluster but then again, I might be making it sound worse than it really is. It's solid but nothing that'll leave you thinking about it for a while.
Jared Leto is going to be the Joker in the Suicide Squad movie according to IGN
Yeah, I saw this as well. But I want to see if other websites confirm this as well. Jared Leto is an interesting choice. Leto was actually in the Fight Club and I think he played a deranged character so I'm confident he can be a pretty good Joker.

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