[DC/Marvel] TV Shows/Movies Discussion Thread

DC is clearly beating Marvel at TV but I reckon that could easily change with their netflix lineup. If not though, they'll soundly destroy them on the big screen.
DC is not gonna beat Marvel in movies. Its impossible at this point. All the Marvel movies lined up vs 3 or 4 DC ones? Its no contest. And that's not even taking the Fox & Sony (they still own Spiderman rights, right?) Marvel properties that DC has to compete with. Age of Apocalypse, Sinister Six? DC's heavily outgunned on movies. They should stick to TV where they know they are winning.

Good Batman movie > Any Good Marvel movie

Also DC have 11 movies plus a standlone Batman film and a stand alone Superman film planned not just 3 or 4. So between the two we have roughly 20 films in 6 years, thats a bit ridiculous if you ask me, especially when you consider if one or two of these films is a bust then who knows what happens
Good Batman movie > Any Good Marvel movie

Also DC have 11 movies plus a standlone Batman film and a stand alone Superman film planned not just 3 or 4. So between the two we have roughly 20 films in 6 years, thats a bit ridiculous if you ask me, especially when you consider if one or two of these films is a bust then who knows what happens

Things like the statement above are what make Batman fans unbearable people to talk to.

There's way more than 20 superhero movies coming out in the next six years. If the bubble pops then it does, but when it stops Marvel/Disney will have made an abundance of more money and a massive amount of popularity compared to DC. Fact is there cinematic universe is just three steps behind.
Black Panther was one of the first comic book heroes I got behind in the 90s. Thrilled to see news of a movie for him.
Good Batman movie > Any Good Marvel movie

Also DC have 11 movies plus a standlone Batman film and a stand alone Superman film planned not just 3 or 4. So between the two we have roughly 20 films in 6 years, thats a bit ridiculous if you ask me, especially when you consider if one or two of these films is a bust then who knows what happens
How many times can you put John Cena in the main event before people get sick of him? Totally unrelated. Or wait, no. Because it's the same thing here. All DC has is one guy and they already threw the best possible interpretation they could. Yeah, Dark Knight is arguably better than any Marvel movie (I don't think so, but it is arguable). But just what the hell else does DC have? Green Lantern? Bombed. Man Of Steel? Critical failure. Wonder Woman? Can't even get on it's feet.

Meanwhile, Marvel is making insane success off even more obscure properties like Guardians Of The Galaxy. I'm supposed to buy DC is or will be better than Marvel because of Batman? Don't be delusional.
I'm still adamant that The Dark Knight isn't better than The Avengers, and arguably Winter Soldier and few X-Men and Spider Man films.
I agree. Dark Knight was tremendous. But Avengers just had so much more to work with and Winter Soldier was an awesome story. It scared me more than the Batman flicks since its something that can actually happen.
Your misinterpreting what I'm saying. Batman, as a character, and his massive ensemble of villains when put together right is better than what marvel can put together. And while The Avengers could be considered better than the Dark Knight, i dont think you can compare them until the whole avengers trilogy is complete
It is hard to compare TDK to Avengers because the tone, action & comedic moments of the films are vastly different. They are both tremendous for their own reasons.

As far as Batman's collective ensemble being better than what Marvel can put together? That is crazy talk. Joker (Romero, Nicholson & Ledger) has been handled well & besides Nolan taking care of business, the other villains portrayed in film have been meh at best thanks to the laughable Batman sequels. Maybe not as much of a complaint for Batman Returns, but definitely for the two after. A few shining moments are not enough to make me think DC can continue the pace in that department.

Besides the potential for some Legion of Doom action, I dont see DC having anything promising unless they plan on pulling Doomsday or Darkseid out of their pocket. Marvel has handled the villain department very well & given the fact we may see a Sinister Six film- that seals the deal on an already impressive showing of bad guy representation from the MCU.

DC all around has to work very hard at their late start if they want to even equal what Marvel films have done, let alone surpass them. DC is doing great television, but besides Nolan's trilogy & Reeves as Superman- their films have been shit.
It is hard to compare TDK to Avengers because the tone, action & comedic moments of the films are vastly different. They are both tremendous for their own reasons.

As far as Batman's collective ensemble being better than what Marvel can put together? That is crazy talk. Joker (Romero, Nicholson & Ledger) has been handled well & besides Nolan taking care of business, the other villains portrayed in film have been meh at best thanks to the laughable Batman sequels. Maybe not as much of a complaint for Batman Returns, but definitely for the two after. A few shining moments are not enough to make me think DC can continue the pace in that department.

Besides the potential for some Legion of Doom action, I dont see DC having anything promising unless they plan on pulling Doomsday or Darkseid out of their pocket. Marvel has handled the villain department very well & given the fact we may see a Sinister Six film- that seals the deal on an already impressive showing of bad guy representation from the MCU.

DC all around has to work very hard at their late start if they want to even equal what Marvel films have done, let alone surpass them. DC is doing great television, but besides Nolan's trilogy & Reeves as Superman- their films have been shit.

I'm talking about the comics not their portrayal on the films.
David Ayer directing Suicide Squad may be the single greatest idea ever.

Only question of who will be in the squad? God I hope its not Harley Quinn. Manchester Black and the Elite would be a good foil, a sort of failed initial attempt at the squad with Black's powers.
Yes but what I'm saying is that the batman characters in the comics are the best ensemble and as a result when it is all executed properly in a movie or tv show batman is better than any other comic book media form

I disagree, and Batman is by far my favorite individual property. For as strong as the Batman mythos is, in and of itself it isn't comparable to the Marvel universe. And the Marvel universe is in my opinion better than the DC universe.

Marvel is much richer and more coherent. It's based in our real would (Gotham and Metropolis aren't real cities; New York and Washington, D.C. are). Outside of the Donner films and a few story arcs in comics and episodes the DC Animated Universe, I find Superman himself to be dull, no matter the maximums given or restrictions placed on his powers. The Justice League itself isn't as rich or interesting a collection of personalities as The Avengers, nor are the themes of Justice League stories as personal as those found in X-Men stories. I can relate to Spider-Man better than I can to Aquaman or Rogue moreso than Wonder Woman.

If I could only have one superhero and his rogue's gallery, give me Batman. But if it's Marvel versus DC in media, Marvel wins by TKO. I've enjoyed far many more Marvel films than I have DC, and although the DC Animated Universe is fantastic, Batman is the cornerstone. It collapses without him. Love Batman, but Marvel Studios has proven the strength of their brand, bolstered by the works of Sam Raimi, Bryan Singer, and Matt Vaughn.
I agree that Marvel is in front but in terms of individual films(not whole universes) i'll take Batman and come 2020, while i'm more inclined to feel like they'll blow it, DC might have caught up by creating there shared universe remember when marvel first set off with Ironman with RDJ it was a massive risk and people were unsure
If I could only have one superhero and his rogue's gallery, give me Batman.
Interesting statement here which could turn into great discussion. So here's another question for all of you: If you could only watch/read about one superhero and his rogues gallery, who would it be?

I have a feeling that a lot of people will say Batman and really, it's the easy choice to make because Batman has a myriad of enemies and they're pretty awesome to read about (I.E Joker, that's all you really need to know). But anyway, for my pick, I'll choose The Flash. Not only has The Flash TV show been pretty awesome, they've just introduced some villains for him (finally!). And really, they seem like big deals. Captain Cold and Heat Wave are probably The Flash's biggest enemies and it just gets great from there. Like I said, I have NEVER read a comic book in my life so maybe the I just like the TV show a lot but I've been doing some research so give me a break :p Not only that but there are other people who have taken over as the Flash then you have Kid Flash as well. I don't think anyone has ever been Batman but I will say that his sidekick, Robin, has been changed a lot as well and even blossomed into a hero himself called Nightwing. So yeah, I'll go with The Flash.

Your turn.
I agree that Marvel is in front but in terms of individual films(not whole universes) i'll take Batman and come 2020, while i'm more inclined to feel like they'll blow it, DC might have caught up by creating there shared universe remember when marvel first set off with Ironman with RDJ it was a massive risk and people were unsure
I seriously doubt that. And the Dark Knight trilogy may be the reason. It refused every single mythological aspect in order to make it all as realistic as possible. Bane was not a convict on super steroids he could turn on and off. Ras Al Ghul did not have the Lazarus Pits. Joker was never driven insane by an acid vat. Two Face never had split personality. When they tried to reproduce the gritty feel with Man Of Steel, it just did not mesh. At all. Now they need to put all their hopes on everything clicking for Dawn Of Justice and if it doesn't, they're sunk. Meanwhile Marvel is planning a full universe crossover after executing the first major crossover.

As DC struggles with the first steps, Marvel just keeps rolling the dough and making second and third tier comic book properties into household names.

There's always that debate about a Wonder Woman flick and how to handle it. For ages that's been going on. Marvel? "Fuck that shit. Black Widow is a second lead and Miss Marvel is on the way." I personally hope they go the leotard and scarf look for her.
I don't see it any different from book adaptions. Its just that Marvel has managed to monopolize it.

I guess I should rephrase it into superheroes movies. Comicbooks have their genres too but most of the blockbusters are superhero stories. Having an onslaught of them in the coming years has potential to turn off some people.

Though Marvel Studio has been really smart about it and having a genre within a genre with each new movie to avoid every movie feeling the same. It remains to be seen if DC can follow the same trick.
Yes but what I'm saying is that the batman characters in the comics are the best ensemble and as a result when it is all executed properly in a movie or tv show batman is better than any other comic book media form

When executed properly, I think Spiderman is better than even Batman on screen. The main character is a nerd like the majority of comicbook's target demo. Batman is only interesting when they go the Dark Knight route. He just isn't as fun to watch any other way.
I seriously doubt that. And the Dark Knight trilogy may be the reason. It refused every single mythological aspect in order to make it all as realistic as possible. Bane was not a convict on super steroids he could turn on and off. Ras Al Ghul did not have the Lazarus Pits. Joker was never driven insane by an acid vat. Two Face never had split personality. When they tried to reproduce the gritty feel with Man Of Steel, it just did not mesh. At all. Now they need to put all their hopes on everything clicking for Dawn Of Justice and if it doesn't, they're sunk. Meanwhile Marvel is planning a full universe crossover after executing the first major crossover.

As DC struggles with the first steps, Marvel just keeps rolling the dough and making second and third tier comic book properties into household names.

There's always that debate about a Wonder Woman flick and how to handle it. For ages that's been going on. Marvel? "Fuck that shit. Black Widow is a second lead and Miss Marvel is on the way." I personally hope they go the leotard and scarf look for her.

You do realise they are starting over when it comes to Batman right?
I agree that Marvel is in front but in terms of individual films(not whole universes) i'll take Batman and come 2020, while i'm more inclined to feel like they'll blow it, DC might have caught up by creating there shared universe remember when marvel first set off with Ironman with RDJ it was a massive risk and people were unsure

I'm not rooting against the Dawn of Justice franchise, but from my perspective the material doesn't support of this kind of film universe effort as well the Marvel stuff does. I hope they prove me wrong, of course. I really wish Warner Bros./DC would just go ahead and make Kingdom Come and Red Son ASAP and then they could do whatever the hell they wanted to after that.
Though Marvel Studio has been really smart about it and having a genre within a genre with each new movie to avoid every movie feeling the same. It remains to be seen if DC can follow the same trick.

Absolutey dude

Captain America and Captain America 2 are a great example of this. One is a throwback retro-feel movie which then neatly rips apart nationalism, and the other is a cool thriller with the discussion on the modern day "security vs freedom" debate.

And to think that at the time I was so uninterested in Cap A that I didn't even go to the cinema to see these ...
In my opinion, the Marvel films ride so hard on pure character (meaning that they relied on the actors to deliver and carry the movies) as the plots themselves have been for the most part rather unimpressive, barring IM1, CA2, Avengers & GOTG.

Granted, I love the characters (Haily Atwell made CA1 my favorite Phase 1 film by herself), but it's a bad trend, IMO.

Interesting statement here which could turn into great discussion. So here's another question for all of you: If you could only watch/read about one superhero and his rogues gallery, who would it be?
Black Panther. He got me into comics (after watching the DCAU franchise for a first introduction to superheroes), and despite significant historical and ongoing misuse by Marvel (claim of every fanboy ever), he remains for me the ultimate gem in the Marvel arsenal and comics in general.

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